Chapter 19: And to War…

Three Years Ago…

"Are you aware of the Four Houses of Hogwarts, Mr. Hitsugaya?"

A swift nod toward the Headmaster was the captain's response as the said wizard revealed a ragged and stepped on, multiple times at that, hat. "This is the Sorting Hat, which will speak to you, deciding which House you shall be placed in."

"I see. Will I have a choice in the manner?" The captain asked as he was gestured to take a seat, Flitwick having conjured one.

"I am afraid that is for you decide, Mr. Hitsugaya." Dumbledore smiled mysteriously as he placed the hat upon the captain's head.

Feeling rather foolish with a pointed hat on his head for more than a minute, the captain reached up to yank the filthy thing off when a scraggy and hoarse voice spoke, the captain awakening in his Inner World.

Above the captain with Sephiroth and Hyorinmaru by his side was the Sorting Hat, his voice echoing in the harsh and howling winds of the snowstorm.

"A soul reaper, eh? I must say in my years of Sorting children, I have yet to meet one like you, boy."

"How dare you trespass here! This is no place for you to be idling in!" Hyorinmaru snarled as he made for a lunge at the Hat, but paused at Toshiro's raised hand.

"I will allow you to see into my mind, Hat. However, speak of my origins or of who I really am, I will not hesitate to silence you." The captain threatened, his teal eyes glowing with promise.

"Do not mock me, boy. I reveal none of my conversations to no one, not even the Headmaster. Your secrets and your presence shall be hidden with me."

Nodding in their mutual agreement, Toshiro lowered his hand as he opened his eyes in the conscious world to find the professors looking rather worriedly at him, only to be interrupted by the hat who had seemingly finished and pondered over his decision.

"You are daring, have nerve, and brave, even to the point of recklessness; Godric Gryffindor would be proud to have you in his house. However, you are also a prodigy, one of the youngest ones at that, one that Rowena would be fighting to have you into hers. Yet, you possess the cunning and tactician of a serpent, adding to the fact that you are a pureblood, Salazar Slytherin would indeed welcome you as well. But loyalty bounds you, to your subordinates and family, to which Helga would undoubtedly allow you in her own house. Oh, how hard it is to place you, Hitsugaya. How very difficult indeed."

"Do you have a preference for a particular house, boy?"

"No, I am indifferent as to what house I am place in." Toshiro replied mentally as the Hat nodded begrudgingly.

"Very well, then. It shall be… SLYTHERIN!"

The ice captain rose a brow at the House that he was placed at, it was reasonable. But with the purpose of investigating the Dementors and watching that Potter boy, his placing of being in Slytherin made things more complicated than necessary. But there was likely more to the dynamics of the Housing if they had decided to make him do his Sorting here. The captain narrowed his eyes at the Heads of the Houses and the Headmaster.

"There is more to my Sorting held here, isn't there; Headmaster?"

Dumbledore smiled with mirth. "Very astute of you, Mr. Hitsugaya. But yes. Seeing as you are our very first transfer to Hogwarts and to allow you a more — in your grandfather's and father's words — advantaged situation, you will be placed in Gryffindor to the rest of the school other than the necessary staff. You will be given new robes with your temporary House crest and your grandfather has expressed that you would allowed the choice to change to your original House when you wish."

"Very well. But the new robes are unnecessary, Headmaster. There's no need to waste perfectly new clothing. I can manage myself."

The Headmaster smiled. "I see. Well, then. I'm afraid that our conversation must be placed in a temporary close, Mr. Hitsugaya. As we must introduce you to Hogwarts." Oh joy. It was not even his first official day and he was already lying to all of them. What a great start.

It came to no real surprise to the ice captain that Draco was able to find out that he was actually of Slytherin, not that he particularly went to extreme extents to hide it. Without the cloak, the Hogwarts uniform was strikingly similar and the only indication of belonging to another House was the crest upon the said cloak along with the inner folds of the House color. But the captain often chose to forgo the stuffy thing, too warm for his liking. And it was not like anyone had really asked.

They simply accepted Dumbledore's announcement as fact. But Toshiro never explicitly confirmed it. He merely stated 'his House' or 'the dormitory,' not confirming that he actually belonged there.


The ice captain pressed a button on his bluetooth before answering, the only light in the room, an embellished paper lantern flickering quietly. "Soifon."

"Ukitake and I will be arriving in two days as requested. The Head Captain requires that you will return with us for a month after the meeting. We will be traveling by Senkaimon after you Apparate us to London." The Second Division captain stated flatly, her voice steely.

Hitsugaya blinked slowly before replying. "Very well. Urahara has set up gigais and mod-souls for your arrival as well as appropriate clothing."

"Did he now?" Soifon quipped, her voice irked at the mention of the blonde. "I wouldn't think that such an annoyance knew anything about fashion. Even as a former captain."

Toshiro rose a brow at the assassin's tone. "Yoruichi picked out the clothing for the both of you, Soifon. Urahara was assisting me with the faux Dementors."

"As expected of Yoruichi-sama." She was smug as he noticed a reiatsu nearing his, nodding for his subordinate to allow his late guest entry to his chambers when the Seventh Seat gave him a questioning look.


The ice captain paused in his phone conversation as the only living person on the grounds appeared, his locks tousled from sleep and dark bags under his slate grey eyes. Another nightmare. Repressing a small sigh, Toshiro placed a finger to his lips to gesture for quiet, indicating to his bluetooth before nodding for the blonde to seat himself.

"I will meet you at the entrance to the palace in two days as promised, Soifon. Please inform Grandfather that I will adhere to his orders and will send him a report soon." Hitsugaya finished fluidly as he placed a hand over the small device over his ear, hanging up as his other hand folded and set aside unfinished paperwork. Malfoy watched blankly, not entirely there. Removing the earpiece, the captain pondering throwing a ink stone to get his friend out of his funk. But after being reminded that such an action was considered impolite and physically damaging, Toshiro settled for speaking.

"Another nightmare, I see."

Draco chuckled dryly. "Even with Mother in safe hands and Father locked away in Azkaban, I still am unable to dispel the thought of the Dark Lord murdering them before me as punishment. My own mind is warring against me in terror in the form of nightmares."

"It is not a fear that is unfounded." Toshiro waved a hand, summoning a set of freshly brewed tea and thin scones, picking up his after adding a dash of milk. "Voldemort is not known for his kindness or mercy."

"Like you can say the same." Draco snorted, amused as he added two sugar cubes to his, preferring no milk.

Toshiro rose an eyebrow. "I don't deny it. But I am not as ridiculous as to allow people to fear me so much as to need to call me 'Dark Lord' or 'He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.' How idiotic."

Not wanting to speak anymore of the potential murderer of the Malfoy line, the blonde turned the conversation elsewhere, the tea calming as he sipped it every so often as he watched the captain script his paperwork. "Who were you speaking to if you don't mind me asking?"

Toshiro paused for a moment, his brush lingering at the ink puddle in the stone slab. Was Soifon to be regarded as his cousin or aunt?

Be wise, Master. Sephiroth warned gravely as Hyorinmaru nodded with seriousness. There is nothing more fearsome than a woman scorned.

The ice captain stared at his wand guardian and zanpakuto with a deadpan before ignoring them. Matsumoto never took it well whenever people thought that she was his mother, complaining that she was not as old as to have a child and I doubt Soifon will take it well neither. Not that the notion of Matsumoto being a mother is not a horrifying thought within itself.

"I was speaking to my step-cousin, a fellow captain." Toshiro said finally, resuming his work. "She was informing me of her arrival along with several members of my family in two days, we are to fortify more advantageous negotiations with the British Prime Minister and Fudge's replacement."

"So, the rumors have been true, then? The Minister is being sacked."

"As of late." Toshiro affirmed with a hum before flickering his glare to his friend, who rose a brow in an inquiry, indicating his full attention was given. "At the arrival of my family, Grandfather has ordered that I return with them to address some business. I do not know when I will return but in the meantime, you may stay here with another guest of mine, who had arrived just a day before you did. I would require for the two of you to be civil to one another in my absence."

"A guest?" Malfoy echoed as his friend nodded.

"I will introduce you when he returns." Toshiro nodded, his words careful. "He is our senior and has sworn loyalty to me. Treat him well and he will respond in kind. Do not aggravate him and he will do the same to you, Draco."

If you would, please allow Pyrrhus into the loop, Sephiroth. Toshiro requested, as the ice dragon nodded. And with my words, hopefully, the two of them will not kill each other while I'm gone.

Pyrrhus is careful enough now for you to be at ease, Master. As well as Draco now that he is a bit more aware of his situation. Hyorinmaru reassured as he grinned toothily. You worry too much over your friends, Master.

Hmph. Toshiro sniffed as he turned back to Malfoy, who had a thoughtful look.

"Is he a pureblood, like us?" His tone was deceptively curious.

"Yes." In a way. Toshiro answered. I do suppose that being a dragon does entitle a pureblood status. "Although he does prefer to be in only the company of either myself or be alone. Do not be too offended if he holds you in cold regard, he does not care of anyone really in particular — it's not just you."

This coming from you? All three dragons huffed as Pyrrhus cut in with a gruff growl, landing in the grounds silently as he Transfigured into his human form.

"I do not think that would be much of a problem." Malfoy ran a hand through messy blonde locks before smirking at the captain. "After all, you are my friend and if there is anyone who holds others in 'cold regard,' none does that better than you."

Toshiro rose a brow at that, hiding his annoyance. "Is that so?"

It is. The fire and ice dragons deadpanned as Toshiro ignored all of them.

Malfoy had the gall to laugh lightly before nodding, biting into another scone happily — before a thought occurred to him, recalling something as he cursed under his breath. "Merlin. I forgot."

"Forgot what?" Toshiro returned to his paperwork, glancing up as the scones and tea were replaced with his work.

"My own share of paperwork." Malfoy replied as he stood with a hurry, a frown marring his tired face. "My father may be in prison and mother missing, but that does not mean his assets and financial empire is taken care of in the meantime. I have to get back to the manor to take care of them. Aunt Bella most certainly will not."

"… Do you know where they are?"

"Huh? But, of course; my Father's office. In the sec—!"

"Then Kreacher will fetch them for you." The ice captain declared, holding up his still wet brush to stop protests that were sure to come. "I will not repeat myself, Draco. You are exhausted and have not gotten more than four hours of sleep in the entire time you have been here. You will go back to bed and tomorrow morning, you can begin on your paperwork then." Master, you're not really one to talk.

"Toshiro. You know exactly why I cannot do that." Draco scowled.

But unfortunately for Malfoy, his friend was Toshiro. "You can and you will. They will not visit you after our conversation tonight."

"You can't just command bloody nightmares to go away, Toshiro." The blonde huffed snidely as the captain smirked back.

"Oh, I beg to differ; Draco. Your tea was administered with slow-acting but equally powerful Sleeping Draught as well as the Potion for Dreamless Sleep. So, go to bed — your excuses are invalid." Dismissing his blonde friend with a wave as well as the incredulity sent by Pyrrhus at drugging said friend, the captain turned back to his work, when a soft whisper traced over the room.

"…Thank you, for everything… Toshiro…"

The ice captain willed himself to not move but instead answered with a hint of mock-snide in his voice. "Go to bed. It'll be troublesome to both me and my subordinates if you are going to be found in some secluded corner of the palace in the morning."

Toshiro heard a soft snort. "Like you'll let me. Not when you have someone trailing after me just in case at all times when you are not present with me." And with a bid of good night, the blonde excused himself — not allowing the captain to neither confirm or deny the statement. Instead, the captain pretended to not see the soft smile that his Seventh Seat had tried to hide when he trailed after Draco. He was getting a bit careless, it appeared.

It's a bit endearing to see you being a good friend, Hitsugaya. Pyrrhus chuckled as he appeared in the room, pouring himself a cup of Earl Grey from the side table of the chambers. Although, did you really need to drug him?

More than a bit then. Toshiro grimaced before rising an eyebrow at Pyrrhus with a scoff. And yes, I did.

Two days later, the captain frowned as he laced up a pair of formal boots instead of his alternative combat ones, ebony socks stretching from below the knee allowing sight of the pale joint before the hem of matching shorts. Over his torso was a charcoal vest under a grey shirt, a cravat with a bronze pin at his collar; tucked neatly as a bronze-lined blazer billowed loosely over the captain's shoulders. Bone white locks brushed over one side of his face to reveal only one of his teal eyes, the captain clipped the final latch when the doors to his chambers were pushed open.


"Get out, Urahara. And it's Hitsugaya-taicho." Toshiro said without even looking at the former Twelfth Division captain who undoubtably was pouting at the harsh greeting. "You are well aware that it is rude to enter without announcement. Are you even proper?"

"But, of course." Urahara smiled as the smaller turned, expression unimpressed. Dressed as chic and professional as the captain, the scientist's blonde mop was brushed under an ebony fedora, his blazer similar to Toshiro's as both were colored in white, the insignia of their respective Division, regardless of being former or current. In a dark green shirt under a white tie, the scientist waved an ebony fan with a grin, stepping over in pressed slacks and shined shoes that gleamed in every direction. "It is the first time I am going to accompany Hitsu-chan to the Ministry, one must look their best when intimidating the opposing party."

"And you wonder why people don't have a penchant for you." Toshiro snorted softly, as two other reiatsus appeared, one blushing and the other smirking with a large cat-like grin. Soifon, who was blushing, donned a stunning dress of contrasting white and dark blue stripes, the bodice and ends of the sleeves hemmed with black lace as it fell just above her knees, the matching theme of a blazer hung over her petit shoulders with her division's number on the back. Her black-grey hair was loosened from it's usual braided form and instead flowed in soft curls down one shoulder, usually cold steel orbs now wide and larger than usual due to a line of kohl. Yoruichi in the other hand, was amused as she too had a change of wardrobe, her grape hair mussed into a messy bun, clipped with two golden chopsticks. Kohl lined her already dangerous eyes as she donned a tight-fitting orange blouse over a pair of pressed slacks, heels hidden under the hems as powerful Kido hid under the sleeves of her blazer, as she smiled at Toshiro.

"Yoruichi. Soifon." Hitsugaya greeted, his sole eye blank. "I suppose Ukitake is sick again?"

Soifon nodded, crossing her arms as she frowned with painted lips. "Unohana suggested that he can come visit you another time. The Head Captain had ordered me to come alone with Yoruichi-sama, he did not want to send more people than necessary."

Sighing internally but able to see the old man's decision as rational, Toshiro merely nodded at the news before turning back to Urahara with a risen brow. "And the preparations?"

Urahara held up a black briefcase, patting it with a twinkle of glee in his shadowed eyes before answering. "All ready for the Minister, Hitsu-chan."

Embarking after the ice captain had muttered an invisibility spell for each of them, the four formally dressed captain-class shinigami Apparated before appearing in the London skies, grey and gloomy in the weekday morning. Landing on a platform of spirit particles, they all turned to look at the ebony building that held some of the most important persons of the British Empire.

10 Downing Street. Toshiro mentally labeled as they all carefully made their way to the building, his spell wearing off as they landed in an empty alley nearby. After the fiasco that was labeled the tortuously long name of 'The Battle of the Department of Mysteries', it was to the attention of several persons that the Ministry of Magic was a tad incapable of what they were suppose to be doing. And with Pyrrhus' escape from Gringotts, it was the final nail on the coffin that was labeled with the scapegoat — Cornelius Fudge. It was an added bonus to the ice captain's opinion, the Minister was nothing more than a bumbling old fool for the most part, making him the perfect figurehead to manipulate.

But with every new leader into power, came and went new alliances.

Fudge's words meant nothing now, and the new Minister of Magic's meant everything — along with the Other Minister. The Other Minister referred to the Prime Minister of the Muggle government of Britain, one of the few allowed Muggles to be aware of the wizarding world so that warnings of interference from the wizarding world were contained and orderly. It was a simple system, but not one for the likes of Soul Society where, the best kept secret was if the other was dead for good. Or in Hitsugaya's personal favorite, the secrets that no one knew about in the first place.

Stepping to the barred gates, a guard with an earpiece and sunglasses despite the light rain addressed them, looking at Urahara. "State your business."

"Ah, yes. I believe we have an appointment with your Prime Minister." The blonde smiled jovially, wide enough to perceive suspicion. "We are representatives of the Japanese Embassy."

Nodding in acknowledgement, the mortal opened the gates, holding an umbrella as Urahara and Soifon held parasols for the four. Entering the entrance hall of cream colored walls, the former captain waved a hand at the butler's question to take their coats while Hitsugaya and Soifon opted to allow them at their shoulders, billowing behind them as they were led to the White Drawing Room.

"It appears that we are early." Urahara smiled as he stood behind one of the couches, fanning his person, relaxed despite the suited men at every exit. Hitsugaya appeared equally civil as he took an armchair by the couch, farthest seat from the fireplace, legs crossed and hands hovering over his stomach. While Soifon nervously took a seat beside an outstretched Yoruichi, the four of them alone in the room as Hitsugaya huffed at the blonde's comment.

We are early because it is better to catch your opponents off-guard and familiarizing yourself with the diplomatic area. Nothing is coincidence anymore. The ice captain deadpanned internally when a question took him from his thoughts.

"Who exactly is this new Minister, Hitsu-chan? Is he anything like the other one?" The she-cat questioned as Toshiro rose an eyebrow at her while Soifon scowled with a hand through her hair, not used to it's unraveled appearance.

"The previous minister was an insult, Yoruichi-sama. Weak enough to bend in my interrogations without as much as a threat."

Careful to not mention names, the ice captain shrugged. "The new minister is the now previous head of the Auror Office, hunters of sorts for Dark Wizards. Therefore unlike his predecessor, he will most likely try to have a strong stance against the threat to the wizards but knowing the wizards, they may commit a fatal mistake, one that has already cost them dearly."

"And what is that?" Soifon questioned.

"A false sense of safety." Yoruichi answered as Urahara and Hitsugaya nodded. "Nothing comes good in lying to your soldiers and telling them everything is alright when in actuality, you are only digging deeper into your graves."

"And with the predecessor in office, that would surely happen." Hitsugaya finished with a lingering glare. "But that is not to say he cannot have a prominent role anyway."

All four recognized one of the three reiatsus nearing their location as they all schooled their expressions; Hitsugaya and Soifon in their usual blank masks with a hint of annoyance while Yoruichi grinned playfully with Urahara who did the same behind a fan.

"So, what to do, Hitsu-chan~? We do need you to manipulate the Ministry, after all."

"Do not ask stupid questions, you annoying scum."

"Ara, ara. Such hurtful words."

"Enough of that. Soifon has a point, Urahara. You know well why there are four of us here rather than just me. If we were here for diplomatic conversations, I would have come here with Matsumoto. At this point, our intentions are more than just diplomatic."

As if on cue, the doors sounded with a knock and an announcement of their company's arrival. Palming an ebony pouch in his hand, Hitsugaya with his fellow captains, both former and current, turned to greet them.

A bony hand held his thin yew hand in the musty air of the Muggle home, almost twirling it in a whimsical manner when he stood, a large python hissing over his shoulder almost lovingly. Her master replied with a soft whisper quelling her worries as her tail curled over his bony arm. Turning to his company, the Dark Lord turned back to his company.

"Have the preparations been finished?"

The arrancar lifted his glasses to his face. "Mortal, you have no status to be questioning me. But I will indulge you. They are ready for your feared heavenly guardian."

With a gesture behind him, Voldemort smiled as he caught sight of the six arrancar, eyes glazed and bows groveling as he stood.

AN: ANNND DONE~ Order of the Heavens is officially done! I know that it has less chapters than SR but that's just how it turned up to be, and as for a sequel, it will be uploaded soon. I will repost for updates on that here. So, I would like to thank everyone who has read, favorited, followed, and reviewed my story even though it is not mandatory (like everyone else, yes; I do get SUPER excited to hear what you guys think no matter which story you're commenting about or to just see if you like it but you don't have to, it's cool if you don't. I don't do it that often either anyway). Thank you for sticking with it, through and through, even though the updates are spontaneous and never consistent.
