Sorry but this is not a new chapter this is just to let you all know a couple of things.

Anyways so since a couple of you wanted this to continue I have decided to make this into an actual story which I will be releasing the prologue on Monday along with Chapter 7 of The Crow's Budding Rose which is my other story if you haven;t given it a try yet.

Plus this will link into the story I am thinking about as this will take place in between the prologue and Chapter 1

Weird thing is that this story was made one day just because I was looking at some random RWBY fanart and saw some of a male Ruby and was like 'hey I like it' and then this came to mind and was like 'you know what fuck it let's do this, I hope I get some hate' plus Ladybug/Black Rose is my OTP which to say the complete truth I decided literally after watching the Black trailer all those years ago just because I thought they would look cute together and I was completely right I love it. Still kind of hate how Ruby and Blake didn't get that much screen time together but eh maybe in Volume 4 right... hopefully.

Maybe next time I should do some futa maybe even do a oneshot on Summer and Qrow another pairing that I just loved instantly even before the theory.

Anyways I am sorry to hold you guys here for so long so have a nice day and keep an eye out for Thorns of a Bloody Black Rose which I currently have as the name of the story. Not sure if that's a good name but eh.