Ok, I fully blame markhamilz for this one! He found this song called Ghost Story by Coldplay that PERFECTLY fits this Miraculous Ladybug AU I stumbled over on tumblr today. I was going be good and finish my next chapter for A Father's Duty, but nooooo, I had to imagine an AMV to that song for this AU and I get ambushed by plotbunnies! T_T Anyway, I credit both eliasraine and imagine-miraculousladybug from tumblr for the Ghost AU Idea that sparked this! Enjoy, my first ever Miraculous Ladybug FanFiction!

(Be nice, please? And just FYI, I am american, so I apologize if I use the wrong terms for things! It is hard to research stuff with those cursed bunnies dancing around your head. ^_^;)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to Miraculous Ladybug or any of the characters! I am just borrowing them for a little while to play with.

P.S: This will also be (hopefully) posted on A03, same username as here. :D

A Chat's Shadow Part 1

Adrien Agreste was only eight the day he died. He couldn't remember much of the accident, just a lot of noise, a flash of light and pain, his mother screaming at him not to leave her. And he did try, but his poor broken body couldn't hold out.

He died in seconds.

He doesn't remember dying at all, but he was sure that he was dead.

Because the next thing he knew, he was freaking floating in the air above his poor Mother, watching as she frantically fought the paramedics that were trying to take his body away from her. He winced as they stabbed in the needle that finally calmed her down, and he had to look away as they began cutting his father out of the tangled mess that was left of the car.

It was different being a ghost. He was really sad that he couldn't do as his mother asked, but he couldn't exactly cry. Those first few months were very hard and confusing and he doesn't like to remember them.

One odd thing he did like learning during that time was that he was different from the usual ghost stories he vaguely remembered reading about.

He could get older. Every year, he grew up a little, just like he would if he was still alive.

The years past and he discovered other things. He could pass through almost all solid objects, but he couldn't enter someone home. Anywhere public was free game, but houses and apartments were somehow off limits.

Except the house he grew up in, but he didn't like to go there a lot. His Mother had changed a lot the day he died. And his Father, his Father was crippled, completely unable to walk without a cane. He could still write and draw, so his business was still intact, but he was not the same man Adrien remembered.

The boy sighed, slumping over his folded legs as he floated through the Library. With a great deal of effort, he could make books fall off the shelves and read them, but it was exhausting.

Which made no sense because he didn't have a body, but it was what it was. Most of the time he tried to read or watch stuff over someone's shoulder but if he crowded a person too much, they would get too cold and leave. That much of the ghost stories were true. But he was bored today. Wondering around unable to talk to anyone or even feel anything got old really fast.

He passed through the Library doors, absently waving at Nino as he went by, one of the few people he made an effort to remember, although he wasn't sure why. Nino came to the library about once a week to look up the newest music updates. He could usually stand Adrien's invisible influence the longest of anyone. Of course, Nino never waved back.

Shrugging like usual, Adrien drifted towards the street, idly watching traffic. Movement near the corner caught his eye and he turned to see a young woman walking and scribbling furiously in a sketchbook. Her shoulder-length blue/black hair was tied back in two pigtails at her neck, and her wide shocking blue eyes had a slight oriental flare to them. She wore pink capris, a light pink shirt with darker pink flowers on the front and a cute black jacket.

She starts across the street without looking, still buried in her sketchbook. And that was when he saw the truck. He wasn't sure if they were speeding, but they looked like they were going fast. And the girl was right in the way.

"WATCH OUT!" He screamed out of pure habit and to his shock and surprise, she jumped, almost like she heard Him! She looked around frantically but still didn't get out of the way in time. He flinched as she flew back, crashing to the ground with a jarring thud. For the first time in years, he felt confused and curious. She had reacted to his warning, he was sure of it. He hovered over her still body, wringing his hands worriedly as the truck driver franticly dialed a number on his pnone, finding himself hoping for the first time since he died.

Maybe she could be the one to change things. He could only cling to hope as an ambulance roared onto the scene.

Ok, falling asleep! So I am going to end this here, let me know what you think!

And yes, I am going to update A Father's Duty soon, please be patient with me, Im sorry!