AN: This is my first fanfic so please no hate. If you want to suggest something for the story just PM me or put it in a review.

Poseidon had never been so afraid in his life, in front of his eyes Sally Jackson was currently going through the painful process of birth, she had been screaming abuse at Poseidon for the last ten minutes with numerous dire threats being thrown at the god. Poseidon was sitting next to Sally's bed holding her hand, taking all the abuse being thrown at him. Suddenly a babies cry pierced through Sallys screaming, Poseidon suddenly held his breath, he was barely aware of the doctor telling him he had a healthy son. Poseidon took his newborn son from the doctors arms and looked at him for the first time, the boy had sea-green eyes and a tuft of brown hair, "Perseus should be his name" Poseidon thought to himself, he went over to Sally to let her hold her son for the first time and name him, but as Poseidon turned around everything was turned upside down in an instant. Sally who had been recovering from the birth, had suddenly flatlined, alarms started ringing and doctors swarmed the woman. Poseidon could only watch in horror as the woman he had loved died before his eyes.

One hour later

Poseidon POV

I had watched the woman I so dearly loved die before my eyes, as the doctors made attempts to resuscitate her I was subtly led away and sat down in a different part of the hospital, I did not bother taking in my surroundings, all I could think about was the memory of Sally dying playing before my eyes again and again. I then noticed I still had Perseus in my arms, to take my mind off what had happened I started trying my best to make sure the child would stay calm and not cry. Perseus was surprisingly mature and was already asleep in my arms not making a sound. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder, it was one of the doctors

" I am so sorry sir but we were unable to bring your wife back, I am so sorry for your loss" He looked at me with pity and started to walk off.

" Wait" I said quietly, he promptly turned around and came back to me, "What did she die of?" I asked.

" There must have been a failure in one of the monitors because it seems she was electrocuted which caused her to go into cardiac arrest, there was nothing we could do" He said softly.

" Thank you ". I could slowly feel the hole that had been punched through my heart be filled by pure and utter rage, I could feel the seas becoming increasingly dangerous with each passing second, I then heard a wail come from my arms, I started to calm myself for the sake of my son. I flashed me and Perseus to Sallys apartment and started to comfort Perseus. I could barely contain my anger against Zeus, that stuck up good for nothing God had killed the mother of my son. I could not wait until Winter Solstice next month, then I would wreak my revenge.

I suddenly heard a voice come from behind me." If you try to kill your brother war will almost certainly happen, do you want your child to grow up like that"

I spun around and roared " WHO DARES ENTER THIS APARTMENT" Before I could even launch myself at the mysterious voice I was silenced and restrained by the shadows themselves. I had never been so confused.

" Is that really how you treat your elders spawn of Kronos and Rhea" the voice said, I froze up at the names of my parents. I had not heard the two names In the same sentence for centuries. " I know you are confused child, I should introduce myself, I am Nyx the goddess of Night. And I am here to make you a very special offer" Nyx said. Suddenly a woman stepped out of the shadows, I looked at her and I was breath taken, Nyx herself would break Aphrodite's heart. She had pure black hair that seemed to be in the perfect position without any product, her eyes were an endless abyss of blackness, with every so often a small twinkle.

" What is this offer " I replied. The shadows that had been restraining me had come off and I sat down on the bed where Perseus was resting. Nyx looked at me softly

" I always like to know everything and I saw today that your lover Sally Jackson was killed, and you have been left with the newborn son Perseus." I raised my eyebrow at her knowledge, She took a deep breath " Well I would like to claim Perseus as my child". I looked at her suspiciously

" He is my son and you know that you cannot change that " I replied.

" Oh but you misunderstood my meaning He will still be a child of Poseidon, but a child of Nyx as well, I would like to also raise your child since you cannot" I went to butt in and correct her but she cut me off " You are bound by ancient laws are you not, you knew that you would have to leave the child with a mother or without one, I however am not bound by such silly laws." I sighed knowing she was right

" Fine Perseus can have you as a mother and can live with you" Nyx Smiled and said

" Thank you so much Poseidon, you will never know how much this means to me, She started chanting in a language that I had never heard before, I saw a dark glow around Perseus " What are you doing" I growled. But Nyx ignored me and kept chanting, suddenly Perseus exploded in a blinding light and I was knocked unconscious.


I grinned at the now incapacitated god, Perseus transformation had been completed, and he was now truly my son. I admired my son for the first time, he had silky black hair that almost seemed to draw in the light around it, and he also had the best eyes I had ever seen, the mixture of black and sea-green looked perfect on him I knew in my heart he was going to be a lady-killer later in life. I smirked at the thought. I turned to Poseidon and knew he was going to try to kill me. I went into the main apartment and found a bottle of water; I went back into the bedroom and threw the water onto the God of the seas.

He woke suddenly looked around and saw me, and immediately lunged at me, I melted into the shadows and returned to the other side of the room.

" Calm down," I said soothingly, Poseidon was either not listening or extremely arrogant " CALM DOWN " In the most terrifying voice I could muster, although it was effective in calming the god, it woke up Perseus who immediately started screaming. I rolled my eyes and picked up my son and started soothing him.

" What did you do to my son Nyx" Poseidon growled. I looked up and smiled

" I made him my son what else?" innocently.

" He was glowing " Poseidon said,

" Ah yes, but because Perseus was born today and has not started developing I was able to take the mortal genes from his body and replace them with my own, truly making him a son of Poseidon and Nyx " I smirked at the horrified expression on Poseidon's face,

" Bu…bu…but that makes him a god" he stammered " Zeus will wage war on me if he ever finds out" he whispered. I tutted

"I'm not completely ignorant young godling, I have made it so that even the strongest gods think he is a demi-god for the time being, and even so the nature of his godhood will be decided on his 18th birthday. He was born a mortal so he will age a mortal. If he should go to Camp Half-Blood we will have to reveal that he has double godly parentage"

Poseidon nodded gratefully. " Now run along to Atlantis, I have a child to raise." Poseidon nodded his head vigorously, he looked at his son for the last time for many years, he handed me a sword, I saw that engraved on it was a trident and the Greek word Anaklusmos, Riptide, fitting I thought for a child of the sea " Don't worry Poseidon I will make sure he receives this sword along with a weapon from me." I said softly.

" Thank you for raising him Nyx," Poseidon said never taking his eyes off his newborn son

"Trust me the pleasure is mine, now go before you are noticed," I said. Poseidon looked longingly at his son and flashed out leaving a scent of the sea behind. I explored the apartment and made myself familiar with the layout of the apartment and then returned to the room to put Perseus to bed.