Alright, story time!
Now, Jessica's getting some complaints about Yang being very OoC, being short compared to other stories. So, I'll just explain real quick the story behind it.
Alright, the story here actually somewhat represents me and Jess during our college years. Jessica was about 21, I was just coming up to that age in a few months. I don't remember much about my time in college very specifically, but out of all the memories I made there, one stood out the most, and that was the inspiration about this.
Now, here's the deal, we lived in a three person dorm. It was me, Jess, and a woman we'll just call Ella. Ella and Jessica were, in simple terms, head over heels for each other. And it was obvious... Painstakingly obvious. Jess is very outgoing, will openly flirt with anyone she likes, and if it gets to the point, she will try to give them a kiss on the lips. I speak from personal experience, considering that she once did this to me. As you may have guessed, it didn't really work out, but she moved on. But when it came to Ella, she completely shut down. Very outgoing turned into longing glances off a distance, flirting turned to blushing when it came to small touches, etc. And Ella was doing the exact same thing.
Now, I am a very reasonable man, and it was a little amusing seeing Ella with a huge crush... But then I remind myself that I actually LIVE with these two, so it follows me home. And at home, it was worse! I can't get into the specifics, but I do know that they couldn't stand in the same room without me in it to at least break the awkwardness.
It got so bad to the point that I just about had enough. So, I basically did what Yang did and trucked them both somehow into the bathroom and locked it from the outside. I actually needed to switch the knobs on both sides to complete this, but hey, a little work for a big gain. I basically locked them in there and told them to straight it out, because until they do, I'm leaving them locked in there. Unlike Yang, I actually left, because I needed to do some errands. But when I came back I wished that I did, and not for the reasons that the next sentence may suggest.
When I came back 2 hours later, I opened the bathroom door to see if they made up... And found out they made more than that. Let's just say, clothes were scattered, hairs were in disarray, and I never have since then seen Jess blush so much.
I think what I did there was blink twice and told them three things: get dressed, if they're going to do that again, do it in the bed farthest from mine, and about god damn time, before I closed the door.
So Jess took that experience there and somewhat warped it to fit what happened with us. Basically, from what I gathered, I'm Yang, in this scenario, while Ella is Weiss and Blake, and Jess is Ruby. So, she decided to rewrite her little experience, take out the smut, adjust the characters a bit, and viola. 'Confession' is born.
Also, as a side note, I'll be taking down the reading story. Not because lack of views, which it did lack, but someone over in AO3 (Archive of Our Own) contacted me and asked if it was ok for him/her to do a 'Reading/Watching Summer Maiden' Fic. I was spectacle about it, considering updates are infrequent, but (s)he seemed adamant in trying it, so I'll allow it. Don't know much on the details, but it sounds to me he wants to include RWBY, JNPR, Qrow, Tai and Lilith. I'd keep an eye out for that.
See ya around,