Author's note: (I'll tell you where the story starts)
Hi there, I've been bitten by the writing bug. Also been taken over by One Piece. I do not regret watching One Piece at all, it's such a good investment in anime crushes. Not one anime (Even Fairy Tail) has had me crushing on sooooo many characters. I absolutely love Ace, it broke my heart when he died, I couldn't even watch the episode, and I accept he's dead in the anime but he's alive and happy in my mind. Yes I'm that sad. Don't judge me, don't you love a character so much you wish they were still alive? (Game Of Thrones I'm talking to you) Eustass Kidd and Zoro are also my favourite characters. Coby is also a great addition, man if the One Piece Marines advertised to me to join the marines and they showed Smoker, Tashigi and Coby the two year development, then I would be game (I'm joking, joining the Army, Air Force, Marines is a serious matter in real life.). Anyways I've stumbled on character x reader fics on Deviant!art, and I've been addicted. I just. I don't know I just love these fics, because I think it has that depth that other fics don't have; where you actually get to interact with the story and your chosen character, so it's inspired me to write one in the future.
I also found out what Yandere is, I never really knew what it was, I knew of it. Anyways as I was surfing these Ace x reader fics and I found Yandere!Ace x Reader and yeah. When I was reading it, I kinda liked it. I feel awful for liking it, I don't know why. I do think the super super extreme Yandere where they are killing everyone that ever contacted with you, then yeah not attractive. But I do like the sort of possessive nature of a partner, more so in guys than girls, and where they get jealous, and are devoted to you. I don't know I think it's cute, this is why I'm messed up. Check out these fics anyways because you can understand where I'm coming from: (all Deviant!Art)
Yandere Ace x reader-Drawingself. I really like all of them, I have no idea why I just do, please tell me what is wrong with me, because I would love to know, seriously. I don't think this is normal, but yeah I really sort of liked that side of Ace when I was reading it.
Furthermore I also like Sabo, to be honest I quite like ASL and that little background episodes on how they all became brothers. I was looking through some Sabo x reader fics as well as ASL x reader fics, and didn't find Yandere!Sabo. So I thought to challenge myself I thought why not do a combo of Yandere!Ace x Yandere Sabo x fem!character. Btw I was going to write this as the reader, but... I wanted to write it as if I was the girl, because I'm selfish and I love Sabo and Ace. But obviously replace what I put in with what you want.
Story line: School AU- the fem!character is in the same year as Luffy and the rest of the strawhat crew. Sabo and Ace are in the year above, but since the fem!character has known ASL since she was young there is no awkwardness at all. To her ASL are her brothers, but only Luffy is starting to become more than just a friend to her, but of course she's too shy to say anything. She's slowly beginning to gain courage to tell Luffy the truth, but Sabo and Ace are just elder brothers to her. She has a secret talent, that will crop up somewhere. In school she's not really that well known, people just know her name but the strawhat crew, Ace and Sabo are her only friends, since she's such a quiet person anyways.
ALSO PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE PROCEEDING: I don't completely know what a Yandere character acts like, since I just recently found out what it was and have based it off one model, so don't review or message me saying that my presentation of a Yandere character was wrong, it was what I had infered from other fics.
START STORY! (I am now writing the fem!character as myself you can substitute your name and etc... enjoy)
I never thought that the weird kid with strange stretchy skin for a human would be my best friend for the next 10 years when I first met him and his brothers at six. Ace, Luffy and Sabo were known as little hell raisers in your street, the house next door was always a little strange, mum told me that I should never interact with suspicious people. However I always disobeyed my mum when I was younger, because I simply didn't like to hear the word no, especially when adults said no to me. I was kinda bratty as a kid, only because I was alone a lot, my parents worked incredibly hard at their business and I had my siblings looking after me. When I had my school graduations that had invited parents, my sisters who were also in school couldn't make it and neither could my parents, I was always jealous of Luffy when his brothers and his strange mother who had crazy curly hair (Dadan) attended his ceremonies, but I learnt to shove those strange jealous feelings when I grew older. As my parents employed me to work in their business serving the customers, I saw how hard it was for my parents to provide for us and I felt bad that I almost hated my parents for not coming to silly time consuming events such as graduation ceremonies, so I got used to it. I used to cry when my parents or siblings wouldn't come to my events, and would cry even harder when I saw that the weird kid with stretchy skin had his brothers and his crazy mother cheer him on in his races, he didn't even win, he fell over and bawled his eyes out. Where as me, I won every event, because I thought if I won more events my parents would be more inclined to come and support me. I remember crying silently in the gap between the house and the fence, not wanting my parents to see my cry, but you couldn't hold in my sadness that my parents didn't even realise they missed the event. I was slowly wiping your tears with my sticky arm that had been wiping my tears for a good three minutes I feel a patting on my head.
"Don't cry. You look weird when you cry." the familiar face of the weird stretchy kid. I pouted in anger, because this kid who bawled his eyes out when he fell down was saying I looked weird.
"You look weird when you cry" I retorted back, not knowing what else to say as I tried to dry my eyes quickly.
"No I don't." I look up at him picking his nose.
"Yes you do. H-hey don't you want a tissue to pick your nose?"
"Why would I want that?"
"Because that would be cleaner. Do you at least wash your hands after picking your nose?" I questioned, the fact that the kid didn't want to pick his nose with tissue was such a foreign concept, because my parents and siblings had always taught me cleaniness, I never thought anything other than that.
"Mhmmmm... Does wiping it on my shorts count?"
"On my brothers?"
"Why would wiping it on your brothers be cleaner than wiping it on your shorts?"
"I dunno."
"I feel sorry for your brothers."
"No they love me, we exchanged sake cups that represent brotherhood. So it's forever, I think wiping my finger on them would be allowed."
"You exchanged sake cups?"
"Yeah" he was still picking his nose.
"How did you get sake?!" I was so astonished that such a thing still existed.
"You and your brothers aren't related by blood?"
"Nope, me and Sabo don't look alike do we?" he asked as if I was the stupid one.
"Which one is Sabo?"
"The blonde one. Missing tooth"
"Oh well, I never really noticed because he's always with your other black haired brother."
"That's weird, everyone always asks why I have Sabo as a brother."
"Oh I guess it is weird, because you and S-Sabo don't look alike at all. But I never noticed because you guys act like real brothers so I never doubted."
"You're pretty weird, and stupid. We don't even look alike."
"Who you're calling stupid?" another voice joined the conversation. I peered around and see the two older brothers jump over my fence as if it was nothing strolling over to the weird kid. I realised, how blatantly obvious the differences were between Sabo and the weird kid, and how similar the other brother was.
"This one. She said she didn't realise that Sabo doesn't look like me and you Ace."
"Hahaha that's funny. Is she stupid?" Sabo laughed, grinning, noticing his missing tooth. I pouted, eyebrows narrowed, these weird people were jumping over my fence and were calling me stupid. No wonder my mum said not to play with them, this is what she meant, probably.
"I'm not stupid, it's because when you're with your brother (nodding at Ace) and your mum, you guys act like a real family so I never thought you guys weren't related. You guys act more like brothers than just friends. Friends don't give that much encouragement and support." I reason, pouting still, staring at the fence, not wanting to look at them. I could feel that weird burn in my chest, I didn't feel like looking at them right now.
"You're right Luffy she is weird."
"If I'm so weird then leave. I never asked any of you to come into my garden. Leave before I go tell my siblings!" I tried to threaten, still not looking at them.
"Be weird with us."
"What?!" Ace, Sabo and myself exclaimed at the weird kid's proposal.
"What?" He was still picking his nose, saying it as if it wasn't a big deal.
"But I thought you didn't like me."
"I never said that" Still picking his nose.
"Why would you want me to be with you guys? I see you guys always running around in a trio, I don't want to ruin anything."
"But you're weird, and we're weird. So why don't we be weird together?" Luffy smiled, wiping his finger on his trousers and offering his hand to me. The other two still watching me in strained stare.
"Mkay, but I'm only going to shake your other hand."I shook the weird kid's other hand, and dragged him into my house so he could wash his hands as my parents has taught me. Inviting the other two brothers, since I guessed they were sort of your friends too. I tried to introduce myself but the weird kid already said he knew my name, because my classmates knew me as the quiet one. I shrugged because it wasn't inaccurate and it wasn't negative. To be honest I was too busy day dreaming of family coming to my sports day to hear the whispers of the class. I brought some fruit over, slicing and peeling it myself and the others and offering it the brothers.
"Don't you have any meat?"
"Well I... I can make curry with meat in it?"
"You can make curry?" they exclaimed at me, with a sort of weird sparkle in their eyes.
"Do you guys cook meat?"
"No." They grumbled.
"Eh? but you guys always have delicious smells coming from your house."
"No we just go out and get the meat. That's our job" the black haired one muttered. I was confused, but I understood from what my siblings told me, not to ask someone I just met too many questions. So I nodded saying I understood and got down.
"Well do you guys have to go back home soon? Because I can make packet ramen with meat as well if you guys are in hurry." I got down from the table, walking towards the kitchen.
"We can have ramen any time with Dadan!"
"So we can have curry with her as well."
"Hey can't you make something else?" Luffy asked, rather rudely. I was about to reprimand him.
"Luffy don't be so rude to her. She's cooking for us, and she didn't ask us to get any meat. We don't cook a lot so don't be so rude." Sabo chastised his youngest brother.
"I-It's okay, I guess." you mumble. "I'll make curry because we have some left over and I can just use some leftover ingredients."
"Do you want fried rice or plain rice?"
"You can make fried rice?" they asked.
"Mhmm want some?"
"No, we don't want to trouble you too much, you're our friend now." Sabo rejected my offer kindly. I shrugged, less work for me to do. So with the help of the two older brothers, as I felt Luffy would do something awkward and demanded he remained seated, the two older brothers and myself managed to put the pot of curry on top and I got to work. Dicing the vegetables, cutting the meat carefully, I made sure Luffy stayed at the table knowing something bad would happen if he didn't. I didn't mind the other two brothers watching, they asked a lot of questions. Asking where I learnt, who taught me and why. Even though I hated when kids asked me more than 3 questions, but because it was about my parents and siblings, who taught me how to cook I was pretty happy. I felt a poke on both sides of my cheek, which brought me out of my trance. Both brothers one on each side poking my cheeks, I look between them puzzled, they were both looking at me with weirdly pink faces.
"Why don't you smile like you did just now." Ace questioned, his expression seemed kind of mad. But then again he always looked mad, I laughed in my head because it made his freckles look cuter.
"I dunno." I shrug, dumping the vegetables into the pot, walking over to check the rice, getting out of the space between Sabo and Ace
"You look a lot better when you smile like that." Ace says, rubbing his head, still having a pink face.
"Mhmm you look a lot happier, and you look prettier when you're happy." Sabo reasoned as well, looking up at me earnestly as I was stirring the fresh rice around in the rice cooker to make sure the rice at the bottom wasn't getting burnt. But he looked a little scared because he didn't want to offend me, I continued stirring, in silence.
"Great you made our new friend sad!" Luffy whined, I was somewhat surprised, because I never thought he would pick up on other people's feelings, since he always seemed oblivious.
"We're sorry, we never wanted to make you cry!" they both exclaimed. My eyes opened really wide, at the sudden shouting, but I knew they weren't really bad kids.
"Don't be silly why do you need to apologise? You weren't wrong, and you weren't mean so don't worry about it." I added the meat and stirred around. I was waiting for the curry to bubble up.
"Don't be silly, I'm not hurt. Thanks for thinking of that though." It was true, I wasn't hurt, I didn't think anything of it. I never thought if I was ugly or pretty, and my siblings said it doesn't really matter since being pretty and ugly was up to my own mind and everyone had a different idea of pretty and ugly, but as long as the person had a good personality, then that should be it. I mused over what my siblings taught me as I spooned the curry onto the three separate bowls .
"Don't worry she never says much in class. Don't worry I think she's good person anyways." Luffy grinned, as I could hear the other two whispering, I guessed they thought I was hiding that I was hurt by their comments.
"Maybe when you guys try my curry and see how good it is, then maybe you'll believe what I say more." I smiled at them, serving them the plates and spoons.
"I want seconds."
"Heheh don't over estimating your stomach-" I looked over at Luffy's plate and it was already clean.
"But I just served it."
"It's great, more please!" All three of them chimed, the other two had cleaned their plates almost behind their younger brother, only because I served them after Luffy. I sweat dropped, and the fear dawned on me, did I have enough to make them full? I took their plates and loaded up more rice, a lot more rice so there was less curry would be served and hopefully they would fill up faster on the carbs and hid the amount of rice with more sauce. Unfortunately for them I ran out of curry and rice before they were full, but they seemed very happy and satisfied. They gave me really happy smiles, grinning at me and I felt really warm towards them, even though I had officially met them today. I started to take the plates in so I could start washing up, knowing full well that curry was really hard to wash off when dried. But I was stopped by Sabo and Ace pulled their plates away from my hands, and smiled at me, getting off their chairs and dragging Luffy with them, and started to wash up. I was touched,I smiled as I picked up a towel joined up next to Ace, and started to dry off what Sabo and Luffy cleaned, but I had to wait since Luffy didn't really know how to wash dishes.
"You guys are pretty funny" I let out, only for Ace to hear and his face lit up for some reason. I guessed he was easy to embarrass I guessed.
As we finished drying and the brothers were starting to put on their shoes and taking their strange metal sticks I put on the garden sandals and as they were about to leave I called out, before they could jump over the fence back to their house.
"What do ya want?" Ace let out, Sabo elbowed him, and they both turned red. I guess the embarrassment ran in the family despite them not being related by blood. I bowed a full ninety degrees facing the floor and my short bowl haircut flopping over as I shouted
"Please look after me and thank you for accepting me"- I had a strange sensation in my chest again, maybe it was gratitude with happiness to find someone to talk to in my lonely house. I looked up slowly to see Luffy snorting with laughter but strangely the other two just stared at me as if I did a weird body trick.
"I just wanted to be polite" I reasoned, and took off my sandals and left them to what they wanted to do. I didn't realise that both Sabo and Ace had turned beet red, both starring the place where I just stood.
"LUFFY, SABO, ACE, HURRY AND GET MEAT. DINNER IS GOING TO BE SOON!" I heard and I laughed a little as I went upstairs.
School changed a little since Luffy greeted me, loudly every single day. My classmates were somewhat thrown off that the weird kid and the quiet one suddenly greeted each other, but soon accepted it. Luffy and Sabo from the year above started to check on their brother, daily. They came so often that they were accepted in the class. It wasn't that surprising to me that the girls in my class except Nami and myself started to blush when the older brothers came to visit my class. For some reason the older brothers didn't seem fazed at all by the girls that were crowding around the three brothers, more so the older ones and the younger one. I would often hum to myself as I doodled on my book, that is if Nami wouldn't come over and try to make me bet with her, but I knew well enough that it was a terrible idea. I hummed a tune as I started to draw little cats all over my paper, since it was the only cute thing I could draw for now.
"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeyy" I didn't need to look up to know who was trying to grab my attention.
"Luffy you should have known better than to bet with Nami-chan." I smiled, Luffy was just like a little ray of sunshine to my day. Well to be honest the ASL brothers were making my day a lot, but since I was the same age as Luffy and I spent more time with him and he also talked to me a lot more than the other brothers, I felt a lot warmer with Luffy. But maybe that was because summer was coming. I had been playing with the trio a lot more and I had to admit since becoming their friend I felt a lot happier, and I started to care less that my family didn't come to my events, because Ace and Sabo were also supporting me. Their crazy mum was also really nice too, she seemed to love a little girl to spoil over, and I always wanted a crazy Aunt and I would often helped her cook. It made life a lot more fun, and I stopped crying since.
"B-but I don't have any money and Ace and Sabo won't help me." I finished the little wavy tail on my cat and looked up at Luffy with a relaxed smile.
"Fine, but you owe me a meat bun."
"You're supposed to help me get out of debt, not keep me in it!" Luffy whined
"You shouldn't bet with Nami-Chan, you're not smart enough to bet with her."
"She's right you know" I could hear Nami agree with me.
"You're sooo mean"
"Well I was going to say you can get me a meat bun anytime, so when you go to the convenience store which is later on today, you can buy me a meat bun for 90 yen and I will half it with you okay?"
"Okaay!" Luffy agreed when he heard "Share" and "meat bun". I sighed, but I wasn't annoyed, I didn't feel unhappy, I just felt content. I sat opposite Nami-chan, who was confidentially shuffling her cards, this aura around her that said "Pfft."
"I thought you would never play against me, I thought you were too scared." She stuck out her tongue, grinning, all confident.
"Well Luffy wouldn't stop whining if I wouldn't help him, so I either lose against you or have Luffy whine at me. What would you do?" Nami-chan laughed, as she started to really shuffle the cards dealing out the cards. The tension was beginning to build, the energy of the room was beginning to pool in the space between me and Nami-chan. Even the girls that were fawning over the older brothers noticed that there was something going on.
"Oi oi, Luffy what's she doing. Why is playing against Nami-chan? She's really skillful at this. No one has won yet." One of their classmates asked, rather nervously as me and Nami picked the hands and ordered our cards.
"Well she said she would help me win my money back."
"Luffy! Don't include her in your troubles!" Sabo hit Luffy around the head and Ace also smacked him around the head, causing bumps on his head.
"B-but she said she would help me when I asked. I needed help so I asked."
"Yeah but this is stupid." Ace mumbled "You shouldn't involve her in your problems, that's not nice of you. And if she gets into trouble she won't want to be friends with us." Ace grumbled, Sabo turned to Ace and elbowed him. Both of them blushing, but Luffy's mouth turned into a gaping hole at what their brother had said.
"Nuuu! Don't play, I can pay Nami-chan back tomorrow, I don't want to lose you as a friend!" Luffy whined, pulling on my arm, trying to get me out of playing, realising the possible consequences. I smiled at Luffy, almost laughing, I never realised how much they cherished my friendship. Despite the brothers always saying I was never much trouble when tagging along with them, I always felt more distance between Sabo and Ace than Luffy. It made me happy to know that they even thought that far, but I was never really that petty, that such a small thing would ruin my good friendship with the brothers.
"It's okay Luffy. It will be fine, I told you, like the curry, you should really start to believe me." I smiled at Luffy and looked straight at Nami-chan, although I often talked to her and she was a really nice person, she was enemy for now.
"Rather confident aren't you?" she grinned. I shrugged and fanned the cards so I could view them equally.
"What do I get if I win?"
"We'll see if you win."
"No I want this as transparent as possible. No funny business. I want a straight deal, otherwise I'm not playing."
"Fine fine, I guess you're not easy to fool. You get Luffy's lost money and 15 extra belis."
"Why not make it 20 Belis?" I suggested softly, looking at my cards.
"If you're crazy."
"Well if I can raise the stakes why can't I?"
"You're skirting with danger, and I don't think a rookie like you should be playing a dangerous game." Nami-chan shot me serious and curious look. Your classmates eyes widened with surprise and curiosity. Sabo and Ace were shaking Luffy to death, annoyed that he had brought you into this. Ace and Sabo were also saying that I didn't need to do this for Luffy's sake, that they could easily pay Nami. I answer Nami-chan coolly,
"Why don't you just let me make my choices. I thought you liked money, and I thought you were confident, why not let me raise the stakes?"
"I just don't want you come crying to me when you lose all your money." Nami pouted, sifting through her cards.
"I promise I won't, so what's the bet?"
"Fine, 25 belis that's it."
"30 belis." I raised it, the adrenaline was rushing to my head and it was thrilling. Ace and Sabo dropped Luffy and took each side of me and tried to get me out of the chair before Nami-chan could
"Deal" and she held out her hand and I took it. Sabo and Ace stood still, looking at me as if I was crazy and I just smiled back at them. "Like I said, you should start to believe me more often."
-The game ends-
"How did she do it?"
"She's amazing, should have never really doubt her."
"So, when do I receive the 30 belis?" I was given Luffy's money back from Nami's sweaty palms and I pocketed it to Luffy's dismay until I said "meat buns" to remind him.
"I-I" She looked down in horror at the revealed cards. Ace and Sabo looked at the cards in disbelief, everyone except Luffy was in shock.
"So.. about those 30 belis-"
"I'll get it to you some day."
"Nah I don't want it."
"Wh-what?!" Nami-chan and everyone except Luffy screamed.
"I don't need it, don't want it." I said simply, and held my hand out to Nami-chan.
"This should teach you to underestimate me." I said rather coolly but smiled as I left the seat to hand the money back to Luffy.
"Luffy come here!" he cutely rushed over and I placed his money back into his hands.
"You don't need to buy me a meat bun, so as long as you promise to not bet with Nami-chan ever again." I warned, he took it and grabbed me to plant a kiss on my cheek.
"Yeaah! I promise, you're the best!" Luffy ran off, I stood there in shock. I looked to see if anyone else had noticed only Sabo and Ace saw whose jaws were to the floor at what Luffy had done. I blushed awkwardly, lowering my eyes and sitting at my desk, someone commented on how I looked like Nami but redder even though I would be the only person to win against her. For the rest of the day I couldn't listen to the teacher but feel the burn of the kiss on my cheek, I could feel the sides of my mouth curl in a wide smile.
Me, Nami-chan and the others were now at the end of middle school, we finished the graduation ceremony and were just waiting for the last middle school bell that indicated summer was officially here. Luffy was knocked out on the desk, of course, but you wouldn't imagine it any other way. Nami-chan taps me on the shoulder to talk to me about what we should do to meet up in the summer. I started think about when I was back to elementary school and when I would be with the trio and running around the town and the small forest that was just west of our small town.
"Can you believe that we're going to be in the same school as Ace and Sabo! I've heard from my sister that they're the princes of the school now." a loudmouth that barely whispered.
"Oh yeah you used to hang out with Ace and Sabo didn't you?"
"Mhmm, I used to hang out with them a lot, I still do. I play video games with them all the time, but since I work at my parents business I'm too tired to hang out with them, especially when we had end of year exams. I didn't want to fail and also Luffy needed to pass this year, if we leave him behind he's going to be stuck here." I joked with Nami-chan who laughed with me, snorting.
The bell struck and you woke Luffy up gently and with Luffy and the crew we ate our usual celebratory ramen with Ace and Sabo who never turned down a reason to eat out. I left for the toilet and came back, I internally sighed because the only seat left was next to Luffy with the rest of the seats on my other side free. I wanted to be apart from Luffy, because I was trying not to blush in front of my longtime childhood crush. I tried to see if the others would switch seats but I was caught.
"Hey there are loads of seats here next me!"
"Uhh yeah. Sure." I slowly walked up to Luffy who was frantically waving his hands, and I let my shoulder bag slip down my arm with a dull thud. I was trying to gain as much time to prepare seeing my crush. I was trying really hard to control my blush, it was getting better, I had to think about something else instead of thinking about how cute he was. I was chatting quietly, well chatting was a stretch, more like listening quietly whilst looking at the pot of chopsticks. Until I felt two booming claps on my back which made me arch and yell uncharacteristically and heard some deep rumbling laughter on the other side.
"Stop looking gloomy, didn't we tell you look better when you smile." the familiar, but developed faces of Sabo and Ace came into my view.
"Okay, thanks" I shyly smiled, almost laughing because it was if Sabo and Ace hadn't changed a bit despite them growing and looking older. They both still reacted the same, blushing and turning away quickly. I laughed because it really was exactly the same, I didn't know why, but the idea of them changing and leaving me made my heart hurt a little. I began to open up a bit more, talking a bit more amicably forgetting my aim to try and hide my crush on Luffy. Which was naturally well hidden, as well as Luffy's natural obliviousness. I turned to Sabo and Ace who were on their 9th bowl, oh Jesus I forgot how much these guys ate.
"So I heard you two are the princes of the high school." they both choke on the ramen, causing Luffy to snicker as he was now one bowl ahead of you both.
"H-How did you hear about this?"
"I have sources" I say slyly and go back to my ramen. "I should have bet with Nami-chan that you two would be woman magnets." I snicker as I continue to eat with my ramen, and notice the lack of movement on their side.
"Hey, you guys, it's not anything to be ashamed of you know." I pat their backs, and grin.
"We-we're not. It's just surprising that you would react like that." Sabo mumbles into his ramen, slowly. Ace is just drinking the soup, rather quickly.
"Hmm?" Ace stops drinking the soup, but his face is beet red as always, he always was when I saw him for extended amounts of time. I pick up my tissue and wipe off the soup that had miraculously escaped his mouth and laughed.
"You don't need to drink it so fast, silly Ace." He just watches me wipe his mouth, and pat his shoulder.
"So you guys are in your phase of finding your princesses then?" I questioned, going back to my ramen.
"What?!" they both exclaimed, Sabo dropped his chopsticks on the floor, Ace bit his tongue accidentally.
"Jeez it wasn't that weird of a question was it?" I handed Sabo my chopsticks, because he didn't have any chopsticks near him and I was closer to the pot than he was. "Oh don't worry by the way, I don't have any infections, diseases or illnesses. So you don't need to worry about it okay?"
"That's not what I'm worried about." Sabo mumbled, maybe he thought I couldn't hear him, so I shrugged it off.
"Well look after us underclassman next term okay?" I demanded playfully from my "older brothers", they mumbled their agreements, and the night continued.
Summer had approached, and it was like any other summer. I was working in my parent's business, and I woke up late, doing next year's work so I would be ahead of schedule, knowing full well I had to probably tutor Luffy, since he would be sleeping through class. But I didn't mind because, spending more time with him wasn't necessarily a bad thing. I smiled rather too gleefully at the thought of tutoring Luffy alone in his room, that was too good a prospect. My parents gave me the nights off in the summer since my siblings had come back, and they were working so I could have free time in the summer and also they felt bad that I had been working by myself with my parents as my siblings had left for their own careers. It was even harder because this year which was essential for getting into high school, but I was thankful, because this meant I could work on school work and listen to music in my underwear and big long t-shirts. My legs were feeling a little chilly, this summer night was actually a little cold compared to other nights so I pulled on some over the knee socks and my t-shirt covered the rest of my thighs. It was bliss and peacefulness. Perhaps it was a little too quiet, I stretched my arms and legs, I'd been working throughout summer without a break.
"I wonder what Luffy is up to." I wonder as I stretch, hearing the satisfying click in my back. "Probably playing video games and eating meat with the other two." I sweat dropped. Sitting next to Luffy and being close to him... Wasn't such a bad idea. And also I didn't mind being with the other two, it would be great, like old times. I picked up the phone to call Luffy's phone but immediately regretting it, and ending the call and chucking the phone on the bed. But to my horror the phone started ringing this was unprecedented, Luffy never called me back, not even when I got separated from the group on the group outing and was near the red-light district, scared out of my mind. I picked up the phone, sweaty, clammy palms looking at the call screen and swiping the green circle and nervously put the phone next to my ear.
"Hey~" A deep, warm voice answered.
"... This isn't Luffy"
"Well done for noticing." A deep chuckle followed, it was really weird.
"Yes?" I could hear laughter in the background, I narrowed my eyes in suspicion.
"Are you guys playing a trick on me?" Wouldn't be the first time.
"No, why would you ever think that." Ace answered, but it almost didn't sound like him.
"Why are you answering his phone?"
"The idiot left it here, so I picked it up. What's up, you almost never call. Did you miss him or something?" He teased. I knew he was teasing but I let out a little splutter in embarrassment. But I covered up with an untimely cough, or so I thought.
"You have feelings for the little idiot?" the chatter in the background instantly ceased
"Noooo." I lied badly.
"Why are you so shit at lying?"
"No I'm just confused."
"Wuh?" hearing unintelligible mutter again.
"I love him like a brother, nothing more nothing less." I lied smoothly this time, holding my breath.
"Well if you say so. So what's up?" I started to breathe again and answered
"Well uh, I thought maybe you guys wanted to play video games? My parents and siblings aren't going to be home tonight, so you guys can stay over like old times, you know?"
"Or you can ignore me if you want, and pretend I never made this phone call." I quickly back tracked.
"Do you have curry?" I heard Sabo ask.
"Yeah, I have a lot, specially made for you guys" I smile down the phone.
I heard a gentle knock on the door, opening the door to see Ace burst through my door and make a beeline for the kitchen.
"Eager much?" I answered down the phone and Sabo entered in his usual way, ending the call, and smiling down and patting me. I ended up giving them five full heavy plates before they were somewhat satisfied. I already set up the game system, and ready for some serious competing. After some taunting and little fights breaking out between Ace and Sabo, which made me giggle as I continued playing and whoopping their assess in the video games. That was until they noticed my little tactic and decided to double up and take me out. Starting out messing with my reception and then Ace sticking his feet near my face like the douche bag he was sometimes. Still had nothing on me, but Sabo was the one who played the ultimate card, he winked at Ace, and before I could do anything, Ace held me down my waist so I was sitting up right but not able to escape, despite trying to. Sabo gently whispered something before starting his attack, but I was so focused on escaping Ace's weirdly hot tight and strong grasp. Sabo begins to attack me under my arm pits, which makes me squirm. I try to brave through it, but Ace also decides to join in and tickling me wherever he can get, and I admit defeat as both of them loom over me. It was kind of frightening in a way, because I realised I was a girl alone with two older guys, who were tickling the life out of me. I immediately sat up embarrassed, I look at the other two, who are cheering as they realised I finally lost, and I push away that weird thought and laugh with them. Not long after I fall face down on my bed, leaving the two of them, trusting that they would lock the door when they leave and thankfully fall into sleep.
The next morning sun dawned through the slits of the blinds, and I smiled because of the amount of fun I had last night, it made me miss hanging out with the older brothers. But my expression changed to bewilderment as I felt hot warm breath on the back of my neck. And another breath near my forehead. I blinked rapidly to see Sabo opposite me and I could guess Ace was the one breathing on my neck. Where were my parents? And why didn't they just go home?
I started to shift, but it was hard because I didn't want to wake up either of them. I picked up my phone to my surprise to see no messages, or calls. I walked out of my room to my parents and sibling rooms to see if any of them had come back, but I was creeped out. They were all empty. Why were there no calls, were they okay? I ran back to my room to pick up my phone that was on my bed table and entering my passcode on my phone, but I was hooked around my waist and pulled back to my bed.
"Where did you run off to?" I heard Ace ask in a warm syrupy voice, as he nuzzled his head under my chin.
"My parents aren't back, and neither are my siblings. So I have call them to see if they're okay?!" I shouted, to try and convey how serious the situation was.
"Check your voicemail." Sabo whispered huskily in my ear, rather calmly as he pulled me closer to him. Too calmly, it made my heart uneasy as I opened my voicemail, and lo and behold Sabo was right. I entered my easy to remember voice mail code to open my voice message inbox and all my siblings and parents were all coming back later on in the afternoon. As soon as my last sibling ended their message, my phone was taken out of my hands and placed far away from me as possible by Ace. Who pressed himself much closer to me, I could feel him smile against your skin, as Sabo had drawn me closer into his body, and his chin was resting above and ontop of my head.
"Uhh maybe you should go home." I said awkwardly, because there was no way I could go back to sleep with the two older brothers weirdly cuddling with me.
"Don't be so mean to your house guests." Sabo grumbled. Ace moaned in agreement.
"But don't you want to go back? I think Dandan is worried about you." I tried to reason, fear was rising in my chest. Trying to push them both off, but instead they held onto me tighter. I tried even harder to break free but that now had proved impossible. The I felt a weird soft pressure on my head and on my collar bone. I stiffened up at them kissing me, which has caused me to stop moving in shock. I suddenly regretted not changing my clothes, as I realised that I didn't have more clothing and my long t-shirt was now bunched around my waist, and the hem of my t-shirt was barely covering my butt. Ace's warm hands were dangerously near that part and I tried to shimmy so his hands would be more appropriately placed and pull my t-shirt down so it was safer, but Ace held me still, not changing where his hands were placed.
"See now we can all enjoy this morning." Sabo whispered into my ear again, kissing behind my ear, making my spine stiffened even more so and a strange strangled sound came out of me. Ace's rumbling laugh erupted, and he shimmied up the bed, sleepily getting face to face with me.
"H-HEY GUYS DANDAN SAYS YOU CAME HERE AND NEVER CAME BACK SO- OH SLEEPOVER TIME!" I heard the voice of my saviour and for once I welcomed Luffy jumping over and causing Sabo and Ace to open up to allow Luffy in, for some odd and scary reason I could see some dark expression on Ace's face, and just tried to look up at the ceiling, praying to Buddha that he would look up on me kindly. I felt slim arms wrap around me and I was face to face with my childhood crush, he Eskimo kissed me, causing me to blush a lot more and not able to look him in the eye or face him at all, and completely forgot who was on the other side. I realised it was Sabo on the other side, who was looking at both me and Luffy with a weird look on his face. That scared me a little, I tried to move the other side, I rather stare at Luffy but alas
"Hey, stop moving! Trying to nap here!" and Luffy sets me face to face with Sabo, who was now face to face to me, who also Eskimo kissed me, a weird dark brooding look in his eyes, that matched his curling lips, which made me turn my head, so my ear and cheek was only available.
"It's not that easy." I heard him whisper and kiss my cheek forcefully whilst grabbing my waist and moving closer to me, too scared to move a single hair.
Next chapter is definitely going to thicken Ace and Sabo and fem!character. But yeah this chapter was the sort of build up and laying down foundations on the fem!character x ASL. Next chapter will be getting hot heavy and little crazy I promise.
All my mistakes, rather sorry.