
If you are here to read a tragic and sad story you should keep looking. If you want an action packed story well…you'll find some action but it will fall short of being 'packed'. If you wish to read a story about deception, trickery and a new start then this story is for you.

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Lunar Relic. I am a researcher who lives in Canterlot. I focus on the study of Equestria's history as well as magic and its' application and history. As for me I am a maroon unicorn with a black mane with red streaks. My cutie mark consist of a moon and a book in front of it. The story you are about to read captures my move to Ponyville, the deception we all fell for and life following onward. If you are interested then by all means read on however if that does not appeal to you then I advise you to stop right there, go back and find another story to read. If you are still here I will bother you no longer, let the story begin…

Chapter 1: The Move

Lunar Relic was walking back to his shop with some quills, ink and scrolls in tow. It was early and he didn't open shop for another hour or so. During this time he went and grabbed some supplies he was low on. As he reached the front door he saw Prince Blueblood standing there. A little surprised he approaches the pony. "To what do I owe the honor Prince Blueblood?" he asks in a clear and firm tone.

"Oh are you the owner of this shop?" the white pony asks, Lunar nods in response. "Well I need something fixed. A vase that was broken during a dinner party."

"I see." Lunar nods opening the door. "Come in then." The maroon unicorn walks in behind a counter and sets his bag down as Blueblood puts the shards of the vase on the counter. Lunar examines them for a minute. "Hmm… alright for a midsized vase the cost is 25 bits for a full restoration."

"25? For something like this? But this vase is worth easily 10 times that!" Blueblood says surprised. Handing the unicorn the money.

"I can tell." Lunar agrees "But my rates are firm and cheap so anypony can make use of my service. Now then." He looks at the shards of the vase and they glow before reshaping the vase and with a flash the vase was good as new. "There you go. Good as new."

"Wow thank you sir." Blueblood says "I don't believe I got your name."

"It's Lunar Relic." The unicorn answers with a dip of his head.

"Thank you Lunar Relic." Blueblood repeats this time with his name.

"Glad I could be of service." Lunar Relic smiles as Blueblood turns and leaves. Lunar then puts the bits where he keeps the rest of his stores income as he takes a rag and stars cleaning the countertop. While doing so he hears the bell of his door ring and he looks up to see a real surprise Princess Luna! "Oh Princess Luna to what do I owe the honor?" He asks bowing as the princess of the night walks up to him.

"you are Lunar Relic?" she asks looking at him. When he nods she hands him a letter "We wish to see it done post haste." She says leaving the shop. Lunar was spaced out trying to figure out why Princess Luna delivered him a letter. He looks at the letter and notices the envelope was blank there was no sender. Normally this meant that there was something special that the Canterlot Archives or Library needed him to do! Excited it must be a new research expedition he was chosen for he opens the letter and inside was a letter and a train ticket! Lunar reads the letter

'Dear Lunar Relic,

Due to some recent events around Equestria it is of my request that you move to Ponyville. I have heard of your skill in magic and in researching the ancient ruins and parts of Equestria. Which is why I have personally had Princess Luna deliver the letter. I would have done it myself but today has been far too busy already and I have other things I must do. As you know Princess Twilight lives in Ponyville and runs the new library there. I would request you move shop there. This way you are in a centralized location so that when we need you to go somewhere you can get there easily and efficiently.

Finally, as a personal request I would like you to take the open position as a librarian for Twilight. She has her assistant overworked and I want to take some pressure off of both him and Princess Twilight. When you arrive in Ponyville please read the remainder of this letter. However if you don't wish to I understand as this is ultimately up to you.


Princess Celestia'

Lunar sat there holding the letter for a second trying to let everything sink in. So many questions had begun to go through his mind. Such as; why did Princess Celestia contact him? Why does she need him for something like this? Is this for real? Lunar took a minute to regain his composure before looking at his shop and sighing. There were so many fond memories here for him. From the time Derpy accidentally broke about 60 pots and he had to spend a few days repairing them all. To when he helped fix a guards spear to prevent an earful from Shining Armor. Lunar looks around one last time before using a magic spell of his that was costly but for this purpose well worth it. With a bright flash everything he had was in a box. He grabbed the wagon he had purchased a few years ago and heads for the train station. Lunar was still unsure why it was so urgent that Celestia was sending him to Ponyville.

Lunar had never been a famous pony nor was his research too well known. He couldn't help it something didn't feel right. There was something that he wasn't being told. Lunar looks at the train as it pulls up before handing the conductor his ticket and walking on. Lunar finds a place to sit and does so.

He finds a seat where he was alone. At least until a white mare walks up to him. "If this seat isn't taken may I sit here?" she asks. Lunar looks up to see Rarity. Though he did not know her personally he had seen her around Canterlot before. Not to mention she had a store in Canterlot now.

"By all means." Lunar says offering her a seat. "You're Rarity right?"

"Why yes I am. How did you know?" she asks

"I've heard of you." Lunar says "I've had ponies come to my shop to get a rip I a dress made by you mended. They speak high praise of you."

"Oh! That is so sweet. But I didn't picture you for a talor. You're awful…big for that." Rarity replies.

"I am not." Lunar smiles, "I am actually a researcher. I focus on the history of Equestria, I also study magic and its' application and forms. "I run a repair shop on the side. I've a spell that allows me to repair anything."

"Ooo you and Twilight would get along perfectly!" Rarity says "You're like two peas in a pod!"

"I don't know. After all she is a princess." Lunar says as the train starts to move. The second after it leaves the outskirts of Canterlot Rarity taps him. "Oh sorry did you say something?"

"I asked if you're sure she wouldn't get along with you." Rarity asks.

"I don't" Lunar answers "However I am going to be too busy moving into my new home to do much for some time."

"I understand." Rarity says. "But why are you moving to Ponyville? It's far better up here in Canterlot!"

"I…" Lunar thought for a second, he couldn't tell anypony about his orders. "I am not a big fan of living in the big city. So I decide to move to Ponyville it's not too big, not too small and it's quiet. It's the perfect town for me. But if you don't mind what is it you are doing out here?"

"I was in town for a fashion thing." Rarity replies.

"Oh yes I remember a customer talking about that." Lunar nods

"You should let me make you an outfit sometime Lunar Relic." Rarity insists.

"We'll see the nature of my work might make it a little impractical." Lunar detests.

"Oh?" Rarity asks.

"Well, I am researcher on the history of Equestria so that has some…interesting complications. I have to go on research expeditions from time to time. Sometimes I do it out of my own choice other times I am sent by the request of the Canterlot Library." Lunar explains.

"Oh then you and Celestia must be in touch." Rarity says . "You must be a regular at Canterlot Castle then."

"Nope." Lunar chuckles "I have been asked that before. No Celestia doesn't send me on the adventures. It's the Library who sends me out."

"Well that is an absolute shame. You should at least get some recognition for doing all that work." Rarity scoffs in disbelief.

"Please Rarity you're being too generous, I don't do that much. Go into some old ruin or temple, navigate some traps on the occasion, grab a souvenir or two, come back do some research on said souvenirs and write a report. Besides the one's I am assigned are few and in between. That's why I run the shop of mine." Lunar answers. Not long after the train stops and the two get up.

"Well it was great meeting you Lunar Relic." Rarity says.

"Same here Rarity and please call me Lunar." The unicorn replies as the two exit the train. Soon after Lunar looks at the paper that was given to him by Luna and reads the next part of the letter.

'Now that you are in Ponyville and settled Lunar you must have no end of questions as to why I have had all of this done to you. The truth is not only what I told you but also I need a pony I feel I can trust with certain tasks. These would be normally things I'd have given Twilight but she is much more occupied than I thought.

So I made the only choice I saw reasonable and elect a new pony to undertake these responsibilities. I looked at a lot of possible candidates for this duty and you stood out. I know about your magical talent and your secret spell. I have gathered your records from the Archive and I am certain you are the perfect pony for this job. I will be coming in person the day after your arrival to ensure you are settled and introduce you to some special ponies. Please find the building I have obtained for you and make yourself at home.

Once again,

Princess Celestia'

Lunar looks at the letter slightly shocked as he follows the instructions. He goes to town hall. Upon entering Mayor Mare looks at him. "You must be Lunar Relic?" she asks.

"Correct, I am here to obtain the keys for the building I was told was reserved for me." Lunar answers.

"Oh yes." She answers "Give me a second." She informs him searching some storage cabinets. "You know I was surprised when Celestia told me of a new pony arriving in Ponyville upon her request. At first I thought it was going to be a Royal Guard member but you don't look like one to me."

"I am a researcher." Lunar answers "Equestrian History and magical arts."

"Oh why isn't that great?" she smiles handing him a key. "Here you are Lunar."

"Thank you." Lunar nods kindly taking the key from her.

Evening was beginning to paint the skies an elegant orange and red as the sun was setting. Lunar realizing it would be dark soon heads to his new home and shop. He unlocks the door and looks around. It was the perfect size. A two floor building. A shop set up with a large back room on the base level and upstairs a three bedroom and two bathroom home. A little large for his tastes and some new furnishings would be required for the two open rooms but otherwise everything looked perfect. Lunar using his magic casts one more rather tolling spell and all of the furnishings and other items he had packed were now out and his stores stock fully arranged like it was back in Canterlot.

Finally pleased he heads up to the master bedroom where his personal furniture and items were neatly placed as well as his prized book collection of Daring Do and his own personal works. Walking outside he places the sign from his Canterlot shop which was a simple wooden sign designed to be rustic which goes with the theme of his shop. Tomorrow he would be ready to begin his life in Ponyville.

To be continued

Up Next: Chapter II (2): Lunar's first morning in Ponyville, Celestia arrives in Ponyville and introduces Lunar to the special ponies she had promised. A mysterious pony steals a powerful item from Lunars Shop…