Any Time Now

Chapter 1: Prologue

I am not going to apologize for making this chapter of no sense. *Evil laugh* I will apologize to whoever read the fail of a previous chapter. My computer wasn't working. Please Review!

He though everything would be alright. Obviously, he was wrong. It seemed his captor only wanted to use him as a toy, not for a real source of information. That false sense of security had disappeared when he had been taken by Loki.

Then again, the god of mischief had his own ways of doing things.

Loki apparently had a temper that he knew his prisoner wouldn't like to meet. "You should know by now, that you are my prisoner and I am your master, so you will give me the information I need." He knew the man in the chains hated that deadly, steely voice that he used when angry. He picked up he man by the throat and shook him, hard. The man struggled to breathe under Loki's steely grip. "Now tell, me where is location of the S.H.I.E.L.D. base?"

"No," he managed to choke out. "I won't tell you."

Loki dropped the man so he crumpled to the floor and the chains around his wrists and neck jangled. The chains were connected to the ceiling of a da rk and damp room, surrounded by a moosy stone wall. The prisoner was in the middle of the large, circular room, only lit by the glow of Loki's scepter.

Loki gripped his weapon tighter as it turned into a knife at his command. He grabbed the man again and held the blue diamond encrusted knife to his throat. "Tell me, now, or I will have no mercy, Tony Stark."

Thanks for reading! This isn't the actual beginning, just the prologue. Sorry it's so short!