In another part of the Galaxy, a messenger kneeled before his lord.

"My Lord," he said. "It is said she is the leader of the Guardians."

The messenger handed the man a picture of the woman in questions. His eyes narrowed, growling, "Find her…"

The messenger stood to leave before his Lord said, "Better yet. Find me Yondu, the leader of the Ravager filth."

The messenger bowed, leaving the room.

The Lord stroked the picture, muttering to himself, "My…Star…Princess."

The lights from the towns glowed brightly in the night as a tall and powerful figure looked at his kingdom from the balcony of the palace. He waited for news from the ships he sent out what only seemed like weeks ago. The need to find the person who would lead his armies to victory against the rest of the galaxy pulsed in him, egging him on with images of a conquered galaxy bowing to him and only him. A servant walked onto the balcony and bowed at her waist.

"Your Highness," she said. "The ships have returned."

"Do they have it?" He demanded.

"Yes, Your Highness. Captain Te'r found it and is docking at the moment."

He smiled, showing off rows of white teeth as eyes glistened in insanely and happiness. "Good. Good. Throne room in 30 minutes. The package has better not be damaged. Understand?"

The servant's eyes widen as she bowed and quickly left to relay the message.

"Soon," he muttered, walking back into the palace as two guards fall in step behind him. "Everything will be mine."

He entered a room where a great chair sat on a dais. Courters bowing as he strolled past them and took a sit in the chair. A group of armor wearing soldiers walked into the throne room with the palace's steward at the head. Two of the soldiers held a third person between them. The unknown person had a sack over their head and was wearing a red trench coat.

"Your Highness," the steward said, standing in front of the dais with a soldier next to him. "May I present to you, Captain Te'r, who has returned to her home with a gift for you."

"Your Highness," Captain Te'r said, pulling off her helmet and bowing to the king. Her blonde hair waving around her face as she met his king's eyes. "I have searched the farthest galaxy, looking for the perfect gift for you and I have found it."

"Show me this gift," the king purred, leaning towards the steward and the captain.

"Yes, sir." She turned to her soldiers and motioned the two holding the person forward. They dragged the body to the dais and forced it to kneel. Te'r looked at his king as she grasped the sack covering the person's face. "Your Highness, may I present…"

She pulled the bag off showing the person's face to the king.

The king stood from his throne and walked down to stand in front of the person. Grabbing the chin, he made the person look at him and smiled, "Yondu Udonta. How nice to see you again."

Yondu glared as he smirked at the asshole. "Nice to see ya too, J'son. Been a long time."

The king growled, "Yes, it has. I have been waiting a long time to do this."

J'son pulled his fist back and punched Yondu in the face, making the blue man fall back onto the floor. The ladies of the court gasp at the violence while the men stood as stone.

The king fisted the red coat in his hand and yanked Yondu up and growled in his face, "WHERE…IS…SHE?"