Chapter One : When he woke up, he was four years old.

A/N : This is a Neji-centric drabble-esque fic that will extend to up to five chapters (give or take). Please note that this is a NejiHina, for those that do not feel comfortable with this pairing please hit the back button on your browser now.

Disclaimer : I do not own Naruto.

He woke up confused but they didn't call him a genius for nothing.

He was quick to analyze the situation and had deduced that he was in fact at the Konoha Hospital. Though he had to admit, he didn't need to use his genius to figure out where he was. After all he was attached to a beeping heart monitor and it was quiet enough to hear the steady drips from his IV.

It was cold and dark in his room, his hospital gown was thin and the blanket over him was flimsy. He tried to move but none of his limbs were responding. He figured he was probably injured badly considering his whole body ached and he felt like a brick wall collapsed on him and was crushing his chest. Though he could feel the pain, he couldn't recall how he ended up in the hospital.

He tried to remember what happened that day, asking himself questions to help him recall yesterday's events.

'Did I train too hard?'

'Was there an accident in the compound?'

'Did I get into a fight?'

But he knew the answer… 'No'. Those are all improbable situations given that the last thing he remembered was being tucked into bed by his Haha and his Chichi.

He remembered his mother's warm lips on his bare forehead as she stroked his long brown hair back. She smelled nice as always. He remembered his father standing by his doorway, smiling one of his rare contented smiles as he bid him goodnight—a smile that he knew was reserved only for him.

After arriving to no conclusion as to why he was confined in the hospital. He was determined to find out what happened, but first he had to see how bad his condition was. So with all the willpower he could summon he tried to activate his bloodline limit.

'Byakugan' he murmured to himself. Veins popped out from the side of his eyes, 'It worked' and he was glad.

He could see clearly in the darkness now, but instead of answers more questions rouse. He examined his feet, his legs, his hands, his arms, his torso—he couldn't believe his eyes—all of him was unfamiliar, all of him was too big.

His eyes started to strain and his Byakugan retracted. He closed his eyes in fear and disbelief. He could hear his heart pounding like a drum in his chest, his breathing was getting heavier and heavier by the second. For the first time in his life Neji Hyuuga was in a state of panic.

'How the hell did this happen?! 4-year olds aren't supposed to grow up overnight!'

In his panic, he tried to move his body and scream. Though he was weak and could barely move, he was determined to cause any kind of commotion to let whoever was out there know that he was alive and he needed help. With the adrenaline rush, he was able to twitch and turn and loosen one of the tubes attached to his chest; this caused one of the machines to beep louder and faster. It hurt like hell but he didn't care. A few moments after, he heard an alarm go off followed by an announcement from the hospital's PA system.

"Medic Team A please head on over to ICU room 6 for some technical emergency."

He assumed he was the technical emergency. 'Someone is coming' he thought to himself, the thought made him relax a bit. And as his body slowly calmed and recovered from his anxiousness, he felt a sharp shooting pain on his chest right where the tube was dislocated. He realized that whatever he pulled out was probably something essential to his survival.

He felt that he was getting weaker and losing consciousness fast.

Not long after, a team of three medics came. They opened the light and he felt blind for a moment.

"Neji…" He heard one of them call his name softly, it was a female voice but he didn't recognize it. He wanted to see who it was but his vision was blurry from the sudden change in light and he was barely awake from losing too much blood from the detached tubing.

He drifted in and out of consciousness, catching fragments of what was happening—they were talking but none of it clear enough, he felt warm radiating touches, he saw silhouettes of people around him.

It felt like he was afloat on a river, drifting to nowhere.

Then there was a steady beeping sound and a light source that did not flicker. Slowly, Neji regained awareness.

It was morning now, his windows were left ajar and the morning light peeked in. He could hear the controlled beeping of his heart monitor once again—he was safe he thought. Slowly he regained his vision and his surroundings were clear. His happy thoughts died right there and then when he saw that he was still in an unfamiliar adult body and he still didn't have any clue how and why this happened.

More awake now than before, he felt the presence of someone resting on his bedside, she was whispering something. He turned to look and a half-asleep woman was holding his hand. Although he couldn't see her face, he was sure that he didn't know her, she looked tired and seem to have been crying. He tried his best to hear what she was saying, he recognized her voice to be that of the medic who called his name earlier.

"Stay with me Neji… Stay with me Neji... Stay with me..." She whispered.

He shifted to take a better look. She stirred and looked up at him, his white eyes locked with identical ones, although hers were red-rimmed and tear-filled.

He took in her appearance and tried to remember who she was—if he even knew her at all. She was Hyuuga that's for sure. She had milky white skin that contrasted with long midnight blue hair that spilled all-over her face, her pink lips were parted and her doe eyes wide as if in shock. She reminded him of his cousin, the clan heiress that he met just a few days ago. Neji was confused but he had to admit, this strange Hyuuga was the prettiest woman he had ever seen.

"Neji…you are awake… you are finally awake..." She spoke, when she recovered from her surprise, and she slowly smiled a soft contented smile. His heart swelled and he felt his cheeks burn. He knew that smile, it was the kind of smile reserved only for someone close to your heart, it was just like his father's.

Then she took his hand to her cheek and cried some more.

'What a strange lady.' He thought.

Some moments after, the drugs kicked in and he fell back to sleep.

More A/N :

(1) This is actually my very first published story. Please let me know how I did. Thank you.

(2) Made revisions on the flow and the spacing to make it more coherent and easier to read and understand.

(3) To avoid confusion please note that Neji is experiencing Dissociative/Psychogenic Amnesia. A condition that causes a loss of some personal memories and autobiographical information but typically only for a brief time.