When Antoine Agreste had been a boy, he had dreams of being a knight and working his way up into being a king and creating the perfect kingdom. He loved the idea of having tournaments and having a beautiful queen. So when he told his parents he wanted to be a king, they played along and told him that he would have to save a lot of money to become a king. They would never know how far those words would take Antoine. And so with those words in mind, Antoine began to save all his money. He saved all the allowance he got from his parents, the money he got from doing good work around the village and the money he found on the floor around the village. He put all his money in small pouches and buried them under his bed. He wasn't going to let anyone steal from him, not even his parents. So as the months went by, the amount of money Antoine saved grew.

But even though Antoine was saving money, he had no idea on how becoming a king. He learned some things from listening to the stories he mother told him at night but he didn't know how to do anything else. To be honest, he wanted to learn a lot for a 9 year old boy but his parents tried to help their boy as much as they could. They tried buying books on etiquette and manners, getting him little jobs that would help him learn many skills and lastly buying him maps for future trips they knew he would make. And they watched as Antoine grew into a cultured and handsome man.

Then on his 16th birthday, Antoine met the love of his life, Maria. He almost couldn't think of words to describe her. Hair like sunshine, eyes like onyx and skin so fair. She was everything he wanted: Kind, adventurous and most of all, brave. Antoine had met her when the village had the annual festival for celebrating the harvest of their best crops. Antoine had helped his parents with their food stand, where they sold sweet bread covered in delicious jam, when he had seen Maria. She had been talking with a group of other girls, when he had heard her laugh. Her laugh was like a harp, soft and delightful. Her laugh had attracted Antoine and other boys if he was being honest. But he had looked at his parents and they just laughed and waved him off, giving him some bread to give her. He had gone up to her and had given her the bread, watching her try it. Her face had shown surprise and delight, making his heart thump loudly. He ignored the stares of everyone else as he politely asked her to dance.

That night had been amazing for both of them. Antoine couldn't believe he even met Maria that night, even the fact she had liked him back, was amazing. And from there on, he and Maria spent a lot of time with each other, getting to know each other. Antoine got to learn that Maria was kind and adventurous while Maria got to learn Antoine was gentle but brave. They were a match in heaven and Antoine knew that the first time she had laughed at one of his jokes. So the first chance he got, he took a bit of his savings and bought a simple but gorgeous ring. He knew she wasn't ready for marriage and he still needed to save more money so he put the ring away, planning to use it (hopefully) in a year.

Maria learned very quickly that Antoine really wanted to be a king. She had to admit that it was a big dream but if anyone could do it, it would be him and she wanted to support him the entire way. Maria wanted to help Antoine so she watched her father run his business, learning how to run a business. Now running a business wasn't the same as running a kingdom but at least it was something. With Maria learning from her father and Antoine saving money, it seemed like everything was going well. Until the day Antoine's parents died.

Antoine had been having lunch with Maria when they heard screams and yells. They looked at each other and went to go see what was happening when Antoine saw his home on fire. He had sprung into action and ran to the nearest well, grabbing a bucket and tried to put out the fire. Antoine wasn't worried about his money or the ring, they were buried underground so hopefully they were found. But the problem was that Antoine didn't know where his parents were. He knew that they were suppose to go shopping for food but as he briefly looked around to see if they were out safe, he couldn't see them.. Once the fire was out and all that was left was a scorched house, Antoine ignored everyone and ran inside, hoping he wouldn't see his parents. But as he went inside his parent's room, his heart sunk.

There on there bed were two figures, holding each other. Antoine knew that his parents had probably been sleeping when the house had been caught on fire and they never had a chance. Antoine looked at his parents and held back the tears, wishing he could go back in time and save them. Antoine made up his mind and moved to his room, moving debris around until he could dig up the wedding ring he bought. He rushed back outside and saw that everyone was watching him. He ignored them and their looks of pity, moving towards Maria and her father, who had arrived when he had rushed inside.

He turned to Maria, shaking his head and frowning deeply. She gasped and hugged him, crying for the both of them. The crowd turned somber as they learned Antoine's parents were dead. Antoine reined in his emotions and turned to Maria's father,

"Sir, I'm in love with Maria and I want to be with her forever. Do I have your permission to marry her?"

Maria's father was surprised, "Boy! Are you not sad that your parents died not moments ago?!"

Antoine nodded, "I am very sad sir, my parents were amazing people. This situation made me realize that time is short and I want to live the rest of my life with Maria. I have savings and plans for the future so do you give me your blessings?"

Maria's father nodded and Antoine turned to Maria and went down on one knee,

"Maria my dear, You are my life. I want to spent my entire life with you and grow old together. I want us to have many fun memories together. So My Queen, will you marry me?"

Maria held her breath and sobbed, throwing her arms around him, "I will My King!"

The crowd cheered as Maria accepted Antoine's proposal, not knowing that there was a young man in the crowd that wasn't as happy as everyone else.

After Maria accepted his proposal, Antoine made many arrangements, such as digging up all his money and making sure it was all ok. He sold the little land his parents had to their name and with Maria's dowry, they had a beautifully simple wedding with the whole village in attendance. Antoine packed up everything he could salvage from his home and with Maria's belongings, they left the village. They were going to start anew.

Antoine remembered all the maps his parents bought him and kinda knew where he wanted to build his kingdom. He kept a lookout for mountains, knowing there was a big valley that was unclaimed that he would claim for himself next to it. It was going to be hard but he knew it would be worth it. They traveled for weeks, going through villages and making a name for themselves. The rumor went around that a young man was going to start a new kingdom, making many laugh but many people did want to start over in a new place.

Then Antoine found the valley he wanted. It was everything he wanted, luscious and beautiful. He could see the future castle and surrounding houses that would come. So with the mountains to the left and a large forest to the right, Antoine and Maria began to build. They sketched out the castle and the houses on paper, making note of rivers and of the mountains. They knew that if they hired labor, they would run out of money soon, so they cut trees and prepare the grounds themselves. It took months to cut down all the trees they needed, get rid of the weeds and calculate what they would need to spend to start building.

What Antoine and Maria didn't know, was that others would come to see if the rumors were true. To see if some young man was really going to try and build a kingdom. Strangers got to see Antoine (Age 20) and Maria (Age 19), working as hard as they could and some people decided that they wanted to join in helping. Suddenly there were as many as a couple hundred people, working to make Antoine's dream come true.

If you were watching from the sky, you would see that over the next couple of years, a kingdom did arise from nothing. A castle, big and white and tall, surrounded by a village that would be ruled with a gentle fist. Maria designed the Agreste family crest and with the knowledge of running a business, helped the village around the castle boom with business. The kingdom instantly had loyal people, people who had helped build the kingdom. The farmers had plenty of land next to the mountains, fertile for crops. Merchants help make trips to other villages and were able to get goods from other places. Antoine had saved so much money that he was able to use some to make the economy work. Antoine's dreams had finally come true. Sure there were some issues here and there but with his knowledge and Maria's, they were able to work out everything. The Nespar Kingdom had finally arrived.

Then, when Antoine turned 32, Maria gave birth to twin baby boys. One had beautiful raven hair and soft green eyes, the splitting image of Antoine, who they named Rafael. The other baby boy had blonde hair and dark eyes, the splitting image of Maria, who they named Franco. Both boys were feisty and were loved by the whole kingdom. They were sweet and kind but at times, very mischievous. Antoine was so happy: he had his kingdom, his beautiful queen and now, two gorgeous children. Everything was going good until the fires started.

The news that was going around, was that the nearby villages were being set on fire. Everyone in Nespar started to gossip,

Were they going to be next?

What was going on?

The Nespar Kingdom didn't really have an army but with the whispers that the kingdom could be next, Antoine started recruiting instructors to teach how to fight and gathered willing volunteers. Once there was an announcement that the kingdom had an army, the villagers felt better. What nobody knew, was that the fires around the Nespar Kingdom were just child's play and that the real target was said kingdom.

When the twins turned one, the fires came out of nowhere. The houses started to burn and there were screams coming from everybody. Nobody knew who was attacking the kingdom. There weren't strangers attacking villagers or any armies invading. Just one moment there was peace and happiness and before anyone knew it, everything was on fire. The army was put into action, trying to put stuff out with water, helping others in need.

Everything seemed to pause for a moment as the ground shook strongly, everyone turning to the castle. There was a big hole, smoke coming out of it and chunks of stone falling to the ground. Nobody could see Antoine rushing his family into the secret passageway he created in times of need. Nobody could see the flying man chasing after them, full of anger.

Antoine looked to his wife and bit his lip, he needed to make sure Rafael and Franco got out safe. He wanted Maria to take care of them if he died on action. He took Maria into his arms, ignoring her handmaids (who had their babies) and kissed her.

"My dear, you need to escape and make sure our babies are safe. I love you so much."

Maria sobbed, "Please don't do this! I need you. We need you."

Antoine brushed her hair out of her hair and kissed her forehead, "You know I have to stay. Go to the cottage and stay there."

Maria nodded and left Antoine, not looking back. She knew if she looked back, she would have stayed.

Antoine stood his ground, holding a sword he kinda knew how to use. He was ready to put his life on the line for his family. He had so many questions but they all disappeared when he saw the man who had been chasing them. Antoine couldn't believe his eyes because the man was flying towards him, face contorted in anger. Was this magic? The man had dark brown hair and pale skin, eyes a dark brown. He was dressed like a villager and he was very plain to look at. Was he a magician like in the stories his mother told me because he didn't look like one.

The man stopped flying and landed on his feet, swirling black tendrils were coming off him. He pointed to Antoine and yelled at him,

"Where is Maria?"

Antoine frowned, "Who are you and why do you want Maria?"

The man glared at him, "I'm Hawkmoth, ruler of the Akuna Kingdom. I wish to have Maria to be my queen."

Antoine held his sword out, "Maria is my queen and I won't let you have her!"

Hawkmoth bared his teeth and shot out a wave of inky blackness at Antoine, who jumped out of the way before charging at Hawkmoth. Hawkmoth held out his hand and caught Antoine's sword, taking it from him and breaking it in half. He grabbed Antoine by the collar and started to drag him in the direction Maria and the kids had gone.

"Poor Antoine. He's going to watch me obtain a queen for my kingdom."

Antoine tried to pull himself away but the grip on his shirt was too strong. Hawkmoth was dragging him too fast for him to plant his feet on the ground. Antoine thrust his fist into Hawkmoth's crotch and when the grip on his shirt loosened, Antoine pulled away and kicked Hawkmoth in the stomach. He didn't bother to see if Hawkmoth was in pain, he just started running to where he hoped Maria had escaped.

Hawkmoth watched as Antoine ran away from him. He straightened his back, his crotch and stomach slightly aching. He hadn't expected Antoine to fight back but this would make things much more fun. Hawkmoth followed him at slower pace, letting Antoine think that he had injured him. He started to hum as he looked around the secret tunnel. He wondered where it would lead him, hopefully to Maria.

Oh Maria...Hawkmoth finally reached Antoine who had caught up with Maria. He waited as the baby boys were sent off in a carriage with Maria's handmaids before destroying the other carriage meant for Antoine and Maria. He smirked as they faced him, determined to stop him. He sent a beam of darkness at Antoine, sending him into a wall. He watched Maria run to Antoine, turning to face Hawkmoth.

"Who are you and what do you what?"

Hawkmoth's eyes narrowed, "Oh? Don't you recognize me?"

Maria looked confused as she looked at his face, not recognizing him at all. "No. Should I?"

Hawkmoth shook his head, subtly ignoring the whispers in his mind to kill her. "Maybe you'll remember me now."

His hands swirled around each other, a bright purple light emitting from them until a beautiful rose appeared from his hands. He took the rose and threw it at her, "Do you remember now My Butterfly?"

Maria gasped, her hands going up to her mouth. "Sebastian?"

Hawkmoth growled at her, "I'm Hawkmoth now."

Maria felt Antoine stir under hands. She needed to distract Hawkmoth. "What happened to you? You were such a nice boy, with a great future."

Hawkmoth tilted his head at her, "Oh it's such a long tale and I don't know if I feel like telling you. You can't imagine the anguish I have felt."

Maria kept her mouth shut, hoping Hawkmoth would ramble. Hawkmoth made a fist at her,

"You were the love of my life and yet you chose this pathetic man. I lost everything after you left; my job, my family and most of all, you. I left the village, wandering the forest. I was so lost without you. But then I found this cave and it spoke to me."

Hawkmoth let out a burst of energy out, making Maria flinch.

"The cave gave me so much power, only wanting one thing in return. I don't know what a Miraculous is but with all this power, getting it should be easy. Now I have my own kingdom and my own loyal subjects. All it's missing is you!"

He focused his eyes on Maria, "So once I finish here, I'll go and find the Miraculous and we'll be so happy together. I'll make you my queen and we'll rule together and we can get rid of Antoine and live happily ever after."

Maria shivered, Sebastian had been such a kind boy. Maria had always felt bad for rejecting Sebastian, she hated breaking someone's heart but at the time she had been so in love with Antoine, that she hadn't really cared. She tried looking around for anything she could use against him but they were trapped. At least her babies had escaped safely. Too bad she couldn't use the other carriage as a weapon but Hawkmoth had destroyed any useful part of it. What could she do?

Antoine opened his eyes, having heard the entire thing. This was all happening because some boy couldn't keep his life together after some girl dumped him? Antoine could feel his anger go through the roof. He struggled to get up but he finally managed with Maria's help. He looked into Hawkmoth's eyes and spit towards him.

"She'll never go with you! You're such a coward, running away from your problems like a child!"

Hawkmoth snarled, "We'll see once I get rid of you."

Hawkmoth moved towards them, a ball of swirling darkness pooling in his right hand. He pushed Maria out of the way with a flick of his head and smirked, "Say goodbye Antoine, I'll take very good care of her."

He raised his hand and Antoine closed his eyes.

One second went by.

Two seconds.


Antoine heard a gurgling sound and he snapped his eyes open. There in front of him was Maria, a hand impaling her chest. Antoine felt all the blood leave him,


The hand impaling her slipped out and she fell to the floor. Antoine looked at Hawkmoth before going to Maria. Hawkmoth looked devastated, not really looking at Maria but instead looking at the blood on his hand.

Antoine felt the tears running down his face as he held Maria's hand,

"Please my dear. Wake up. I can't live without you."

Maria cupped his cheek, "Don't worry, we'll see each other soon."

Maria could feel the life slipping away from her and she cried. How were her babies going to grow up without her? How could she leave Antoine along with this maniac? Her eyes closed and she prayed as hard as she could with the last of her strength.

Please save Antoine! Please save everyone! Help them!

Antoine pulled Maria in for one last kiss, one to last for the days to come where he was alone without her. As he pulled away, he whispered in her ear.

"I love you."

And with that, Maria stopped breathing in his arms. He put her down softly and looked at Hawkmoth. He stood up and held his fists out, ready to fight.

Hawkmoth looked at Antoine and he shook himself out of the depressing thoughts he had.

"You! She died because she had to save you!" Hawkmoth started to shake, that same swirling energy started to come off him. "Well it will be all in vain because you're next!"

Antoine stood his ground and waited but suddenly everything seemed to stop. Bright lights started to appear, small in size but many in amount. They started to circle Antoine and he started to feel better. One light, red and so beautiful came to land on his nose.

Don't worry. We'll help you.

Antoine smiled in awe, "But what are you?"

We are the sprites of the goddess Tikki. She heard the prayers of your wife and has granted us the power to help you.

Antoine gasped and nodded. He then noticed there were large shadows coming out of the walls and panicked.

"What are those?"

Do not be frightened. They come from the god Plagg as he also heard the prayers of your wife. He wants to secretly impress our goddess Tikki but he means well.

Antoine shook his head but said nothing. He would accept any kind of help that came. He watched as the shadows attacked Hawkmoth, throwing him around like a simple ball. They avoided the energy blasts Hawkmoth threw at them. The little bright lights, that when Antoine looked closer were actually little ladybugs, threw themselves at Hawkmoth. They seemed to hurt him more than the shadows did as stem started to come off Hawkmoth.

Hawkmoth dropped to one knee and tried to destroy the little ladybugs but nothing seemed to work. Antoine watched as the shadows and ladybugs combined into two human like shapes before pouncing onto Hawkmoth. Antoine had to hold his hands to his ears in order to cover up the inhuman screams coming from Hawkmoth. He looked at Hawkmoth. Burnt, bleeding and weak, such a picture would be in Antoine's mind forever.

Hawkmoth threw an arm out, pushing the humanoid shapes away from him. He used the blood dripping from his side to draw a weird looking butterfly on the floor. It glowed bright purple before turning black. Hawkmoth looked to Antoine,

"This won't be the last you see me."

Hawkmoth pressed his hand to the butterfly and disappeared in a swirl of black ink. Antoine watched as the human like shapes went back into shadows and ladybugs. The shadows and ladybugs seemed to communicate with each other as the shadows suddenly left and the red ladybug came to talk to him again.

"Will he actually come back?"

Yes. But not for a long time. You will be long gone from this world.

"But what will happen then?"

Do not worry young king, our goddess Tikki has already set into motion the events that will lead to Hawkmoth's destruction.

"What do I have to do?"

The ladybug grew brighter and then suddenly a book and ring fell into Antoine's hands.

Keep this book safe. It will appear to the chosen when they need it the most. Take the ring and have it pass down the generations. Teach your children the importance of this ring and raise them well.

Antoine looked at the ring before slipping it on. He turned back to the ladybug and smiled,

"I will do my best. Give my thanks to your goddess and the other god as well."

The ladybug went back to the other ladybugs and they disappeared in a flash of bright light.

Antoine took one look at Maria before taking a deep breath and leaving the secret tunnel. He went into his throne room, gasping at the sight. Everything had been fixed. Every broken chair and table that been caused by Hawkmoth's entrance, had been repaired. Antoine quickly left his castle and saw that all the houses were repaired as well. It was like all the fires didn't happen.

He went back to his throne room and gathered his board of advisers, telling them the entire story of what happened. They couldn't believe what happened but at the mention of their dead queen, they couldn't stop crying. Antoine quickly arranged for a funeral for Maria and allowed their villagers their days of mourning.

He, on the other hand, sent word for his sons to be returned and made arrangements for who would succeed him. He arranged for the kingdom's historian to have the whole account of the story to be written for many to read. He wrote to other kingdoms, asking for any kind of literature that dealt with magic. He didn't care if others thought magic wasn't real, he had seen it for himself. He was going to get all he could so that his sons and future generations could be prepared. He started to research into what was the Akuna kingdom, hoping to get information.

Antoine set in motion the events that would hopefully lead to the defeat of Hawkmoth but he could only do so much. He prayed that who was chosen to defeat Hawkmoth would be strong and fearless.

If only he could see into the future.