And since I didn't want to leave you all without just one last bit of sugar- the Epilogue and a glimpse at more of the happily ever after!
Thanks for reading, hope to have you come back for more of my random stories soon!
And since I didn't want to leave you all without just one last bit of sugar- the Epilogue and a glimpse at more of the happily ever after!
Thanks for reading, hope to have you come back for more of my random stories soon!
The return voyage of the UNCF fleet went smoother than her maiden trek to Gamila. Stopping a few times along the route back to Earth, the crew assisted in setting stations or beginning the plans for the hub of trade for the free galaxies.
As the time ticked down to their arrival, acting Captain Susumu Kodai's mind was occupied with a much different set of arrivals.
He felt especially triumphant when he began to disembark the ship with a squirming bundle in his arms. Looking over at his wife, who also held one of their children, he smiled seeing he once more had the more energetic of the two. Mamoru, aptly named after his brother who gave him a second chance at this crazy life with Yuki, wiggled, excited by the loud applause as they took their first breaths of Earth's air. Kibou, the slightly smaller of the boys with a light hue of blue to his skin, contently slept the fanfare away in his mother's arms.
"You sure you got him?" Kodai could not stop fussing with concern for her. Labor had been intense, and the last month and some before that had her confined to bed rest. Since then, between their duties and the kids, neither had a full night's sleep.
"It is not far, I can see Grandpa Hijikata waiting," she motioned towards the anxious group near the dock.
"Uncle Shima is also available," their friend added shouldering a duffle bag for the couple.
"Not to mention their hundreds of uncles and aunts," Yuki smiled. "I've got him. Don't you worry. Isn't that right sweetheart?" She cooed on the little newborn.
For a while, the two appeared to want to wait to be born on Earth, but then as they were about two weeks out, and after one was a bit too impatient, the boys were born.
"Are we going straight to the house or the hospital?" Kodai asked remembering their friend and official Captain still remained injured.
"We also have the ceremony and debrief," Shima added interrupting the conversation.
The expression on both of their faces told of a strong dislike of their few days schedule.
"Shima, I hereby relinquish command to you, congratulations." He only half joked.
"No can do sir. You enjoy that final pleasure of the job. I'm hitting up a bar!"
"Welcome back to Earth, weary travelers," the Admiral smiled as the couple approached him near the other UNCF officers.
"Forgive not being able to salute, sir." Kodai straightened up as much as possible to show at least some decorum.
"Nonsense, here let me see my grandchildren!" Taking the wiggling mass, the Admiral finally got to hold the baby.
Kodai turned to the rest of the higher ups and saluted.
"Acting Captain Susumu Kodai reporting a successful mission."
"Congratulations appear to be going all around for you son." Another nodded towards the newest members of Earth's population. "And another round of thank yous go to you," turning to Yuki, she protectively held their younger child closer. From within the group, she instantly recognized a scowling face among the crowd.
"Please, I was more than happy to assist. It makes me happy to know that the flow of goods and people will soon begin between the many races." Yuki added.
"There is already talk on that long range communications satellite the Enterprise launched. Talk of perhaps a need for an Earth Ambassador. I think you would do a splendid job." One of the female officers stepped forward.
Looking at her husband, Yuki gave a weary look.
"While I am honored, and will help where I can, I feel that some time with my family is most pressing. For now, I'll have to decline the offer."
The pair found willing babysitters while the duties of acting Captain and co-captain continued in a blur. The meetings, the accolades, the reports, they all felt like a never ending circle. Several times, Yuki felt like the room would turn on her and their youngest at any moment. But instead, those she expected the worst from, sat in silence.
Once the brass ended their marathon of questions and discussions, Yuki and Kodai left quickly before anymore congratulations or offers of a job arose.
Finding their tots, the new family boarded a private shuttle arranged by the Admiral, to head towards a surprise.
The two adults half dozed, enjoying the quiet of their boys. It was a blessing to get them quiet this long, the morning with their aunts and uncles from the Enterprise must have tuckered them out.
As the shuttle stopped, Kodai nudged his wife to wake from her sleep.
"I guess we're here." He stretched and opened the door. When his eyes adjusted to the bright sunshine, his breath stopped.
"Should we leave them in the ca..." Yuki stopped when she saw her husband staring at the structure before them. The Japanese style home looked much like the Admiral's and a smile came to her lips. Stepping up to his side, Yuki took his head and squeezed lightly.
"I think we're home," she said resting her head on his shoulder.
"It looks amazing." He nodded taking in the house and surrounding green fields. "The perfect place to raise two boys."
"I can't believe this... is it a dream?" She asked not wanting him to tell her if it was.
"Not a dream love, our future." Turning to her, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. "So, should we take a look at our new house?"
"Aren't you forgetting something?" Yuki gestured back to the shuttle, she could hear one of them fussing as they spoke.
"How could I forget our little monsters?" The mirth in his voice told her that he had not forgotten the boys. How could he when his every waking hour now revolved around the two tiny creatures. It scared him how quickly they wiggled their way into his heart. Both of the boys were precious to him.
The years passed for the Kodai's as a family. The Earth once more blossomed with new life and trade with the others in the Alliance. From time to time, the retired Captains made an appearance when needed.
For the most part, the couple found peace in knowing that the younger generations took up the mantle of protectors of the peace. While Kodai would join a short term expedition from time to time, the two remained Earth-side in order to stay close to family.
And this day was much like many others. The still in love couple laid on a blanket under the shade of a small tree. Her head of long blonde hair rested on his strong chest as she curled closely to him.A light breeze blew a few of her golden strands in the air. A happy giggle caught the attention of the pair. Laying in the small space between Yuki and Kodai wobbled a small baby with similar tresses.
"Star is so much easier to handle," Kodai's voice was relaxed and content at that moment. They had been enjoying the summer weather like this for the last five years. Five crazy years, he mused, but they had been like heaven.
Off in the distance, he could hear the shouts and echoes of their two boys. Both turned five, a rambunctious five at that. He often wondered if it was from his of the family that caused their oldest to be the adventurous type, but Mamoru sure had them both running ragged at times. His half-brother, Kibou, took on more of the studious demeanor, but proved just as able to get into trouble.
So far not many had questioned the differences in their youngest boy's features. The circumstances of his conception remained a closely guarded secret, and many were willing to accept the coloration came from Yuki's alien genes. The boy did take after her in many ways, and that made things easier. Kodai didn't know what would happen if the boy resembled his biological father.
Their latest addition brought the gender imbalance in the family slightly closer to being equal. Starsha, or Star as they called the bubbly girl, looked like a mini Yuki in both appearance and attitude. Kodai felt powerless to deny that tot anything, and while that caused many of his friends to tease him, he felt life was good the way it was - teasing or not.
"Yurisha is coming tomorrow on the intergalactic shuttle." She stretched, reaching up to stroke his brown mess of hair.
"You still thinking of leaving the kids to her and us escaping for a bit?" He smiled taking her hand and kissing it. The baby in between them giggled and had his rubbing her head as well. "You I'm not worried about, but can she handle those two?" Kodai looked up to see the two boys running with a space ship in their hands.
"If Melda is with her, then she should be able to whip them into shape," Yuki replied knowing that Yurisha might not be ready to handle sole babysitting responsibilities.
"I don't there are many that would agree to watching our terrors." Kodai sighed, "Well, maybe more so with this little angel to sweeten the pot, but those two are very much a handful."
"Maybe they will grow out of it?"
"Or we can send them to military school," he was only half joking.
"Sending our boys off into space already?" Yuki tried to keep the light tone; she wouldn't oppose either of their dreams if that entailed going to space... she just didn't want to fathom saying good bye to them any time soon.
"Don't worry love; they aren't going anywhere for quite some time. It will be just the five of us. Living here and enjoying all of the tings we fought to save."
"It was worth it," she mumbled, after a few minutes of silence of laying there.
"This... you... the kids... all of this, it was worth the pain."
"I wish you didn't have to go through so much," his voice sounded sad as he reflected back on what they had seen together and what she lived through before their turbulent beginnings as a couple.
"You've also lost quite a bit, but we don't have to dwell on it. There are far to many good things to be thankful for right now."
"I love you, Yuki Kodai."
"And I you, Susumu."
The end!
Thank you dear reader for joining this crazy train. I hope you enjoyed it and the last delay in the ending came with all you needed to get a good wrap up (and don't forget the fluff!).