If your still following my stories then thank you so damn much! I'm uploading when I'm free, life has seriously thrown me a curve ball and I'm finally able to update. I do apologize to everyone that has messaged me asking when I'm updating its just been difficult. I know this is short compared to my others but its a start.


Roman took a deep breath before knocking on the door where he was met with typical Dean response and couldn't help but laugh. "Dean it's Roman." He announced hearing some shuffling followed by a clicking sound signaling that the bathroom door was unlocked. Roman opened the door slowly and saw Dean leaning over the sink staring at him through the mirror. The look in the auburn man's eyes was a mixture of sadness, anger and longing. "Why do I constantly keep dreaming about you Roman? Why is that when it comes to trying to be intimate I can't because I'm always thinking about you?" Dean said defeatedly as the Samoan was taking back from the question his fellow shield brother was asking. "I don't know Dean."

"Don't fucking lie to me Roman!" Dean yelled hitting his fist on the counter staring daggers at the Samoan. Roman took a few cautious steps towards Dean till he was behind him and wrapped his arms around the auburn man's waist. Dean stiffened from the contact but allowed himself to be embraced by the big man. He noticed how well he fit into Roman arms like a puzzle piece and it made him feel complete. "What if I told you that at one point, we had feelings for each other." The Samoan whispered into the smaller man's ear. Dean couldn't help but shiver as Roman's breath ghosted over his skin, earning a smile from the big man. "Did we act on those feelings?" The Samoan could only nod not trusting his voice to give an answer. "How far did we go?" Roman let Dean go as he took a few steps back from him to give himself some space. He couldn't bring himself to tell Dean the truth, he was afraid of him having a setback and he couldn't risk that. "Dean just leave it at that okay? Its complicated as is." He pleaded with the auburn man.

Dean shook his head as anger started setting in and turned to face the Samoan. Before Roman could say anything else a fist was connecting to his cheek. "I told you not to fucking lie to me, didn't I?" He yelled shaking his hand out. Roman saw red and pinned Dean against the wall angry grey eyes meeting raging blue eyes.

Fuck what the doctors said if Dean wanted to know then Roman was going to tell him and deal with the consequences later. "We were in a relationship Dean in fact the night of the accident I had proposed to you." Blue eyes frantically searched grey ones to see if they were deceiving him. Dean felt his eyes watering as he let Roman's words sink in and allowed his tears to fall freely. "My dreams that I've been having are memories of us, aren't they?" He asked in a whisper watching the Samoan nod.

Dean found himself stroking Roman's redden cheek where he had punched him minutes ago. Roman found himself leaning into the touch as he began tracing Dean's lips with his thumb. "Fuck it." Roman said aloud and lifted Dean against the wall, wrapping his legs around him before connecting their lips. Dean gasped at the sudden action which gave the Samoan access to his mouth. Both men groaned as they were able to finally taste each other. The kiss soon turned heated as both men fought for dominance, Dean entangling his fingers in the Samoans silky smooth locks pulling him closer to him if even possible.

A knocked at the door broke the pair out of there trance as Roman unhooked Dean's legs from around him and sat him back on his feet. He looked at the smaller man seeing the dazed look on his face as he turned to open the door. Dean watched Roman open door as he felt a sharp pain in his head making the room close in around him. "Roman" He whispered before his world went black.


Jimmy and Jay looked at Renee with confused looks as the petite blond waited for their answer. "There's nothing going on between them Renee." Jay said signaling for Jimmy to follow him from the hallway, he didn't feel comfortable with her. The blond gritted her teeth as she watched the twins leave. She knew the two men were lying to her and to be honest she felt like everyone close to Roman were hiding something. She would never admit it but some nights she would wake to find Dean calling out for the Samoan and it bothered her. She knew that they had been in a horrible accident before she joined WWE and knew that Dean had suffered a major head injury.

Dean never really talked about the accident since he really didn't remember much of it but would talk about how Roman helped him through his dark times and got him cleaned and straight. Renee wouldn't say it out loud, but she was jealous of Roman. He held a special place in Dean's life that she couldn't compete with. When the two had there falling out she thought Roman was out of the picture for good, but she was wrong it just made Dean more closed off from her.

No matter how much she tried to break his walls down he built them back up. Deep down she knew Roman was the only that could penetrate it and it pissed her off. She wiped the few angry tears from her face as she heard commotion down the hall specifically someone saying to call the ambulance. She ran to her and Dean's room pushing her way through the crowd only to find Roman trying to wake Dean up.

"What happen?" she demanded pushing Roman aside placing herself by Dean's side stroking his hair. "Baby wake up please." She pleaded as she shouted why the ambulance hadn't arrived yet. She looked at Roman who was staring at Dean with worried eyes. "What did you do to him." She demanded looking the Samoan over. "You were the last one in here with him."

Roman shook his head "Nothing, we were talking, and I went to answer the door and he collapsed." "Bullshit Roman! I know you did something." She yelled as she cradled Dean's head in her lap. Roman felt his patience running thin for the petite blond and was close to cussing her ass out. Seth sensed Roman's distressed and helped him up and out of the now cramped bathroom. The two-toned hair man as well as their inner circle left the room till they made it outside the hotel where the ambulance was now pulling up. Roman was in a dazed as he allowed Seth to walk him to some benches outside the hotel.

"What happened Roman?" Seth cautiously asked as the Samoan placed his head in his hands unaware of who was around them. "Dean asked me why he kept having dreams about me, so I told him the truth." The group gasped as they looked at each other. "He probably passed out from shock." Paige said reassuring the Samoan who nodded in agreement. Hunter let out a deep sigh "For the time being Roman I think its best if you keep your distance from Dean especially from Renee, she's becoming suspicious and asking questions." He informed the group. "Until we know what type of condition Dean is in or what the doctors say this is the best solution for everyone."

Though Roman didn't want to admit it Hunter was right he couldn't risk Renee finding out about their past and didn't know if Dean would remember what happen between them or not.


Please bare with me as I get my others updated this is 1 of 3 I've got to upload.. Thank you...