Disclaimer: I don't own Zootopia or any of its characters.


Judy raised one of her paws over her head in an attempt to stretch out her shoulder and regretted it at once. A shooting pain ran all the way across her shoulder and up her neck. "Ouch," she muttered irritably under her breath.

"You alright, Carrots," her partner Nick asked, noting the little grey bunny wince as she rolled her twinging shoulder. He was leaning out of his cubicle which was just across from hers.

"I'm fine," Judy said gruffly, still rolling her tender shoulder and feeling the twinging pain go up the side of her neck.

Nick stood up and walked behind her, placing his paws on Judy's shoulders and giving them a squeeze. Reluctantly, Judy allowed Nick to explore the tender muscles of her shoulders and neck. "Jeese, Carrots! You're carrying more tension in your shoulders than Chief Bogo looks like he's got in his whole body!"

"Ha ha," Judy said sardonically.

"No, I'm serious," Nick went on, apply pressure to knot in Judy's shoulder and making her grit her teeth. "And he looks like he's nothing but stress," Nick added.

Judy gripped the edge of her desk while Nick finished rolling his thumb over the knot in her shoulder, trying to get it to release. "That's just because I'm a cop. Police work is stressful business," Judy said with a grunt.

"Nooo…It's because you don't know how to unwind," Nick said as he began applying pressure to the side of Judy's neck next. "The moment we get back to the station you run straight to your desk and start filling out reports and you don't make them short either. You record every little insignificant detail about the case."

"I'm a cop. What I write could be used in a court of law. I have to be thorough," Judy defended.

"There's being thorough and then there's your reports, Carrots," Nick said. "When was the last time you filled out a report that wasn't more than ten pages long."

"Ha! Yesterday, after we wrote that weasel a ticket on Savannah Central," Judy said smugly.

"Actually that was two days ago, the report was twelve pages and the ticket was for jaywalking," Nick said with a smug smirk of his own.

"Oh," Judy deflated, her face turning a little red.

"My point is," Nick went on as he continuing massaging his thumb up and down the side of Judy's sore neck, "You spend all day in the squad car with your arms locked onto the steering wheel and then come back to the office and spend almost as much time hunched over your computer monitor typing needlessly long reports about the day's events. It's no wonder your shoulders are so tense. You need to unwind!"

"First of all, my reports need to be detailed and thorough, as I pointed out already," Judy said with an air of superiority that made Nick grimace. "And you could do with following my example and adding a bit more detail to yours," she added, making Nick roll his eyes.

"And secondly, I do so know how to unwind!"

"Oh, really," Nick asked skeptically. "And I suppose you think of curling up with a good book in that tiny, cramped apartment of yours counts as relaxing."

Judy flushed but stood her ground. "Well, it's relaxing to me," she said defensively.

Nick shook his head. "I'm talking about really relaxing, Carrots," he said. "Like going to a spa and getting pampered. A tender little bunny like yourself needs some of that attention."

"Don't call me a tender little bunny," Judy glared. "And I grew up on a farm. Hard work is something that I'm used to unlike you pampered, city slicker foxes," she added smugly while Nick rolled his eyes again.

"You're just too soft city boy," Judy concluded in a very self-satisfied way before returning her attention to her unfinished report.

Nick gave Judy a sour look before a devilish idea occurred to him. "You know, Carrots, if I didn't know any better I'd say you were scared of going to a relaxing spa," he said slyly.

"Please," Judy said, rolling her eyes, "why would I be afraid of going to a spa?!"

"Maybe because you think you would like it too much or because you think it'd show your girly side too much," Nick said, leaning against the wall of her cubicle.

Judy paused in her typing as Nick's words washed over her. "I'm not afraid of anything," she said, glaring at him defiantly.

"Fine. Then prove it," Nick said, leaning down so that they were at eye level and smirking his sly, smug smirk into her irritated eyes. "Come with me to one."

"Fine," Judy echoed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Name the time and place and I'll be there."

"Oh, no," Nick said, waggling his finger and making Judy's eyebrows knit together in annoyance. "It'll be a surprise."

"Fine, whatever," Judy said. "Now can I get back to work, please?"

"Sure," Nick said standing up straight but there was something in the way he was smirking that made Judy uneasy. She had not seen that look on his face since she had hustled him into helping her with the Night Howler case and its return did not fill her with confidence.


There we go! Hopefully they're not to out-of-character. Can you guess where Nick is taking her?