A/N: Actually, I take it back, the author's note will be at the end...

They had arrived at the upper level, and in one of the more sanitary rooms. Cody stepped inside, the door closing behind him and Obi-Wan. AZ was already waiting, hovering around the room moving supplies and setting up his "work space." He punched numbers into a console, humming to himself. The droid motioned to a hovering medical cot, "Please," he stated, as if the single word was a whole order.

Cody strode forward, only hesitating for a moment before getting on the cot. "How long will this take?"

"Not long. It will only take a few minutes. I am programmed for several hundred medical situations," he began rattling some of them off, but stopped himself. "Sorry!" He said brightly, as he injected the contents of a syringe into the clone's blood.

"Agh!" Cody grimaced and rubbed his neck. He tried to relax - he didn't relish the idea of something digging around inside his head, but it was certainly the better option. The roof began looking fuzzy and blurred. He blinked several times, shaking his head. He should thank the General, just in case. And he tried to. "General, sir..." the words were dragged out, almost drunken sounding. He was pulled into unconsciousness, amber eyes sliding closed.

Obi-Wan stirred across the room, looking to AZ.

The droid only set about doing his job: saving the patient. He'd done it before. Efficiently, the medical droid repeated the familiar process, taking all necessary steps to prep for surgery, then beginning. The precise lazer tool cut cleanly to the location of the chip, and in mere minutes, it was safely removed, and the incision was sealed. AZ carefully put the chip in a sealed container, and set it on the medical tray beside himself. He checked the clone's vital signs. He was stable.

AZ turned to Obi-Wan. "He should wake in a few minutes. I hope he will be all right. FiveZ was fine, but Tup..." AZ stopped. "I believe your friend will heal without complications. The chances of success are... high." He didn't bother the Jedi with numbers.

"Thank you AZ."

The AZ droid hovered toward the far side of the room, waiting there to see if he would be needed again.

Obi-Wan strode across the room, coming to a stand-still beside Cody. Hopefully it was over... Hopefully, as the droid had said, Cody would be fine, and order 66 would no longer affect him. Obi-Wan was tired of death, and loss... he wanted no more of it. He was a peace-keeper. He finally recognized what that meant. Saving people... all people. Everyone was worth saving. Perhaps he was attached more to some than others - despite the Jedi's strict rule to avoid attachment - he had friends... people he cared for. He was unwilling to let them suffer if it was in his power to stop it. And today, it was.

Minutes passed with Obi-Wan musing to himself, and AZ analyzing data, talking in the background of Obi-Wan's thoughts... the droids voice was drowned out by the Force. Through the Force, Obi-Wan could see the colors around Cody shifting... no longer grey, but blue and silver, like fire... life.

Cody stirred, his eyes moving behind closed eyelids. His head was pounding, yet he tried to move past it. He forced his eyes open to slits, squinting up at the roof. His memory came back, trickling into the forefront of his mind. How long had he been out? It felt like years, and it felt like seconds. AZ had told him it would only be a few minutes. So minutes, then.

Obi-Wan shifted. "How are you feeling?"

Cody sluggishly moved a hand to his face, pressing his fingers against his once-again closed eyes. "...Okay, sir. Is it...?"

"Gone? Yes."

He was free, then. For the first time, he was truly free. He would focus on helping the others; but in the moment, all he could feel was relief.

"It's over then," Obi-Wan stated, sensing the relief as easily as one could feel sunshine, or rain.

Cody moved his arm, the armor scraping against the edge of the medical cot. He reached, his hand finding Obi-Wan's bicep. He coughed as he swallowed. "Thank you, thank you." He felt peace; he had never known peace.

Obi-Wan smiled-almost smirking. "You really needn't thank me for doing the right thing... but you are welcome."

"Yes." Cody visibly composed himself. He tried to push himself into a sitting position, grimacing all the while - "AZ, thanks."

"You are welcome!" The droid called across the room, waving a hand and blinking.

Cody smiled slightly. AZ had personality, even more than some of the people he had come in contact with before. This was one step towards future peace. There were always many different factors - and many people who no one ever seemed to see - that would be a part of bringing peace. And they were no less important than the faces that were seen on every screen; no less important than the ones who were acknowledged for their actions.

A/N: Thank you all for the support through this story. RubbleStrength and I are working on another story, a short chapter fic of sorts, but I can't give any promises with that one. Though, I will most likely continue posting oneshots periodically. Have a wonderful week, and Happy Easter!