A/N: All right, this was co-written with the lovely and talented Rubblestrength! We hope you enjoy this first installment. There are fifteen chapters in all, and God-willing I will be posting one a day, or if something comes up I will most likely post it the next. God bless, and gramercy!

Visibility was nearly zero. Clouds of frozen air hung all around. Obi-Wan Kenobi stared out into the ice-storm from within his small shuttle. TahtTon was a frigid and hostile planet, once home to a clone outpost that had long-since been abandoned. The temperatures here were too extreme to maintain the base with all the energy it required. For economic reasons, the base had been shut off a mere three months after its creation. Still, from across the snowy landscape, Obi-Wan was reading a distress signal. He'd come this far... and if it was a surviving Jedi? One who had somehow escaped the massacre? He would not leave them to die.

With a sigh, the Jedi opened the back of the shuttle with the push of a button. He pulled his hood up over his head and cringed at the instant blast of freezing air that met him. He grumbled as he closed the shuttle and started off. Raising a small scanner, Obi-Wan looked at the bright blue screen. The signal was coming from only thirty yards away. Looking up, the Jedi tried to see through the blowing snow. No good. He'd have to trust his instincts and the Force to guide him. Breathing deeply, he closed his eyes and reached out with the Force.

The darkness ate at him. Obi-Wan kept it back. He didn't want to think about that... any of it. But there it was, in the back of his mind whenever he closed his eyes. The words rang in his mind... "Traitor! You underestimate my power... I hate you!" Obi-Wan shook his head. He couldn't think about Anakin-not now. The regret would only pull his focus away from the present. He'd left Tatooine because he'd gotten a signal-one from this base. Who else would have come here but a surviving Jedi?

Of course, it could be a trap set by the new republic; the Empire... No. Obi-Wan refused to consider that. If there was even a chance of other Jedi, he must look into it.

Advancing through the storm, Obi-Wan extended a hand. The signal was getting closer and closer... Bump. His hand met a hard surface. A wall. It was smooth and cold. Ocean-blue eyes narrowed and Obi-Wan looked up. There. In the darkness and swirling ice, he could see the silhouette of a giant building. He'd made it. Now he needed to find the door. He inched sideways, feeling along the wall with one hand, while keeping the scanner in the other. Finally, the wall seemed to disappear beneath Obi-Wan's hand. He moved forward.

Darkness engulfed him, and he found himself walking in a small space-almost too narrow to fit through. His shoulders brushed the walls on either side of himself. It was some kind of corridor. Putting away his scanner, Obi-Wan let the Force lead him on through the inky blackness. He sensed something... something familiar. What exactly, he couldn't tell. Frowning, he walked onward, breathing deeply to keep himself centered in the present, not the past.

Whispers of the Force told him to keep moving; his path was unhindered. Yet, there was something else. His instinct warned him to be cautious. The wind outside continued howling, and inside, there were echoes of it-meanwhile, Obi-Wan was stuck somewhere in the middle, in a long hallway. Something above him and just ahead, scratched against the walls, sending dust and snow falling to the floor.

"Rats-I can't stand rats," Obi-Wan muttered. Yet, he hoped it was a rat, and not something bigger.

The Jedi let his hand drop to the light-saber on his belt, just in case. He let the Force flow through him. He felt his surroundings. There was something... wrong. A presence beside his own. Obi-Wan couldn't place the feeling; it was like many feelings combined in one crushing one. Fear, loss, anger... regret... and something else. Obi-Wan shook his head. He blocked it out, trying to get out into the open and out of the small hallway. It would be a terrible place to be caught.

There was a yell, like something rabid - a sound that could have been likened to a starving animal. A figure seemed to drop from above, landing in front of the Jedi. Hands gripped his shoulders to shove him against the wall.

Obi-Wan's eyes widened, though through the darkness, he could barely see a shadow moving. He grunted as his face met the wall. Obi-Wan Force-pushed the man away from himself. Gripping his light-saber, he ignited it. Blue light flooded the small space between them.

The figure retreated from the light as though burned. "Follow orders," the whisper echoed in the corridor. "A good soldier follows orders," the voice cracked. The figure pressed his back against the wall and slid to the floor, pressing his hands against his head. "Following orders, good soldiers follow orders."

Obi-Wan froze. Blue light glowed between the two, and Obi-Wan stared in disbelief. "Cody?" The Jedi's voice turned to a whisper.

Cody shook his head, pressing his hands even harder against his skull. He pinched his eyes shut and spoke through clenched teeth, "I don't know what's... happening, Sir."

Obi-Wan stared in suspicion. He didn't put away his light-saber, but he didn't advance. Last time he'd seen the clone commander, Cody's men had shot him off a cliff in an attempt to kill him. "How did you get here?"

Cody's expression was pained. He had to fight it. He thudded his head back against the wall. "We were fighting... Grievous. His droids. It's the last thing I remember. Where am I, Sir?"

Obi-Wan frowned. Cody didn't remember anything since the last battle against Grevous? This was news indeed. "We're on the planet TahtTon, in the old outpost. Are you sure you don't remember...?"

"Remember what?" Cody snapped. "I'm sorry, Sir, sorry," his voice grew soft on the last word.

Obi-Wan frowned deeply. What was he to do? He stared down at the clone-the man who had been his friend. The clones had all turned on the Jedi; murdered them... yet there he was. Clearly, he was in pain. Obi-Wan may not trust him as he once did, but they had once been friends... and that meant something, did it not? Obi-Wan knelt slowly, keeping a watchful eye on the clone. With his light-saber held to the side, Obi-Wan tried to get some sense of what exactly was happening; perhaps some reason for all that had happened.

Cody opened his eyes, looking at Obi-Wan. An order rang through his mind. Pressing against his eyes, trying to crawl out through his skin. He closed his eyes again, scowling against the orders running through his mind. "Follow orders, kill...the Jedi." He let out a growl of frustration, shaking his head.

Obi-Wan's posture stiffened and he remained back. "Who's orders?" The clone commander didn't answer. Obi-Wan suddenly found things were much more complicated than he had first believed. He would need to look into this-but how exactly was he to go about that? He didn't know just yet. First, he needed to get himself-and Cody-out of the cold.