Well, here's a new chapter for the Age of the Androids.. I hope this is ok, I haven't worked on this for a while, so, um, yeah.

Spongebob looked down at the bottle in his hands, he squeezed it before he took a drink of it before he offered it to Squidward who pushed it away, Spongebob looked at him, cocking his eyebrow, "What is wrong with you, refusing good booze." Spongebob asked taking the bottle back and taking a long drink.

"Where did you run to?" Squidward asked, "Where did I run to?" Spongebob questioned, "Where else would I run to?" he scoffed.


It was close, he could feel it, just over that hill was Sandy's tree dome, he heart was racing, he had to hurry, he couldn't stop running. Spongebob made it to the door but stopped before he could open it when noticed that there was another one of himselves inside, they were sitting at the picnic table that was covered in a fancy cloth and a small candle in the middle of the table, the date, he had forgotten about the date, and now some other guy, that looked just like him was on the date that he was supposed to be on.

Spongebob waited outside until the two were done with their dinner, Sandy lead the strange sponge outside, she gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Before she had the chance to close the door Spongebob pushed it open.

Sandy jumped, scanning the sponge's body, he had forgotten that he was naked, he was panting and holding the door, "Spongebob?" she questioned, "H, How did y'all get here so quick? And why are y'all, naked?" she asked, Spongebob shook his head and pushed her inside.

Spongebob looked outside to see if there was anyone, only a passer by, but that was enough to scare him, "Come on, we have to get inside, where it's safe." he said taking her inside her treehouse. Sandy sat on the couch and watched as the sponge paced back and forth in her living room, stopping every minute to look out the window, he shook his head and plopped down next to her he covered his head with his hands.

"Spongebob?" she called his name, already worried she didn't know what or why he was acting like this for, but whatever it was worried her, just less then twenty minutes ago the two were having the most amazing dinner date, but now, what happened?

"Spongebob? Wh, what happened?" she asked putting her hand on his shoulder which caused the strangest reaction, he jumped at her touch, he actually screamed and ran away, cowering in a corner he wrapped his arms around his legs, he was panting, tears running down his eyes, or what he had. Sandy jumped as well, she looked all around her to see if there was anything besides her that spooked him.

Sandy got off the couch and walked over to him, she knelt down to him, "Spongebob?" she said, Spongebob looked up at her, "Sandy!" he cried out running to the safety of her arms, he was trembling, "Spongebob, What happened?" she asked, Spongebob looked up to her, "What happened to your eye!" she jumped, "Th, they… they took it." he answered bringing her in a tighter hug.

"They, who?" Sandy asked, "Come on, let's go sit on the couch, the floors not that comfortable." she said standing him up and sitting him down before she left and shortly returned with a towel so that he could at least cover himself.

Spongebob looked up at her, "It, it was scary." he said, "what was?" Sandy asked, "I, I should have listened to you." he said while shaking his head, his fingers digging into the side of his face from the memory, "Spongebob…" "Those people, they took me, tied me down to this, cold table, the day I went to get Squidward back, but… they didn't have him, th, they've been planning this, they had it all worked out, Sandy, they did, so many horrible, Horrible! Things to me!" he cried while falling into his hands.

Spongebob told her everything that they had done to him down to the very end, he told her that he had just now escaped that place.

Sandy sat back, her jaw ajar, tears slowly began to fall down her face, her eyes darted across the room, looking for something to say, how could somebody do that to such a sweet, innocent sponge? Why Spongebob.

She looked at him, his face was turned to the ground, she brought him in a hug, "Don't y'all worry Spongebob, we'll get them back you'll see." she said, Spongebob shook his head, "No, I don't want the same thing to happen to you, Sandy, they're going to do it to everyone here, Please, Sandy, before it's too late, get out while you can." he cried squeezing her arms, she shook her head, "I won't leave y'all, I won't leave this place, this is my home." Sandy protested, "No Texas is your home, where your family is, Sandy you… "Spongebob, as of right now, y'all are my family, and I am staying right here, do ya understand?" Sandy asked, "Sandy!" he shouted, "I, I don't care, Sandy if something bad were to happen to you, I, I don't know what I'd do, Sandy I am warning you, you need to get out while you can, if you don't than, me staying alive would have no purpose, I should be dead! But I'm not, you.. You kept me going, and you still do, I don't want to lose you." Spongebob said, Sandy shook her head, "Then come with me." Sandy said taking his hands in hers.

Spongebob casted his head to the ground, "I want to, I really do but… I can't leave, they've already killed me, Sandy." Spongebob said, "No they didn't, there is still you, Spongebob, I am not leaving without y'all, I'll fight for ya if I have ta, as a matter of fact…" Sandy says standing up.

"I'm gonna go over there and teach them a lesson," Sandy said rolling up her sleeves if she had any, Spongebob stood up, the towel dropping to his ankles he grabbed her by her arms, "NO, I won't let you!" Spongebob shouted, Sandy turned to face him, she looked down, "Uh, Spongebob, I think y'all dropped something." Sandy said pointing to the towel.

"I don't care about the damn towel!" he shouted while he kicked it away, "I will not let you get killed! Did you not hear what I just said! They will kill you! Sandy I've already been there, it's a horrible, horrible thing to go down, I barely got out alive myself, they dumped my body in a dumpster! A dumpster! And do you know what was in that dumpster?" Spongebob asked, Sandy shook her head, "Dead bodies, that's where they dumped their victims, and I am NOT about to let that happen to you, they must be planning something big, but, I don't know what, and if you don't want to leave, the least we could do is warn everyone else." Spongebob said as he stood up, Sandy just nodded. "Well Let's go then!" he said


"Wait, you and Sandy, were, dating?" Squidward asked, Spongebob sighed, "What does that have to do with anything?" he asked, Squidward shook his head, "I just never thought.." "Never thought that someone like me could get a woman, there's a lot of things I can do that you don't think I can." he said as he lit a cigarette.

Squidward looked around the room before looking at him, "So… what happened to her? Why isn't she here with you?" Squidward hesitated to ask, Spongebob let out a sigh, he looked down, "She's gone." he said, he gritted his teeth before looking back at Squidward, "I couldn't let her get involved, I just couldn't.. She would have been killed, they would have killed her.. And I couldn't let them." he shook his head.

"What did you do.." Squidward asked more like ordered an answer, Spongebob sighed, he shook his head, "We don't have time for this right now… what do you think I am? A walking story book?" Spongebob asked, Squidward didn't say anything he just watched as the sponge stood up on his feet and limped to the table next to his chamber.

"We have to get going." Spongebob said as he picked up a bag from the table before walking back toward Squidward, "Get your shit, and come on, oh wait… you don't have shit." he said as he began to climb the ladder out of the bunker.

He shielded his eye from the artificial sun, it had been so long since he had seen the outside world, and it had changed, he jumped out of the hole in the ground, he looked all around him, everything was so shiny, chrome, he could remember when he used to love that color, and now… he came to hate it!

Spongebob ran behind a chrome tree,, looking it for out for any strange beings. Spongebob fanned Squidward over, once he got there Spongebob jerked him by his shirt and forced him down.

Spongebob took out a silent pistol with a scope, he scoped the surface, finding only one drifter, which brought back such horrific memories, a little yellow sponge that looked like his younger self.

Angry tears filled his eyes as he was,forced back into a nightmare. Bright lights flashed across his head as he was brought back to the rebellion, screams filled the midnight air, as innocent citizens perished into ash that blew away in the wind.

Hundreds of red flew in the air along with rapid gun fire from the citizens, if they were going to die they were goingto die fighting. Even of they didn't stand a chance, better to die quick then die slowly, like Spongebob had explained it.

Sandy had ordered waterproof weapons and ammunition from home, knowing that Bikini Bottom didn't hold any weapons of any kind. Spongebob sat behind a crate, he held his weapon close to his chest, he looked at Sandy, who was leaning against a boat that was flipped upside down, she too was looking at him.

Sandy knew it was bad but she didn't know it was this bad. Fish stepped forward to be shot into hot dust, their screams fade into nothing. Sandy nodded at him before standing up to move forward but was met face to face with one of the Spongetrons, who smiled at her, "why hello dear, did you miss me?" he asked, "Gah Get away from me!" she said as she shot her gun at him but it had no effect, out of ammunition, Sandy raced to refill but the weapon was flown out of her hands after Spongetron smacked it away.

Sandy looked up at him, his blue eyes grew to angry red and black, he started to shake before he started opening his mouth, ripping his jaw. A tiny red orb formed from nothing, it was almost blinding, Sandy couldn't move she was so afraid that she froze.

What happened to just, warning the citizens like Spongebob suggested. Sandy jumped as the android was smashed to the floor as Spongebob bashed the butt of his gun in the side of it's head.

On the floor he kept smashing it, oil, acting as blood spewed from it's mouth and head. It twitched, while repeat one phase.

"Destroy all." on it's third time saying it, Spongebob aimed the barrel at it before firing, the oil splattered over their faces before Spongebob turned to Sandy.

"Are you ok?" asked her as he brought her in a hug, Sandy nodded as tears filled her eyes, she hugged him tighter, "i was so scared, I was gonna die and then Y'all saved me." she cried.

"Well, why wouldn't i, I love you, you're my reason to live." he said, Sandy smiled before she kissed him. Sandy pulls him in closer by his shirt as they make out.

Sandy bites his bottom lip, she tugs at the collar of his jacket, he cringes before he pushes her against a boat. Everything around them grew quiet and slow, it was like, the current problem they had, didn't even exist.

Spongebobs hand ran up her thigh as she slipped her hands under his shirt and began to lift it up.

Spongebob pulls out of their hot kiss, after tasting the familiar warm, thick, salty liquid fill his mouth, Spongebob spits out on the floor, shocked after seeing the blood, on the floor, Spongebob looked up at Sandy, he gasped after seeing her lips coated in thick, glossy red blood. Sandy began to shiver from the loss of blood.

"Sp, Sponge." she whispered before she fell towards him, Spongebob caught her just in time, he looked at her black, where a gaping hole only grew wider. Spongebob sat down, laying her down on his lap.

"S, Sandy." he shook his head, tears filled his eyes, Sandy spit out some blood before looking at him, "I, is it bad?" she asked him, it was worse than bad, "N, no, huh." he shook his head, "You're going to be fine, ok, you'll live through this." he said as he held her hand.

Sandy shook her head before spitting out more blood, "Liar." she said, she was short breathed, of course he lied, she was dying, but he didn't want her to worry.

"What happened to just warning them all?" Spongebob asked, he shook his head as he wiped his nose, "You should've left while you had the chance." he said, "No, we, should have left while we had the chance." Sandy corrected, Spongebob nodded, "I'm, so sorry." he said as he placed his head on hers, "D, don't be." she said as she brushed her hand over his cheek.

"But, Sandy.." Sandy smiled and placed her finger over his lips, "It's ok, we're tagether, that's all that matters." she said, Spongebob shook his head, "B, but wh, what happened to forever?" he asked, Sandy smiled, "It's ok, Spongebob, we'll be ok, you'll be ok." she said, Spongebob shook his head, "I can't live without you, Sandy, you're my reason to live, Sandy, please."

Sandy grew tired, "Do y'all really love me?" she asked him, Spongebob wiped his nose clean, "Y, yes." he answered, Sandy opened her eyes to look at him, "Then, please, Spongebob, live, for me, y, ya must, please, for me Spongebob, live for me, if y'all love me, you'll live." she said as she grew weaker.

"But, i'll be alone, you can't go, Sandy, you're not going to die her, you can't, I have no one else, everyone else is dead, Sandy, please, I need you." he cried as he hugged her tighter, "and I need y'all to live, some day, Spongebob, this will all come to an end, and I want y'all there to witness it, tell me all about it when tha time comes for us to meet." she said, "Go, to the time capsule, underground, when all is done, it may take some time, but Squidward, will be brought back and when he is, y'all will have the chance to change everything. Y'all know what ta do, now please, Spongebob, live on, for all of us, ya must." she said before she closed her eyes for the last time, her last tears left her before she turned into black ash and dust and blew away in the wind.

Spongebob closed his empty hands as tears fell from his face, he shook his head before he looked up, angry, a light flashed across his eye before he stood up and picked his weapon up.

Spongebob screamed in anger and pain as he fired at the drifting Spongetron android, Squidward looked at him, taking cover her covered his ears. Once Spongebob lowered his weapon, Squidward lowered his hands and looked at Spongebob, "Wh, what was that?" Squidward asked before Spongebob ran out from behind the coral tree.

Stepping in front of the twitching machine, he began to smash it to pieces. Spongebob turned to Squidward, "Let's go." he said before kicking the scrap metal.

Well, hell, this took me forever to update, but hey, it's here, whatcha gonna do bout it?