A/U: I am literally a freaking array of Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood fic prompts these days. I don't know what happened but ideas just keep popping up and I am almost overwhelmed by the sheer volume of creative bursts I'm having right now. Thank you Harry Shum Jr & Matthew Daddario for your portrayal of Magnus and Alec...all the yes... and The Shadowhunters TV show and The Mortal Instruments books, Nothing belongs to me save for the story line. Not my characters, just taking them out to play. Expect some new Shadowhunters fics to start popping up from me. Can't be helped apparently.

Also ok so I got a comment from someone I asked to read through this for me and figured I'd give a big of an explanation right off the back. I literally had a college reading level by age 11, and was effectively raising myself and my younger siblings...sooo I'm sorry if you think Max sounds a bit mature for his age but idk, this is how I was as a kid. I was introverted and awkward but mischievous and protective and more than a little maternal (oldest sibling and oldest grandchild of many cousins I felt like a big sister too) and I remember vividly how I used to just watch and listen all the time, I ended up hearing and learning far more than I should have and had to figure a lot of things out myself and my parents weren't...great when I was a kid and fortunately they've changed a lot but yeah. Kids aren't stupid, if you really get on their level and listen to them they can be surprisingly insightful and intelligent, they see the world so differently than we do. I had to grow up too fast, it sucks but it happened and what always drove me crazy was that I was having to handle situations like an adult but constantly treated like a child who didn't know anything and had no opinions that could be truly taken seriously, which was irritating. Like put it this way I was 10 when I approached my mom after finding proof my dad was cheating on her in addition to everything else he'd done and set to convince her to leave him because I hated seeing her hurt and sad. I spent weeks preparing for that conversation because I was worried and unwilling to let my mom stay with him just because she thought we needed both our parents and I convinced her the best thing for us and her was to divorce him because we all deserved better. Some kids can be serious and really think about big problems and try to help. I spent most of my childhood doing it so for me? It's very realistic. Sooooo yeah, sorry if you think he's too mature but this is the story line and that was my own experience being a child so bare with me.


Max Lightwood disliked being little...for the most part.

He hated that he couldn't join his siblings fighting off the bad guys, he hated that no one listened to him or took him seriously.

There was a perk to being the only kid walking around the institute though. Especially one people didn't exactly notice.

Whenever things got busy or something was happening people tended to overlook that he was around for the most part, which meant more often than not people said things they wouldn't normally say in front of him. Never realizing he was in hearing distance.

The last few days he'd been doing nothing BUT listen and to say he'd heard a lot of interesting things would be putting it lightly.

Listen to his parents argue about his big brother getting married to that Lydia woman, which he didn't understand because Alec didn't even know her but now everyone is planning a wedding so it must be the truth. Hearing them say it needed to be done to save the family's honor and something about a circle and sacrifices. He didn't exactly understand everything they said, but he definitely understood enough that Alec was not getting married because he was in love, and the only sacrifice they were making wasn't even theirs to sacrifice... it was his brothers happiness.

He listened to his sister Izzy rant to Clary about Alec getting married, heard her rant about how he was ruining his life and giving up his happiness and any chance at real love just to try and fix their parents mistakes. How the fact that they would let him ruin his life for political power disgusted her, that she'd always thought their mother loved Alec and apparently she was wrong because no loving parent would support their own child giving up everything to fix their parents mistakes. But that's the reality, they were his parents mistakes and Alec should not have to destroy his life and his chance to be happy because their parents messed up. They caused the problem, they should be the ones to suffer for it. Not Alec.

He listened to Jace and Izzy talk about how they needed to figure out how to stop the wedding. Listened to them talk about how he deserved so much more than an empty marriage with someone he could never love and how they would not go into this war and risk dying knowing Alec will have never gotten his chance to find love and would spend whatever time he had on this earth unhappy. They would not give up their lives for people who would do this to their brother. Jace sounded angry and Izzy kept moving between furious and bursting into tears saying it was all her fault.

He listened to Izzy talk to Alec when they thought he wasn't around, heard her tell him that none of this was worth it. That she would rather get married to someone she didn't love herself than let Alec do it. She kept talking about someone named Magnus Bane and how Alec had a real chance at happiness with him and he was ruining it with this insane idea. Heard her start crying and trying to convince Alec that she would do it instead, that he was always willing to sacrifice himself for them and she just couldn't let him do it again. She kept saying that he's always been there to protect her and take care of her and she's had so much happiness in her life thanks to him, that he always let her be who she was and never judged her and he deserved his chance to have that too. Alec said it was his duty, what was one persons needs compared to the needs of many? That if him getting married meant a better happier life for her, Jace and Max, even Clary then he'd do it.

When Alec walked away he'd looked so upset, upset and tired. Max heard Izzy crying that night.

He listened to Jace try to talk to Alec too. Listened to him tell him how wrong all of this was and that their parents needed to fix their own issues even if they fell out of power. That they would come up with something else to impress the Clave. He heard them arguing and Jace burst out that Alec knew good and well he would never feel anything for Lydia and ask him if he was really so eager to spend whatever life they got with a girl instead of being true to who he was? Asking if he was really that determined to keep hiding from himself? He was pretty sure that Jace got punched after saying that, since he was clutching a bloody nose when he stormed out.

One thing he'd noticed through everything was that every day that went on? Alec looked worse, as wedding plans were being made Alec looked like they might as well have been planning his funeral. When Max went to bed Alec would be attacking the training equipment with a blank look on his face...when he woke up? There he was, bags under his eyes going at it again. He'd never seen his brother like this, he looked half alive and Max couldn't help but be furious with his parents and Lydia for letting this happen. He already knew he'd never forgive his parents for either pretending or just not caring what this was doing to Alec. Alec was the best brother ever and Max wanted him happy...one thing was for sure? This wedding wasn't making Alec happy...it was killing him.

It didn't help that Max didn't particularly care for Lydia. She was boring and talked to him like he was a baby or stupid and kept walking around the institute smiling like everything was going right in her life and considering his brother looked like his was ending it just made him dislike her more. He didn't like how she talked to Izzy. Or Jace. Or Clary. And he didn't like how she talked to Alec, something about how she talked to him just bothered him. She bossed everyone around, Alec included. The fact that every time she talked to Alec his eyes seemed to be getting more and more empty made him want to hit something...or borrow Alec's bow and aim for Lydia's stupid head.

It got worse the day Alec told Magnus Bane he was getting married. Neither of them had known he was close by, but he had been. Maybe he'd been more than a little curious about the High Warlock after hearing his siblings talk about him and he'd ended up following behind him as he walked around the institute fixing the wards. Magnus was fascinating, and he was probably the coolest person Max had ever met...besides his brother that is. Watching him do magic was amazing. Especially when he'd used said Magic to give Max a large hot chocolate when he'd walked by and saw him sitting alone frowning at his hands. He'd been thinking about Alec and what he could do to fix everything. Magnus had been walking by and stopped right in front of him, knelt down and asked if he was okay eyes full of concern. Just like with Alec? Max was apparently not invisible to Magnus Bane. When he shook his head no but didn't answer not quite sure what to say? Magnus had ruffled his hair and then conjured up a giant mug of hot chocolate with a ton of whipped cream and a big cherry on top and then he sat next to him and proceeded to tell him a mystical story while creating a big moving picture of it in front of them. By the time Alec had walked by looking for him to tuck him in bed Max had been curled up into Magnus side grinning and giggling as the man gestured wildly making funny voices with a chocolate mustache and Max saw Alec smile for the first time in days, and instead of interrupting he'd just leaned against the wall and simply watched, listening to the story too and chuckling whenever Magnus used another hilarious voice. When he sent Max to bed after it was over claiming he'd be right there, Max had looked over his shoulder and saw them both standing close to each other talking, with matching smiles and when Magnus went to walk away he watched him slide a hand down Alec's arm and then squeeze his hand before walking away leaving Alec gazing after him face flushed.

It wasn't until Alec was talking to Magnus that Max saw the first real bits of life he'd seen on his brothers face in days. As a matter of fact the only time Alec didn't look like he was completely miserable or empty was when he was talking to Magnus, the only time Alec smiled was when Magnus was around...and he hadn't seen Alec smile like that before. Hearing them talk though he finally understood why everyone kept bringing up Magnus to his brother and why Izzy kept saying he couldn't marry Lydia because of Magnus. Alec liked Magnus Bane, he liked him the way Jace obviously liked Clary...he liked him the way he should like someone he was going to be married too. Around Lydia Alec seemed to shut down, grim and quiet like he was preparing for battle or worse preparing for his own funeral, like he was going through the motions in a daze. When Alec was around Magnus though he seemed to be constantly fighting a grin, he looked alive and like weight always on his shoulders suddenly wasn't as hard to hold..plus Max had never seen his brother blush that shade of red so many times in one conversation. Neither had he ever seen Alec smile as many times as he had. That's how you should feel about the person you were going to be with, and if that's how Alec felt for Magnus then Max needed to do something before his brother spent the rest of his life like a ghost.

He listened to Alec tell Magnus about getting married to Lydia, and stuttering over his words looking like every word out of his mouth was physically painful. He listened and saw just how upset the news made Magnus and realized that Alec not only definitely like liked Magnus...Magnus? Very much like liked Alec back. A lot apparently.

Watching Magnus walk away from Alec looking so sad and disappointed, shoulders hunched eyes glued to the floor swiping at tears he was so obviously trying to hide? When every time Max had seen the Warlock before he was practically dancing around all glitter and magic, bright and cheerful but now he looked like everything about him had dimmed...and it made him sad. He liked Magnus, and he loved his brother and he decided right then and there that he just could not let this happen. Seeing Alec watch Magnus walk away with tears in his eyes like he wanted to run after him and take it all back? He decided he would burn down the institute before he let his brother marry Lydia.

He wouldn't let his parents force Alec to do this. He wouldn't let Alec force himself to do this. Part of him even wished he was older so he could offer to get married instead just like Izzy had, Alec had always protected him and taken care of him...more than his parents ever had. He'd taught him things and read him bed time stories and cuddled him when he had nightmares and was going to teach Max how to use a bow and he was the best big brother ever and Max wasn't going to let him spend the rest of his life unhappy and sad. Alec deserved to be happy more than anyone and this time Max was going to protect his brother the way he'd always protected him.

With that decision he waited till no one was around and hunted down the address for Magnus Bane, grabbed his stele, left a note on his bed he knew Alec would find when he went to tuck him in and emptied out his pocket money into his backpack along with a couple comics and his pajamas and snuck out of the institute on a mission to see the High Warlock of Brooklyn and get his help stopping this wedding.

He knew Alec would freak out finding him gone, but he needed to do this. For Alec.

It took him longer than he thought to make it to the High Warlocks building, when he pushed the buzzer and heard a booming "WHO DARES DISTURB THE HIGH WARLOCK OF BROOKLYN!?"

he couldn't help but giggle before chirping out "Max Lightwood here to see Magnus Bane, it's an emergency"

"What on earth- of course one moment little one" and the door was swinging open and a concerned looking Magnus minus all his glitter and makeup and sparkly clothes and jewelry dressed down looking nothing like the bright colorful man Max had met a few days ago was ushering him inside and seemed to be checking him over worriedly for injuries.

"How on earth did you get here?! Are you okay? Did something happen? It's not safe for you to be out in the city alone at night Max! Does your family know you are here?" And 10 minutes later after Max had been made to promise he would never again go off on his own in the middle of the night, he was sitting on the couch with another cup of cocoa in his hands with his feet swinging back and forth and a cat 'Chairman Meow' curled up on his lap purring.

"I left a note for Alec...and I walked...and I'm not okay but only because I don't like seeing my brother sad. I'm here because I want you to help me stop my brother from getting married and ruining his life" he said determinedly and he saw Magnus freeze and look away from him.

"I-I wish I could Max, but Alec...he-it's his choice and he's already proposed to Lydia" the Warlock said quietly

"I don't care. I don't like her. I don't like my parents. I don't like how miserable Alec has been and the only time I've seen him look happy since all of this started was when he was looking at you or talking to you. Alec should be with you, not Lydia! I don't like her, I know he doesn't like her and I can tell he likes you, and I know you like him too! Plus she's a girl and I don't think Alec even likes girls!Not that I blame him girls are gross except for Izzy and you are way better than Lydia. So I don't know why he can't just be with you! You shouldn't marry someone you don't even like, you just shouldn't. Your supposed to get married when you fall in love but Alec is not in love and I need you to help me stop this so you guys can both be happy because Alec is the best brother ever and you are awesome and way better than Lydia and you even have magic which is so cool and if my brother is going to marry anyone it should be you, not some stupid bossy lady he doesn't even like! "

And now Magnus was staring at him wide eyed jaw slack with surprise before a wide highly amused smile made it's way onto his face and his eyes were bright with delight and then he was chucking and giggling his shoulders shaking and Max saw the sadness melt away from Magnus who beamed at him saying "Boy do I like this generation of Lightwoods, you're definitely my favorite yet" before he was conjuring a cup of tea for himself and sitting back in his chair looking happy but thoughtful before he continued.

"I wont pretend I don't agree with you Max, if I had things my way? Alec would indeed be with me and not marrying a girl either. Your brother is a very remarkable individual, I've been around a long time and he's unlike anyone I've ever met. He's a good man, which I'm sure you know. Not to mention gorgeous beyond all reason. He's also very stubborn though and appears very determined to follow through on this horrible idea. I haven't even gotten to take him on a proper date yet and now he's set to marry Lydia Branwell. As much as I would love to help you put a stop to this wedding, I'm honestly not sure how. Believe me I've been thinking about it and short of bursting through the doors with a team of Warlocks and kidnapping him I'm not sure what I can do"

Max beamed at him, he knew he liked Magnus. Magnus talked to him like he wasn't stupid, he listened to what he had to say and didn't dismiss him because he was little...just like Alec did.

"We can come up with something together then. I wont let my brother be unhappy forever just because he's trying to protect everyone. This time someone has to protect him, and if no one else is willing to do it. I will. Alec is worth it"

Magnus was giving him the same fond look that Alec gave him whenever he talked about being the best shadowhunter ever, just like his brother. "Well...two brains are better than one, I'm assuming you must have some ideas about how to stop this insanity if you came here to me? One that doesn't involve storming the institute ?"

Max bit his lip "Well...you're the High Warlock of Brooklyn right? And you've been alive a long time...do you maybe have anything that could help us keep the institute? Something we could give the clave? Or maybe something we could do that would prove we should stay in charge? So that Alec wont feel like he has to get married? Or maybe use a spell and just make Lydia go away? Send her to another dimension?" He knew the last one was probably a long shot... but desperate times?

Magnus giggled to himself at the last suggestion but Max could tell he was thinking "While I don't think I could just make her go away, mind you it's not like I didn't already consider it myself...the other ideas have merit littlest Lightwood. I hadn't considered that. Honestly I've been so focused on thinking of some way to convince your brother not to do this I wasn't really thinking about how to make it so it wasn't necessary in the first place. Trying to plan things when you are distraught is far more difficult than people would think. You're right though...I've been alive a very long time, I've collected a number of things over the years, and I have more connections than most... We'll come up with something. I'm not giving up. Because you are correct...Alexander is worth it"

Max decided right there if it was the last thing he ever did besides stopping this wedding? It would be making sure one happened between Magnus and his brother, because Magnus was awesome and having him as a brother in law would be amazing...not to mention the magic and hot chocolate.

a good half hour later and someone started frantically pounding on the door to the loft and Magnus flicked his wrist allowing entrance to a manic looking Alec who scanned the room with wide eyes before they landed on Max slumping in relief.

"Don't you ever do that to me again! Do you have any idea what could have happened to you walking around at night by yourself?" Alec was asking while moving in front of him and dragging Max into a hug before checking him over for possible injuries.

"That's what Magnus said, he made me promise not to go out at night on my own again or else he'd turn me into a friend for chairman meow. If I want to visit him again I'm supposed to call him so he can pick me up or ask you to bring me." Max said with a smile, sure he was sorry he'd worried his brother...but he was fine...and now Alec was here, at Magnus place. With Magnus.

Alec had stilled for a moment and seemed to be just realizing he was inside Magnus Bane's loft for the first time since he'd told him he was getting married and Max watched him turn to look up at Magnus.

"Thank you for looking after my brother, you've got a bit of a knack for taking care of Lightwoods " he said softly, standing and moving towards Magnus who was just watching them with a small affectionate smile which he turned towards Alec when he started moving closer, he had a warm look in his eyes.

"Of course Alexander...what can I say? I seem to have developed a bit of a weakness for this generation of Lightwoods"

When Alec stopped in front of Magnus looking down at him, Max saw him open and close his mouth a few times hands clenching and unclenching and rolled his eyes. Honestly. Did he have to do everything himself?

"Doesn't Magnus get a hug too? " he asked innocently eyes wide the way Isabelle had taught him, seeing Alec raise a brow at him, he knew he wasn't fooled. Magnus obviously wasn't either but he was grinning at him eyes full of amusement as he shot Max a wink before he took a step closer into Alec's space.

"Yes Alexander, don't I get a hug too?" Magnus asked coyly tilting his head down and gazing up at Alec through his lashes and Alec's face was red as his eyes shot back to Magnus and Max clapped a hand over his mouth smothering the giggles threatening to break free. Magnus was definitely better than Lydia.

He saw Alec bite his lip unsurely and just when he thought he might actually have to get up and push his brother at Magnus he saw Magnus drop his flirtatious face and just smile softly before opening his arms towards Alec. Who hesitated only a moment before he was stepping closer and carefully wrapping arms around Magnus as well. Max watched as Alec seemed to nearly melt against Magnus when the Warlock pulled him closer and twisted a hand into the back of his hair instead of pulling away, as if all his tension was drained away.

When they separated Alec glued his eyes to the floor his face flushed before he was turning back towards Max who was full on grinning at his brother.

"Max what made you decide to come here in the middle of the night and scare me half to death?" He asked walking back towards the sofa and kneeling in front of Max once more.

Max shot a look at Magnus who was smiling and shrugged waving a hand in the air and decided to tell the truth.
"I came to ask for his help to stop your wedding and keep you from ruining your life" he said bluntly and saw Alec's jaw drop open and stare at him stunned before spluttering "What?! You...My...what?!"

Max sighed patiently "I came to ask Magnus if he could help me come up with a plan to stop the wedding, or make it so you wont have to get married. You're my brother Alec and I'm not stupid. I've been watching you...I've been watching everyone and this isn't right, I want you to be happy and you aren't happy Alec. I can't let you marry Lydia, you don't even like her, I don't even like her. She talks to me like I'm a baby or like I'm stupid and she's mean to everyone and bosses you around and I hate mom and dad because they aren't stopping you and you shouldn't marry someone you don't love. Plus if you marry Lydia you can't be with Magnus and you should because he makes you happy and whenever he's around you smile a lot and I want you to be happy and so does he and he's way better than Lydia so if you are going to be with anyone it should be him. I knew I couldn't stop the wedding by myself, no one would listen to me..but Magnus is really powerful and has magic and if anyone can figure out a way to stop this it will be him"

Alec was gaping at him. Magnus was leaning against the wall behind him shoulders shaking with mirth a fist pressed to his mouth and Max could see the wide grin he was trying to smother.

"I-I Max you...I...what? you want to-you came here...you think I should be with-I-how..magic...but...how? Magnus?" Alec was stuttering and Max looked back at Magnus who had pushed away from the wall with a small sigh and reached out to grip Alec's shoulder maneuvering him to sit on the couch next to Max instead of the floor and with a flash of blue sparks was placing a cup of tea in Alec's hand.

"There there Alexander no worries, just drink your tea and listen for a moment alright? we will figure this out. Your darling brother pointed out to me that I've been around a very long while and have collected various priceless artifacts over the years the Clave might find more than a little useful in the fight against Valentine, not to mention that I have a great deal of connections to people who owe me a more than a few favors and a fairly large following of Warlocks from all over the world who are prepared to come to my aid and follow my lead should I call upon them for assistance, you can make a great deal of friends and allies in a few hundred years...and while we decided against storming the wedding with a team of warlocks and kidnapping you before you say I Do, or banishing Lydia to another dimension...that doesn't mean we can't come up with something. If you are willing to do this to keep your family in power and protect them? Then I know how important this is to you, and I will help you so you wont have to, there has to be a way. Whatever it is? I'll find it and use it. I wont give up on you Alexander. I don't think I could if I tried. You are wonderful, kind and absolutely stunning and I've never met anyone quite like you and that's saying something because I've met a lot of people...and I can't let this end before it even got the chance to truly begin...there's something special between us Alexander...and neither myself or your delightful brother are willing to watch you throw away your happiness, we simply care for you too much"

Both Max and Magnus watched Alec as he processed this, he sipped at his tea carefully and furrowed his brow deep in thought, his eyes swirling with questions but what stood out more was the sudden spark of hope that lit them and then he was looking up at them both with increasingly glassy eyes before whispering "Do you really think we can find another way?"

Max and Magnus shared a look before nodding "Yes. We do, and we will." Magnus said decidedly.

Alec whipped at his eyes and sighed heavily before setting his shoulders and meeting Magnus eyes determinedly "Okay, what do we do?"

A/U: Not a one shot there will be another chapter promise. I swear the marriage story line gave me about 100 different fic ideas to work with. Hope you like it! Please R&R
