Disclaimer I don't own Merlin or any other property referenced in this fic
A/n This is my first fic so please it might not be very good so please no flames
Chapter 1
"Come on Merlin," says Hunith, as she tries to pull the five-year-old away from the crowd gathering around the King Urian's royal procession. Hunith knew that they needed to get away from the king before Merlin could accidentally display his powers because King Urian was known to take sorcerers of great power into his court. If he found that Merlin was so powerful at such a young impressionable age she shuddered what would become of her little hawk. But Merlin didn't know that all he saw was a wonderful parade that was fun to watch that his mom was trying to take him away from.
"Why mommy, Will gets to stay and watch why can't I?" Asked Merlin digging his heels " I want to see him too!"
" Because he will take you away and then mommy will never see you again you will have to live with him and never come back to Elador. Is that what you want?" Hunith was getting desperate now the king was getting closer.
" No, I don't want to leave you, mommy." Said Merlin he grabbed his mother's hand and she started to lead him away.
" Halt peasant!" Yells one of the knights with the king "The king wishes to address this village!"
Hunith immediately starts to consider her options, she could keep walking and hope that one lowly peasant and her son weren't worth pursuing or she could stop join the crowd keep a tight hold on Merlin and stay out of sight. She decided that staying was less risky as long as Merlin could stay quiet so she started walking back to the crowd. It was a decision she would regret for the rest of her life. Once they were back in the crowd she began to listen to the speech still clutching Merlin's arm.
" I'm here to collect men and boys to train for my army." Announces king Urian "It is a wonderful chance for your sons to be kept warm and well fed. In addition to the fact that the pay is quite spectacular and can be arranged to be sent back here. In fact…"
" What right do you have to are sons we live in Cenred's lands" interrupts one brave mother
" Yes, that's right Cenred may not be a kind king but he doesn't come and steal are boys!" Cries another. The crowd was uneasy now shifting and whispering like the sea, bumping into one another.
"SILENCE PEASANTS!" Shouts the king he had been trying to make this seem as if he was looking for recruits but he wasn't. King Urian was going to leave this village with ten boys whether they wanted to go or not. " I tried to make this easy and let people choose to go but now you leave me with no choice, GRAB THE MEN!"
In response to their king's orders, they charged grabbing at men and boys and hauling them back to their horses. The villagers scattered left and right grabbing their families and running for the woods.
Merlin, off balanced by the sudden jerk on his arm as his mother pulled him away and the bumping of the crowd, tripped and fell. His magic rushed to his aid and his eyes glowed gold he suddenly halted floating near inches from the ground. Merlin was only floating for a second before he realized what he was doing and told his magic to drop him but the damage was done.
The king had seen and immediately stopped and shouted: " GRAB THAT ONE HE HAS MAGIC!"
" NO" yelled Hunith " NOT MERLIN! NOT MY SON!"
As the soldiers surrounded Merlin he shouted and they were all blown back by the sheer force of his magic.
" MOMMY" screamed Merlin as he ran towards her not noticing the blow aimed at his head. Then *THUD* and Elador dissolved into black.
And one shivering twenty-year-old warlock awoke from his nightmare in the court physician's chambers in Camelot.
A/N Like it? Hate it? Leave a review as I said this is my first fic so constructive criticism is welcome.