Believe it or not . . . this is the last chapter. I debated for so long on how to handle the ending – I'm terrible at wrapping up stories. Hence, this fic has gone on for 30 CHAPTERS! Thank you for sticking with me through this. I hope you loved this version of #Outlawqueen as much as I enjoyed writing them. They are seriously so cute. As always thank you for reading and reviewing and giving kudos it is much appreciated. I will continue to write for Robin and Regina for as long as I can. I love them so much. Without further ado here is the end of #TheReformedBadBoy

Regina woke on the morning of May 5th – alone. She stretched her arms over her head and let out a breath; today she was getting married. Robin had spent the night with Jefferson and a few of his other friends since it was customary for the bride and groom to be without one another before their wedding day. The ceremony was at the Marina at three o'clock and she gasped when she glanced at the alarm clock next to her bed – it was already ten. She stood, showered immediately and dressed in comfortable black pants and one of Robin's dark green t-shirts. When she went downstairs there was a cavalry of women waiting for her. Her eyes grew wide when her bridesmaids attacked her in the kitchen; giving hugs, kisses and offering congratulations. They'd made pancakes for breakfast and served fruit and coffee and they sat around talking about the upcoming ceremony. Emma was on her phone smiling "I just got a pic from Killian. It appears the boys had a bit of fun last night," she said. She passed it around and when it reached Regina there was a photo of all the men at Jefferson's bar. They were smiling and holding up drinks; it was a huge crowd. Jefferson had closed down the bar so that they could all celebrate Robin for the night.

Regina laughed "Very cute," she said as she passed the phone back to Emma.

"Are you alright," Emma asked as they stood from the island and walked into the hallway.

She smiled "Yes, I'm just a little nervous," she admitted.

Emma hugged her "I know and it will be fine. Trust me. These women have everything on schedule. For instance; I'm pretty sure any minute we're leaving to go to the salon. Then, we'll come back here to get dressed and before you know it – you'll be walking down the aisle. Well, the dock … to your husband."

"I'm getting married today," she said softly.

"You are and it's going to be beautiful and romantic. So . . ."

"We have to go," Mary said as she butted into the conversation.

"Told you," Emma said. She wrapped her arms around Regina and they all headed out. It was time to get ready . . .

Robin was pacing on the dock; he looked back at the set-up of chairs; decorations, banners, flowers and was very impressed. Their friends had outdone themselves to prepare for this. He was grateful to them. He glanced over at the men laughing and everyone looked quite dapper. Roland was dressed in his little tuxedo and Henry was holding his hand. His father-in-law was ecstatic to finally become a grandfather and watching them together was very sweet. Guests were arriving and they began sitting down on the white chairs that stretched along the dock. People were chatting; and every once in a while someone would smile at him. Robin's friend Tuck was marrying them and he motioned for him to get ready. He let out a breath and joined the rest of his wedding party; Killian clapped him on the back "All set? This party is about to get started mate," he said.

Robin smiled "Yeah' I suppose I'm just a little bit nervous."

Jefferson joined them "When you see Regina; all of the worry will float away," he said.

"Have you seen her," Robin asked.

Jefferson smiled "Yes and the rest of them look lovely as well. We're starting soon," he said. "I hope you have your vows ready," he teased as he winked and walked away. They'd decided to write their own vows and yes he was prepared but he hoped he wouldn't sound like a complete loon. Tuck motioned that they were about to start and all the men lined up. Roland stood next to Robin and watched as Henry walked down the dock and turned the corner. He was going to get Regina "This is it," Jefferson said as one by one the bridesmaids began to walk toward them. They were dressed in beautiful black dresses. When Regina had first told him her ladies would be wearing black; she had simply responded it's one of my favorite colors and they will all look beautiful. So, he didn't argue and she was right. They all looked lovely. They wore all different styles; but each lady looked absolutely gorgeous. Killian was beaming at Emma and when finally they were all lined up. Regina and Henry turned the corner and Robin's mouth hit the ground. She was dressed in a simple off-white gown; it hugged her body and it was hard to describe but; he shook his head and smiled – stunning. She wore a tiara on her head and she looked like a princess; no a Queen. It seemed to be an eternity but finally she was standing in front of him. Henry kissed her cheek; took her hand and pressed her fingers into Robin's palm. Robin barely heard Tuck as he said "who gives this woman to this man" he was entranced by her beauty. He couldn't help but notice she was staring at him as well. They were admiring one another. They both chuckled and Tuck began the ceremony. A few minutes later he heard his friend say "Robin and Regina have written their own vows. Robin, you go first my friend," he said.

He nodded and let out a breath and stared into her face "Regina, I'm pretty sure I fell in love with you the first night I met you at 'The Rabbit Hole.' You looked absolutely gorgeous and you took my breath away. When we first started dating; I admit I was scared. I was unsure of a lot of things; was I good enough for you; would you accept my son with open arms? But, after a few short weeks; I knew you were the woman I'd always dreamt of meeting. I know you've joked about how I'm you're reformed bad boy but in all seriousness you have helped me more than you know. You've given me your love and devotion and it is truly a gift.

You are my best friend, the love of my life and I am so blessed to know you . . . to love you. I will do my best every single day to be the husband you deserve. For the rest of my days Regina I will honor and cherish you for as long as I live."

He wiped a tear off her cheek and she smiled and let out a breath "Robin, you are my best friend and the great love of my life. For a long time; I ran from the prospect of being in love because I'd been hurt many times but when I met you – you gave me something I hadn't felt in a long time - hope. I also was unsure at first; you'd been married before and you have a son. But, after spending time with you; both of you," she said smiling over at Roland "I knew I wanted a life with you; to spend the rest of my days with you." Tears were rolling down his face and she wiped them away and stepped even closer to him if that was possible "I will love and honor you for the rest of our lives and even into the next one. Forever; you and me – always," she said. It was as if no one else were watching them. They were both crying and Robin placed his forehead against hers. Tuck spoke next but they barely heard him and finally he announced that they should kiss. Robin grabbed the side of her face and they kissed slowly at first but then it grew into something much more and everyone was screaming from their seats. They both laughed as their lips parted and then they faced the audience. Everyone was on their feet and applauding. There wasn't a dry eye in the house.

Robin kissed the top of her hand and whispered in her ear "Are you ready to dance – wife," he said as he wiggled his eyebrows.

She smiled "Most definitely – husband," she replied.

They'd danced, ate, laughed, kissed, mingled with their friends and family for quite some time but Robin wanted to get his wife home for their wedding night. She was laughing with her parents and that's when their eyes met; she placed a strand of her hair behind her ear and he licked his lips. She hugged her parents and then walked over to their table; she leaned down and kissed him quickly and rubbed her nose against his "Are you alright," she asked as she sat in the chair next to him.

He smiled "Of course. I was just admiring you from afar. I am allowed to stare at my wife – aren't I," he teased as he scooted closer to her and grabbed her hands.

"Yes, are you ready to blow off the rest of this party and go home? We still have to pack for our trip," she said.

"I was actually just thinking that I'd love to get you home," he admitted as he pulled her into his arms and hugged her.

She smiled "Then, let's get the hell out of here," she said.

He laughed "Whatever you say – wife," he teased.

They were lounging in the bath about two hours later; they had shed their clothes quickly and Robin filled the tub for them. She was leaning back against his chest and he had his arms wrapped around her "Alright," he asked softly.

"Yes," she replied. His hand coasted down her arm and he kissed the top of her head "I think this is one of my favorite places to be with you," she said.

He chuckled "It's quite relaxing."

"What's the first thing you want to do when we get there," she asked.

He shrugged "I don't know. I'm sure we'll check in; grab something to eat. It's a new experience for both of us but you've done research. So, where would you like to go first," he asked.

She reached for this hand and kissed the top "I don't care. I'll be with you and that's all that matters," she said.

"I never got to tell you how impressed I was with your vows," he said.

She smiled "Your words were beautiful too."

"I meant every word," he said softly as he hugged her close.

"Me too," she replied.

"Everyone is going to be so jealous of us; I plan to post pictures," he said.

"The Eiffel Tower," she said softly.

"What baby?"

"I think the first thing we should see is The Eiffel Tower."

He laughed "Alright, then that will be our first stop."

"Two weeks in France; what will we do with ourselves," she whispered.

"Oh' I can think of many things to do," he teased as he began to kiss the back of her neck.

She laughed "It's a long time. I'll miss everyone."

"Yes, but we're going to France for our honeymoon. This is a once in a lifetime journey we are taking," he said.

She turned around and faced him "I love you."

He smiled "I love you. Is something wrong," he asked.

She shook her head "No, I'm just so happy. I never thought I'd have this."

He cleared this throat "We have this and so much more," he said.

"Paris," she said smiling.

"Yes, Paris; you and me together," he replied.

"Always . . ." she said.

He placed his forehead against hers "Always . . ."


Just a little side note: Steven and I started dating on May 5th that's why I chose that particular date. I Hope you all enjoyed this story. I'm going to start posting my new one shortly. It's called THE BOOK STORE. I hope you'll read that as well. Thank you all for always being so supporting.