I do not own Kuroko no Basuke!

Possible guy on guy pairing.

Trigger warning for attack and abuse.

The rating may go up as the story progresses.

There is one moment of clarity before darkness takes you under. If you can remember that moment is a different matter all on its own. Everything becomes to focused, to bright and at times frightening. That one moment in time can haunt you for days and days. If you are one of the unlucky few it can haunt you for much longer.

I never thought winning the winter cup would end like this. I never dreamed winning against Akashi would end so bitterly. Nor did I know that the rest of the Generation of Miracle's would also feel the same way in some aspects. I had simply wanted to change my friends back to the way they had once been. I succeed of course they had changed like I had hoped but there was an underlining difference in how I wanted it to go.

Somehow I found myself staring up at those boys. The ones I had missed from so long ago but it wasn't because I was happy. I was in shock. Though I was struggling very much to not let it show on my face I was positive some of my emotions were leaking through.

"A... Akashi-Kun... I don't... I don't understand?" What had he just said to me? That he... No that wasn't right.

"Don't be so simple minded Tetsuya." Akashi's voice was seething with hate a tone I'd never heard from him before. He was normally so calm and well mannered. This Akashi, I knew nothing of him.

"But... you didn't really mean that did you?" I was trying very hard to not let my eyes drop to the ground. It showed weakness to look towards the ground when one was having a conversation of such importance.

"I never say anything I don't mean. You know this and I'm already tired of this conversation and looking at you."

I tried to hold it back the flinch that suddenly pushed my body back a few steps but they saw. They saw a moment of weakness and Akashi being the person he is he took it to his advantage.

"You were always to weak Tetsuya. I tried to giving you something good by showing you how to use your low presence to your advantage but you had to go and show off didn't you? Couldn't stand to be in our shadow anymore. You are selfish and I hate it. I hate you. Though I am thankful that you showed me I was being a cruel basketball player and I'll take that into account the next time I play, but that won't be with you. I will never play against you again. I lost to you, which is foolish all on its own, you the weakest link, the boy no one notices and over looks. I lost to someone so worthless it makes me want to vomit. You can't do anything without help and yet I lost to YOU!"

I could feel the tears running down my face but my arms they wouldn't move. They hung limply by my sides heavy from my tiredness from the match. A match I had played so hard at to get Akashi back and it meant nothing.

He hates me...

He hates me...


"Enough Tetsu." Amoine snapped. He stood leaning against the wall looking bored as usual but to my great reliefe he wasn't looking at me with hate. While I stood staring over at Amoine, Akashi turned on his heels swiftly walking away. Getting farther and farther out of my reach. I'd had nightmares about this before. Being left behind and forgotten. Alone.

I stepped forward wanting to rush after him but my knees buckled. I was tired my head was throbbing.

Kise came rushing forward kneeling down in front of me his big golden eyes filled with worry.

"Are you okay Kurokochii?" I wanted to smile to reassure him but I just didn't have it in me. What Akashi said it hurt. Hurt like nothing ever hurt me before. Not when his parents decided there careers were more important then him. Not when they left me in that empty house all alone. He didn't want Akashi to leave him. He didn't.

"I'm fine." My voice; I made it as monotone as I could muster up. My arms though tired I forced an arm up using the sleeve of my jacket to wipe at my wet face.

"Well you beat us all, hope it was as satisfying as you had hoped." I jerked my head up once again shocked.

"Aomine-Kun?" What did he mean. I never did this to satisfy anything. I just wanted...

"No need to give me that look Baka. I don't hate you or anything just part of me understands a bit how Akashi is feeling. How your selfish act changed how we viewed things. No one can beat me but me. I said that a lot. I trusted that more than anything and you did it. You beat me. It's stupid really when the only thing you were ever really good at was passing. Though I did teach you how to shot, so I guess part of Akashi's anger should be towards me."

"I do have to say though. Now I really want to beat you again." Aomine didn't smile, no he simply looked me over once before pushing himself away from the wall and walking away. Again that nightmare came to mind. The people I wanted in my life walking away from me. Always out of my reach no matter what I do.

I looked up at Kise nervous. Was he too upset with losing to me?

Kise smiled down at me sadly not his normal bubbly self. It made my heart pound in my chest.

"Don't worry Kurokochii I'm sure once everything calms down those two will play with you again. Akashichii I'm sure he's just in shock. I'm sure he doesn't know how to loss."

Slowly my eyes drifted towards Murasakibara and Midorima. Murasakibara was lazily munching on his chips not really seeming to follow the conversation, though when he felt my eyes on him he glance up. He didn't say anything just simply ruffled my hair with his large hand and walked off. I didn't understand the gesture. Was it a farewell pat? Was he too leaving me? I didn't have the heart to ask though.

"I could care less if I play against you again or not but if we do ever play against one another I will win." With that he stomped off a pink rabbit plushy clinched in his taped up fingers.

"You know we will play again don't you Kurokochii? I'm not mad or anything. Okay I'm a bit frustrated that I lost to you and Kagamichii and right now the thought of playing against you again make my stomach turn but we will definitely play again."

I dropped my eyes towards the cold tile floor not caring anymore if it showed any type of weakness. There was no one to see now since Kise had already stood up and walked away as well. I didn't want to see it though. I didn't want to see him walk away too. He had annoyed me a lot. He was overly bubbly and loud but he... I though at least he would stay.

I don't know how long I sat there staring down at the floor but a rough annoyed voiced pulled me from my thoughts.

"Aw poor Tetsuya once again left behind by the Generation of Miracles. Then again shouldn't you know better by now? They don't care about small useless players like you."

"Haizaki-Kun not to be rude but I'm really not in the mood to deal with you."

"Did you really think I was giving you an option?" I stood slowly making sure to watch Haizaki very closely. He was to unpredictable. He couldn't be trusted.

"You polite dismissal really annoys me you know."

I watched him as he pushed away from the wall slowly making his way towards me his smile cocky. I was to tired for his nonsense so I turned my back to him uncaring of what he thought of it.

"Don't turn your back to me Baka!"

I don't really recall what happened next it was a mistake on my part to turn my back on someone as violent as Haizaki. Pain exploded behind my eyes as I tipped forward. The world became to bright to focused I could see the floor rushing towards my face. I could see every flake of god in the coloring of the tile floor. Amusing enough the color reminded me of Kise. Bright and shining.

I slammed into the ground hard knocking the air from my lungs instantly. I gasped for air, roughly rolling to my back to defined myself but it was useless. I had no energy to fight him. I was weak compared to him. Compared to them all.

The kick that landed on my chest made me cry out I was dimly aware of the sound of cracking. My lungs protested as I tried to breath past the pain.

"I will not be ignored by the likes of you!" Another kick one after the other landed with each word Haizaki spit out. Landing over and over again against my possibly broken ribs.

"Stupid worthless shadow. Always chasing after those miracle assholes. You were never one of them. You don't have the right to turn away from me!"

How long would the pain last before I"m swallowed into the darkness?

Akashi-Kun help me...

"Eh... Akashichii... do you think maybe you were... um a bit to mean to Kurokochii?" I knew I could be making a fatal mistake asking this question but the look of pure devastation on Kurokochii's face when Akashichii walked away hurt. I had never seen Kuroko cry before. I've never seen so much emotion pass behind those powder blue eyes.

"Do you doubt what I said Ryota?" On reflex I dived behind Aomine hiding behind his brood back.

Aomine shoved at me annoyed. "Back of idiot... Though for once Akashi I have to agree with him."

Akashi stopped in his tracks turning back to look at his former team. What he was seeing I couldn't place Akashichii had always been hard to read.

"What do you have to say Shintaro?" Akashi asked voice currently void of all emotion.

"On this I have to agree as well Akashi." Those long pale taped up finger pushed up at his glasses. "He looked rather distraught with what you said... Not that I care either way. He beat me in a game big deal, I'll win next time."

I glanced at Murasakibara as he munched on his third bag of chips the tall monster looked bored as he glanced down at Akashi who was currently staring him down. Waiting for an answer as well.

"Kuro-Chin was sad. I don't like it." With that the giant shoved more chips into his mouth looking away.

Akashi sighed turning on his heels going back the direction we had just came from. I perked up in seconds following behind him.

"I let my anger get the better of me. You are all correct on this matter I will tell him I was wrong. If it pleases you."

I had never been so stunned in my life. Akashi Seijuro was going to apologize for something he said. The world must be ending. I fought a laugh as I looked over towards Aomine who was staring down at Akashichii like he had grown a second head. Seems I'm not the only one who thought this outcome was strange.

When we finally made it back into the stadium I was momentarily frozen in place as were the others. A horrible seen was laid out in front of us like some sick joke.

"Get the fuck off me you stupid bastard!" Haizaki was screaming as Kiyoshi sat on his chest slamming his large fist into the outraged boys face.

"Kuroko! Kuroko! Look at me can, you hear me!?" Kagami was screaming down at Kurokochii who was laid out of the floor looking worn out and limp as a rag doll. It didn't take a master mind to see the blood that was pouring out from the side of Kuroko's head was to much.

I stood frozen in place as Akashi took off, dropping the bag he had slung over his shoulder onto the floor as he rushed towards the madness. Aomine was hot on his heels screaming like a made man.

"You fucking bastard! What did you do!" Aomine was on Haizaki in seconds slamming his foot into his face as Kiyoshi went sailing backwards when Haizaki landed a well placed elbow to his face.

"Atsushi!" Akashi snapped out as he slid down next to Kuroko and Kagami.

With a feral scream Murasakibara rushed forward slamming his monstrous hand over Haizaki's face effectively covering it fully.

"Don't kill him!" Akashi snapped just in time for Murasakibara to put less force into his downward swing as he slammed Haizaki's head into the ground. In seconds the bastard was limp on the ground.

I moved forward slowly unsure as Midorima rushed forward towards Kuroko. I wasn't sure I wanted to see how bad he was. They had been gone for only five minutes but that was a great amount of time for the tiny shadow to have been beaten quite badly. Haizaki wasn't known for restraint when he fought. I was scared. Why had he attacked Kuroko to begin with? He never once did anything to hurt Haizaki.

So why? Why was Kurokochii laying on the ground, bleeding and not responding to Kagami as he yelled at him to open his eyes.


My mind was chaos. I was struggling. Something I was never accustomed too. I was absolute. Nothing had ever effected me like this before, but here I was leaning over a bleeding Tetsuya as he struggled to breath. My own words were now haunting me.

He was in bad shape. I couldn't see the wound on his head but blood was pooling under it. His arms were bruised and battered. The fingers on his left hand were broken there was no mistaking that. They were bent at such odd angles.

His shirt had rode up doing his struggle from what I could only assume. What I saw though on his pale skin made my stomach turn. His chest was one dark black blotch. Surely he had broken ribs but I couldn't assume that was the only problem.

"Ryota call an ambulance." I snapped. Kise cried out in shock at my shout fumbling with his phone as he pulled it from his pocket.

"How long has he been unconscious?" I asked and was ignored. I hated being ignored.

"Kagami Taiga! How long has he been unconscious!?" Wide red eyes glanced up at me in fury. Those eyes. They were as wild as a caged animal wanting to rip someone to shreds.

"I don't know... two minutes maybe? When did you leave? He was already passed out when we found that fucker pounding on him!"

"Five minutes, we left him about five minutes ago." I said staring down at Tetsuya once more. Taiga was cradling his head in his hands his thumb stroking Tetsuya's face. I was positive the ace of Seirin wasn't even aware he was doing it.

Tetsuya groaned making everyone jump. His eyes slowly opened roaming around the hall way. At once I noticed his dilated pupils. Tetsuya lifted a shaky hand clamping down on my wrist in seconds. His grip was weak, weaker then normal.

"A...Akashi... Ku.. back?" I blinked down at him for once in all my life not knowing what to say. Tears were welling up in those sky blue eyes.

"Kuroko? Can you tell me what day it is?" Midorima asked leaning over my shoulder. There was an urgency in his voice that I didn't like hearing.

"D..day? Not... know... Akas-Kun.. ha..tes me... why... Midori?" I flinched unable to hold it back. Though his words were slurred and incomplete I understood what he was saying. As did the others from my ex team. They all looked away guilty.

Tetsuya made a gagging noise then crying out as he struggled to sit up. Since I was in shock I didn't react fast enough. At that moment I was grateful for Kagami as he swiftly and gently as possible sat Kuroko up. Though Tetsuya cried out at the movement just for it to be shot short as he turned his head away from us. He vomited in great gasps crying out with every pull of breath he managed to take.

"Kag..ami... not.. understand.. happened."

"Shhh Kuroko.. Don't worry about it right now just relax an ambulance is coming." Kagami hushed him as he plopped down on his rear leaning back against the wall, effectively pulling Kuroko against his wide chest resting him there.

"You shouldn't move him. We don't know what kind of injuries he has." Midorima snapped at Kagami.

The Taiga opened his mouth to snap back but was stopped short when Kuroko flung his body to the side leaning his head as far away from Kagami as he could get. The vomit splattered on the floor once again, Kuroko cried out once more.

"Hu..hurts." He cried digging his small hands into Kagami's large thighs.

"I know. I know. Just wait a bit more Kuroko. Help is coming." Kagami said running his free hand that wasn't secured around Tetsuya's midsection to brush his fingers through his blood stained hair.

"Not... kno.. what... happened..." Tetsuya cried. "S-s-scared."

I was at a loss. For once I had no idea what to do in this situation. If only I hadn't snapped at him before I took my leave I wouldn't be so shocked. I hurt him before I left. I selfishly hurt Tetsuya with my words all because I was pissed I lost at a basketball game. I had attacked him with words I knew would hurt him the most. I used a weakness I knew that plagued him and in turn hurt him with it.

I knew Tetsuya had abandonment issues. I knew he was scared to death of being forgotten and left behind by those he loved. I knew all those things and I hurt him with it. All because I lost! I didn't like this. I didn't like feeling this way. How many times had I hurt him and went about my day uncaring of his feelings?

"Hey! Hey! Wake up Kuroko, you can't go to sleep!"

My head snapped up at Kagami's stressed voice. He was lightly shaking Tetsuya who's eyes were once again closed. Unseeing. He looked life less.

"Tetsuya! Open your eyes. This is an order."

A twitch of his finger a small whine from his lips. I watched as his eyes moved behind his closed lids.

"Open them now. Don't make me repeat myself again." I was scared. Me, Akashi Seijuro was terrified. One moment in time. Once simple moment I waited as Tetsuya struggled to comply with my demands. The world was more focused then it had ever been. That boy who fought so hard to get his old team back, who I had just hurt with my words. Was shining so brightly in front of me in this one horrible moment in time I had to fight the urge to look away.

"Sei?" Tetsuya muttered his eyes cracked open only one small slit.

"I'm here Tetsuya." I don't know why my voice sounded like that. So low and breathless. For whatever reason my voice seemed to calm Tetsuya a great degree.

"No... leave.. me... Plea..Please."


Never again Tetsuya.

So I hope you like it. This is just the beginning of course and there will be a possible paring at some point in the story. Yes there is angst which is something I love and probably some serious suspense to come. More bad things to possibly happen to our sweet Kuroko.

Hopefully the characters aren't too out of character for you. I'm trying my best to get down there personalities.