Hey guys! Yes, that is all I have to say well that and Happy Reading!


I didn't like snakes.

The way they slithered across the ground or how they had sharp fangs that ripped through your skin. Berk was a cold artic place year round so a snake seen on Berk was seen as often as….Well never.

But that didn't stop the panic that raised through me as I heard the deep terrifying hiss.


The snake started to advance at me and I stumbled backwards on my prosthetic tripping, I landed on my back and let out a whoosh of air as the snake let out a deep hiss.


I screamed as it pounced.

I suppose I will put a pause here and show you how really this began. You are most likely wondering how did I get into this? (Shush, Astrid I am getting there.) This will be the story of my snakebite, kidnapping, sick day, and with a whole lot of other things thrown in there. Much to Astrid's amusement I am finally letting her get a real point of view, which I am sure she will make sure I'll look like a complete idiot.

(Hey! Just because I wrote it doesn't mean you have to agree!)...I will begin..(Oh stop laughing it is not funny!)

I live on Berk. One word to describe it? Cold. Freezing, chill, wintry, frosty, icy, frigid, bitter, bone chilling, nippy, arctic…

You're lucky if you make it to your 10th birthday with all ten toes. Frostbite, sickness, and,

hypothermia, are your best friends here. Lucky us.

I rolled over on my bed groaning. Sleep had refused to come to me in the last three hours

My headache had grown steadily worse throughout the night, and was still determined to prove it was the worst headache the Barbaric Archipelago has seen.

I sighed and tossed the blankets off of me and sat up, confused for a second as the world spun around me. I glanced at my dragon, Toothless who was sleeping peacefully across from me, without a care in the world. I glared at him enviously.

My vision blurred and I closed my eyes rubbing my fingers against my forehead at the headache.

I sighed and stood up from the bed, stumbling down the stairs. When I reached the fifth stair from the bottom I skipped it, it always creaked and I didn't want to wake my dad. I folded my arms across my chest, trying warm myself as I felt unusually cold. Even for Berk. I went over to the cabinets looking for some type of herb or medicine I could take. After a few minutes of useless searching I sighed and just decided to do a cup of water instead. I sat at the table looking at the cup of water, my stomach twisting into knots at the thought of drinking it. A sudden creaking filled the air and I snapped my head around to see Toothless pulling my dad out of his room. I sighed.

Thank You Toothless! For doing exactly what I didn't want to happen. I thought sarcastically.

My dad saw me at the table and I glared at Toothless, his big green glowing eyes stared back at me innocently, what? they seemed to ask.

Okay, Hiccup, think think think.. I chanted in my head, and stood up from the table.

"I, uh, dad what are you doing up?" I asked him, surprised at my voice. It sounded like it had gone to the nearest desert died, came back from the dead and scratched its way up my throat.

"Says the person who is up at this hour." Dad said, it was about two, I would guess and my 10,000 mile per hour thinking stopped abruptly, oh he had a point. A good one at that to.

"What are you doing up?" He asked, I focused on him, but his voice sounded miles away.

"Um, I-I was th-thirsty and I- Ah!" I cried and grabbed my head as the headache, returned with full force and friends.

"Hiccup?!" Dad asked rushing over to my side. I gasped for breath trying to focus on anything but my head.

I groaned and felt my sight blacken at the edges. My stomach twisted into knots and I focused for a brief second to look up at my dragon's and fathers worried faces.

"I think I'm gonna-" I started but stopped mid sentence with a cry of pain from my headache.

Dad must have understood because he grabbed a bucket and I emptied my stomach into it.

I fell to my knees choking for breath and dry heaving, my vision whirled around and I cried out as my headache pounded in my brain. I let out a strangled gasp and all went black.

Stoicks first reaction to Hiccup collapsing in front of him was panic.

He raced over to his son and picked Hiccups sickly form and raced up to his room, the lightness of Hiccup surprised him everytime he carried him but as of right now, he didn't care. He placed Hiccup onto the bed and turned to the worried dragon who was looking at his rider with nothing but fear. This worried the viking chief more than his wanted to admit but he made eye contact with the dragon. "Watch him." He commanded and raced out of the house to get Gothi.

I slowly regained consciousness and was aware of people talking. The first voice I recognized was my dad's than Gobber, and the scratching sound of Gothi's staff made in the sand. I took in a few strangled gasps of breath as my lungs decided, "Well we've spent fifteen years giving this guy life, and we aren't gonna spend another minute." I let out a strangled cry of panic as I stopped.

I stopped breathing. In some part of the not panicking part of my mind was wondering how it was possible.

The other panicking part of me picked up the worried yelling voices they sounded so far away….

WACK! I let out a startled gasp of pain as what I assumed was Gothi's staff made harsh contact with my chest.

My lungs apparently feeling guilty, got back to work. I took in a gasping breath, and another. I wanted to laugh cry out and celebrate each one with every fiber of my being but my body fell slack and I started to panic, I wasn't in control of it anymore! I couldn't even twitch a finger!

But the only thing I could do was wait for sleep to claim me. I would have sighed but couldn't, instead I focused on the voices around me.

"Why did you do that?" My dad asked.

I heard the scratching sound of Gothi's staff scratch in the the floor as Gobber says, "The only thing to do was to whack him."

Dad sighed, more scratching, and Gobber took in a sharp intake of air.

"What did she say!?" Dad demanded, the panic visible through his thick accent.

"She says, that she's not sure what it is. It could have chicken legs so be careful." There was a short pause then Gobber said, "Chicken legs? Why would he have Chicken-"


"OW! Oh….OH! Contagious. It could be contagious."

I would have laughed but couldn't. Toothless let out a growl somewhere nearby and I subconsciously wanted to curl up next to him as I had done every night for weeks after the Red Death. I always felt so safe, secure, and….Warm. Warm. The word seemed so foreign like I hadn't heard it in my life. I was freezing. I was so cold, yet no warmth would come. A coldening sensation from the tips of my fingers to the bottom of my five toes. Then I passed out.