The truth always finds a way out

A/N: Hey guys ! Sorry this took me some time to post, I'm having quite a writer's block about these one shots. Also I made the decision that I will only make 10 one these. So After this one, three will come up and that will be it. Firstly because it gets repetitive, and second because it's getting harder to find people to catch them. I already have in mind what i'm going to (try) to write. Anyway hope you enjoy. :)

Warning ahead: a little bit of smut at the end but nothing very explicit.

Angie knocked on Peggy's bedroom door at eleven o'clock. She had just came back home from her work, still dressed in her waitress uniform and feeling a little bit sleepy but she wanted at least to say hi to Peggy which she hadn't seen all day.

Angie waited a few seconds before knocking on the door again.

"Peggy are you there?" She raised her voice to be sure she was heard from the other end.

She could see light from the cracks of the door and could even hear some noise which meant that Peggy was still awake.

Angie was going to knock a third time when the door finally opened making her hand stop in mid-air. The door was opened so slightly that only Peggy's head could fit the space between the door and the door frame, hiding the rest of the room behind the door, blocking the view.

"Angie! What are you doing here? I thought you were working." Peggy asked.

"I was, I just finished my shift. I was thinking since we haven't had so much time to spend together lately, we could do something fun! I have to do my nails want to help?" Angie asked with great enthusiasm.

Peggy look embarrassed and glanced over her shoulder, behind the door almost like she was hiding something.

"I'm sorry Angie." She said while yawning. "I had a crazy day at work and I'm really tired."

"Oh, that's too bad." Angie said ."So maybe we can just lie down on the bed while listening to radio and complain about our bosses. What do you think?" She suggested.

"Angie I'm sorry but I have a really bad headache, can we talk tomorrow please?" Peggy brought up one hand to her temple.

"Maybe another time then." She said, her smile fading.

"Yes, you can count on it." Peggy smiled, trying to cheer her up.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow." Angie's joy was turned around walking to her room as Peggy closed the door. In front of her own bedroom door, she remembered that Peggy was the one with all the nail polish.

She walked back to Peggy's room and opened the door, forgetting to knock, bursting into the room.

"Peggy could I use your-" She stopped mid-sentence at the sight of Peggy not being alone in her room and more precisely in her bed. The room was silent and Angie could hear a voice singing "Awkward…" in her head.

In Peggy's bed was a tall and handsome shirtless man, she couldn't see further as the rest of his body was being covered by the covers. The man had a surprised look on his face at the sight of Angie standing in the middle of the room and ran a hand through his messy blond hair, embarrassed.

Angie didn't recognize him at first but then she remembered that he was the same man or whether cute Agent that had arrested Peggy at griffins a few months back for trahison.

Why didn't Peggy told me she was dating someone? Angie asked herself internally. Specially someone that hot. She remarked, Angie couldn't blame Peggy for not wanting to share him with the world.

Angie interruption made the couple looked at her in a shocked stage as the intruder slightly blushed, her hands behind her back, staring at the carpet floor. However after a few seconds she raised her head, a smirk forming on her lips.

"Oh I'm sorry." She said trying to look innocent but her voice said otherwise.

She wasn't that sorry for discovering their little dirty secret. She was quite pleased, wanting to tease them for a little bit.

"So, you're tired huh?" Angie raised eyebrow at her best friend. Peggy lower her head at the comment, which earned a laugh from Jack's par who threw an arm around her shoulders casually.

After the first few seconds of embarrassment, he was now at ease and started to find the situation rather funny. Peggy gave Jack a death glare which made his laugh die in his throat and his smile disappear.

"So you're gonna introduce us or what?" The waitress asked impatiently. Peggy looked at both of them and sighed, not believing this was really happening.

"Angie, this is agent Jack Thompson. Jack this is Angie my friend." Peggy introduced officially.

"Oh yeah I remember you, the sobbing one, right?" Jack said, memories coming to his mind. At his words, Angie left out a small chuckle as the memory of her, putting her acting talent in action, that means faking crying, in order to protect Peggy of being arrested by the authorities.

"Right. Indeed it was me. By the way how is your gam-gam doing?" She asked playfully.

He gave her look of warning to not mention that again which only made her laugh even more. Meanwhile Peggy was eyeing them back and forth, not believing what she was seeing before her very eyes.

"Are you both done chatting?" She asked. "And Angie, can you please tell me why you came into my room?" Peggy said in a very frustrated voice.

"Yeah, sorry about that." Angie winced, meaning it this time. "Anyway it doesn't matter anymore. I'm gonna leave the happy couple alone so they can go back to what they were doing." She winked at Peggy and headed to the door. "Oh and Peggy we better have a lady talk tomorrow morning." She smirked. "I want to know all the details."

"Not- Not every detail?" Jack asked eying Peggy.

"Oh lover boy, don't be so shy." Peggy stroke his chin, mocking him.

Angie was at the door now. "By the way, will mister Agent Jack Thompson stay for breakfast?"

Jack unsure of what to say caught Peggy's eyes for an answer, she simply nodded. He turned back to Angie with a bright smile.

"With pleasure." He said squeezing Peggy shoulders, drawing her face closer to his chest, her head just above his heart where she could hear his heartbeat.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow, then." and she was out the door.

Peggy and Jack sighed in synchronization, like a burden had been taken off their shoulders.

"This Angie, she's quite a show." Jack told Peggy kissing her behind the ear.

"She's the best friend a person could have."

"Are you okay of her finding us out?" He asked concerned, pulling away looking deep into her eyes.

"Let's be honest, most people surrounding us already know. She was just the next step. I'm actually surprise I could keep this secret from her, for that long."

"That's good news for me, I won't have to use the window anymore." He said smirking down at her and stroking her cheek. She kissed him once more.

"You can now use the door like a normal person." She said with playful smile.

"And I don't have to wake up early in the morning before Angie anymore either. I actually felt like a thief leaving in the morning..." He said laying back against the pillows on his right side. Peggy did the same except on her left side and they were now face to face. Without even realising it, Peggy had her index slowly drawing patterns on his chest as jack hold her close by the waist.

Jack's hands found their way to her hair and then gently started to slide down to caress her naked shoulder, moving aside the strap of her nightdress. Peggy had her hands around his neck, tugging him closer to kiss him until their bodies were flushed against each other.

His mouth found hers, in a slow kiss, the intensitivity quickly increasing. Their kiss turned into fire, bring the passion within them and Peggy started to nibble his lower lip earning her a moan from him.

She coiled her leg around his, trapping him against her as if afraid he would leave. Jack moved over her, so she was pressed into the mattress and deepen the kiss, his fingers running over her arm. Peggy was tugging Jack's hair, feeling a rush of adrenaline run over her as Jack would brought up such pleasure in such a quick amount of time.

His hands were now on the back of her leg, moving upwards to her back, bring up the fabric of her nightdress. He managed to pass it over her head, taking it off but at the same time forcing him to break their kiss. Once that item of clothes was off he buried his head into her neck, smelling her scent and leaving a trail of kisses down to her shoulder, then licking the stop he just kissed.

Peggy's breast ached until she pressed them into his hard chest, but the ached still didn't faded. Jack slid one hand to her breast and started torturing one of them. Peggy let out a moan at the sensation and dug her nails onto his shoulders. He duck his head downwards and pulled her nipple into his mouth. Peggy gasped, arching her back as she yanked Jack's head up so that she could give him a mind blowing kiss. She arched her hips into his, making Jack groaned into her mouth. His hand took the opportunity to stroke her back following her spine causing a shiver to run through her body.

Jack bended down to kiss Peggy once again when a loud knock and a rather loud voice startled them and made them jump apart again.

"Don't be too loud, I'm just down the hall. Thank you." The couple couldn't help it but laugh.

"She doesn't give a break." Jack said, his face buried into Peggy's chest as he chuckled at the situation, soon followed by Peggy. After a few moments he raised his head and asked.

"So where were we before we got interrupted?" He wiggled his eyebrows at her.

"I think I might have an idea." She replied, one of her fingers sliding from his right shoulder, to his chest and his abs.

This was going to be a very long and pleasant night...