I do not own any of the characters mentioned in this story.

My OC story picks up in the current season but primarily in Sleepy Hollow. Ichabod still doesn't know how he feels for Abbie. While Jenny and Joe's love intensifies, Abbie is plagued by dreams she has of her time in purgatory. The strangest part is she wakes from them feeling like she has been thoroughly loved.

"Not again!" Abbie wakes up screaming that along with a few expletives. As she gets up to go to the bathroom she can still feel residual sensations of it. The buzz of Abbie's cell pulls her from her thoughts. It's a text from Jenny letting Abbie know that she and Joe are going out for drinks and they want her to go too. She then adds that Ichabod is coming also. Abbie knows that being around the people who mean the most to her in the world should be what can cure her loneliness. However, she still feels a big chunk of despair as if something is missing. The next day Abbie meets Ichabod at the archives to look over a case they are working to wrap up for the FBI. Ichabod is ranting on and on about his times with his mentor Ben Franklin when she looks at her reflection in the mirror and catches a flash of something red. What the hell was that, she thought. She there focused on her eyes on the mirror once more and saw that her lips were slightly swollen not like from eating something spicy or being hit in the face. She looked as if she just had a passionate kiss from a lover. When she turned back around to Ichabod he was still talking but now it was about a case that hadPandora's signature all over it. "How long was I out of it?" Abbie thought. Just as she was about to tell Crane to start all over Jenny and Joe entered the room."Hey" they both said with a strange look on their faces. Abbie immediately picks up on this and asks "What's going on?" Jenny than says, "Have you looked atthe local news today?" Ichabod says "No" and Abbie shakes her head in the negative. Well, Jenny says, "I think you should" she then turns on the TV and a male reporter is finishing up his piece on the local Mayor stepping down for health reasons. The broadcast then goes back to the anchor desk and Skip Stearn is doing the rap up. Ichabod then comments on how he could have such a name, and that it has to be fictitious. He stops mid rant when it pans over to the other anchor in the background you can hear Skip saying, "Welcome again to our newest member of the live at 5 team, Katey LeSombra." She is the spitting image of Katrina Crane!

Ichabod sits down and looks like someone has punched him in the gut. Abbie ask Jenny and Joe, "Is it possible it could be Katrina?" Joe says, "She looks just like the picture Ichabod showed him on his phone that he took of her in happier times." Jenny than says, "She sounds just like her too, and in Hollow anything is possible." Abbie turns to Crane who still hadn't said a word she reaches out to touch him and he visibly flinches. She asks if he is "okay" and he nods his head still not saying anything. Abbie stands close to him and the mirror she looked in earlier rattles a little. Everyone looks its way knowing that mirrors are Moloch's specialty. Joe is the first to speak, "Well this town isn't that big and that the Vice Mayor is having a town forum meeting tonight to discuss the Mayor's vacated seat. There's a good chance that new reporter will be there." he says. Ichabod jumps up and agrees with Joe and adds, "Maybe this is Pandora showing her next hand." Abbie is glad he sounds more like himself again. She then notices how far she has moved away from Crane and can't remember taking one step. Joe is on his phone talking to someone and Jenny is on the desktop searching for information on the location and time of the forum tonight. Ichabod approaches Abbie and says, "LeSombra is Spanish for shade or shadow." "Maybe this Katey LeSombra could be Pandora's latest puppet or Katrina reincarnated for another chance at life." she says. "We shall find out Left-tenant." he says with a smile. "Come on let's go grab a bite to eat." Abbie says with a smile as well. Joe hangs up and says, "I could eat and I know of just the place to go." Jenny agrees. The four leave the archives unaware that they are being watched.

The restaurant they choose is new and has already gotten great reviews on its fusion cooking being mouthwatering delicious. The weather is warm and Charley's has its terrace dining area open as well. The lunch crowd is heavy but Joe always gets a table seeing as how he is a silent partner to its owners Remy Chevalier and his wife, Charlotte who is also the chef. Remy and Charley as she likes to be called are like their food. A fusion of French Creole and African American, Remy 6'5" tall with auburn colored hair with an impressive build and his wife 5'3" dark skinned beauty who stole his heart with her kindness to others and her cooking that she calls the "itis" touch. Joe orders his favorite dish chicken tacos and Jenny has a bowl of Jambalaya soup and a salad. Ichabod orders shepherd's pie, and Abbie has crunc hy rolls with a side of fried rice. As their orders arrive and everyone starts to tuck into their meals, the Vice Mayor walks in with none other than Katey LeSombra on his arm. The four watch as the two are seated on the opposite side of terrace. Katey excuses herself to go to the ladies room and Abbie and Jenny do the same. Crane and Joe look on while the Vice Mayor, Peter Fulton looks at the wine selections. Meanwhile, in the ladies room all three women are now either washing their hands or retouching up their lips. Jenny breaks the ice with a 'Wow!' "You're that new lady on the news!" she says. Abbie shakes her head. She then says "Please forgive my sister, she is Jenny Mills, and I'm Agent Abigail Mills." Katey looks unflustered and smiles at them both. She offers her hand to Abbie first and then to Jenny. She tells them that she finds the town quite charming and the people more so. Jenny not so subtlety offers her a business card of her latest endeavor, as a realtor. Katey thanks her and takes it. Abbie again says "Welcome to the Hollow and hopes they meet again." Katey says, 'Likewise' and pulls out her compact as she turns back to the mirror. As the two sisters exit the bathroom Abbie lightly nudges Jenny on being 'Captain Obvious' minus the shrieking. "Well, it worked."Jenny says with a smirk. The two take their seats and fill the guys in on their brief talkwith Katey. The four finish their meals and leave a generous tip for their server since Joe is co-owner and the Chevaliers see him as their son. As they get up to go Katey comes over to let Jenny know she would like her services in finding a home and exchanging numbers with both sisters as well. She turns to Ichabod and says "hello". Ichabod stares at first but finds his voice quickly and offers his hand. They shake and hold each other's hand longer than a shake when they are interrupted by the Vice Mayor Fulton. He barely acknowledges anyone except Katey. She finds this rude herself and says, "I can't have lunch with you because my realtor, Ms. Mills has a property I have to go see immediately." The douche bag offers to get their food to go and take her himself but she quickly turns him down. Jenny than says, (in her best snooty impersonation) "We must hurry and all of that." Abbie covers her giggle and Joe laughs out right! The now five leave the Vice Mayor standing alone at the now vacant table. Outside the restaurant Katey thanks them for getting her out of the most uncomfortable lunch date from hell. They all laugh and Joe and Jenny start walking back towards the police station while Abbie feels like a third wheel between this 'Katrina'and Ichabod. She excuses herself and starts her walk back too. Katey smiles and asks him about his accent, the small talk leads to a surprising dinner date for tonight. They exchange numbers as well and shake again longer than what is accustomed, a fortuitous taxi pulls up and Katey snags it. Unbeknownst to them both the Vice Mayor sees this and now is angry.

Back at the archives Joe is going with Jenny to look at a potential home for Katey and Ichabod is contemplating on where to take Katey for dinner. Abbie is going to stay and do the finishing paperwork on the case for Quantico. Hours later, Abbie wakes up to hearing someone whispering her name, she looks around the room to find no one. Immediately she shrugs it off and starts on her way home. She pulls a few things out for dinner and goes to take a shower. She undresses and puts on a robe headed to the shower when she sees an imprint as if someone's been sitting on her bed. Abbie plays it cool and casually walks to her dresser and pulls out her extra gun a little Colt Python, 'her baby' as she calls it. She turns around but all that is there is herself, she checks her closet followed by the bathroom. Nothing, she then goes room by room before she takes a sigh of relief and puts her 'baby' away. "This is ridiculous," she says to herself. Just then there is a knock at her door, Abbie goes to the door looks out the peep hole and sees Hawley. She asks him what he wants through the door letting him know she is not decent. He tells her he really needs to talk to her and that it's an urgent matter. She lets him in and tells him to wait while she puts something on. Hawley shakes his head and sits down on her sofa. Abbie knows something is definitely not right because Nick Hawley is one of the biggest poon hounds she knows and there wasn't a bit of mirth or dropping of the eye when she let him in.

Ten minutes later, Abbie is quick showered and dressed in sweats looking at a very distraught Hawley. "What's wrong? Are you okay? she asks him. He looks up to her and just blurts it out. "I screwed up bad Abbie." he says, "I can't find the headless horseman's head!" He continued to blurt out what happened, " I was trying to impress this babe that is a fellow entrepreneur as myself, when I told her of some of my relics. We had drinks. She asked to use my bathroom, when she didn't come back in ten minutes. I thought maybe she was snooping in my medicine cabinet, you know that 'girlie' thing you all do." he said. Abbie twisted her lips but let him continue. "I found the bathroom door locked but she didn't answer when I asked was she okay?" Hawley said. "I jimmied it opened and the bathroom window was opened so I started to look around. The only thing missing was his head that I kept with my most precious items." Abbie just stared at him, why wasn't she upset or fearful, she thought. She asked for a description of the girl and told Hawley to go tell the others. Abbie locked her door and sat down to now deal with the feelings and images that popped in her head when Nick left. She now understood her loneliness and why she felt so incomplete. Not because of Purgatory, it was because of what or better who she left there.