The Moores Ch. 7

Her hands had already healed and the throbbing in her head was now just a dull ache. Skye could count herself lucky for her inhuman DNA, otherwise she likely would have had a concussion. Dammit if Bobbi couldn't hit hard. Grant kneeled in front of her still examining her hands closely, like he almost couldn't believe that they were perfectly fine now. Robot does not compute, she wanted to say.

"Grant, I told you I heal fast." Skye mumbled instead. He finally allowed his eyes to drift from her completely healed hands and meet her look.

"How's your head?" She sighed, that was the third time in the last half hour that he had asked her that. She knew he was worried, but couldn't he believe his own eyes. His hand reached up and Skye allowed him to rest it softly on the back of her head. She had washed away the dried blood when they had first arrived, her hair was still damp.

They had rented, with cash of course, a motel room for two hours. The look the man at the front desk had given them when he saw their trio left little doubt what he thought they would be doing. But better some perv think they were having a threesome while a baby slept, then having S.H.I.E.L.D. on their tail.

As Grant examined her head Skye's eyes drifted to Kara. Bringing her was a mistake. There was no denying that. But, when Grant had said he trusted her and had wanted her to come, who was she to refuse him. He had asked so little of her the past few days, that Skye was almost inclined to agree to anything he wanted.

Kara sat on the bed next to the window and would periodically glance out to make sure that S.H.I.E.L.D. hadn't followed them. They were only going to stay for another hour tops, but Skye could tell Kara was beginning to get antsy. But, so was she.

The faster they could get to their destination, the faster they would be safe. They were only 4 hours away; they could make it.

Tommy sat in his carrier and was playing with Buddy quietly. Anytime Kara wasn't watching for S.H.I.E.L.D. her eyes would usually stray to him, then to where she and Grant sat. She must be having a hard time wrapping her head around all of this. Which wouldn't be a strange reaction from anyone that knew about her and Grant's past.

Grant sighed in front of her and stood, he was finally satisfied. He then turned to Kara and cautiously stepped toward her. "How about you?" He asked.

Skye quickly pushed away her doubt that his worry for Kara caused. Just because Grant was in a relationship with her before he went through Tahiti, it didn't mean that he would have any feelings for her when he became himself again. She knew that it was stupid to feel this way and was just compounding with her earlier worries that he wouldn't want her or Tommy anymore when he got his memories back.

It was ridiculous to feel this way. He was in love with her, not Kara. Getting his memories back wouldn't change that. Skye couldn't tell if she meant that or if she was just trying to stem the fear inside of her she had been carrying for the past few days.

"No worse for wear." Kara answered with a small smile and Grant nodded. His attention quickly shifted to Tommy. He bent down to unbuckle him from the carrier and lift him up into his arms. Tommy's head immediately rested on his father's chest, her poor little boy was getting tired. "What's his name?"

They both turned back to Kara who was looking at Grant expectantly. "Thomas Douglas Mo-" Grant's words stopped mid-sentence and his eyes shot to Skye.

"Ward. Thomas Douglas Ward, but we call him Tommy." She answered for him. The panicked look on Grant's face began to fade and Skye felt as if she had just relieved one of his greatest fears. She smiled to try and reassure him further.

"Tommy?" Kara asked with a pointed look at Skye. She nodded to answer the unaired questioned. Yes, he was named after that Tommy. Kara turned back to rest her eyes on Grant and Tommy, the former of the two giving them a curious look. He had not missed their exchange.

"He looks like you Grant." Kara said diverting the way she could see the conversation would head. Skye eyes shot back to Kara, before immediately going back to Grant.

"Oh, that so means I win." Skye exclaimed casting a devious grin and Grant, who gave her a flabbergasted look.

"No, he still looks more like you." Skye jumped up from her chair and marched over to Grant and Tommy.

"Oh, no it doesn't mister. It's two against one now. I so win." She grinned broadly when he rolled his eyes and gave an exasperated sigh. "And with a win comes bragging rights, my son looks just like my incredible gorgeous husband." She said with a wink.

When a small smile finally formed on Grant's face Skye jumped for joy, well mentally. Instead she stood on her tip toes and met his mouth with hers. It was meant to be a short kiss, but when Grant parted his lips to greet her tongue with his own she couldn't help but let in continue. That was until a cough came from behind them. Skye pulled away slightly breathless, with a blush beginning to form on her cheeks.

A quick glance at Grant proved he was still caught up in the passion, or so it would seem by the look on his face. "I love being the third wheel. It's so fun. This isn't sarcasm. No, definitely not." Skye turned back to Kara who had turned back towards the window as she murmured, obviously uncomfortable about their little display.

"Sorry Kara." Skye said as she pushed away her embarrassment. She could imagine Grant finally experiencing the embarrassment behind her. Like she shoved it off of herself and onto him. Kara nodded slightly still not looking away from the window.

"Well maybe I should put Tommy down for a nap." Grant whispered from behind her. She cast a glance behind her shoulder to Tommy almost asleep against Grant's chest.

"Yeah, sounds good." She answered as Grant quietly laid Tommy down on the opposite end of the bed of where Kara sat.

Skye forcibly stopped herself from sighing again. She felt like she had been doing that too often lately. This next 48 minutes were going to be long.

Fitz jumped when arms wrapped around his waste from behind and almost dropped the tool in his hands. "Fitz?" Jemma's voice sounded from his back and he felt his racing heart begin to slow, it was only Jemma. He turned in her arms to meet her worried gaze. "Are you alright?"

"Uh…" He stuttered. "Y- yes." He answered untruthfully. He had to lie, how could he explain to her everything. That he had been lying for years. That Skye had caused the lockdown and that he was warning her, covering for her. He couldn't tell Jemma that he was friends with Ward again.

The look on her face didn't change with his answer, in fact the creases between her eyes deepened. She scanned his face and he hoped he could keep it blank. "Fitz, sweetheart, what's wrong?" He couldn't take it much more. Lying to the woman he loved was something he had never wanted to do.

His head lowered to her shoulder and he let out a deep breath. Just being in her presence was starting to calm him down. She was a miracle worker, or she would be if Fitz believed in miracles. One of Jemma's hands came to rest on the back of his head and she began to slowly massage it with the tips of her fingers.

He let himself just lean against her for a while, just soaking in her unique presence. There was no one that could compare to her. After a few moments he forced himself to answer her question.

"I'm just worried about Daisy." He answered truthfully, he could at least give her that much. She would have heard of the rumors about Skye by now. Jemma's hands stilled for just a moment before they continued.

"Is it true what their saying? That she… she ran off with Ward?" She whispered, when she said Ward's name her grip on him tightened. Fitz was once again reminded why he had to keep what Skye had done a secret from her. Jemma just wasn't willing to forgive him…

Or maybe if she heard, if Skye told her what she had him, about Ward's past. What she had learned Garret had done to him, she might reconsider.

Now however, was not the time to test out that theory.

"I- I don't know." She stiffened in his arms and pulled away. She could obviously tell he was lying. Her face searched his own.

"Fitz… What aren't you telling me?" His breath caught and without thinking he blurted out.

"I haven't gotten your surprise yet! I- I should go do that." He pulled away from her quickly and once again ran out of his lab. He couldn't keep lying to her. He brushed past May on his way out, only muttering a small apology as he did so.

The car was silent, save for Tommy's coos. Tommy fingers held his like a lifeline and he was beginning to worry that his son couldn't handle the stress of their environment much longer. After all he was only 9 months old, no baby should have to go through what he was. He felt a stir of anger thrashing in the pit of his stomach. How could anyone purposely put a baby through this?

Tommy brought his finger to his mouth, then preceded to use his finger as a teething ring. He couldn't help but wince as the sting drew him from his dangerous feelings.

Allowing Tommy to keep ahold of his finger, he blindly reached down to the floorboard to retrieve Tommy's diaper bag. It took him longer than he had hoped and he winced slightly each time Tommy's tooth bit into his finger.

When he finally caught ahold of it he pulled the bag up into his lap and began to rummage for a teething ring. Hoping that the bag had one, he continued to search, they had left in a hurry. "What are you looking for?" He looked up from his search at Kara's voice. She sat in the passenger seat adjacent to Skye and watched him, curious as to what he was doing. Her eyes switched to Tommy briefly, taking in their current situation.

"He's teething." He answered, before continuing his search. "He needs a teething ring, as I'm partial to keeping my finger." He heard a small chuckle and glanced back up at Kara. She wore a warm expression as she watched him struggle to find what he was looking for.

"Need any help?" She asked. He glanced back down at the bag. It would be easier for someone with both hands to find. So he silently handed the bag to her and returned his attention to his son. "C'mon Tommy, Daddy would like to keep all his fingers… ow." Tommy's tooth bit particularly hard into the flesh of is finger.

"So, I have a blue and green one and a red one. Which do you want?" Kara asked from the front of the car. He reached his hand out in her direction, palm open.

"The red is his favorite." It took just a moment before she placed it in his palm and he quickly brought it to Tommy's mouth. "Okay, bud. You'll like this much better." He slowly withdrew his finger and brought the bright red gel ring to Tommy's mouth.

Tommy didn't make a fuss from his change in teething tools and quickly latched on to the ring with his hand and mouth. He sighed as he pulled his abused digit away from his son. It was covered in drool and red in places where his tooth had worked his finger.

He silently wiped the drool on to his jeans, better there then on his finger. Besides after months of taking care of an infant, being covered in slobber was the least worse of all the possible bodily fluids. "You're really good with him." Kara once again spoke up. She had been quiet for most of the time they had been in the car, they all had. It seemed she wanted to talk now.

"Well I've had practice." He smiled slightly as he remembered the first few months after he and Skye had brought Tommy home. Those were definitely the hardest. Night's full of no sleep and endless diaper changes. They were especially hard since Skye wasn't able to get maternity leave. Which, thinking about it now, was probably because of the fact that she was hiding their marriage and therefore their child.

He glanced quickly up at her. She was staring stair ahead, not bothering to check the mirrors as often as she did before.

Was that because Kara was here? She had someone to watch her back now, though he got the feeling that Skye didn't completely trust her. "So, how long have you two been together?" She asked, her tone neutral. But he could once again since something brewing beneath the surface of her words.

"Geez, Kara. That's really none of your business." Skye finally spoke, she had been decidedly quiet throughout most of his and Kara's short conversation. Kara casted a quick irritated look in Skye's direction before she looked back at him.

"It's a pretty normal question to ask a married couple." She replied her voice calm. He agreed. He and Skye had been asked that question many times since they had got together. There must be a reason why Skye was so defensive about Kara asking this particular question. For that reason alone, he couldn't stop himself from answering. He wanted to know why.

"It'll be four years in June." He answered careful to keep an eye on both Kara's and Skye's expression. Kara's face registered shock and Skye glared at him through the rearview mirror. Kara turned abruptly in her seat to give Skye a demanding look.

"You really didn't wait long did you?" Skye glanced at her for a second before she turned her eyes back to the road. Skye's posture was tense and her hands held the steering wheel tightly. He watched their interaction closely, trying to gleam as much information as possible from it.

"This really not the best time or place to be discussing this Kara." She finally answered after a minute of silence, her voice matched her body language. She was not happy at all about the situation. He felt a slight twinge of guilt for causing it all to happen, but the interaction between the two of them was too important to not let happen.

"You barely waited for him to settle into his new life." Kara said her voice scathing. Barely waited…? Skye had said something earlier about meeting Grant Ward around five years ago. And if his and Skye's meeting was in a close proximity of his memories changing… The timeline in his head was slowly starting to fill in the blanks.

Yes, he was supposed to be able to remember everything soon, but learning as much as he could now would help him to be able to keep himself bound to the present.

His constant barrage of old memories were still coming. "Look I get you're pissed, but I'm not exactly able to explain everything right now, am I? I'll try my best to when we get where we're going, but until then just drop it. Okay?" Skye's tone was an odd mixture of annoyance and pleading, but from the look on Kara's face it had done its job.

She turned back towards him and he couldn't help wonder what was next. "So, how long after you were married was Tommy born?" She asked a gleam of mischief and vindictiveness in her eyes.

"Ugh." Skye grunted in dismay.

Simmons glanced up from her work, to take a quick peek at May. The older woman had come in to the lab after Fitz had left and sat herself across for Simmons. She had been quiet ever since, not even moving an inch in her seat.

It was nothing new for May to come and sit with her from time to time. As the years had gone and Daisy had begun to pull further and further away, May had taken to coming to the lab and just quietly sitting with her.

At first it had really caused Simmons to be quite nervous, but as time went on May's presence began to become a comfort. She and May had never been particularly close, but Simmons would be lying if she said she didn't view the older agent as a second mother.

But right now she was having a hard time concentrating on her work. She had so many questions and the woman who could answer everything was sitting right there with her. "Just ask your question Simmons."

She jumped a little at May's voice and looked up to meet her unwavering stare. Of course May would have noticed her fidgeting. "Well, you see, I just want to know if it's true about Daisy running off with Ward." She stated and now that the words had left her mouth she began to feel more confident. She had the right to know what was going on with one of her dearest friends.

May raised a singular eyebrow and gave her a probing look. "Well, there have been all sorts of rumors going around and we had that meeting with Coulson about her odd behavior." Simmons stopped waiting to see if May would say anything. When she didn't, Simmons felt her ire grow. "Oh c'mon, don't you trust me? Obviously you and Fitz both know what's going on and, for some reason or another, have decided to leave me out of it. Aren't I apart of the team too?" With her mini-rant finished Simmons tried to calm her breathing. She hadn't even noticed it had escalated.

"Fitz? What does he know?" May stared directly at her and Simmons couldn't understand why. They were both hiding what was going on from her. Why play dumb? It didn't really seem like May at all to do such a thing.

"Oh, come off it. You both are hiding things from me and I know it's about Daisy." She rolled her eyes and slammed down the pen in her hand. She just couldn't understand why they would be doing this to her. "So did she run off with Ward or not?"

May expression stayed detached and she sat in front of Simmons thinking who knows what. This was all getting rather annoying and Simmons was beginning to reach her breaking point, when May finally spoke. "Yes, she did." She answered before she smoothly turned and marched out of the lab.


Kara was seething. After everything that Daisy had done, after the horrible way she had treated Grant. She still had the gall to go after him.

When Kara had first heard about Daisy and Grant being together, it was hard to swallow. But, she had thought that Daisy had worked through her self-righteousness and realized that Grant was deserving of a second chance and that was why she had gone after him.

To hear that Daisy had started seeing Grant only a few months after he had become Alex Moore completely blew that out of the water. She had more than likely just slept with him, over and over until it finally got rammed into her that Grant was a good man.

Why did Daisy, the person who used him, and treated him like he was nothing but trash get to be with him?

Kara knew, yes she knew, that Grant had never loved her like he had loved Daisy. And a part of her, was happy that Grant finally got want he wanted. Even if it wasn't her. The other part however, despised the fact that no matter how hard she worked, or how well she treated Grant. He would always want someone who was so undeserving of him.

Kara sighed, her thoughts were running away from her again. Yes, Kara believed she had every right to be upset at Daisy. But, she couldn't let her frustration of wat was going on influence how she acted.

Cause when it came down to it, it was her own fault that Grant was with Daisy. She was the one that allowed him to go through the Tahiti process and she was the one that had decided it would be best for Grant if she didn't get involved with him in his new life.

She couldn't ruin his chance at a new life just because she didn't want to lose him. It seemed that of the two of them, Daisy was selfish enough to go after what she wanted. Kara envied her for that.

Now, despite Kara's best intentions, here they were. Grant right back into the mess that he had went through the Tahiti process to escape from.

Her and Skye arguing… was not going to help them. She needed to broker peace.

Kara glanced back quickly and made sure that Grant was still sleeping in the back. When caught sight of him with his head leaning against the window and eyes closed, she knew that now would be her best chance to do so.

Now was as good of time as any. "You went after what you wanted." She stated keeping her eyes firmly forward. She could still feel Daisy's gaze on her, though. "I thought about doing it. I can understand why you did… but what I can't understand is, I thought you hated him?"

"I did." Daisy answered her voce thoughtful. "I didn't intend for this to happen… when I first started to watch him. I just wanted to make sure that Tahiti had worked, but…" She trailed off and Kara held her breath as she waited. She knew she really didn't want to hear what was to come next, but she had to. "Somewhere along the line my body made me realize that it still wanted him… It just took my heart a little longer to."

Daisy fell silent and Kara contemplated what she had said. It was much what she had suspected had happened after Grant had revealed when they had first started their relationship. Kara was angry, she had the right, but she also could understand. Well, somewhat understand why Daisy had ended up in this situation.

"I get it… I don't like it, but I get it." She finally muttered quietly. Kara turned in her seat to look at Daisy. She was still tense and seemed to be waiting for Kara to continue. Kara knew that she needed to do what was best for them. And what was best was… "I won't try to interfere. I know, I've always known, that if the choice came down to between you and me… he would choose you."

"So that's why I won't do anything to hinder your relationship. Besides, I'm not cruel enough to try and tear apart a family." Kara felt sick at the words that were coming out of her mouth. She didn't like Daisy, not even a little.

Maybe if they had never both loved Grant Ward they could've been friends. Maybe in the future they…?

For now, though, she didn't like Daisy. But she needed to move on. It had been almost four years and she was still hung up on a guy who she had only been with her for a couple of months. Yes, those moths were significant in her life, but they were still only a few months.

It was a bitter pill to swallow and Kara wouldn't do it with a smile on her face, but she would do it none the less. "So let's leave all of our issues in the past. The anger, the guilt, everything." Maybe with this step, she could finally get over the guilt of using Daisy.

If she had to give up Grant to attain peace, so be it.

Kara watched Daisy as her expression went from surprised, to thoughtful, then to troubled. What was going on in her head? "Thank you Kara and for what it's worth… I'm sorry if any of my actions hurt you. I can't say I'm sorry for what I did, cause I'm not. I am sorry if I hurt you though." Kara nodded, she was getting the distinct feeling that Daisy was sorry for more than she was letting on.

The car turned off the road. Daisy pulled into a huge garden type environment and began to drive down the path that led to a giant house in the distance. Where the hell were they? "Would you wake Grant? We're here."

Sometimes he would get random emails when she wanted to see him. He didn't know how she got his email address, but Alex had quickly figured that he had told her where he worked. She could have easily got it from someone there or even the company website.

They had been sleeping together for nearly three months now and Alex was finding himself in a one-sided relationship.

He hadn't wanted one, not so soon, but there was just something about Skye. He couldn't not want to be with her, but it wasn't mutual. She would sleep with him and then she would leave. She didn't talk about herself, he knew barely anything about her.

He would try to find out anything about her, to no avail. So instead he would tell her things about himself trying to get her to reciprocate. She usually let him talk for a few minutes before she would silence him, albeit in pleasant ways.

This time however he was determined to change that. He would learn at least one new thing about her tonight and try his damnedest to get her to stay.

Skye was standing outside of the bar, where they usually met up. She leaned against the wall seemingly staring out into space her hands in the pocket of her leather jacket. She was as enticing as ever.

She looked up as she neared and flashed him a smirk. The look in her eyes gave away exactly what she was thinking, it had to be intentional. She wanted sex and she wanted it now. He walked up to her and she quickly wrapped her arm though his, leading him back the way he came.

They walked for about 5 minutes before he spoke. "How about we take a detour?" He asked and glanced down at Skye who was looking up at him a slight frown on her face.

"Yeah, so not up for that." She tried to keep moving, but Alex stopped in his place. Skye turned back to him the frown a little more deep-set now. She was getting angry, that meant there was a chance that she would leave. As much as Alex wanted to sleep with her, and God did he want to, he would risk it for this.

"Hold up Skye." She tugged at his arm for a moment before scoffing and letting go. "Look, the park is on the way to my place. I'll even buy you a hotdog." She looked back him disbelief on her face. Maybe offering her a hotdog wasn't the best idea.

"Alex, if you want me to walk through the park it's going to cost at least two hotdogs." The smirk was back on her face and maybe he was imagining it but a slight bit of amusement was there as well. She had reacted differently than he thought she would.

"Yes ma'am." Skye turned back around and continued to head towards the park. She didn't bother to relink their arms, but Alex was okay with that. He had just earned a slight victory.

After a short walk they entered the park and Alex had begun their routine of filling in the silence with a one-sided conversation. "… so I got selected to work on the team for our next big project. I can't tell you what it-"

"Alex." Skye interrupted and he was kind of grateful. Talking about work was not his favorite subject. "The hotdog guys over there, two with everything." She pointed over her shoulder at the vendor that sat at the edge of the park.

"Okay, I'll be right back." He said. Alex quickly made his way to the hotdog vendor and got in line behind a woman and her young son. So far despite getting her to come to the park he had still yet to get her to say one thing about herself. How was he supposed to pull this off?

It wasn't like she was ever willing to give out any kind of information about herself. In fact, she went out of her way not to talk about anything at all.

"How many?"

Alex glanced up realizing he was next in line. The vendor waited impatiently, one foot tapping against the pathway. "Two, with everything." Alex replied.

Hopefully Skye wouldn't be to offended he wasn't eating with her, but there was no way he could force himself to ever eat what this guy was selling.

He paid the guy and was handed the hotdogs. Alex looked down to make sure they were right, when he was struck by an idea. He turned back around, Skye was sitting on a park bench, once again looking at nothing in particular. He casually made his way there and stood in front of her.

This idea had better work or he was probably going home alone. She looked up her usual smirk in place and reached out her hand for the hotdogs. "Finally, I'm starving."

"Not yet." Alex said, he took a step back from her so she couldn't reach his hands.

"What do you mean not yet?" Her smirked now replaced with the scowl that she liked to wear. It seemed the only expressions Alex could ever make her show were a scowl or a smirk. Well when they weren't otherwise occupied that was. What would it be like for her to smile?

"In order for you to get your food, you have to do one thing." He waited for a moment and let her digest what he was saying. "Tell me one thing about you and the hotdogs are yours."

Skye eyes flared with anger and she quickly stood. "Is that what this is?" She asked as she took a step forward bringing herself into Alex's face. "Oh, I'll buy you food, but you have to do a little trick first." A trick? Asking her to tell him something about herself was hardly a trick.

Maybe this plan wasn't the best one he had ever come up with, but he was beginning to get desperate. Skye was determined to keep their relationship only about sex. But, Alex wanted more. "Whatever, you can keep them." She turned from him then and started to leave.

"Wait." Alex called out. She stopped and waited for what he had to say. The sight was all too familiar. A call back to the first day they had met, all the way down to his desperation and her ruthlessness. This time though, he would get her to stay.

"I… I just want to know more about you. Skye, I think about you all the time and the only thing I know is your name and that your loud in bed." He took a breath trying to think of how to best say what he wanted to get across. "I want more… than just that. Please just one thing."

Alex found himself again begging for something, anything from Skye. It happened more than he would ever like to admit, but he was always more than willing to do so. What was it about her? What made him so desperate for her affection? She spun around to face him, her face expressionless.

What was she thinking?

Skye sighed and glanced off to the side, her expression slightly shifting from annoyance to what could be called resignation. She quietly erased the distance between them with each step she took. When she was just a few inches away she stopped and finally met his eye. "I work with computers." She said.

Alex watched as she slipped the hotdogs from his hands and continued on her way towards his apartment. He had… he did it? Alex had finally got her to say something, just one thing about herself. "You coming?"

Skye called out from behind him, breaking him from his shock. He turned and nodded before walking swiftly to catch up with.

Alex stared straight ahead, his thoughts buzzing. He had learned a few things today about Skye. She liked hotdogs with everything on them, she worked with computers, and it seemed that she had a weakness to the word please.

Maybe he could get her to stay the night after all.

He didn't.

"…. Grant." He snapped awake as someone softly called his name. What a strange thing to remember, instead of something from his past a Ward. It was Alex's past that he dreamt about. "Grant." Kara said again and he finally sat up taking a quick glance of his surroundings.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"We're here." She said turning to look out the windshield.

Skye pulled up beside of a giant gate that barred the entrance to their destination. A fountain sat on the other side spraying water into the air. This sure was one hell of a place, but she really couldn't expect much less from who lived here. "Skye, where are we?" Grant asked.

She smiled softly before unbuckling herself an opening the door. "You'll see." Really, this was their only chance now. Skye could think of no other way for them to retrieve Grant's memories.

She stepped out onto the pavement and took in the view of the estate. It was definitely a sight to see. It was just a moment before Kara and Grant joined her in taking in the view.

She turned after a few more seconds and walked to the other side of the car to get Tommy. He was still asleep so she left him in his car seat and instead gently slipped it from the car to carry him in. There was no reason to wake him now.

The vibrations tipped her off that someone, no two someone's, were coming their way. Most likely who they had come here to meet. "Okay guys, let me do the talking." Skye whispered as the vibrations grew stronger.

They both looked her way for a moment before the sound of the gate coming open drew their attention back to the estate. The welcoming committee had arrived.

A tall man with short hair dark and an odd visor over his eyes stepped out. His expression stayed neutral and Skye couldn't say for sure, but he was most likely watching them. Making sure they weren't a threat. They weren't, not to them at least.

"Hello, there Mrs. Ward." A kind voice called out as another man followed out the first. "We've been expecting you." His vibrations had been subtler; he wasn't taking steps.

Skye looked down to meet his gaze, which held a gentle knowing smile. "Welcome to Xavier's School for Gifted Children."

A.N: So this chapter is a little shorter than what I normally do, but that just seemed like the best point to end it at. I'll try and get the next one out soon. Thanks so much for all the reviews, I'm so glad everyone is liking my story. I hope you like this chapter as well. Let me know.