UPDATE 4/21/16
-Changed Mightyena to Seviper because Psychic Type moves don't work on Dark Types. (Damn my incompetence)
Chapter 1
The Beginning of a Journey
Today was the day that my life changed forever. It was the day that I started my Pokémon journey. I was so excited, I couldn't sleep last night. When I woke up, I went downstairs and saw that my mom was making breakfast.
"Hey, Ian. How did you sleep?" She asked.
"I slept well mom, though I didn't get to sleep last night until late." I replied.
She scolded me for not getting enough sleep, but she understood. She was a trainer once.
I'm not gorgeous, but I had looks. I was 5'5", had dark brown hair, and brown eyes to match. I had the beginning signs of muscles.
I ate breakfast quickly and then grabbed my bag. It had all the things I needed for my journey. I grabbed my wallet because, you know, I need my money. I grabbed my Pokégear and told my mom goodbye. I ran to Professor Birch's lab. He wasn't there. His assistant told me that he had gone to the next route to look at some wild Pokémon. I started to leave town towards where the assistant said he was, but then I heard a shout. I began to run towards the source of the shout. It was Professor Birch, of course.
"H-Help! You there! Grab a Pokéball from my bag there!"
I didn't hesitate at all. I grabbed the nearest Pokéball and threw it. It had a Treeko in it.
I didn't hesitate again. "Treeko use Pound!" Treeko crashed into the Zigzagoon. It yelped and ran away.
"Thank you!" Professor Birch said. "Who might you be?"
"I'm Ian. I came to find you after your assistant explained where you were. I was hoping that I could get my first Pokémon." I explained.
"Well, I think you already have him." He replied.
I felt something jump onto my shoulder. I looked over and saw Treeko sitting there. I laughed. "Yeah… I think he likes me too. Are you sure I can have him Professor?"
He laughed too. "Of course. But we need to head back to my lab to get you your Pokédex and your Pokéballs."
About 30 minutes later I was about to take off when the Professor's daughter, May, ran up to me.
"Hey Ian!" She said. "Do you have a bike yet?" I said no. "Well then have this one. My mother said for me to give it to you."
Finally on my way, I noticed the sky turning dark. A moment later, rain began pouring down. I quickly put on my raincoat. Then I hopped on my bike, hoping to get to the next town quickly. That's when a flash of lightning illuminated a figure. It was black and had red eyes. And it was huge. I didn't recognize it, but I knew it was a Pokémon. My bike crashed and I flew off of it. I got up and realized where I had landed. I looked up and saw the huge Pokémon land in front of me. It's tail began glowing blue. The Pokémon roared.
Then another figure appeared. It was black, like this one. Except this new figure was like a snake with arms and had yellow markings along its side. I recognized this one. It was a freaking shiny Rayquaza. The Rayquaza crashed into the other Pokémon and they began to fight in the sky. I stumbled away into the tree line. When I stopped running, I heard a soft cry. I headed towards it.
When I arrived at the source, I realized it was a Ralts. It's dress was torn in places and I saw that there were scratches on it. I walked over.
"Hey… Are you alright?" I asked it softly. It looked up with its eyes. It tried to run away but it was hurt badly.
"It's alright." I told it. "I won't hurt you. I want to help you. Who did this?" I said.
Just then, two Seviper burst out of the forest. I realized that they were chasing this Ralts. I brought Treeko out.
"Treeko! Use Vine Whip on the Seviper on the left!" I tackled the one on the right. It began to bite me. I kept punching it and felt it bite down on my arm. I screamed out in pain. Suddenly I felt the Seviper rise off of me. I looked towards Treeko, but he was busy with the other Seviper. I looked at the Ralts and saw it's eyes were glowing. I guessed it was using Confusion. It threw the Seviper at the other one, which caused them to run away.
I called back Treeko so he didn't get hurt. I went over to the Ralts and saw that it was still cowering from me. "It's okay. My name is Ian. I don't want to hurt you." It looked up at me with sad eyes filled with tears. It began crying and jumped into my chest. I held it and said "I can help you. But I need you to do something." I held up a Pokéball. "But only if you want to. I can help you better if you are in a Pokéball."
On one condition. A female voice said. I looked around to see where the voice had originated. I heard giggling. Down here silly. I looked down.
"You…. You can talk?" I asked the Ralts, she being the only source of the voice that would make sense.
No. Well… Kinda. I'm using telepathy. Ralts explained. Anyways, the condition is that I stay outside of that thing. I don't want to feel captured.
"Deal." I said. I would do anything to help a Pokémon.
Ralts tapped the button on the Pokéball and went inside it. I heard a light ding and then I called Ralts out. She jumped onto my shoulder and sat there. I began walking towards the nearest town.
"By the way," I asked. "Do you have a name?"
No. Not really.
"If it's okay, I'd like to call you… Katelyn."
She giggled. Sure. That's a nice name.
The sky began to clear as I rushed into the next town. Katelyn was holding onto my neck to keep from falling off. I ran to the Pokémon Center and the Nurse took Treeko and Katelyn. She looked at me, frightened. I assured her it was okay. That's when I noticed I was still bleeding from my arm. I looked down and noticed why everyone had stopped talking. My arm was covered in blood and hanging limp from my side.
"Well… I guess that's why I couldn't move it." I began to laugh. Then I passed out and the last thing I remember was Katelyn staring at me.
Hours later, I woke up and found Katelyn sleeping on my chest. I looked over to my left at my arm and saw it was bandaged. I remember the events that happened a few hours earlier. Then I remembered that I said I would call my mom.
"SHIT!" I shouted. I accidentally woke up Katelyn and she started to cry. I comforted her then grabbed my Pokégear and called her. She was worried and I told her everything that happened. She was relieved that I was okay and said that I should probably attend to Katelyn who was still crying. I hung up and began trying to comfort her.
When Katelyn finally calmed down, I asked what had happened before I found her.
Well… she began. I was with my parents. They were playing with me in a pasture when my mom began to notice dark figures surrounding the clearing. She told my dad and then he told her to run with me as far as she could go. She stopped for a moment and began to cry.
"You don't have to tell me. It's okay." I said.
No. I should tell someone. She said. After that… My mom stopped because she thought that we were safe and she set me down. She told me to not go anywhere and that she would be back soon. She took off back towards my father. I heard him scream soon after. I began to cry and I wondered if they were alright. Then I heard hissing. I looked around and saw the two Seviper that you saved me from. I ran away and then I tripped into the place where you found me.
"Wow… that's horrible." I said as she began to tear up again. I hugged her and stroked her head.
That was years ago.
So that's that. Ian saved Katelyn from multiple Seviper. If anyone knows what the Dark Figure is, don't spoil it for others. It will come up later. ;) Take care. Don't die. Write a review if you have the time. And I'll see you in the next Chapter.