It was a beautiful day in Historybrooke. Emma was patrolling with Hook when someone appeared out of nowhere with a long white kimono and a tiara on her head. Her red hair was tied up in two perfect buns and her beautiful face smothered in makeup. But, even if she was so beautiful, her sour face made her look so unhappy that her prettiness lowered. She walked right towards them and then, scowling even more, she talked to Emma.
"I want to see Regina" she demanded as if she was the owner of the place. The blond narrowed her eyes, but walked her to the town hall, where the once Evil Queen was working on some papers for improvements over the town. Regina looked up from them when the others entered her office and was confused to see the redhead.
"Mito?" she asked. The other smiled weakly and they hugged. "It´s been a long time, my friend. How have you been?"
"The same… even if it shouldn´t have" the redhead looked down. Regina looked at the questioning look from the Sheriff and proceed to explain.
"She is princess Mito Uzumaki, an old friend of mine. I taught her a little bit of magic… well, almost everything I have learned" the mayor then turned to her friend. "Maleficent is here too, you know, sure we three can talk."
"Of course" they exited the room, only to nearly collide with Mary Margaret, that was bringing Henry to see his adopted mother. The former evil Queen smiled apologetically at the boy and repeated her explanation, introducing the newcomer.
"Hum, hello" greeted her the teacher, trying to be friendly. "I´m…"
"Snow White, Regina´s nemesis" completed Mito for her. "But not so much now"
"How did you know?"
"Skin as white as snow, eyes as red as blood and hair as black as night… but that description is not limited to you. Once I wanted to rid myself of a nuisance that have those same characteristics" she sighed and lowered her gaze again. "Tell me, Regina, weren´t I supposed to be happy after defeating the villain and achieving true love?"
"Of course, Mito" answered the mayor. "But… you were not searching for true love, you were trying to make a so called prophecy come true, it´s not the same."
"Of course it is!" yelled the redhead.
"You know, maybe we should talk over a good piece of chocolate cake, with Maleficent. She is going to be so happy to see you again" Regina guided the other to the dinner and called the dragon sorceress for help. Emma frowned and her mother was worried. That princess seemed to be more of a danger than the other two.
"I won´t lose sign of her" offered Hook, trying to easy the atmosphere. Internally, he was worried too. Mito was more of the villain type than the princess of a fairy tale, who says that she wasn´t like Regina used to be? They used to be good friends then, after all. She and Henry sat down near the three women and listened carefully…
"I don´t know what´s happening, why didn´t my husband love me?" said the redhead, almost growling. "He doesn´t even remember that red eyed freak, I made sure of that."
"Mito, I have already told you that true love is not something you can fight with magic. He could possible don´t remember her, but he will keep doing it in his hearth"
"It´s not true love, I´m his true love" she stubbornly stated, falling to the table.
"Well, that doesn´t show much" Regina looked at Maleficent in a bad way, but the princess didn´t really heard her. She was worrying about someone else, someone that she was looking through the window.
"I want to see Rumplestinskin" she ordered and stood up, wandering towards the man. He was smiling and being all sweet with Belle when he was interrupted by a well-known face. "I know you did something with… well, him"
"Oh… so you are still jealous of him. Eh, Mito?" he smiled in a wicked way. "You got what you wanted when you used the spell you learned from Regina to put your husband´s beloved into an eternal sleep and eradicate all traces of him. Sorry if the only thing I did was give him a decent burial like the one Snow White had."
"You had no right, I gave him a fit burial for the whore he was!" she yelled. "He deserved to rot between thousands of rocks. Just because…"
"Because he wanted to steal your place as the princess of the tale? Sorry, dear, but you were never the princess of that history, just the villain. And not even the main one…" Gold smiled at the redhead, who pierced his head with her eyes. "Just accept that, the prophecy you believe in so much didn´t exist" she glared at him and left.
"What did you do to that princess? The one that girl cursed, I mean" asked Belle, grabbing her beloved´s arms.
"I used another crystal coffin" he answered with truth for once. "His body will be conserved until Mito´s memory spell finishes… or all eternity. Btu I would prefer if the spell finishes soon, I really liked that Hashirama brat" and the love potion he had cooking down with some of his and his lover´s hairs, he completed on his mind.
"I hope so too" the beautiful princess said before saying goodbye and taking off to the Library. She would need to do some… research on what happened with that red haired witch. After she opened the door, she found Emma, her parents, Henry, Killian and Regina there. The Evil Queen looked a bit worried, something uncommon. "What´s happening?" she asked.
"I… want to break Mito´s spell" said the mayor in a low voice. "I like Mito very much as a friend, but what she did was… well, wrong. Not only to her husband and his lover, but to herself, she is so unhappy with that marriage…"
"Then… how are you going to make her break it, mom?" asked Henry. Regina wasn´t sure of that, first she would have to meet the man and convince her friend that maybe he wasn´t the right one for her… after inviting her to a girls only night. Yes, maybe talking with other girls about their relationships will make Mito see the light and realize that the prophecy she believed in was just a trick from her family to accept an arranged marriage.
"Emma, Belle, Snow… what do you think about a woman only night at my house? Maleficent will behave, I promise, and Mito too but… I have to do this, for her. In the past I told her a lot of villain bullshit that helped to make her life a mess" the former Evil Queen admitted. "So I think that maybe some true love histories will make her see that she has to top trying to steal someone else´s happy ending and find her own."
"Well… I guess I can do that" answered Mary Margareth, thinking. "David can take care of Neal for a whole night alone and Henry can stay at my house... in case he needs some help"
"Who is going to keep an eye on Rumple and his magic if I´m not there?" asked Belle, looking at her bookcases.
"Darling, believe me, the Dark One can survive a whole night without you"
"Okay, I guess I can, but… what exactly did this princess do? I don´t know why someone like her would need to learn magic to get what she wants"
"I will let her tell you"
-That night-
"You know that only little girls make sleepovers, no?" was Lily´s goodbye when she went to drop her mother off at the mayor´s house. The younger dragon still couldn´t believe that she wasn´t invited, she had a lot of experience with men, especially with assholes… but this wasn´t the case now. She left muttering that she should just stay single, it was easier.
"Goodbye, sweetheart" waved her hand the mother and entered. There, Mito was drinking from a bottle of whisky, not even bothering to pour the drink. In there, he three princesses were looking at her with scared and astonished faces, not having seen anyone before who would drink so much alcohol in one gulp. "Wow, it seemed like life has taught you some things apart from being the perfect wife"
"You would drink like me to if your husband would forget you every day in favor of a damn thing he doesn´t really remembers but for some reason is still there in his minds, poisoning what should have been a happy marriage…"
"Oh, well… Regina never told us exactly what you did… you know, to be considered a villain" said Mary Margareth, earning a poisonous glare from the redhead.
"You know, for some reason I despise you… Oh, yeah, you look like that person" answered Mito, putting down the alcohol bottle. "But if you and your companions really want to know…" she cleared her throat before continuing. "In my homeland, marriages are arranged by the parents when the children are young according to prophecies… mostly between distant cousins" the princess frowned a little. "My parents always told how lucky I was, as the prophecy signaled me to be the true love of Senju Hashirama, the future leader of the Senju clan, and one of the most talented warriors… the dream of all girl" she said this in what she tried to be a dreamy voice, but she only sounded bitter. "Everything was okay and the day we met and we were going to be officially engaged I laid my eyes on him, he was gorgeous, more than anyone else I´ve seen in my life… a true eye candy"
"And… what happened?" asked Emma.
"We were introduced to each other and our parents took us to one place to sign the engagement contract… but he said he was there to refuse to sign that, that he was not in love with me and that he wanted to terminate that agreement… I´ve never been rejected in my whole life! I tried to convince him… for days. I told them that it was a destiny, that we were meant for each other, but he didn´t listen to me!"
"Well, to me it sounded like a political marriage, not by any means love"
"What do you know?!" yelled the redhead. "After that I finally found out why he didn´t want to marry me. He was after a raven haired, red eyes, pale skinned whore from our enemy clan, the Uchiha. He fought with that… person every day, but he still…"
"If he found love in that person, then leave it like that" said Snow White. "Maybe you will be happier if you… you know… let him go"
"Then what is going to be there for me? I can´t just do that, I will be left without a love…"
"No, you have to search for love, it can´t be arranged" said Regina, putting an arm around her friend. "Look, Mito, stay with us some days and see what true love really is. Then, if you still want to remain with your husband…"
"Will I… ever be happy? I haven´t seen anyone who is really happy with her marriage, even if it´s destiny…"
"Don´t worry, we will show you"
"Yes, then you will make your own decision"
-Weeks later-
"I appreciate everything you have done for me, really" said a less hostile Mito, that have learned about all the people in Storybrooke and now was a little bit more sure of herself. "I know what I´m going to do now… thanks to you"
"Are you going to remain with that husband of yours, princess?" asked Emma, joking a little. "The one that it´s in love with another…"
"I know what I should do" she said with an adamant tone. "Senju Hashirama… maybe he was right when he rejected the marriage to me, after all it has only brought unhappiness to the both of us. At least that´s not going to be the situation anymore when I go back, for the better or for the worst"
"That´s the spirit" cheered the blond.
"Do you want to… come with me? It´s a nice place besides the war, and Regina you will love the place. It has so much things that seems magical"
"Hum… Why not?"
"Then come!" she happily said and opened the portal. Emma, Snow White and Regina stepped in with her and arrived to a place that looked much like a village in the middle of the woods. They entered the place and received odd looks that were quickly met with a glare of the Uzumaki princess. The others lowered their heads and returned to whatever they were doing… until a group in armors entered the village, some of them with injuries.
"Mito-hime! What are those people doing here with you? I don´t know them" asked a white haired one with an angry tone. He glared towards the visitors, as if he didn´t trust them at all. "Do you need me to deal with this intruders?"
"No, they are with me, Tobirama-sama, thank you" she answered a little bit bitterly. "I want to speak to your brother as soon as I can"
"What? Are you two finally having the heir we have been hopping for since you two got married?" said the albino. "Because that would be good news"
"No, it´s an entirely different thing"
"The it could wait until tomorrow, now he is at a meeting with"
"No" Mito didn´t let him put an excuse for the older brother´s absence. "I need to speak with him immediately, Tobirama-sama, it concerns our future"
"I don´t understand…"
"You should"
"I´m sorry, Mito-hime, but I can´t interrupt a council meeting with the clan head for no apparent reason, even if it´s the desire of the clan head´s wife" he simply said, turning around to finish the conversation. "Now if you excuse me…"
"NOW it´s time for me to use the force" she muttered a spell and in seconds all the presents were levitating, even her white haired brother in law. He couldn´t keep himself in balance in the air and was upside down, muttering curses. "Bring me Hashirama, NOW!" the man shown up in that moment, catching everyone in some tree branches he somehow made everything appear. "Let´s talk, dear husband"
"Mito, you don´t have to do this, just leave everyone and forget about what happened"
"No, we need to talk" she stated very serious. "We haven´t done so in years, practically since we were engaged. It´s time to put some things clear" she breathed deep. "Do you… ever loved me? Do you love me now?"
"Mito, you know that…"
"No, I want to hear it from your lips. The truth, please" she begged.
"I… no I can´t keep lying to you" said the brunette, ignoring his brother´s scream of not doing it. "You are a beautiful woman and a great person, but… I´m not in love with you, our marriage was strictly political… to make an alliance. You would make a wonderful wife to the man you chose to love, but I´m not that one man" he smiled in a sad way. "I´ve never been in love myself…"
"I see. Well, that was all I needed to hear" she smiled too, lowering everybody. Then she turned around. "I want the divorce"
"What?!" screamed Tobirama.
"You heard her, Tobi, she wants the divorce" repeated Hashirama, putting a hand on his brother´s shoulder. "And, to be sincere, so do I. I want to feel what it is like to be in love"
"Oh, talking about that, you already know what it´s like" Mito smiled. "When we were about to get married, you were in love with another person and I used my special abilities to get rid of said obstacle. Oh, no, no!" she said when she saw the look of horror in her ex-husband´s face. "I didn´t kill that person, just poison and put him into a coma… then erase everybody´s memories of what I thought was a nuisance"
"What? I did… Where is that person? How am I going to find her?" asked Hashirama, a little bit in despair. "Can you return me my memories?"
"No, that´s not possible" she said, signing the agreement.
"Then how…?"
"If your love was as strong as I saw it was… then you are going to find him soon"