Hey everyone. This is a fanfiction that some of you have been hoping for. However, if you haven't read the previous work then I advise you don't read this until you have seen the other one.

Anyway, this fanfics is in the x-overs section and the crossover section for Danny Phantom and Ben 10 crossover. Why I did this is due to the fact that x-overs aren't so popular to go through in my opinion.

Originally, I named this fanfic Rise of Ultron, but that was cause I was out of ideas at the time. I certainly won't call it Age of Ultron. If you ask me, the name used for the Avengers 2 movie was a big mistake. Ultron was just another one-time villain, hence no need to call it Age of Ultron. It was even hardly a week. lol

Anyway, here's the beginning of the huge fanfiction.

Now on to the chapter.

Chapter 1: Danny Phantom: The hero of Amity Park.

Time at Amity Park was nothing much oddly enough. Usually the town would experience some ghost related incident, which would require their town hero, and Avenger, Danny Phantom to resolve. However, those times seem to have gone. It worried a few, but a lot of people were happy about it. Maybe it's because a lot of people were actually getting a workout from all the running.

At that exact time, a trio of friends was walking back from school. The first to be identified was a teen that clearly had the word "nerd" on him. He wore a yellow shirt, with brown pants and a red cap. In his hand was an iPad that his eyes were clearly glowed on – not literally though.

Next to the techno geek was a teenage girl with a gothic look. She had black brunette hair and purple eyes, while wearing a purple shirt with a black skull on it and black combat boots with skulls at the side. She was currently talking her boyfriend, the guy walking by her right. The boy looked like an ordinary teen, but really he was very special than most people knew a year ago.

The boy had black raven hair, and had blue sky eyes. His wardrobe had changed from a causal clothes, to almost gothic clothes, before finally getting to a fashionable casual clothes. For the time being, the boy wore a white shirt with a small blue jacket and black jeans with green lines at the side.

Currently, the three friends were in a conversation. Actually, it was the girl and the boy talking, the other friend was too busy on his iPad.

"What? I'm just saying that Mr. Lancer could have been a little light on the homework. I am a superhero, and an Avenger after all." Said the raven haired teen.

"Danny, don't let your ego get to you." The goth girl replied with an irritated look. "Besides, there hasn't been a ghost fight ever since you beat Vortex a few months back."

"Yeah, Sam" Danny responded with a thoughtful look. "It's probably because of my new status as an Avenger."

"Again, there you go with the ego." Sam scowled.

"I'm not!" Danny said in quick defense. "Right, Tucker? Uh, Tucker?"

The boy called in question hardly heard them. When they looked back at him, they found him still on his iPad. Sam silently took the gadget out of his grip and shoved it into Danny's hand. The reaction of the techno geek was a shock.

"Hey! Not cool, Sam!"

"Really? Cause I think I saved your eyes!"

The Techno geek held his head up to respond right at her face, but sighed in defeat and bowed his head down. "You're cruel, you know that?"

The moment Tucker stated those words, he received a fist down on his head. The teen yelped as a response, and held the top of his head in pain, as Sam snuffed at him and walked away. The teen rubbed his head, before glaring at his best friend.

"Dude, keep your girlfriend on a chain or something!"

"Uh, Tucker…" Danny frowned. "You do realize she heard you, right?"


As Danny said that, Tucker turned to Sam. The girl's appearance was so scary that Danny could swear that the clouds behind her came together and completely became dark with lightning flashing so fiercely. The look on her face was with a glare so deadly that Danny stampered a bit. By the time he turned to Tucker, he only found a trail of dusts, and a the rush of distant footsteps.

"Wow…that was fast even for Tucker." Danny commented. "Well at least he doesn't have his…" However, the boy paused when he looked at his hand and found that the device was gone. "Again, wow. That was too quick."


In another town, far from Amity Park, a buck tooth kid was jumping excitedly on his bed. For a boy, he wore a pink skirt and wore, with blue pants that oddly enough attaches to his shoes and socks. For a moment, he seemed alone with a bowl habited by three fishes, and a yellow furred dog at the side, but that all changed when the fishes turned into fairies.

"Hey, sport, why are you so excited about?" The pink haired fairy asked.

The boy stopped jumping, as he faced the fairy. He excitedly exclaimed, "I'm heading to Amity Park!"

"Amity Park? That sounds familiar." The green haired fairy pondered. "Give me a moment. It's at the tip of my tongue."

A moment passed for the green haired fairy. It caused a silence that was soon interrupted by the stares of Timmy, the pink haired fairy and the baby fairy with them.

"You have no idea, don't you?" They all stated at the same time.

"Yes I do! It's where Superman lives!"

Everyone at that moment face palmed. The green haired fairy thought of what he said, but then shrugged at the end. Timmy rubbed his face a bit, as he shook off the what just happened and spoke up.

"Anyway, my parents are actually taking me to the town for the weekends. It will be great, I heard the town has so many places for tourists to check out. But what I really want is to meet the big time hero, Danny Phantom. He basically saved the world twice, and met up with other actual cool heroes."

"Hey I'm a hero!" Shouted a man in a cat suit at the window.

"Not now, Catman!" Timmy shouted.

The bucktooth boy grabbed a book and threw it at the man. A scream soon came up, as the man plummet to the ground.

"I'm…okay! Meow." Catman cried.

The pink haired fairy glared at Timmy. "Wasn't that a bit too cruel? He doesn't really know we're fairies."

"It wasn't because of that, Wanda. It's the fact that he listens to our conversations."

"True." Wanda shrugged. "So how do you expect to meet Danny Phantom? We can't wish it since he's half ghost. Our magic doesn't work on ghosts so much."

"Yeah." The green haired fairy added. "And besides, it's not like it just so happened that you're related to him somehow."

"Oh Timmy!" A man shouted from the outside.

Quickly, all three fairies turned into fishes and fell into the bowl of water. Soon after, Timmy's father barged right through the door with a wide smile on his face.

"I suddenly have the urge to tell you that Jack Fenton is my cousin. That means that you're related to Danny Fenton. Cool, right?"

"Uuuuuhhhh." Timmy replied shockingly.

"Anyway, now I got to talk to your mum that we can't bring a glue gun just for my cousin."

"Wait, why would you need that?" Timmy asked.

Timmy's dad groaned. "You'll find out soon enough."

Timmy just blinked at his father with a confuse expression. The man noticed, but didn't respond to it before leaving the teen. The door was made back to normal in a flash, as the fairies reappeared back at where they were.

"That was…odd." Timmy commented.

"What is?" The dog questioned. "Is it the fact that I'm finally speaking up when this scene is about to end? Or that the writer decided to add a jinx because of lazy writing and random humor?"

"Uh what?" Everyone asked in unison.


The Turners took some time to get ready, but they were finally on the road. They got into the car and drove right on the road to Amity Park. The drive to the famous town was long and Timmy was getting really tired of waiting, but who could blame him? The kid wanted to get to the town as quick as possible. Even the thought of meeting Danny Phantom was something that made him want to jump right out of his seat. But unfortunately, the kid could barely stay still for five minutes into the drive without complaining.

"Aw men! This is taking so long!" Timmy whined.

Cosmo smirked at a thought, while looking at Wanda. The green haired fairy was disguised as a green book while his wife was a pink bag pack. The pink haired fairy rolled her eyes and gave her husband five dollars, before looking at her godson.

"What's the matter, sport? You made me lose five dollars." Wanda said with a concerned face.

Timmy sighed. "I'm sorry, guys. I can't believe you and Cosmo bet over me again."

"What? It's a good thing."Cosmo replied. "It just goes to show Wanda feels dumb right now."

"No I don't!" Wanda yelled.

"Sure you don't." Cosmo said sarcastically and winked.

Wanda scoffed angrily and looked away. Her husband was clearly being himself again, but it didn't mean she hated him. However, Timmy interrupted before anything could be said.

"That's it, guys! I'm tired of this drive and yelling!"

"We were yelling?" Cosmo asked.

"AAAHHHH!" Timmy yelled. "I wish we were in Amity Park already!"

Once Timmy's command was made, his fairies raised their wands and were about to grant the wish. However, Timmy's parents heard the wish and took it the wrong way.

"Now, Timmy, it isn't right to shout out words like that." Timmy's dad said.

"He's right." Timmy's mum agreed. "It's not like we'll be there in a puff of magical pink stuff."

Timmy blinked a bit and looked at his fairies with a blank face. His fairies returned the same look at him, before granting the wish by having the star on their wands flash. Immediately, the Turners and their car were disappeared from the current road they were on and reappeared on one of the roads in Amity Parks. Mr. Turner looked out the window and laughed.

"HAHAHA! Wishes do come true!"

Mrs. Turner facepalmed and pulled her husband back in. Then she replied. "No they don't, honey. It's obvious that Amity Parks is a lot closer than we thought. I guess we don't need that GPS anymore."

"Yeah, you're probably right."

Once Mr. Turner replied, he took out the GPS console and threw it right out the window. The poor console flew right through the air and hit a teenage girl with blond hair. The girl fell right to the ground with a yell on her butt while her best friend looked down on her with a demanding glare.

"Get back on your feet, Star! We got a whole day of shopping to do!" The girl yelled angrily.

The girl groaned silently with dizzy eyes. She rubbed the side of her head that got hit and stood back on her feet.

"I'm sorry, Paulina. I think I got hit by a GPS." The blond girl apologized.

"No way." Paulina yelled. "GPS don't fly."

"Oh…I know." Star replied sadly with a frown. "How about we…go shopping?"

"Good! I got some cute shoes I wanna show to the Ghost boy. Maybe then he'll realize I'm much better than that goth disease."

The two girls laughed joyfully to themselves and went back on their walk to the mall. Their conversation had been heard by Timmy, who just blinked and pulled his head back in the car. He looked at his fairy god parents and pointed at the back.

"Is it just me or do those two remind me of Trixie and that friend of hers?"

"Nah, it's not possible." Wanda answered. "But when you think about, what if they by some chance somehow have something to do with it?"

Timmy thought about it for a second and shrugged his shoulders. His fairy god family did the same and didn't bring up the issue. The car ride remained silent for a bit until Barky woke up from his nap and rubbed his eyes while yawning.

"Is it just me or did the writer just try to break the Fourth Wall just for cheap laughs?"

The fairy dog looked at his god owner to get an answer from him. However, Timmy didn't reply, which made him to shrug.

"Okay, I guess we're not doing this then." The fairy dog spoke to himself and went back to sleep.

***************************************(LINE BREAK)

Some time passed for the Turners to get to the Fentons home. It wasn't because of the distance; it was actually because Mr. Turner refused to ask for directions. The Turners had to bear going around the Nasty Burger, before finally Mrs. Turner knocked her husband out and took the driver's seat for herself. Her husband stayed unconscious till finally Mrs. Turner got them to the front of Fentonworks.

"We're here!" Mrs. Turner shouted in a singing tone.

"Finally!" Timmy cried out happily and got right out of the car.

Mr. Turner became conscious at the moment and looked around him. It took only a second before he realized where they were.

"Ha! We're here!" The man cried out and turned to his wife. "I told you we didn't need to take directions from people who obviously would know the way here."

Mr. Turner was so proud of himself that it took a minute after coming out for him to realize that he came out of the passenger seat. For a moment, he opened his mouth to speak about it, but he shrugged the thought off and went to help out with the packing. As for his son, he was standing at the front door with his fairy god family in his fish bowl.

"This is it, guys. After going around in circles at a fast food joint and dealing with mum knocking dad out, we're finally in front of the home of Danny Phantom. I wonder what cool ghost fighting stuff he got."

Timmy's excitement was beaming so much on his face that he couldn't contain his excitement anymore. He reached his hand to touch the door knob, but the door instantly opened to reveal a big guy in an orange jumpsuit.

"Hello!" The man shouted with a huge smile.

Timmy felt taken aback by the man's appearance. Something about him screamed ghost obsession. Maybe it was because he was holding a huge green striped gun with the word ghost on it. Nonetheless, it didn't stop him from asking the obvious.

"Uh, who are you suppose to be?"

The man looked down at Timmy and replied with excitement. "Who am I? I'm Jack Fenton, world known ghost expert and the man of the house of this great home."

"So you know Danny Fenton, right?" Timmy asked.

"Uh yeah, I did just mention I'm Jack Fenton."

"You did? Sorry, but I kind of spaced out when you said who."

Jack felt dumbfounded at the boy's reply. He didn't show like he was really sorry. If anything, the boy just didn't care much about him standing there. The ghost hunter was about to speak to him, but someone caught his attention.

"Jack!" Mr. Tuner shouted, while holding two bags in his hand. "It's me, you're cousin!"

"Wow! It's you. My cousin ….Turner." Jack shouted back excitedly. For some reason, a truck passed by with a loud sound when Jack said Mr. Turner's name.

Both men were so happy that the ghost hunter hit Timmy's fish bowl right out of his hands when he raised his hands up. Timmy screamed in shock and jumped to catch the fish. The young boy successfully did, but then he fell right to the pavement ground off the stairs. However, both men didn't seem to notice what happened to Timmy, as they hugged and greeted each other. They didn't even notice Timmy when he came back on the stairs with slight bruises and an angry glare at the two men.

"I'm okay by the way." Timmy yelled angrily.

Unfortunately, Timmy's words were not taken seriously like he hoped. Instead, his dad turned at him with the usual smile on his face.

"Timmy, meet my cousin Jack. We used to go waaaaay back." Mr. Turner told his son while pushing him to Jack's front.

"Uhhhh hi. I'm Timmy Turner." Timmy said with a nervous face.

"I'm Jack Fenton. Wanna hear me babbler all about ghost?" Jack said all of a sudden.


"No!" Mr. Turner shouted and pulled his son to his side. "We just got back and we got to pack. But how about Timmy's fishes?"

"What?!" Timmy shouted.

Mr. Turner suddenly took the fish bowl from Timmy's hand and shoved it into Jack's hand. The big man was at first shocked, but he grinned at the idea and nodded his head.


Jack chuckled heavily at the thought and looked at the Turner's car. He was about to suggest helping them unload, but he was surprise to see their dog helping Mrs. Turner to the pull out their bags from the car. The man was dumbfounded by the sight and brought it up to the two Turners.

"Uh is your dog helping your wife bring out the bags from your car?" Jack asked.

Mr. Turner looked back and saw the dog wave at him, but shrugged and looked back at his cousin.

"Nah, we're obviously imagining things." Mr. Turner replied with the usual smile on his face.

"Okay." Jack said and shrugged his shoulders. "Now how about you guys come in? I'll get my kids to help you out."

Timmy's attention immediately got caught by the mere mention of Jack mentioning his kids. His gloomy smile turned to an excited grin, as he mentally held himself back from moving forward.

"Wait, so Danny Phantom is gonna help me with my bags!?" Timmy shouted with much excitement.

"Uh yeah. I think he's in his room." Jack said uneasy and took a step back. He turned to the door and shouted loudly. "Jazz, Danny, Maddie, the Turners are here and need help with their bags."

Numerous responses came right out of the house, before the rest of the family came out. Timmy watched with an eager face, as he looked passed Maddie and Jazz. His eyes immediately went on Danny Fenton, who greeted with a small smile at the pink hat kid and his parents. The hero's girlfriend joined right after and greeted the rest, before introductions were made.

However, all through the introductions, Timmy paid little to no attention to the other Fentons. The only person he responded to was Danny. He was caught off guard a few times when he was required to respond, but other than that everything was good. But weird enough, no one noticed Sparky walk into the house while carrying his own bags. Probably, because everyone was too busy helping out the Turners to adjust.

Eventually, everything was almost sorted out. The Turner parents were to sleep in the guest room while Timmy would sleep with Danny. The buck tooth kid was very happy to hear that he'll be sleeping in the same room with the famous hero, Danny Phantom. In fact, he wasted no time to get his bags in the teen's room. Unfortunately, he soon found himself disappointed.

When Timmy walked into the room, he frowned a bit at the sight of Danny's room. It wasn't exactly something he expected it to be. The teen's room had no sight that would actually amaze Timmy. He had expected the hero's room to be huge and filled with all kind of ghost fighting technology, but it wasn't. It looked so plain and…normal.

"What the heck…" Timmy said slowly in disappointment.

The buck tooth kid dropped his bags and ran all around Danny's room. He went to his closet, computer and looked under his bed. His mind couldn't comprehend that all his fantasy thoughts of the hero were all for nothing. Unfortunately, the kid couldn't find anything that he could describe to be cool. He felt so disappointed at it that he slumped on Danny's bed and looked to ceiling.

Timmy had the time for himself a for while until his fairies appeared above him. All three of them sighed in relief.

"That was close." Wanda said firstly. "I can see why Timmy's mum wanted to bring a glue gun for that man."

"I know right." Cosmo agreed. "For once, I was learning something! It was scary, Wanda!"

"I agree." Poof said.

However, the fairies found themselves turning to Timmy when he sighed again. Confused, they gathered around him.

"Is something wrong, Sport?" Wanda asked concerned.

"Not really…" Timmy replied sadly. "I guess I got myself too hype up for nothing."

"What do you mean?" Poof asked.

"Look around."

All three fairies did as they were told and looked around. The room looked completely normal to them and had nothing that could depress Timmy. It was kind of confusing, so they turned back to him.

"I don't see what's wrong." Wanda said.

"Exactly…kind of." Timmy replied. "Danny is a superhero, but his room is so…normal. I expected more from the guy that formed the superhero team, the Avengers. I mean, come on, Ben 10's Grandpa owns a super operational base in space, Kim Possible has awesome tech that she uses to fight crime, Starfire is a Teen Titan that lives in an awesome base that was reviewed as being one of the top ten best superhero bases in the world. I guess Danny is an exception to that."

"Well…maybe not, Timmy." Wanda said. "That Jack guy took us to some underground lab when he was showing us some ghost fighting junks."

"Really!?" Timmy jolted up with a smile.

"Yeah!" Cosmo smirked. "There were so many things I wanted to touch, but Wanda wouldn't let me."

"Of course!" Wanda yelled and hit her wand on her husband's head. "And don't even think about it."

While Cosmo was recovering from the hurt on his head, Timmy finally got back on his feet. He had his grin back and a new determination. The kid was so excited that he told his fairies to come along, before running off. The fairies quickly obeyed by turning into two wrist watches and a purple belt. They headed straight for the hallway, but bumped into someone.

************************************(LINE BREAK)

Few minutes ago…

Jazz made her way to the guest toilet at the top level of the house. She had a small pleasing smile on her face, as she opened the door of the toilet with no regard for anyone being in it. Unfortunately, she was taken aback when she laid eyes on the person sitting on the toilet. At first, she thought she was seeing things, but when she rubbed her eyes and looked back she knew she wasn't wrong.

Right in front of Jazz, Sparky sat on the toilet like a normal human being while reading a newspaper in his paws and wearing a pair of headphones on his ears. The dog chuckled when he solved a puzzle, before removing the headphone and putting the newspaper down. He saw Jazz standing in front him with her mouth wide open. The dog didn't seem worried about it. In fact he smiled and waved at her.

"Hi, you're Jazz, right? Sorry, but I didn't see you there." Sparky said normally.

"You-You'r-Yo…Are you a ghost?" Jazz finally asked.

"No." Sparky answered. "I'm a fairy dog."

"Fairy dog?" Jazz questioned and became skeptical. "Wait, are fairies real?"


Jazz could obviously see that the dog knew he has made a mistake. She didn't know if it was good, but she did one thing she had to do. The girl decided to do that by walking backwards to the door and locking it from the outside. She looked sideways and found her brother walking with Sam in her way.

"Danny! Sam! You got to see something!" Jazz shouted.

"Really? What is it?" Danny asked.

"Is it a ghost?" Sam asked.

"No." Jazz answered and felt uneasy for a bit. "This might sound silly, but it's true. Timmy's dog is actually a fairy dog."

"A what?" Both Sam and Danny said in unison.

"Uh…yeah I know. It's crazy, but so were ghosts a year ago."

"That's true, Jazz, but you can use that for fairies too." Danny said to his sister.

"Fine, I guess I'll prove it to you. He's right now sitting on the toilet, holding a newspaper and wearing headphones."

Both Danny and Sam looked at each other with uneasy look. Usually, Jazz was the most logical person they knew, but right now she was sounding crazy. But nonetheless, they decided to give her a chance, as she opened the door.

"AH HA! There he is!" Jazz shouted proudly.

Danny and Sam looked inside the toilet, but found nothing unusual. But they did find Sparky walking on all four with a newspaper in his mouth. The dog looked so normal in the two teen's sight that Sam went on her knees and petted him. Danny in turn glared at his sister.

"Jazz, it's not nice locking a dog in a toilet like that." Danny said angrily.

"But he's pretending. Just look at his tail. It has a star on it. What kind of dog has that?" Jazz asked in a way to get them to believe her.

Sam touched the star on the dog's tail, but found nothing wrong with it. She looked back up at the older teen and replied. "It's a bit bright for my taste, but it's a cool fashion for the dog."

"It's not a dog! It's a fairy dog!" Jazz retorted.

Danny sighed. "Jazz, I don't think you're crazy. If the dog was possessed by a ghost my ghost sense would have alerted me, but a fairy dog is very unlikely. Maybe there's some ghost around that made you think that or something and it left before I came."

"Yeah…maybe." Jazz nodded sadly.

"Okay. Well Sam and I are heading to my room. I don't want that Timmy kid to touch my stuff."

"Alright, Danny."

Jazz sighed to herself and turned away, while her brother and Sam walked away. She looked down at the dog and smirked at him.

"I underestimated you. You're not as dumb as I know you are." Jazz said.

Sparky looked up at her and replied with a smile. "Thanks...I mean, bark."

Jazz giggled. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. It's not like they'll believe that I saw a talking fairy dog. So do you want to grab something to bite?"

"Sure. But how am I sure you won't try to expose my secret?" Sparky asked suspiciously.

Jazz looked at the dog's face and knew he was right to ask. She decided to assure him otherwise by bending down and petting his head, before finally speaking.

"I'm good at keeping secrets. If I tell you off to someone, I'm guessing Timmy won't like that. It's pretty obvious that he knows you can talk, especially by the way his fishes were screaming when my dad was having his ghost talk. You guys really need to be careful around here though." Jazz finished and stood back up.

"Alright, I trust you." Sparky smiled. "So are you up for Chinese food?"

"Yeah, but the Chinese takeout isn't available in this town yet."

"That's wrong." Sparky gasped and raised his tail up. "We're going to China then!"

"Wait, what?"

Unfortunately, Jazz didn't get much say in it. Sparky instantly raised his tail up and teleported them away in a pink puff.

*****************************************(LINE BREAK)

Timmy groaned, as he rubbed his head. The kid had run into someone he hadn't noticed and now was feeling the hurt from it. The hit wasn't serious, but it was a surprise.

"Danny, are you okay?" A girl's voice asked.

"Danny?" Timmy questioned in a low tone. It took a second before he realized what just happened. Immediately, his eyes widened. "Danny!"

"Yeah, Sam, I'm fine. It's Timmy we should be worried about." Danny said and held his hand out to Timmy.

The buck tooth kid looked at the teen's hand, before looking at his face. He was a bit awestruck, but he decided to accept his hand. Danny pulled him to his feet and apologized to him.

"Hey, I'm sorry for bumping into you. I didn't mean it."

"Yeah, I'm sorry too." Sam apologized. "I should have been worried about you too."

"Uh it's okay, guys." Timmy said. "I actually don't pay much attention to anything."

"It's true." Cosmo spoke out.

Immediately, Timmy slapped his hand on the green wristwatch in on his wrist and put up a fake smile. However, Cosmo's voice got Sam and Danny's attention.

"Did you hear that, Sam?" Danny asked.

"Yeah, but what could it be?" Sam wondered.

"Um, Danny, Sam, how about a tour around your house? I don't want to get lost around here." Timmy asked in a way to get the attention off.

For a second, Danny and Sam thought all about the idea. They didn't want to forget about the voice, but they also didn't want to be rude to Danny's relative. Luckily, they considered the idea and decided to give Timmy a tour of Danny's home.

****************************(LINE BREAK)

Everything may seem peacefully, but that was only because danger was hiding in unpredictable places.
After a long exciting day, night time came over Amity Park. The town was quiet and peaceful, while the air had a blissful feeling. It hadn't been easy for a certain 10 year old kid to sleep because of the day's aftermath, but fortunately he finally did.

However, the peace surrounding everyone was just a calm before the storm. An unknown experiment was taking place inside a clock tower in the quiet town. Everyone in the town has known for long how Danny Phantom has repelled ghost attacks. But most of them weren't aware of some fights that happened at nights like this.

The clocktower in question was currently resided by unknown being. Danny had once fought some ghost vultures outside the tower, but he never would have expected someone going to use it for secret reasons.

The inside of the tower was nothing pleasant for the innocent eyes. The only thing that could be heard was the sounds of the clock's mechanisms moving loudly. The lightning in the place was neon green, which was odd to have inside a clock tower.

Suddenly, an odd sound came out of the noise. A soft groan came out of a person with no mouth. He wore a black buttoned trench coat, a black hat and probably red glasses.

"Oh...where am I? I feel like I was pummeled." The ghost moaned.

"Well I won't pummeled. I would say knocked out, Amorpho." said a hidden sinister voice.

The sudden intrusion of the voice got Amorpho's attention. He looked to his right to see someone walk out of the shadows in front of him. The appearance of the man shocked the faceless ghost to gasp in fear.

"I know you...you're Vladimus Plasmius." The ghost said uneasily.

"Ah yes I am. I see my reputation precedes me." Vlad replied and laughed a bit.

Even though Amorpho didn't exactly have eyes, he was really irritated. Not only was he in front of the man that almost too over the world, but he was restrained by some ghost chains.

"LET ME GO!" Amorpho shouted angrily. "I want nothing to do with you."

"Oh, but you have now." Vlad chuckled. "You see, I have a special project I want to try out on young Daniel. After all, he did ruin my life."

"I don't care, Vladimus!" Amorpho yelled angrily. "I've done crazy jokes for fun, but you're crooked mind will never get me to help you."

"Help me?" Vlad questioned with a chuckle tone. "You fail to realise that I don't need your help. I just need your shapeshifting powers for my special friend."

Special friend? What does he mean? These were thoughts that went through Amorpho's mind. His questions were answered when the light became bright enough to see. Unfortunately, what he saw was horrifying.

Not only was Amorpho restrained, but he had all kind of huge needles injected almost all over his body. Upon that, they had long plastic tubes that were connected to a large tank at the ceiling.

Sadly, Amorpho's ordeal wasn't over. He saw Vlad bring a small headphone and display it right in his eyes. The object looked like a normal one, but Amorpho was terrified of it.

"Thi-This doesn't make sense. There's no one, but us here." Amorpho said.

"Exactly." Vlad smirked. "You see, this little thing in my hand is designed to destroy the part of the brain that makes you...civilised. I made that easy to explain so that we can still be on schedule."

Amorpho was dumbfounded. He didn't know what to say or how things make any sense. His fear was so plain that Vlad could see it clearly.

"Oh don't worry, Amorpho, you won't be 'aware' for much longer." Vlad said and turned away. "The large tank above you is a special chemical compound I formed from mutagen and the blood of a creature called Doomsday."


"Yes. Some time ago, an organization called Cadmus created him to be fail-safe if the Justice League went rogue. However, some events happened and he was taken away. But believe me when I say this to you Amorpho, this creature was so powerful that he almost trampled the great Superman." Vlad explained briefly with a small chuckle.

"A-and what does this have to do with me?" Amorpho asked with a terrified face.

Vlad's red eyes flashed as he held the headphones at Amorpho's face. The presence of the object sent sudden chills that would surely go through a spine if he had one. His captor could see his fearful face, but he had no remorse at all.

"Still afraid I see?" Vlad chuckled. "That's good, because you must hear this."

As Vlad said those words, he dangled the headphones at Amorpho's face.

"After my 'death' I found a way back on earth and planned many ways I can punish the earth. It took a while, but I finally got one. This gadget is a project from S.H.I.E.L.D that I was able to steal and the mutagen I spoke of is an alien chemical designed to mutate the DNA structure of any living being. It wasn't easy, but I was able to manipulate its properties so it can affect ghosts. Together, with Doomsday's blood, I shall bring upon a force that will rip the earth apart! No one will be able to stop it! Not the Justice League! The Avengers! S.H.I.E.L.D or any heroes or organisation!"

Once Vlad finished, he broke out into a fit of laughter. It was so hardcore that it would make any man's heart drop. The ghost's plan sounded terrifying and yet somehow impossible. If the villainous ghost was right, then it might spell the end of the world.

After hearing all this, Amorpho trashed his body about in an attempt to escape. He didn't care how or when he could escape this 'death sentence'. He even tried his ghost powers, but none of them worked.

Vlad kept on laughing on his own until he noticed the ghost before him again. He stopped laughing, as he watched Amorpho. He smirked at his failed attempts, before putting the headphones on the other ghost's head. It brought the ghost's attention and made him scared more than he already was.

"Pl-Please, Vlad, don't do this! I'm begging you!" Amorpho pleaded.

"Please do, Amorpho. I want to hear every single word." Vlad replied coldly.

At this point, Amorpho could feel his hopes dying up. The sadistic look in Vlad's eyes showed a psychotic mind unlike any ghost Amorpho has heard of. It was very clear then that only a miracle would save him.

By the meantime, Vlad went to a lever on the wall and pulled it down. The last thing Amorpho saw of him was the evil grin on his face before a huge amount of unbearable pain shot right around his body. The machinery had finally been activated.

All within the clock tower, green electricity swam around its circuits, while the mutangen flowed through the tubes and penetrated Amorpho's body. His screams were so loud that it could break the very ear drums of a human being.

Vlad watched everything transpire with a huge grin, for he knew that his ultimate plan was coming in place.

Time went by without any trouble in Amity Park. Since ghost related trouble was absent, Danny decided to spend time with Timmy. The buck tooth boy was more than thrilled since he wanted to spend time with the ghost hero.

Before leaving, Danny held Timmy from under the armpits before taking off to the skies. The younger boy enjoyed the moment by screaming in an excited tone. They went all around the skies until Danny took him down to the tops of the city. Unbeknownst to him, Timmy's fairies were disguised as a green and pink wrist band, with a purple chain around his neck, which had been complimented by Sam.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe we're flying!" Timmy exclaimed, with his arms spread out.

"But, Timmy, you've flown like tons of time." said his green wrist band.

"Shut up, Cosmo." The pink wrist band said in a shushed tone.

Danny shook his head a bit, once he heard Cosmo and Wanda's voice. But since there was no around beside him and Timmy, he asked. "Timmy, did you hear something?"

"Uh no?" Timmy replied with an unsure look. "Let's just keep flying. I heard flying sometimes causes people to hear voices."

"Really? Where did you get that?"

"Internet." Both Cosmo and Timmy said in unison.

While Wanda and Timmy glared at Cosmo, Danny looked around him for someone else. But since his ghost sense didn't go off, he guessed it was nothing. As for the fairies, Cosmo ignored their glares by putting up his usual dumb smile.

"I'm done now. I wanna fly too!" Cosmo shouted.

In an instant, the green wrist band disappeared, as Cosmo reappeared as a seagull close to Timmy. Then he grinned widely and closed his eyes. "YAY! I can feel the breeze running right through my - OUCCCHH!"

Unfortunately, Cosmo didn't long due to hitting a brick wall.

Danny looked unsure at his right, but found no one. He had seen something green and heard a voice, but now found nothing.

"Okay. Something odd is going on and I don't like it." Danny muttered, though it didn't go unheard by Timmy and his other fairies.

Timmy tried to think of something to say, but it all came out as unsure utters. His mind was blank on an excuse until an unknown voice suddenly took the air in the form of a laughter. Danny seemed to recognised it, considering his expression went a confuse face with a doubtful look.

"Uh, Danny?" Timmy tried to get Danny's attention, but was unsuccessful.

At the same time, Danny muttered. "No way. It can't be him."

"Oh but it is." Said the sudden voice.

Suddenly, black mist flew around the two kids, while an ongoing taunting laughter went on. It got Danny irritated, and made him to come to a halt, allowing him and Timmy to see all the mist form in a humanoid being. In an instance, Danny grew angry, as he knew who it was.

"Plasmius!" The ghost hero snarled.

"Of course, you fool! Who else!?" Vlad exclaimed with a grin. His hands instantly shot direct ecto beams that almost got Danny, if not that the teen put up a ghost shield without using his hands.

The swift force of Vlad's attack managed to knock both Danny and Timmy to the ground despite the shield holding up. By the time they hit ground, Timmy was on Danny. The ghost teen groaned and removed Timmy off him, before Vlad showed up by appearing on the ground in front of them.

Once Danny was on his feet, he glared angrily at Vlad, who just stood there with an amused grin. He looked back at Timmy and said. "Stay right here. I'm gonna put him in his place permanently."

From the tone of Danny's voice, Timmy felt scared. Vlad heard it, but it only made his face blank. Danny didn't seem to care though, as he went back at Vlad and charged at him in full speed.

Vlad didn't seem to care at Danny's reaction, nor did he try to taunt him. Instead, he just closed his eyes and listened to Danny's fast move.

"You may have done many remarkable things, Daniel, but I don't care about overconfidence." The vampire-ghost said in a simple sentence. His eyes suddenly opened and revealed eyes as red as blood.

The distance between both halfas were shortened, but it was Vlad that did the first move. Just by opening his right hand, he released an ecto beam so big that it destroyed nearby surroundings like a bomb, with Danny being caught in it.

"Danny!" Timmy screamed.

However, through the blast, Danny came right through, with his body covered in green aura. He quickly went to kick the supervillain, but surprisingly Vlad caught it with the same hand he used. Before the hero could act, Vlad suddenly flipped his leg so that way he spun in the air, before throwing a small ecto ball that surprisingly knocked Danny right through the ground.

As Timmy stood still, he felt scared. His hero had always beaten the bad guys no matter how strong they were, but this particular one was beating him like it was no trouble at all. He had heard about Vlad before, but never did he think he was THIS powerful.

Everything that happened seemed to be like a horrifying trance until Timmy snapped right out of it. He glared angrily at the ghost and growled.

"Leave my friend alone!"

Timmy's effort may have been for good, and it surprised his fairies. Unfortunately, it also got Vlad's attention, who clearly wasn't pleased at the boy's action. However, he didn't get to act, as his feet were instantly frozen, along with the rest of his body. A blue mist suddenly came right through the ground and dashed against, taking both it and Vlad into the air.

The blue mist materialised, revealing itself to be Danny, who had now taken Vlad above the city. He came to a halt and let out his most powerful attack, his ghostly wail, which was so strong that everyone in the below had to cover their ears. It was so powerful it shattered glasses, cracked many brick walls and caused cars to instantly break down.

All of Danny's mighty ghost wail went right at Vlad in an instant with all its force. The ghostly supervillain saw it coming, but couldn't escape. Rather, he surprisingly and shockingly held it back by just raising his hand at the attack. All of Amity Park were shocked, along with various news stations showing the battle taking place.

Upon seeing Vlad's action, Danny stopped and shuttered in total shock. "N-No way. But how?"

"Perfection, my boy." Vlad replied and smirked a bit.

Immediately, Vlad pushed the same hand forward, sending the wail right back at Danny. The attack came too quick and sent Danny flying right through the skies. His body went out of control, as he was sent right through the earth's atmosphere itself.

"Oh no, we can't have that." Vlad shook his head. He held his other hand at his left and Danny reappeared right there.

Unfortunately, before the ghost teen could act, Vlad shot an ecto string at his chest and pulled him to him. He punched Danny at the face and laughed, while the teen's body was sent away. His string still held them together, so Danny grabbed it and sent a high charge of electricity at Vlad.

The moment Danny sent his attack at the supervillain, he cried wildly in pain - or so that what was thought. A laughter came right after the scream, with Vlad smirking despite the shock going through his body. He suddenly took up all the enemy that Danny sent at him and gave it back at the ghost teen threefold.

Danny cried out loud in pain, as his body felt every ounce of electric shock run through his body. His invulnerability at the moment allowed Vlad to pull him and swing a punch directly at his face. This time, Danny was sent flying to a different direction.

Below, everyone watching the fight, whether in their homes or outside, were surprised at the outcome. They all knew who Vlad is, but clearly were surprised at how powerful he has become.

Timmy was among those people and felt scared for the ghost hero. He was able to snap out of it, like it was another trance.

"What the heck was that!?" Timmy exclaimed.

"Timmy, don't you mean who?" Cosmo asked, finally showing up by landing in the same bird form as before. "But then again what do I know? I ate about four fishes, a can and what I think was vomit before coming here."

Nobody seemed to care about Cosmo's words at the moment. To answer the boy, Wanda answered while looking at her wand. "I don't know how to say this any easier, Timmy. My wand is picking a large amount of energy from him, and that's not the shocking part."

"Okay. What is?"

"He's not -" Wanda tried to say, but someone unexpected beat her to it. That person turned out to be Vlad, who was not standing right in front of them.

"I believe she's trying to tell you that I'm not all that I appear." Vlad said and shined his eyes in a frightening way.

Timmy screamed and attempted to run away, but found himself frozen in his track. The same could be said for Cosmo, as Vlad clearly had them in his control. He made sure both of them were looking at him, before speaking.

"Oh don't worry, Timothy. I have no desire to hurt you." Vlad said in a modest tone. "I have something to attend to anyway."

Once Vlad finished, he vanished right in front of them, freeing their bodies in the process. All of them were still stricken by the encounter, before Poof finally spoke up.

"What do we do now?" The fairy baby asked.

Timmy took a moment to think about it. His peaceful vacation with THE Danny Phantom is turning into a horror movie. Even though he wasn't quiet the hero until the need arises, he surely felt the hero complex within him. It was longer after that he spoke again, but this time courageously. "I don't know what that ghost has for Danny, but I certainly not going to let him get away with it."

"Wow. That's so selfless of you, Timmy." Wanda remarked.

"Hey! Cut me some slack guys!" Timmy shouted in an offended tone. He crossed his arms and huffed. "Besides, he ruined my vacation. The least I can do is help Danny Phantom."

"Of course." Poof sighed in a disappointed tone. His mother seemed to agree, though she didn't expressed it. Fortunately, it wasn't long till they were gone in a pink puff of smoke.


When Danny hit the ground, it created a crater in the ground. The impact caused the hero to groan as he stood up and recovered from the attack due to his healing abilities. His current location was at front of Amity Park's clock tower.

The ghost hero was just about to fly back, when his eyes set on Vlad, who stood a few feet from him. His presence irritated the hero so much that he shouted the villain's name and charged at him with a loud voice. However, it didn't seem to faze Vlad in anyway.

Upon approaching the super villain, Danny swung a right punch at Vlad's chin. The attack came quick, but Vlad was fast enough to move to his left. It was impressive, but Danny was fast, which he used in that instant miss to spin his body so that way he could land a kick at Vlad. The super villain would have gotten it, if he hadn't made a huge jump backwards to avoid it.

For a moment, both foes only seemed to stare at each other. Danny tightened his fists more than he should, while allowing ecto energy to course through them. His enemy, Vlad, only seemed to be smug at Danny.

"Really, Vlad!" Danny yelled angrily. "I didn't take you for the one to dodge my attacks so suddenly."

"Well that's just it, little badger. You just don't have the experience to understand." Vlad gladly replied.

As much as Danny wanted to charge at Vlad that moment, he knew he had to hold himself back. He hated that name so much, but knowing Vlad it made him realise that the supervillain was simply trying to anger him.

"Whatever." Danny responded and breathed out. "I know what you're game is Vlad. I've gotten quiet stronger than you know."

"Oh, how so?"

Then it happened. Danny sprung into action by bringing both his open hands at Vlad's direction and released a huge devastating ecto beams. It was so great that it ripped right through the ground, while going about twenty feet in the air. By the time Danny was gone, a huge dust cloud remained in its place.

While the dust cloud began to clear away, Danny brought his hands to sides and smirked. "Funny enough, I don't think I went all out."


Danny froze in place. His voice shuttered. "N-No way."

The dust cloud instantly got blown away to reveal Danny's shock. Standing by the exact spot he stood, Vlad had a grin on his face as a pink shield was in front of him. What was more shocking was how the shield remained unscratched.

Vlad's miraculous appearance was indeed something surprising. Danny had fought some of the worst ghost since returning back to Amity Park as Avenger. In fact, the ghosts even began to fear him. However, Vlad seemed to be in a whole new level, which was something Danny couldn't understand.

The ghost teen could ponder about it, but he shook right out of the very thought and began to shoot quick ecto balls at Vlad. Each blast came close to hitting the supervillain, but ended up destroying the ground as he simply flew at different directions to evade them. It began to frustrate Danny so much that he was caught off guard when Vlad stood right at his face like he just appeared there.

The chance to attack was now, which Vlad did by sending a blow at Danny's stomach. It came fast, but the ghost hero became a mist at the very last second and materialised behind Vlad. Once the supervillain turned to him, the hero swung a kick so hard that it would snap the head of a human being off his body. However, this was not of Vlad, who was sent flying a few feet and surprisingly did a back flip to his feet when he almost hit the ground.

"Seriously!" Danny practically yelled, though his word went unheard. Vlad simply touched the left cheek that got the kick and whispered something.

Though Vlad's voice was down, Danny heard him mutter "Lucky shot. I can't be weak at this state. I've come too far to have things end."

"Uh what are you talking about?" Danny questioned. Vlad's statement was confusing at the very least. Nonetheless, that didn't stop Danny from continuing. "You've either gotten crazy while in space oooorrr you're just the plain old fruitloop I know and hate."

For a moment, Vlad didn't seem to say anything. It made Danny feel tensed and prepare himself for the worse. It wasn't long after that Vlad looked back at Danny with his eyes glowing bloody red.

"Shut it, Daniel!"

Vlad's words carried so much power that a huge blast of pink ecto energy raced right out of his body, destroying anything in front of it. The ground was literally ruptured by the time the dust cloud settled away, leaving a destructive sight. However, Danny was not found.

Vlad noticed his enemy's disappearance. He looked around and kept his senses up, when suddenly a direct punch came at his face. The supervillain gasped in a mix of shock and surprise, as the attack made him move back. He recovered from it immediately, but suddenly got kicked at his back, causing him to grunt in frustration and turn to hit the attacker. But he missed yet again.

However, as much as Vlad tried, his attacker was quicker than him. Whoever it was kept the supervillain busy by popping out of different directions with an attack, causing the villain to relentlessly attempt to strike back. It became so frustrating at first that Vlad couldn't keep up.

The attacks kept coming like usual, with the attacker unaware of Vlad's actual move. It seemed like he was throwing effortless attempts to catch his foe, but really he was predicting his movement patterns and figuring out his time to actually strike. The attacker didn't notice until it was too late.

Suddenly, Vlad made his chest intangible, allowing a fist to go right through. He caught the attacker by the wrist in an instant and sent electric volt that caused the person to scream bitterly in pain. It wasn't long after that the person dropped his invisibility, allowing Vlad to see Danny once more before grabbing his throat and sending volts of electricity through his hand.

As much as Danny tried to resist, he felt powerless. He cried bitterly in pain as he felt every shock course through his whole body. Vlad only had a grim look on the teen in his grasp as he watched him suffer. Now that he was too weak to escape, the villain stopped but still held him.

"That was a very foolish and big mistake you made, my boy." Vlad snarled and tightened his grip on him. "Do you know how much that will cost you?"

"I don't...I don't know." Danny coughed, as his voice was strained. The weak look on his face managed to form a grin on his face though, much to to the shock of Vlad. "But then again what do I know? I'm just...a duplicate."


In his moment of shock, Vlad watched with wide eyes as Danny became nothing but blue mist that evaporated into the air. He shook his head to shake off the feeling, knowing fully well that he just entered a trap.

Suddenly, Vlad got knocked right off his feet, as a powerful blow made contact to his right cheek. It packed so much power that the villain hit the ground and tumbled. He groaned and cursed under his breath as he managed to get back on his feet, before looking around him.

"Hey, Plasmius!" Shouted a familar voice.


Upon hearing his voice, Vlad looked forward. He expected to see the ghost teen, but instead he received a punch to his face. The impact was so powerful that it caused Vlad's feet to break into the ground despite how much he tried to stand still.

The villain growled and looked to his right. He heard a small boom from the distance before getting punched in the face again. It took much of Vlad's strength to keep him from being thrown off his feet, though that didn't mean he didn't move.

From the looks of it, Danny has become so fast that he broke the sound barrier itself. Vlad could understand this himself, though he didn't ponder on it as he turned to his side and began shooting ecto balls at Danny's direction. His blasts were fast, but Danny was faster. He maneuvered right through them easily and punched Vlad in the face again. This time Vlad flew right off his feet and hit the ground hard.

However, the fight wasn't over. Danny left Vlad for the moment and ran around the the clocktower once. His body built up green static electricity as he intended, until he headed right back at Vlad. By the time he got to see him, the villain was back at his feet.

Vlad caught sight of Danny, but this time he was ready. With a wave of his hand, the air around the hero exploded like little bombs were planted in the air. A grin formed on his face until he heard his name again.

"Vlad!" Danny shouted in his highest. The superhero emerged from the explosion with his right hand charging ecto static energy. "Do you know how it feels to be punched a moving force at mach 2 speed?"

"Impossible!" Vlad stated shockingly.

The opportunity was ripe and Danny used it. Once his right fist gave an uppercut to Vlad's chin, a loud boom was heard as the villain was sent flying right through the very skies. All he could do was tumble in the air, as he screamed while his body kept going uncontrollably. The rush of it was unexpected, but not as much as what Danny did next.

The ghost teen suddenly appeared a few feet above Vlad and began charging up his open hands At one hand was an increasing ecto ball and the other was a blue ecto ball mostly made by his ice element. Once he combined them, they formed into a bigger ball comprising of the outer layer being green and the core being made of ice particles.

By the time Vlad came into close view, the ghost hero shot the charged attack at his foe. Its impact hit the supervillain right in the chest and got him by surprise, as he was sent flying to the ground at a faster rate. His body hit the ground in seconds, sending a powerful tremor that rocked all of Amity Park.

Meanwhile, Timmy and his fairies arrive at that exact moment. The ground shook right under them, surprising the ground.

"What the heck!" Timmy shouted while looking down.

"Timmy, look." Cosmo said by looking forward. He was a green wristband now.

Timmy didn't need to be told twice. He looked forward and found a devastating landscape. Even though the clocktower was barely standing, the ground around it and anything close by was totally destroyed.

"Wow." Timmy said in amazement. "Who could have done this?"

"Oh I was afraid of this." Wanda said worriedly. "Our magic had a hard time getting us here due to the large amount of ectoplasmic energy in the environment. It's just a good thing it got us this far."

A thought came to Timmy's mind as he opened his mouth to ask. But it got answered anyway when Danny suddenly appeared not too far from him. The look on the boy and his fairies faces were priceless when they looked at Danny.

The ghost hero, Danny Phantom, was engulfed in a snow white aura. His eyes was green and had no pupils, except for twinkling black dots. Along with the new appearance was his hair flickering like wild fire.

"Danny!" Timmy cried out to his hero.

Upon hearing his name, Danny shook his head and looked behind. His whole body felt a huge amount of exhaustion collapse on him, causing his former appearance to return as he fell on one knee.

The exhausted on Danny's face worried Timmy and his fairies. The brown haired kid ran to the hero's side quickly and held arm. "Danny, you okay?"

"Yeah." Danny replied. His voice sounded tired, but he still stood back on his feet as his Phantom self. "I've been through worse, so I'll live - well half live."

Timmy laughed. "Good one."

"Thanks." Danny smiled. His smile was only for a moment, as he immediately became serious and turned to the direction of Vlad's crash site. "It seems like I went a bit too far."

"Yeah." Timmy agreed. "You should have seen yourself. You were..."

The buck tooth kid would have finished, but he was too shocked at what he saw. He and Danny watched as Vlad got back on his feet with no scratch on him. His body had a pink aura all over his body, which he released when he stretched his hand out. The amount of power was so much that it shook the ground and shot out large rocks from the ground.

Timmy could feel himself unable to stand on his own due to the strong force being capable of pushing a normal human. He tried to hold on still, but his feet finally gave up. Fortunately, Danny caught his arm on time and pulled him to side.

"What the heck is with this guy!" Timmy shouted.

Danny looked directly at Timmy and looked away with a grim look on his face. "To be honest...I don't know."

Timmy felt worried about Danny's words, but couldn't dwell on it much longer. Vlad immediately ceased his move and held the left side of his cape to cover his lip.

"It's been a long since I got into a fight. I must say it's been quiet the thrill, Danny Phantom."

Danny was taken aback. "Wow, when did you start calling me by my hero name? It's so unlike you."

"True." Vlad grinned. "You may be powerful, but you still have a long way to go to reach a god."

"Oh great. The fruitloop is back."

Upon hearing that, Vlad chuckled. It surprised Danny since he knew his enemy hated the nickname for him. The supervillain didn't show a single sign of thought for it as he stretched his hands and let a wind circle around him, making his cape to flap in the air.

"Hmph. There's so much I wish I could tell you, Daniel. You're very remarkable and have so much hidden potential within you. But for that...I must have you destroyed."

"No surprise there." Timmy muttered, glaring at the supervillain.

Despite how small Timmy stated, it grabbed the villain's intention. "Oh no. Actually, you and Daniel have barely grasped the true situation here. However, I must go. But if you survive this hopeless circumstance, then..."

Vlad grinned as his eyes shined brightly. "I will give you more despair."

"That's crazy!" Timmy shouted.

"He's right!" Danny agreed. "It's obvious your time in space has screwed with your mind, Plasmius!"

Vlad chuckled. The silence between him and the boys were suddenly broken when static sounds came from the clocktower. It attracted their attention, with a chuckle escaping Vlad's lips.

Danny stared at the tower for a moment and turned to Vlad. He yelled angrily at him while his hands were glowing. "What are you doing!"

"Giving you a challenge." Vlad answered calmly. "See you soon, Daniel. You better stay alive for our next dance."

Danny felt angered by Vlad's statement. He took a step forward to charge at him, but the ghost disappeared right in front of him. Angrily, he yelled. "Get back here!"

All throughout the short talk, Timmy didn't put his eyes away from the tower. The entire complex shook violently until a huge explosion destroyed the top, releasing a huge amount of smoke. The sound of the explosion got Danny's attention at the same time as something huge jumped right out and skidded its way down. It then jumped right off the tower and brushed its huge feet through the ground. Its very presence struck the boys in fear, as its red glowing eyes were on them.

"Timmy, get behind me." Danny said urgently as he got ready to fight.

The brown haired kid did exactly as he was told. He has experienced battles with dangerous foes in the past, but it didn't excuse him from being scared (considering how monstrous it looked).

Just the presence of the creature was something to deal with. Its body stood at fifteen foot tall, with grey skin all over its body except its torso being white. It had two horns on its forehead, four huge arms and a horn each on its shoulders. When the beast opened its mouth, it revealed huge fangs as teeth, which almost went along with the thorns under its chin.

So far so good, the creature didn't attacks. Its body just huffed as its red eyes were on Danny and Timmy. The brown haired kid hid most of its body behind Danny while at the same time peeking through. It was only a brief moment then that he heard a female voice in his head.

"Timmy, you need to wish everyone in Amity Park miles away."

"What?" Timmy jerked his up in conclusion. "Did anyone hear that?"

"Hear what?" Cosmo asked. "That monster really needs a makeover."

Timmy facepalmed. His other fairies were confuse at their godson's sudden attitude. The boy was about to say something again, when suddenly the voice came back louder.


"AAAAHHH!" Timmy screamed. His action got Danny's attention, but it didn't matter. When he looked at the creature, it saw that its eyes were glowing brightly. Nothing made much sense, but the boy didn't think much on it.

Quickly, Timmy shouted. "The monster is about to blast everything! My parents will be toast!"

"Timmy, what are you talking about?" Danny asked, completely confusion. He looked back at the creature quickly and found what Timmy meant.

Quickly, the ghost teen got into a sprint stance and flew right at the creature. He held his glowing fist high and threw it at the beast, but with no success. The beast backhanded Danny so hard that he flew right past Timmy and crashed through the ground's surface a few feet away.

"DANNY!" Timmy shouted. He was scared and very confuse right now. When he looked back at the creature, it found its eyes were brighter than before, which meant that it was about to blow.

"Guys!" shouted Timmy again. "Is there a way we can get this monster far away from here?"

"We can't." Wanda responded in a mix of fear and worry. "This monster has ghost DNA in it. We're completely powerless against it!"

"Then let's get Danny, the town and I far away from here!"

"We can't." Poof said. "Our magic can't affect ghosts from the Ghost Zone."

"Argh!" Timmy cried out. His head just hurt just from thinking too much of the situation. This was way too much to take for his level.

As for Cosmo, the fairy sniffed the air and remarked. "Wow! I can smell Timmy's brain overloading."

Meanwhile, the beast just seems to be powering up. Its eyes kept getting brighter until it reached its max. Timmy wanted to leave, but there was no way he would leave his hero alone. The whole situation seemed to just pressure him so much, and it only got worse when the voice came again.


"AAAAHHH FINE!" Timmy cried out loud. It seems like he has finally snapped. His emotions seemed to have taken over any thought he might have had in mind.

Raising his hands up, Timmy said with a loud voice. "Get everyone out of the town now! That's a wish!"

"But Timmy..." Wanda tried to say.

"I don't care! Just do it!"

The fairies were shocked. They've seen how angry and irrational Timmy has been, but this was in a whole new level. Clearly, the stress was too much for the boy and now the fairies have no other choice than to grant his wish.

With a wave of their wands, a loud ding was heard. A huge wave of magic swept all through the town, taking its residence as far away as possible. It got through the whole town in a second, leaving only Timmy, his fairies, Danny and the creature.

A sigh escaped from Timmy's mouth. It seemed like a huge burden has been of his shoulders, but really he had forgotten about the creature after making the wish.

"Hey, Timmy." Cosmo called. "I know this may be a bad time, but I just want you to know I'm sorry for putting doggy treats in your food that one time."

"Wait, you were the one who did that!" Timmy shouted angrily. A thought then came to mind, causing him to ask a question. "Hold on. Why are you telling me this now?"

"Oh because Danny totally saw us grant the wish and now we're gonna die."


In an alarmed state, Timmy look back. He saw a surprised Danny getting back to his feet, but the teen's eyes were no longer on him. Instead, his eyes were wide as he looked at the creature. Timmy did the same and felt frozen. He let out a sigh and frowned.

"Guys, you know how I was excited about today?" Timmy asked.

"Um yes." Wanda replied in a confuse tone.

"Well it totally stinks now."

Timmy's last words was the last thing heard. The creature growled in a monstrous voice and let out its power everywhere at once. Its mouth and eyes released a red electrified blasted that grew it the size of a large dome, destroying everything with Timmy, his fairies and Danny in it.


Aaaaaaand done! Hahaha I know I'm so evil. I left like a whole lot of questions left unanswered.

Well just because of beinggenerous (and actually this is a joke. Ha! Gotcha), we're gonna get one question answered.

Now back to the chapter!


If any lover of Amity Park could see the town now, he/she would fall on their knees and cry. The great town was now nothing but a site that looked like it got nuked. The famous Nasty Burgur that stood proudly with a misspelled word was nothing but debris. The only thing that could be remembered about it was the letter N dug into the ground.

Casper High was gone too. A lot of students would be happy right now if weren't that town was gone too. Almost the same could be said about Fentonworks, which was nothing now.

Back at the main site, Timmy had his eyes squeezed really closed. He has faced a lot of death related things, but those were things that he escaped out of thanks to his fairies or some help from friends and family.

The boy waited for something to happen, but he found nothing. Instead he heard a collision and felt nothing. Confused, the brown haired opened his eyes and looked at the rest of his body.

"I'm alive?" Timmy questioned. He looked at his fairies still disguised and exclaimed happily. "We're alive!"

Upon hearing Timmy's voice, the fairies opened their eyes and were shocked too. They questioned the same thing too, though Cosmo said other things.

"Oh good. I just saw my life flash before my eyes and it was...boring." The green fairy frowned.

"Cosmo!" Wanda shouted.

The green haired fairy became nervous and shuttered. "Uh-Uh. I love you!"

Wanda scuffed and rolled her eyes. She was about to talk to Timmy, when suddenly she heard a pair of feet drag against the ground. It didn't go unnoticed though, as even Timmy and the other two fairies looked before them.

The silence that took over after was slow. The reason for this was due to the presence of a female, who had her back against them. She sighed in relief and put her hands down after, along with a green energy shield before her disappearing.

Though they couldn't see the female's front, it didn't hid the fact that she wore a white skin tight black and white suit, similar to Danny Phantom.

"Uh do you know her?" Timmy asked while looking at the girl in front of them.

Danny turned to his cousin and shook his head. "No. I thought you did."

"How would I know her!" Timmy yelled at the teen hero. "She's wearing your suit exactly."

"Guys!" The girl called to them. She had her turned at them with a serious look. "I'll explain everything later. But right now we got Genocide to deal with it."

"Genocide?" Timmy questioned. "That's his name." The boy looked back to his cousin and called his name, but the teen seemed spaced out. "Uh Danny? You there?"

Timmy had no idea what was going on with the halfa hero. All the teen did was stand there with a spaced out look. His eyes were only on the young woman, who smiled warmly a bit and waved her hand at him.

"Um...yeah. It's me..."

"Dani." The phantom hero uttered.


Noooooow we're done. I mean it this time.

Anyway are you ready for the next chapter? I bet you guys are hyped to see what happens next. Let's just hope I'll be able to update any time soon.

For those who are wondering why Vlad is overpowered, that's due to...reasons. I can't say it, but I can hint something. If any of you have seen Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D season 3 mid-season finale, think of him as what happened to Grand Ward, though his circumstances are much more than that. The idea for Vlad wasn't from the show, but it just somehow got similar to it.

Oh and yes the girl is future Dani. I'll go into more details of her in the next chapter. If you're wondering Vlad will have anything to do with Ultron or any other thing in the story, then I hate to disappoint you but it won't happen. However, if you've seen my Civil War parody fanfic trailer then you might get some ideas. As for the new character in Fairly odd Parents, I have her as a close friend to Timmy that knows about his fairies through something that happened (which I can't bring up sadly), rather than someone who shares the fairies. I think that idea would work better rather than destroying the concept of having your own fairy god parents. What do you think?

Also this story will have to be in parts until we get to the main plot. Think of it as after events from the Avengers: Earth Ultimate Heroes fanfic.
1) Danny will be divided into three parts.

2) Kim Possible and Ben 10 will crossover along with a few others. It will be two-parts and will mainly concentrate on them building a relationship, unlike how Age of Ultron rushed a romance between Bruce Banner and Black Widow. (Don't worry RonXKim fans. It won't be permanent).

3) Starfire and Incredible Girl (The invisible girl from the Incredibles) will crossover, along with an appearance of Batman. This is to tie up an incident in the first story and might be a two-part story.

4) Superboy will crossover with the Justice League of this universe. Again Batman will make an appearance, but Superman and Supergirl will feature more than him. This might be another two-part story.

5) American Dragon will have a one-part story with Juniper Lee and Randy Cunningham. I'm only doing this cause he never had a story in the first fanfiction. Also this seemed like a good idea to introduce one of the New Avengers. If you need to know who it is, check my Civil War fanfic parody.

6) Avatar Aang will have a crossover with the Secret Saturdays and probably another show. It will have connection with the Kim and Ben 10 two-part story.

Well that's all for now. Please note that the various stories won't be accordingly. Maybe after the Danny Phantom story I will put up a poll for which story you want to see first.

Oh yeah, I just wanna add that some of these future ideas for the crossovers wouldn't have been thought of if it weren't for JThorphe5. He gave me the idea for the Starfire and the Superboy stories. Though I added some things to his idea, I don't think I would have done it without his/her help. So if he is reading this, I just wanna say a big thanks.

Well that's all for now. Be sure to review, favorite and follow.