
An Inu Yasha Fan Fiction by Caitlin M.

[email protected]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inu Yasha or anything associated with it. So don't sic any lawyers on me.

Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End

I wasn't aware of it at the time, but falling in love with Inu Yasha had been inevitability since the moment I first touched his fuzzy ears. It wasn't the only reason, but I believe even now that it was a major contributing factor to my affection for him. Meeting him was fate, loving him was fate. The only thing I wasn't expecting was… ending up expecting.

In any other situation, at any other time, I would've been happy. Ecstatic, even. But not now. Inu Yasha and I had both been working hard to make sure I actually graduated high school. Now the opportunity to go to university was calling me, and I had to answer. After much cajoling, threats, bribes, and promises (both empty and legitimate), I even got him to agree not to come hounding me while I was in school. I could go to university, he said, if I returned every weekend and over breaks (of course, I got this only after I had explained weekends and breaks to him. One day's the same as the next to my hanyou). This limited me to a local college, but I knew we didn't have the money to send me somewhere spectacular, anyway.

But if Inu Yasha knew I was having a baby… everything would change. He wouldn't let me out of his sight. If he wasn't lurking around in my time, he'd surely drag me back through the well to keep me in his. As much as I love him for it, he is the single most over-bearing, over-protective, single-minded entity on the planet, no matter what the era. I've been working, with his help and hindrance, for almost three years to catch up in high school. I knew I'd have to work like a dog (ha, ha) just to keep pace in college.

As urgent as the Inu Yasha issue was, it didn't compare to how apprehensive I was when it came to explaining this to my family. They'd been understanding enough about my mad dashes to and prolonged stays in the feudal period, and I'm certain they know about our relationship. But to admit to them that we'd done that much…we weren't married in any sense of the word. I'm not sure he even knows what it is. For him, we are mates, and that's the end of it. I don't know if he'd agree to a ceremony and all that, and that's what my family would insist on. And it would have to be legal, too, but Inu Yasha doesn't technically exist on this side of the well. And if we were married, what would change, and what would stay the same? We could go between the two worlds still; a little here, a little there… but there we go again with the sacrifice of my education.

One step at a time. One step at a time. Tell Mum, Souta, and Grandpa first, worry about the rest later.

Once again, my family's forgiveness and compliance amazes me. Mum seemed unsurprised at the news. Grandpa did freak, but Grandpa always freaks. I took the fact that he didn't arm himself with talismans and leap down the well screaming for vengeance as his acceptance. Souta, in fact, neither teased nor taunted me, only stared at me with such adoration I thought he must have misheard me and assumed I was giving birth to the baby Jesus. Or whoever is that guy the Christian church is so keen on. For a moment, one short, sweet moment, I thought I had nothing to worry about. I had my family's support. I could do this. Then Mum put her hand on my shoulder and said softly, "And what do you intend to do with this child of Inu Yasha's?"

It occurred to me then that I had choices. But none of them appealed to me. I could keep the baby, and kiss college goodbye. I could try to give the child up for adoption, but since it would be a quarter demon, that would be stupid and dangerous. And I could…

But I couldn't do that. I wouldn't do it. Besides, how would I explain such a thing to Inu Yasha? He'd never forgive me for it. Even mentioning it would probably infuriate him. He'd hate me.

These aren't options at all. Damned if I do, damned if I don't. I'm supposed to choose between my life and some kid I haven't even met yet. I doubt I could ever feel such malice towards a child to want to kill it. I can't begin to justify doing so before it's born.

I stayed in my time for as long as I could. Avoiding him. But I'd have to go eventually, and the more sleepless nights I spent staring at the ceiling, the more I realized that the third option was the best. Or thought, anyway. So when Inu Yasha became impatient and made an appearance, I resolved to break the news to him…and my plan.

I choose door number 3.

Ding, ding, ding! Tell her what she's won, Johnny.

It's more pain than she ever dreamed possible.

To be continued….

Author's Note:

Yup, continued. I don't think I made it too clear, but I don't feel like going back and writing it in:

This takes three years after Kagome fell through the well, and once she and Inu Yasha finally realized how retarded they are for each other, she manages to talk him into letting her stay behind to study, or something like that. The point is, he interferes less.

Anyway, be sure to tell me what you think. But don't get too mad at me. The opinions expressed by characters in this fan work are not necessarily mine. And remember those immortal words of Aretha Franklin: R-E-S-P-E-C-T!