Aoba Jousai High School

The bell rang through the building of Aoba Jousai High School, informing the students that the school day has ended. Some packed up and headed home while others went to their club activities. Waiting outside of class 3-6, Iwaizumi leaned against the wall as he waited for Oikawa as he walked out of class.

"So we have a practice match today? Who are we playing against?" Iwaizumi asked while the two walked to the gym for volleyball.

"You forgot already, Iwa-chan? My my, someone's showing signs of memory-"

"Finish that sentence and I swear I'll throw you out the window." Iwaizumi cut in.

"So mean, Iwa-chan!" The caption pouted. "We're playing against Tobio-chan today so it'll be a fun match."

"Ah so Karasuno huh? Should be an interesting match." The ace replied as he looked toward the captain. But when he looked over, something wasn't right. Oikawa was limping?

"Oi, what's wrong?"

"Hmmm? What do you mean?"

"You're limping. Is your knee bothering you?" Iwaizumi asked.

"Umm it is. I forgot my knee brace in the locker room after practice yesterday. I'll be fine." Oikawa assured him. "The weather's changing and that really makes it hurt."

"Well if you say so." The ace replied, taking the captain by his words.

Aoba Jousai Gymnasium

"Don't Mind, don't Mind! We'll get the next set!" Matsukawa called out after Karasuno won the second set. The practice game was going well and moving onto the third set. First set went to Aoba Jousai, winning 26 -24 and the second set went to Karasuno, winning 25-27.

"It seems the practice match is going well, isn't it Ukai-kun?" Takeda commented as Ukai carefully watched both players on each side.

"Yeah it is, but this is the last set and we both know Oikawa is going to do everything in his power to win this set." Ukai commented. "Speaking of which…"

"It's Oikawa's turn to serve." Takeda finished as they watched the captain get ready to serve. A serious expression on his face, he was determined to win this practice match.

"Oi, make sure you don't push yourself too hard if your knee is bothering you." Iwaizumi's voice ran through his head.

"I'll be fine, Iwa-chan! It's feeling a lot better now." Oikawa reassured as he put his knee brace back on.

"Oi! I'm being serious, Shittykawa!" The ace hissed while the captain sighed.

"You don't have to worry about me, Mom. I'll be fine." Oikawa said as he stuck his tongue out after calling Iwazumi his Mother.


Before this set started, that moment played in his head. His knee has been bothering him all day and it didn't help he had left his knee brace in the locker room after practice yesterday. The weather changing didn't help it either, but even after he put the brace on, his knee was still bugging him. Even if his knee is bothering him, he was still going to play with all his force. He was NOT going to lose this match.

"Oikawa, nice serve!"

"We're gonna take this set now!" Oikawa exclaimed as he jumped up with full force.


Oikawa managed to hit the ball, but as soon as he jumped, a wave of pain came over him. His eyes widened as he fell back the ball hitting the net. Landing on the floor, the captain held onto his knee. Well tried too. What just happened? He was fine a minute ago, but now he's in a lot of pain, most of it coming from his knee. He also felt…weak. He could feel his body trembling, why was he shaking so much?

The team blinked as they watched the ball hit the net; not seeing their captain had fallen to the ground. Actually, no one saw him fall. It wasn't until something hitting the floor, the situation caught the five player's attention. And it wasn't the ball. Turning around, all five looked behind them.

"OIKAWA!" Iwaizumi screamed. The team ran over to their captain, on the ground and holding, well trying to, his knee. An expression of pain was written all over his face. The coaches didn't see what happened, but became alerted when they heard the scream. Standing up, they saw the players freaking out, screaming for the nurse, someone to go get the nurse.

"Uhm...did something happen?" Asahi asked as they heard the whistle blow for a timeout. Karasuno watched as both coaches rushed over.

"Sounds like someone might have gotten hurt." Sugawara answered, hearing the team members yelling to get the nurse.

"Only question is, who got hurt and how." Daichi questioned as the team watched.

"Oikawa?!" Iwaizumi panicked as he rushed over to the fallen player, putting his hands onto his shoulders. Slowly, the ace, with the help of two players, helps the captain sit up. But only to have him fall against Iwaizumi, who could feel the other shaking.

"STOP FREAKING OUT AND SOMEONE GO GET THE NURSE!" Coach Irihata screamed at the players.

"YES SIR!" Two members rushed to find the nurse in panic.

"I-I'm fine really. It's nothing. Do-don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I just missed my landing that's all." Oikawa tried to assure everyone. Iwaizumi growled and hit the fallen captain on his head. "Iwa-cha-chan!"

"OI! You aren't fine! Stop trying to tell us you're okay when you aren't! You're shaking like a leaf and you look like you just saw a ghost! Lean back on me and try to stay awake. You look like you're going to pass out." The ace hissed as he made the team captain lean against him. Even though he already was.

"Is everything alright?" Daichi asked as he walked over.

"Uh no. Something happened to Oikawa-san, but we aren't sure what it is." Shinji answered as he looked toward the Karasuno's captain. "But it appears it has to do something with his knee."

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Daichi offered as the player shook his head. Just as the player did that, the gym doors busted open and the nurse rushed in. Everyone got out of the way as she rushed over to check on Oikawa.

"Is there anything we can do, Daichi-san?" Tanaka asked as the captain shook his head.

"No. The nurse just arrived, so all we can do is wait." Daichi answered as the team looked over as the nurse examined Oikawa's knee. Hearing him answer her questions and maybe even hissing a little when she touches his knee.

"I wonder what happened?" Nishinoya wondered as he took a sip of water.

"Whatever happened…it can't be good." Suga replied as he watched the nurse do her thing.

"Someone hand me my cellphone. It's in my bag." The nurse asked as Kindaichi did what the nurse asked.

"Oi, what's wrong?" Coach Irihata questioned as everyone shrugged.

"Yes I need an ambulance to Aoba Jousai High School. I have a student who needs to be brought to the hospital for further examination along with a drop in blood pressure."

"EHHHH?" All of Aoba Jousai shouted.

"D-Did they find out something?" Suga jumped from the sudden screaming.



"O-OIKAWA-SAN'S DYING?!" Three players panicked.



'An ambulance? Further examination? Drop in blood pressure?' Oikawa thought as he looked down at his knee, now being elevated and had some ice on top to help with the swelling. 'What did I do? Is it that serious?'

"N-Nurse! What's wrong?" Mizoguchi asked as the nurse got off the phone.

"The ambulance will be here in ten minutes. Someone needs to go gather his things." The nurse started before turning to the two coaches. "There's obviously something wrong with his knee but I can't tell what it could be. He needs more testing done and possibly an X-Ray or MRI scan depending on what the doctor's might think."

"What do you think it could be?" Coach Irihata asked.

"It could be anything. Though I can say he did not dislocate his knee. But the doctors will see when they examine him." The nurse answered while looking at the coaches.

"We will go wait for the ambulance!" Daichi called out. Turning around, Karasuno stood in a line.

"Um…yes that would be helpful." Coach Irihata didn't know what to say. The team gave a nod and rushed outside. "Well I wasn't expecting that."

"Don't think any of us were." Coach Mizoguchi agreed with a nod.

The whole ten minutes that they waited for the ambulance to arrive, Oikawa was silent the whole time. The thought of something being wrong with his knee freaked him out. He just laid there against Iwazumi as they waited. The ace knew something was up, but didn't bother to ask. All he did was rub Oikawa's hands comfortingly as they waited and held him close.

"THE AMBULANCE IS HERE!" Tanaka hollered, informing Aoba Jousai that the paramedics had arrived. They rushed into the gym with a stretcher and got all their information from the nurse. Iwazumi felt his hand being squeezed and looked down, seeing Oikawa's hand starting to crush his hand. Finding out what was wrong with the captain's knee was coming closer and closer. Leaning down, Iwazumi kissed the back of Oikawa's ear.

"It'll be okay. I'll stay by your side as much as I can." The ace whispered as Oikawa gave a nod. He wasn't in the mood to talk at all, this surprised Iwazumi. This situation was really scaring him.

"Alright, which knee is it?" One of the paramedics asked as the two bent down, one had what looks to be a brace. The captain pointed to his right knee and the brace was placed on. Oikawa hissed a little as they buckled the brace, feeling the pressure on his knee was not a pleasant feeling.

"Alright we're going to lift you onto the stretcher and strap you in, especially around your right left so it doesn't move. Alright?" The second paramedic asked. Oikawa gave an understanding nod. Iwazumi had to move since both medics requested him to do so as they lifted the captain onto the stretcher. Kindaichi handed the ace Oikawa's bags, without being told; they all knew the ace would be going with the injured player. He gave a nod as thanks.

"Ready 1, 2, 3 and lift!" Oikawa hissed as they lifted him up and onto the stretcher. The amount of pain his knee was giving him was unbelievable. Iwazumi was by his side as soon as he was placed on the stretcher, he placed a hand on the captain's shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly.

"It'll be okay. The doctor's will find out what's wrong." Iwazumi tried to assure Oikawa who looked at him and gave a weak smile.

"Will you be following us?" One of the paramedics asked the vice captain.

"I'll be riding with him. I'm not leaving his side." Iwazumi answered, giving the paramedics a look that read 'I'm coming with you or you will regret it.'.

"Now Iwa-chan, be nice." Oikawa stated, raising his voice for the first time since this whole thing happened.

"That is fine. We just have room for one and anyone else that would like to come will have to follow us." The medics explained.

"I will be coming too." Coach Irihata spoke up. "I need to make sure our captain is alright." Giving a nod, everyone followed the paramedics outside.

"Oikawa-san," Hanamaki started after they loaded him into the ambulance. "Don't worry about us and just focus on your knee. We'll take care of things here. We'll meet you at the hospital after we're done here. Okay?"

Oikawa gave a nod. "Okay." Giving his team a thumbs up. From afar, Karasuno watched.

"I hope it's nothing serious." Yachi spoke up after no one said a word.

"It might be, if they have to bring him to the hospital." Kiyoko commented.

"Then he could be dealing with a serious knee injury." Daichi explained as some of the others nodded.

"What kind of knee injury?" Hinata asked, not really knowing what kind of injuries to think.

"Well there is something called Jumper's Knee." Suga started as he began to think. "And there's patellar tendon rupture and then the more serious-"

"OKAY I THINK I'M GOOD!" Hinata interrupted. The thought of him hurting his knee with both those things Suga explained scared the middle blocker.

"Ehh sorry Hinata." Suga apologized as he scratched the back of his head. The voice captain looked to Daichi who looked to be concentrating on the situation that was happening. "Daichi? What are you thinking?"

"Hmm?" The captain asked as he looked down. "Oh uh just thinking. I want to go and wait at the hospital with Aoba Jousai. I want to make sure he's alright."

"I was thinking the same thing." Keishin commented as he stood next to the two. "If we learn what his injury is, we can learn from what he did to cause it and make sure our players don't do the same thing." Daichi and Suga both gave a nod.

"Alright! We're in! You can get in now and sit next to him. I'll be taking his vitals." The paramedic said to Iwazumi who gave a nod. The ace climbed in first and sat next to Oikawa. The first thing he did was grab the captain's hand and squeeze it.

"Don't worry…I'm going to be by your side the whole time. It'll be okay." Iwazumi stated as Oikawa gave a nod followed by a smile.

Then the doors shut.