Sorry I've been away for so so long. It's been what? A year? I apologize to any readers I've let down because of a lack of updates. My schedule has become insanely busy and I'm lucky to have had the time to write this chapter. I anticipate future updates but I cannot promise anything: things are always coming up out of the blue and who knows when I'll have enough time. I hope you guys all like this. Please be sure to review (your reviews are always so helpful :)) and favorite this story for any future updates if you haven't already.

And without further ado... Steve and Google. This one was not actually recommended by anyone in particular but I was inspired by a few different recommendations. Thanks to everyone who left suggestions! I hope you will continue to do so.

Steve, Wanda, Clint, and Natasha were driving away from the movie theater, after seeing a rather disappointingly bad action movie. Steve, bored, stared out the window at the billboards they passed.

"Who thought of play-dough?" Steve asked after seeing a colorful advertisement for it.

"How am I supposed to know?" Clint responded.

Steve went back to staring out the window as Natasha interrupted his silent curiosity.

"Just google it."

Evidently, this was before Steve had gotten a smart phone... he had no idea what she was talking about.


"Google it. Oh come on, you have to know what google-"

"No, I don't," Steve interrupted.

"It's a search engine, Steve," Clint informed him from the driver's seat.

"What's that?"

Clint, suddenly disappointed in Steve for being so clueless, thankful Tony wasn't in the car to make some snide joke, and excited he got to be the one to enlighten Steve on such an important matter, began explaining what he meant by 'search engine'.

"Ohhhh. That makes sense. It helps you get around the internet, so you don't have to know the exact website you're looking for. You can just ask the Google a question and it will find the answer for you."

"Just Google." Natasha corrected.


"You said you ask 'the Google'. No one says that."


There was a moment of silence before Natasha, noticing Steve's lack of cellular device, pulled out her own phone and pulled up Google for him.

"Here," She said, offering the phone.

"I'm afraid I don't know how to use that."

She sighed but then typed in his question. Who came up with play-dough?

After skimming for a moment, she read the information off to Steve.

"Way back in the 1930s, Noah McVicker created a substance that looked like putty out of flour, water, salt, boric acid and mineral oil. His family's soap company — Kutol Products — in Cincinnati, Ohio, marketed his creation as a wallpaper cleaner."

"Interesting," was Steve's only reply.

"Well, there you have it. Google comes in handy all the time."


The next day...

"Natasha!" Steve called from his room. She was only in the next room over.

"Yes, Steve? You don't need to yell."

"Sorry. I was wondering if you could show me how to use Google on my computer. "

'"Of course. Just type in 'google . com' into the bar at the top. There. Now just type in any question you have and click "enter". It'll come right up."


"No problem," Natasha smiled and laughed quietly as she exited the room.

A few hours later, eating with the rest of the Avengers...

Steve ran excitedly into the room, beaming.

"Well, what made you just a little ray of sunshine?" Tony asked.

"Did you know scorpions can hold their breath for six days?!"

"Ummmmm... no. I did not know that nor how that is relevant at all." Tony replied.

"Well, they can! And jellyfish can evaporate in the sun because they are 98% water."

Steve continued to shower the rest of them with random facts, mostly about various animals and ancient civilizations throughout the rest of the evening. It rather annoyed quite a few of them, but most didn't do anything.


I did say most. Steve found out the next day that Tony had blocked Google's website from his computer. He had to convince Natasha to hack it for him so he could go back on his new favorite website.

Well, that's all for today. I hope you enjoyed it! Please Please Please review. I always love hearing suggestions and comments. Also, let me know in the reviews whether or not I should do another one-shot about Bing, which I may be posting later this week or early next if I'm able, and if you all want it. That particular one-shot may also feature Thor... ;) So let me know if you want to see that, or if you want to see anything else. All suggestions are welcome and appreciated as you've already heard me say ten thousand times, I'm sure. Thanks for reading and have a great day!