As I stated before there is only two chapters left before book one ends. Now I will admit, this story is hard, much harder to write than I thought it was going to be, but thanks to you the readers who haven't given up on me made push though the story.

Now I like to address something, while yes I have brought in Cologne, Shampoo and Mousse have yet to appear. I plan to change that soon, it also means that a lot of other charters are going to be brought in as well. However I like to state that Uyko is not in the story, she's dead. Not going to say how though, I really hate Uyko anyways, and instead of bashing her I made her dead, nuff said. (If you want to know why I hate her you can PM or ask in a review.)

Now then, you are going to see a few things in this chapter, one you are going to see a Badass Sayuri in this chapter, and the other….it's a secret.

Anyways enough talk, time to get the story…err chapter started.

Author Notes Update 5/28/2018:
Hey everyone, I know it's weird to do this before the Chapter even started but I just want to warn you all, There is going to mention of Rape in this chapter, as well as a lot of blood. If you don't like these things then please turn back now, by reading this chapter after reading this warning you have Knowledge the fact.


Chapter Nine:

-Twelve years ago-

"Amazing." A young woman said as she held her baby girl. "She has red hair." A little girl, who was around four years old said as she looked at the little baby. The woman smiled. "Sayuri, I would like you to meet Ranko." Little Sayuri looked at her cousin and smiled. "Can I hold her, aunt Nodoka?" She asked. Nodoka sat up a little as Sayuri had climb into the bed. She handed the baby to the little girl as gentle as possible, showing her how to hold the baby the right way.


-Present day-

"Happy birthday Ranko." Sayuri said softly as she knelt at a grave stone. She placed flowers at the base and lowed her head for a small prayer, standing behind her where Akane and Yuka, both confused. Sayuri blinked and looked at her two best friends. "I'm sorry; Ranma and I lied to you." Akane looked like she was going to get mad until Sayuri held up her hand.

"How?" Yuka asked. "Ranma doesn't seem the type that would know Latin." The teen had pointed out.
"Ranma doesn't Yuka, but Ranko does." Sayuri told her two friends everything; she felt a little bad telling the two knowing that Akane was going to go straight to Ranma asking him questions that is if she knew where to find him. No one knew what had happen to both Ranma and Genma when the Tendo's have returned the following day. However they did find dried blood in the dojo along with a ripped shirt that belonged to Ranma.

The two teens looked at each other before looking at their friend once more. Sayuri sighed. "Have any of you ever heard of Dissociative identity disorder?" She asked them. While Yuka had shook her head Akane though took on a thoughtful look. "Split personality disorder." Akane said. Sayuri looked at her. "I saw Kasumi reading a book about it; I didn't think much of it." Akane told them. "Wait, are you saying that…" She didn't get to finish as Sayuri nodded her head. "When Ranma is in female form she likes to be called Ranko, and when in male form, Ranma." Sayuri told them, she then went on to tell them everything that she knows about the two, well in this case just about Ranko.

Yuka and Akane didn't believe it at first, to think that Ranma help fight an evil organization like Shadaloo. Then again Ranma did train for over ten years in the martial arts. "Okay, say that all that you told us was true." Yuka said. "Then how come Ranma or Ranko or whoever she/he claims to be could lose to Genma?" Akane nodded at this.

Sayuri sat down and crossed her legs. "Akane you meet Washu right?" Sayuri asked who nodded her head. "Then you should know that Washu did some scans on both Ranko and Ranma, and while I'm sick at some of the findings." When she said that she had turned a little green. "It would seem that Genma had placed some seals, don't look at me like that they're real." Sayuri yelled at the two who gave her a weird look. "Anyways, the seals were designed to limit a person's strength."

The two looked at each other then back at their friend. Sayuri rubbed the bridge of her nose. So much for keeping my secret. Sayuri thought as she went through some hands seals and placed her hands on the ground. "I summon thee!" She called out and a bust of smoke had appeared causing the two to cough.

What appeared before them had the two girls blinking. Stand before them was a small red fox. Sayuri smiled and handed the fox a piece of something the two wasn't really sure what it was. "Hello Kitsuna, I need your help." The Fox, called Kitsuna looked at Sayuri's friends, then turned back to Sayuri and shrugged her shoulders.

"Sure why not?" Kitsuna said. The next thing Sayuri did was look at Yuka as she had fainted. Akane didn't look very happy though. "Why does weird stuff always happens in Nerima?" The blue hair teen asked. Sayuri just smiles and shrugs her shoulders.


-Unknown location, a few days ago.-

He must have been traveling for a while now. The last time he was in the area was a few months ago when that whole ordeal happen with the Amazons. He was once again looking for Ranma, or as he now remembers, Ranko.

He had to make sure that she was okay, he had to protect her. He remembered that two years ago, while Ranko was going by Ranma Saotome in middle School the dark haired young man had told him things that had shaken the lost boy up.

Something must have happen to the both of them though because Ryouga could only remember a few things at the time, one of which was the fact that they had a fight of honor that should have happened in a lot behind Ryouga's house.

It wasn't until a few months ago that Ryouga had meet up with Ranma once more, and try as he might, Ryouga had promise Ranma to make his life a living hell, he just didn't know that someone had already had beaten him to it. Looking around he wasn't sure where he was, no surprise there but then again he could never tell where he was.

However he was sure that he was never in this house before. The building was old, maybe it wasn't a house but a warehouse, and after all it did look like one. Walking around he could hear the sound of someone or something hitting something. Peeking around a corner Ryouga eyes widen as he saw Genma Saotome kicking and punching the young red head teen that he was just thinking about.

What shocked the lost boy more though was the fact that Ranko was naked as the day she was born and had several cuts and what looked like bite marks. What is that sick bastard doing to Ranko? Ryouga thought. I have to help her, but how? Ryouga saw his chance when Genma's cell phone ringed and he had walked off.

As quickly and quietly as he could Ryouga ran up to Ranko and tried to undo her locks. Ranko weakly looked up at the young man. "Ryo...uga?" She asked very weakly. When the boy nodded Ranko got a little scared. "You, you need to go." She told him. Ryouga looked at Ranko and shook his head. "No I need to get you out of here." He told her.

Damn chains won't break. Ryouga thought. Then a very sharp pain had shot though his back as he was kicked away from Ranko. "Well, well what do we have here?" Genma said as he stood before the lost boy with his arms crossed. Ryouga slowly got up and then started to attack Genma, but the older man (with his arms still crossed) had only dodged Ryouga's attacks.

Jumping in the air and hoping to have kicked Genma in the face the fat bastard caught Ryouga's kick and with once solid punch to the back of the knee had cause Ryouga to be in even greater pain. Ryouga fell to the ground holding his knee as best he could before Genma picked him up by the shirt and had then thrown him into a wall.

Ryouga felt something give way in his back as his vision had gone white from the pain. Ryouga slowly got up and had tried to punch Ryouga again, but Genma had caught it and then punched Ryouga in the ribs, once more the lost boy was in pain as he felt some of his ribs break. Genma once again picked Ryouga up.

"That was the second time you tried to save her." Genma said. "I should have killed you, but I won't, soon it won't matter. I'll have gotten rid of that useless whore and then the Tendo Dojo would still be mine. After I kill Soun and his girls of course." Ryouga saw red and tried getting up only for Genma to step on his leg, breaking it and causing Ryouga to cry out in pain.


-Present day-

Sayuri had just gotten done telling Akane and Yuka a few more things about Ranko when they had heard a noise. "What was that?" Yuka asked softly. Sayuri got up and made a shushing sound, and then moved to where the noise had come from. What she saw scared her. "Ryouga!" Akane cried out as she saw a broken and bleeding Ryouga on the ground.

"Akane use my cell phone and call for help!" Sayuri said as she tossed Akane her phone. "Yuka I need some help, look through his pack and see if there's a first aid kit." The teen nodded and went to Ryouga's pack and had started to throw things out looking for a med kit.

While that was going on Sayuri looked over the wounded lost boy, several broken bones, probably a few days olds, blood loss, damn it Ryouga what happen to you? Sayuri thought. Just as she was about to left his shirt, a hand had grabs hers. "Ranko, she needs help." He said weakly. "Genma is going to sell her to someone in a few days." That was all she got before Ryouga had passed out.

Shit, I have to tell mom. Sayuri thought. No wait I have a better idea, but I still need to talk to mom. "Ryouga, I'm sorry but I need you to wake the hell up." Sayuri said as she summoned some lighting into her hands. I know I promised mom that I would keep a low profile but, damn it Ranko needs help. "Clear!" Sayuri yelled as she slammed her hands down on the lost boy's chest shocking him to wake up.

"Ryouga I need to know where Ranko is." She told him. Ryouga coughed up some blood. Yuka returned but she was empty handed. "I'm Sorry Sayuri I didn't find anything. The brown haired teen cursed, Kami damn it! Closing her eyes Sayuri placed her hands over Ryouga's heart. "Oh, blessed and humble hand of God, life and breath of Mother Earth, come before me and show your great compassion and deliver us: RECOVERY!"

Light had surrounded Both Sayuri and Ryouga, as it did some of the wounds that Ryouga had started to close up. However not all of the wounds that the lost boy had were closing and some would reopen, although most did stay closed once that was done and panting and sweaty Sayuri did one last thing. "Scan." Her hands had glowed green as she looked at Ryouga, who by now was a little stunned.

Akane came running back "I couldn't get though…" She stopped what she was saying when she saw Ryouga trying to sit up and Sayuri on her knees panting hard. "Sayuri?" The blue haired teen started. Sayuri looked at her friend and shook her head "I'll be fine, the recovery spell takes a lot out of me."

Ryouga looked at the teen that may have just saved his life. "Thank you, but we don't have a whole lot of time." Ryouga said. "Ranko is badly hurt and that Bastard Genma said something along the lines that he had sold her and was then planning on killing the Tendos."

Akane blinked as a look of shock crossed her face. "Why would Genma kill his friend and us?" She asked. "Because the Tendo Family dojo is on a very powerful ley line." Everyone turned around and looked at Hikari as she walked over to the group. She knelt next to Ryouga and handed him a bottle. "I don't have healing magic like my daughter but this should help heal you a bit more." She told him.

Ryouga nodded and drank whatever it was that was in the bottle. Standing back up she handed her daughter another bottle. Sayuri didn't need to ask as she took the bottle and drank whatever was in it and felt better right away. "Thanks mom." She said with a smile. Hikari looked at Akane, who just blinked.

"You know how weird Nerima is right girls?" She asked both Yuka and Akane. "Well that has to do with the ley line that is in the area. It's very powerful, however special seals were placed to prevent anything from coming through it." Akane blinked and was about to ask what that had to do with her family home. However Hikari held up her hand.

"Your family home has been the seal for over ten generations Akane." Hikari said. "Your family was originally the seals Guardians, dating back to the Silver Moon Empire." Akane blinked. Sayuri smiled and placed her hand on her friends shoulder. "Akane, your family is older then most families on the planet. Second only to the Kuno family." She told her.

Akane blinked. "While the Tendo Clan was the seals Guardians, the Kuno clan became Demon hunters." Sayuri told her. "Have you ever wondered why the family is so rich? Even if they are ancestors of Samurai?" Akane shook her head. Sayuri smiled. "Well we don't have time to tell you." She told her friend before turning to Ryouga who was still drinking from the vail hat Hikari gave him.

"Where's Ranko?" She asked. Ryouga looked at her and sighed. "I'm not sure miss." Hikari looked at Sayuri. "Maybe Cologne can help us." Sayuri looked at her mother. Akane helps Ryouga up; Hikari notices the blush on Ryouga's cheek and the look that Yuka was given the young man. Sayuri walked up to her mother and hugs her.

Hugging her daughter back Hikari sees the worried look in her eyes. "We'll find her." She tells her. "I know mom, but if we don't find her soon it could be too late." The group left the graveyard and made their way to Hikari's van. Once she made sure everyone had the seat belts on she started the van and drove off to the Cat Café.


"You Bastard, once I get out of these chains, I'm going to kill you!" Ranko yelled as she tried to free herself from the chains holding her. She was rewarded with a back handed punch from Genma "Quiet you little bitch." Genma said back. He turned back to his cell phone and started talking into it. "As you can hear she has a will of fire in her." Genma said as he listened to the person on the other side. "Yes of course I can break her, but it'll take time."

Ranko growled still trying to pull her arms free. It's been several days since Ryouga has vanished again; hopefully he was able to find some help for her. Ranko hated felling weak though, it had taken everything she had to try and heal some of the wounds that she had gotten once Genma started to rape her.

Genma closed his phone and looked at the young red head. "You know, I somehow knew you would cause me trouble." Genma told her, He grabbed her by the chin and lifted her head up. "I never thought the potion I had given you to fear me would ware off." Ranko keep growling at him. "I bet you have questions." Ranko stop growling and just stared at him. "I don't know much about you, that much I will admit." Genma said as he sat down and looked at the teen. "I can tell you though that you are not sixteen."


"Welcome to Cat Café." Shampoo said as the group walked in. "What Akane doing here?" Akane shrugged her shoulders. It was Hikari that asked. "Xian, is your Grandmother around?" (Note: The Will be used for Chinese.) Shampoo looked around and then went to the door to the kitchen. A few seconds later the Elder Amazon came out to greet the group.

She took one look at Ryouga though. "Sit boy, before you fall." She told the lost boy. Ryouga nodded his head. "Elder, we came here in hope that you can help us find Ranko." Hikari said. Cologne looked at the lost boy before looking back at Hikari. "There is a way but it will take time." She told the group. She then turned to Ryouga and asked. "How much time o we have?"

Ryouga looked up and replied. "In a few days, I think the sell ends on Ranko's birthday." Sayuri ran at Ryouga and grabbed him by the shirt and then shook him hard. "Are sure?" She asked still shaking the poor boy. Hikari placed her hand on Sayuri's shoulder, stopping her from hurting the boy. "She's not Ranko, Sayuri."

Sayuri looked at her mom with shocked eyes. "The DNA came back, she's not Nodoka's daughter." Sayuri looked like she was about to cry. "I don't understand. How? Mom it has to be her." Hikari hugged her daughter as the others looked on. "If she's not Ranko Kuno, then who the hell is she?"


"You've been fucking me my whole life, why?" Ranko asked as Genma told her about a few things about her. "Heh, Yes it's been fun, letting you 'escape' only for me to find you." Genma said as he picked up a baseball bat. "You see Ranko I wanted the prefect weapon." Genma said as he took a swing at Ranko hitting her hard in the back.

Ranko screamed out in pain, when Genma moved to her front she could see blood on the bat. "However that fail the moment that you were born." Genma said as he swung the bat against Ranko's legs again Ranko screamed out in pain. "When you were old enough I took you to the Curse Hot Springs in hope that you would grow a back bone." He said as he backed handed Ranko in the face once more.

"For years I have been weakening you in hopes that your sacrifice to a demon would fix that, but then you had to go and kill the damn thing." He took the bat and used it to break Ranko ribs. "I should just kill you." Genma said. "Seeing as how that had already failed once already, I have no choice but to sell you." Genma said as he dropped the bat.

He lifted Ranko's bleeding head up so that she was looking at him. "I've had it with you. Once I'm done with you, I'm going to Kill the Tendo family, and unleash hell on this planet." He let go of her head and watched as it dropped. He then turned her head to the side. Damn it the seal is loose again, how the hell does she keep doing that? Genma thought to himself.

There not much time left, I have five days before she arrives to pick her up. He then looked over the other seals he then looked at the one that was placed on her back. The spiral seal of the Uzumaki clan was still there. Oh, I forgot about that seal. Damn I must be getting old. He then looked at Ranko's right hand and arm.

This could be a problem later. She's not going to be too happy about that. Still looking over Ranko's broken body he could see some of the cuts and burses healing before his eyes. Her healing factor is still strong that's good, it'll be awhile though before she wakes up. Genma then checked to make sure that the chains were still in place before he left her hanging there.

It's a good thing that those chains are made out of Adamantium, damn her strength. If I live though another thousand years, I'm picking someone weaker then she was. With a growl, Genma kicked her hard in the stomach before turning around and living the red haired teen hanging there, never seeing the little yellow plushy leaving the shadows and flying off.


-Cat Café-

"Wait, are you sure?" Sayuri asked her mother. Hikari nodded at her daughter. "She has traces of Silver Millennium blood in her; however it doesn't appear to be from the inner or outer court." Sayuri blinked. "I know it doesn't make much sense but you have to remember, there were people that did survived the attack from Beryl."

Sayuri nodded her head; her own family was descendants from some of the survivors. "Yeah I get that, but how is she still alive and not know who she is?" Sayuri asked. Cologne coughed softly into her hand. "There are many ways to erase ones memory." Akane Nodded, remembering the Formula that erased her memory of Ranma for a time.

"Okay, but then Ranko had to be pretty young at the time." Again Hikari shook her head. "We don't know the DNA was missed up, like something in her blood stream was altered." Hikari said looking at Cologne. "Elder do you have any Ideas?"

He Elder thought about it, and then she left to go upstairs. The group started to sweat-dropped when they heard what they could only guess was books being thrown on the floor. It was a few minutes before the old woman came down stairs and sat a book down on the table before flipping throw the pages.

"When I was younger, I started reading books on powerful aging magic." Cologne started. "Some of the pages I read detailed some way to reverse ageing up to a certain point, but the price was too high." Everyone blinked. "However I did find something of interest though. Ah ha find it." Cologne stated and turns the book over so the others could read it.

Sayuri blinked and read the page over a few times. "Aging Mushrooms?" She asked. The elder nodded. "The mushrooms are able to return some back to a certain age by how long the plant is." Hikari read. "Okay so Genma uses these mushrooms to turn Ranko into a younger person, how does that help him?" Akane asked she still had trouble believing this.

"My Guess is that Genma have been trying to turn Ranko into a weapon or a vessel for something." Hikari had to seat down. Ranko may not have been her niece but she had a strong feeling she was part of the family. Hikari didn't tell Sayuri this just yet but there was a match. However it wasn't to Nodoka though it was hard to tell.

She wasn't lying when she said that Ranko's DNA was damaged. She wasn't sure how, when she had called Washu and asked about it, the Scientific Genius wasn't sure what the hell she had seen and have been studying it since she meet the girl. Other than the possibility of being a very powerful sorceress she just didn't know.

"Hey Ryouga, somethings been bothering me." Yuka said as she turned to the lost boy. "How do you know Ranma is really Ranko?" Ryouga blinked and looked down; he didn't want to say anything until he was sure about his feelings for the red head. "Ranko and I grow up together." Ryouga told them. "I'm sure Ranma told you that we meet in junior high right?" The girls nodded.

"It was a lie." The lost boy told them. "Ranko used to live with a couple that lived next door to me. When I was younger her foster Parents would help me to get to school" Ryouga rubbed the back of his head. "Until recently, I thought I only knew Ranko, or in this case Ranma for only two years." Ryouga sighed and then looked down.

"Everything is still foggy, my memories must have been changed or something." Ryouga picked up his back pack and looked through it. "I was home one day and I found something in my old desk drawer." He pulled out a small book. "It's Ranko's Journal." He said with a smile. "I'm not sure where it came from so I looked through it, my memories of her started coming back." The girls started to notice something in his eyes.

"You were in love with her, weren't you?" Sayuri asked. Ryouga nodded. Akane got up from her seat and hugged him. He gently hugged her back he wasn't going to cry, at least not yet, but he didn't let Akane go. When he did he looked at the Amazons. "I need your help." He told them. "Genma is strong, way stronger than I thought." Cologne looked at the boy and rubbed her chin. She then turned to look at both Shampoo and the glasses wearing boy standing next to her. "Shampoo, Mousse. As elder of our Village I am ordering you to help Ryouga on this recuse mission." Shampoo nodded but Mousse didn't say anything as he cross his arms.

"No." The boy said. "Ranma has caused me nothing but trouble." The boy said before anyone notices Cologne had swung her staff at him. Mousse though dodged the attack but didn't fight back. That was when Shampoo and Cologne noticed something. "Where are your glasses?" Shampoo asked in prefect Japanese.

Moussed Sighed. "I had Surgery to help me with my eye sight; I was hoping it would help me win your heart." The former blind boy said. "Mousse, please. I wouldn't normally ask you to help me but Ranko has done nothing to hurt you." Ryouga asked.

"Ryouga forget Mousse, I'll help you." Sayuri said as she stood up. "Ranko, and Ranma is my friend, if they need help you can bet I'll be there to lend a hand." Ryouga turned to look at her. Hikari sighed; she had a feeling this was going to happen. To her surprise Akane had also volunteered to help. Yuka turned to Akane and shrugged her shoulders.

"Well I did say that we should apologize to Ranma for being mean to him." She said. "I'll help; Akane has been teaching me some martial arts." Mousse sighed when he was given a look from both Shampoo and Cologne. "Fine I'll help." He said as he throws up his hands.

"Forgive me but we don't have much time, Akane, Yuka thanks but I can't risk you getting hurt in this fight." Ryouga said. Sayuri looked at him and then at her mother. "Don't give though damn puppy dog eyes, you know the rules young lady." Hikari said. "But mom…" She was cut off when her mother held up her hand.

However before she could say anything more Kero comes flying in and slammed into Sayuri. "I know where Ranko is; she badly hurt and need help." He said not noticing the others around him. "We have to hurry; we only have five days before she'll be turned into a salve." The others were in shock. "Well, it's a good thing that I have permission to train you to get ready." Hikari said.

To be concluded….

Well there you go, Chapter Nine. Now I'm going to be honest here, I have no idea where I came up with Ranko's past, I knew I wanted her to not be as old as she was at the start of the Manga and in this story, but then I thought about something.

How could Ranko help fight off Shadaloo, train with Gen, or Chun Li, and Ken and still be sixteen? How could she live in England and Learn Latin? At first it was just going to be the aging mushrooms but if was really Sayuri's Cousin Ranko then it still wouldn't have worked.

Then I started playing around with the Idea that she was from the Silver Millennium. Only not from the Inner or Outer Court, meaning that she had no connection to the Sailor Scouts (Or Senshi depending on who you ask) It has never been done before (I think) and it would explain her high level in magic.

Now another thing is, is that I brought Akane back. Now here me out, as I said before she will not be bashed in this or any of my stories. I recently started watching the Anime again and I saw no real reason to bash her, hell even Senshi her (Him, Senshi if you're reading could you clarify your gender?) self-had started changing Akane in her original Story (Starting over: Do you want to be friends?)

Now then if you take in the fact that Akane is going to be trained, she also is going to start using her Jurian (Spelling?) Powers as well, speaking of which, should she have the lighthawk wings and if so how many?

Now probably comes the biggest change, Ranko herself. At first she was timid, and loaded with self-doubt. However thanks to Sayuri and Kasumi she started to change, but she not a martial arts fighter. If you noticed I hardly ever have her fight with martial arts except when she fought Sakura (Street Fighter Sakura) now there's a reason for that.

But you have to wait until the next chapter to found out what. Anyways this has gone on long enough, I hope you like this chapter if not then that's okay, I myself thinks it's blah, if I ever decide to rewrite this story I might change a few things myself. Anyways, until next time.

Genma, your time is over, I won't let you hurt my friend anymore. Prepare to die you son of a bitch, the wrath of Heaven is fair but just, oh god I'm starting to sound like my Cousin.

Next time on Starting Over: Truth behind the Lies, Chapter Ten. The Final Chapter: Justice.

Kidan Out.