Kitty021: guys I'm so sorry for the way it was. (Some will understand, some won't.) My computer Doc. messed up and bunched it all together. Sort sorry sorry! It should be fixed now.

By fixing it, I had to retread it and relized that it was really bad and rushed. Sorry about that too.

Read it slow, just in case.


It was the only way, Princess decided. If she had Chat Noir's miraculous in her possession, she would be free. Free from being conflicted, free from the consequences, free from having no control. And that's how they ended up here. On top of the Eiffel. Her trap to catch Chat Noir.

She was being shown on the news, most likely causing fear to irrupt inside Paris's citizens and visitors. But that was the plan wasn't it. To tell all of Pairs what would become of there precious tower if Chat didn't show up. She would destroy it, crumble it, making it crash into the ground.

But, instead of Chat Noir, she had another blond haired, green eyed boy up on the tower with her. Adrien Agrest. Her old crush, her old friend, the one she thought didn't care, exactly like Chat Noir. Except he was here. Apologizing, making it clear that he cares. That he is there for her, and will never leave her.

Then he slipped.

His foot lost balance at the sudden attack from down below. A shot fired rounded the air, and with a jolt, he was startled off of the beam. Falling, falling fast, growing closer to the stone below.

But for him, it couldn't come more slowly. The air rushed out of his lungs, making him gasp violently for oxygen. The wind blowing harshly over his entire being, making blond mix with his vision, but not enough to keep him from seeing movement above on the beam he was on just mere seconds before.

She jumped, diving down, praying to get to him in time. Something overcame her and without a second thought, she was tumbling downward. She had to save him, protect him, that is what Ladybug does, isn't it?

But she isn't Ladybug. She doesn't protect anymore. She causes havoc and harm to those that do not think of her as their princess. Except, no one loves and adores Princess like they did Ladybug. What is the point now? She is Ladybug, Hawkmoth will not show it. She can still be Ladybug. Maybe Chat will forgive her, love her like he did? But that's wishful thinking.

Her hands rapped around his torso, bringing him close to her chest. One hand on him, the other on her whip. She cracked her wrist, sending the weapon flying. It caught a metal bar, and before they could hit the ground, they were stopped. Inches from the ground, her grasp was released and they caught themselves on the ground. "I-I'm sorry Adrien. I-I can't, I don't know what to do anymore. He won't let me go, I-I want to be me again. I-I just-" another fired shot startled her.

Adrien, finally catching his breath, whipped his head around to see the police force approaching. "Adrien, you need to leave. It's not safe here." "No! You leave! Ladybug, Marinette, they're trying to hurt you." He yelled.

"Might as well," she shrugged. "I couldn't bring myself to hurt Chat, and Hawkmoth wont let me go. I can't do it anymore." She wasn't gasping, sobbing, or cracking. Her voice was steady, even as tears made a clear stream down her mask.

"I'll get you out." He declared.

"Goodbye Adrien." She swung back up the Eiffel, taking the same place as before.

Now the cops were with him. S determined boy filled with anger, hurt, guilt, love. "Why are you doing this? She isn't doing anything!"

"She is going to take down our tower. Chat Noir and Ladybug aren't here to fix this one. We've taken matters into our own hands this time."

"Killing an innocent person. She's under Hawkmoth's rule! It isn't her!"

"She's hardly innocent. She's hurt the people of Paris. She has to be stopped. You need to leave Agrest. You're father would be upset."

"Wouldn't Paris be upset if someone was shot for no reason?"

"Adrien" Another voice spoke. He knew this voice, but it wasn't cold as usual. It was sad. Adrien's head turned his head, and among the crowded police force, was a tall and well respected man, with his arms outstretched and his eyes pleading.

"Father?" Adrien pushed through the crowd, and reached his dad. He was grasped with force, arms rapped around him. He felt safe. Safe like when he was little, so he let it out, breaking into sobs. Gabriel bent down to the boy, the boy that was just a kid, and picked him up, cradling him in his arms. He carried him away, away from the police, away from the crowd, away from the people, and just held him.

"Adrien, it's okay."

"I-It's not ok-kay. They're g-going to hurt her."

"There's nothing we can do."

"There has to be. I-I can't just let-t them get to her."


"I love her. Dad, I love her. You remember how mom made you feel right? That's how I feel about her. And she's hurting. She doesn't care if she dies and I can't just watch the one I love say that. I-I have do do something." Gabriel didn't like this. He didn't like the tears from his son, it hurt him to watch this. He loves his son, would do anything for him. He loved his wife, he would do anything for her as well.

That's why he's doing this right? He is doing this for her and for his son. Bringing her back would be like it used to. Adrien would have his mother. Gabriel would have his love. But at what price?

Taking his son's love, his son's fainted person away. Where would that leave Adrien. He would loose him too. But he couldn't just free her like that. It didn't work that way."Ladybug and Chat Noir are not here to save the day this time. Adrien, I'm sorry, there is nothing I can do, nothing I can do to change their minds. I would change the past if I could. I would change my decisions."

"I have to do something." Adrien repeated, this time cold and sad. He raised from his father and wiped his eyes. He would save her, he had too. "Chat Noir isn't gone."

"Adrien?" "I love you, okay. Give me time, I'll be back. I can fix this, I have too. Please, just don't tell anyone. Plagg, claws out." And just like that, with the help of a magical cat and ring, with a flash of green light, he was Chat Noir.

Gabriel was overwhelmed, not with happiness that he finally found the cat miraculous, but with guilt, from what he had done in the past years. "You can save her, just be careful okay, I expect to see you soon. Come back to me. And Adrien, I'm sorry I didn't know, I should have." He pulled his son to his chest, and just hugged him.

It was true that he could save her though. It had happened before, Nooroo had said that. If Adrien really loved her, and she loved him, he could absorb the akuma with his cataclysm and not get hurt. If she didn't love him, he could die. And Gabriel feared that he wouldn't see his son again. "I love you Adrien."

"I love you too."

"Now, go save her."


Another shot was fired into the air, aimed right for Princess. But, it's path was blocked by a strong, magical staff, sending the now useless bullet to clatter against the pavement.

"Ch-Chat Noir?" "Do you realize what you're doing?" He was angry, his face twisted into a scowl. "You are meant to protect Paris."

"That is what we're doing." Officer Rodger spoke again.

"No, that's what I'm doing." Chat Noir's deep greens bored holes into the officer. "This isn't what we do. We protect everyone. Even that girl, who has caused destruction, but that's never stopped us before. You are trying to KILL that scared, terrified, trapped girl. She's a GIRL for God's sake. I advise you leave."

"Where's Ladybug?"

"Oh yes. Ladybug, the favorite heron of Paris. The bearer of luck and everything good. The person who fixes everything. I forgot that I'm just Chat Noir, the holder of bad luck and the keeper of destruction. Well, sorry to disappoint. You're stuck with me. Ladybug is currently being shot at by the Paris Police Force. Now, I find I can be very persuasive, what with me bearing destruction." And that was the end of it. They dropped there weapons, and left it to Chat Noir.


Ladybug was standing on the visitors deck, looking at the stars, letting her hair blow in the wind. A gloved hand touched her back. She whipped to face the holder, at seeing him, her face was instantly painted with anger, but then contorted into sadness, and almost giving up look.

"I know it's you Mari." He broke the silence.

"Are you disappointed?"

"Of course not."

"Are you sure. Ladybug holds a high place in you're heart. I've heard things. Things that were told by people I don't trust. I shouldn't believe them, but she does." She turned back to the shining moon. "She hates you, y'know. But I can't find a place to do that. I love you Chat. She doesn't want me too. I'm not even sure if I want myself to." She released a well held breath. "I don't want to do this anymore Chat. I'm done. She's too powerful. You should go, I don't want to hurt you, but it's hard when she's so persistent."

"I'm not going anywhere Marinette."

"Why? Why are you so determined? Aren't you scared of me?"She was facing him now. Her voice slightly raised, but questioning as well.

"No, you won't hurt me."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because, I have a lucky charm."

"I'm not Ladybug, I'm not lucky."

"No, you're not Ladybug. But, I have another lucky charm." His hand raised to his left zipped pocket where a small bulge was, thankful that Plagg phased it through. Unzipping it, Chat Noir continued. "Someone I love gave it too me. My miraculous might bring bad luck, but this always brightens my day. It really does help, and it's very special." Now holding out the bracelet with a familiar jade bead, "I know that nothing bad can happen when I have it. I take it everywhere, and it reminds me that someone cares."

"A-Adrien." Her dark red lips were apart and her bluebells widened at the discovery.


"B-But," She turned away from him. "You love Ladybug." 'Not me.'

"Yes, I do."

Princess grasped both of her arms, hugging them to her body, while letting a salted drop escape from her closed eyes.

"Look at me." He commanded. He took her shoulder, and spun her around to him as her hands fell from their grasps. His clawed glove took ahold of her arm and pulled her close, the other wiping away the small droplet, then moving to her chin to make her look in his glowing greens. "I love ladybug because she's smart, she's brave, courageous, strong, clumsy, adorable, shy, so incredibly stubborn, she never hates, always sees the good in everyone, she always cares, she's amazing, and talented, and I'm running out of adjectives. Ladybug is all of those things and more, inside and outside of her polka dots. She's even more beautiful out of her mask, where her cute little freckles lay. So yes, I love Ladybug, and Marinette, you are Ladybug. So, Ladybug let me help you." His hand moved from her arm to the bells that hung from her neck, the other continuously brushing away tears as her cheek leaned into it. "So, come back to me Marinette, M'Lady, my Princess, okay?"

Her eyes were still closed, but a smile graced her lips as small sobs were let from them. Her head nodding as stray, raven, strands curled around her face. His hand slowly pulled her in from her cheek while he whispered for cataclysm.

Black destructive magic graced his hand, going for the bell as their soft lips touched.

Under the the light of the constellations, they kissed, declaring their love. It was sweet and passionate, warm and powerful. It was full of forgiveness, willingness, pleading, and most of all, love.

A blinding violet light rushed over their bodies that were still connected. Princess was now Marinette, she wasn't scared, wasn't terrified, wasn't alone, no longer trapped.

They took every second out of the kiss before their lungs burned, not only for air, but with happiness and nerves.

"Y-You have t-to say it." He panted.

"M-Miraculous Ladybug and-d Chat Noir" Black and red magic fled there miraculous', joining together then spreading throughout the night sky and Paris, fixing the flaws and making everything glow.

"I love you Marinette."

"And I love you."


Kitty021: So, that's it. Finished, done. I'm not exactly pleased. I feel like I dove into some things in this and went a little to deep, then other parts didn't have enough. I don't know. I'm not good with endings. Some of you know that from my first fiction, Secrets.

But let me tell you how hard it was to write this. Not because of the writers block, but because of the point of view. I'm writing a new story for miraculous that is in first person. It's hard going from first to third, so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes related to that. I'm sorry if there are any mistakes period.

Anyways, let's get ready for a big year! (I am aware that 2016 started months ago, I know) I am writing a fic. that is going to be called, My Miraculous Change. I'm also planning another Miraculous fan fiction after that. Then, I have two more stories I'm thinking about writing. (Most likely will.) I also might write one for Christmas when the time comes. (It's so far away! :( )

I would like to thank everyone who followed and favorited this story. Also to some guests who have been reading it. It really does mean a lot. Sooooo...

Favorited: BookWormQueen100, BringOnTheWonder1997, Buckler, Ceceisthebomb, Chaton Rouge, Cookies345, CrazyAshleyCat, DJKatt, DarkQueen48, Dawnthia, Demonleonhart, Faintiana, IzzyCreative247, Jolee.2002, Kimire, Momijifan Low-Ki, OtakuKokoro, ThatFabKat(I really like Dancing In The Dark.), The Blue Miraculer, Tortuebliss, TrimusicaDrag00n90, VocaloidWriter, ZSingingKitten, adiluluna, annaelric123, bookworm3, catherine5827, cutekittenlady, elizabeth-cassandra-sarrows, godrockz4evaz, itdoesntmatter1, jukkka, kiekie290, .midnight3, miraculous ladynoir, moorer3, nami84, norealaccount1242002, princessdior22, quaylacheers, swagcutie88, unicornsareawsome123.


Akkira Nala, Buckler, Carlie 1423, ChatterNoMatter(love the name!), Cookies345, CrazyAshleyCat, DJKatt, DarkQueen48, Dawnthia, Demonleonhart, Diablovia, Dimondflower101, Empireoftheblsckcat, Eyr311, Forth, Freerick, larlis, idreamofsnowflakes, IrishDreamer4, IzzyCreative247, JackFrostnDean, -lover, Johnny Spectre, Jolee.2002, Kimire, LadyNoir FanFiction Reader, LilyTheNinjaGirl, MegaBatz, Momijifan Low-Ki, NitenGale, OtakuKokoro, OverTheFairyGravityUniverse, Paws-chan65, QueenDisney201, Redd Carpet, RosesMcKellar, Sadielover1470, Shiranai Atsune, Sky the white dragon, sweetandshy513, The Blue Miraculer, TheUltamiteAngela, Tortuebliss, VocaloidWriter, W.I.T.C. , XxAceLawxX, ZSingingKitten, ZXCVBNMEM, adiluluna, aomsup04344, bookworm3, catherine5278, elizabeth-cassandra-sarrows, godrockz4eva, iloveturnip, itdoesntmatter1, jukkka, kmlly242, .midnight3, mikey81197, miraculous ladynoir, moorer3, nami84, norealaccount01242002, princessdior22, quaylacheers, swagcutie88.

Thanks everyone. It's sad that it's over. :( please tell me what you thought!

Ps. You do NOT know how much sad and depressing music I had to listen too to get through this story. My mom thought that I was depressed.

Ohh yayyyy! I'm going to give you the summery for the new upcoming story, My Miraculous Change.


All of Marinette's life has been the same. Every detail and routine memorized. That is until a tragedy disrupted her and her family's life. A drastic change was made that sent her spiraling down a path that she never knew was there. Now, no matter how hard she tries, she can never truly be happy, always wishing for the past. Her life feels pointless now that he was gone. That is what she thought, now she's not so sure. A new boy, by the name of Adrien, stumbles into her life, and changes that life for the better.