The heat was unbearable. From every corner came new blasts that seemed aimed straight towards the body cowered in the corner. Clutching onto the phone trying to keep the sobs in she listened to the words being said over and over on the phone.

"I'm on my way Arya, hold on sunshine"

Lasting that long seemed less and less of a possibility. Air became spare as smoke became the only thing in the room visible other than streaks of red.

"Hey, do me a favour? Tell them i'm sorry"

"You can tell them yourself"

"Ummhmmm you too I'm-" She mutters feeling the struggle to keep her eyes open.

"Don't give up on me Kid-o" He says louder to keep her conscious on the phone, worry lacing his voice.

"I'm sorry"

Gasping awake she shot up in the bed struggling to see ahead due to the pitch black room. It took a couple of seconds to realise her phone was ringing on the bedside table. Grunting she grabbed for the phone


"Ah good, you're up"

"Yeah yeah i'm up th-thanks to you" damn it she was now hoping he didn't notice the stutter in her words

"-you were having that dream again weren't you"

"Listen if you rang me to discuss my dreams i'm going back to bed" she mutters leaning back against the bed shutting her eyes once more.

"No no listen, i need you to come back"

Her eyebrows raised at this. In the two years he never once directly asked her to come back, just to answer his calls or he would come and track her down and she had no doubt he would.

"You need me to come back?"

"We found the sceptre "

"You found Loki's sceptre?" She questions realizing this wasn't just one of Tony's check up calls, it was something much more.

"Yeah, Eastern Europe hidden in a Hydra base, but i need you to come stay in the tower for a while at least"

"I've been to Eastern Europe, it was nice very calm" her tiredness over taking her serious train of thought at 3am

"I'll ask you for a tour next time kid-o, but stop avoiding the main point of this call"

She sighed. It had been years since living in New York and since her whole life pretty much came tumbling down. She had not returned in fear she couldn't handle it. She didn't know if she wanted to see if she could or not


"This is serious Arya, i need you close by something's going on and if it does i need to know i won't let you down again" She winced at that. It still stung after all those years. Tony had tried to subtly suggest she at least visited over time but she could never find it in her to return to what once was. This was different. He seemed worried? Stressed? Not the usual Tony Stark who played it cool until the last possible moment.

"Have you told the team about me coming back?" She could almost hear the relieved sigh from the man on the other end of the phone. He chuckled a little

"I honestly thought it would take much more then that… but no i haven't you can surprise them tomorrow at the little get together"

"Your get togethers are never little" She groaned as he chuckled again

"Sorry sunshine suck it up it begins at 8, i'll send someone in my private jet so you won't be late- oh and only bring clothes I've had a room done up for you no need for useless junk"

Although she had done it many times in the last few years it was always hard to up and move your life suddenly. She was technically moving back home but she had enjoyed her last year in Chicago and had found an easy 9-5 job keeping her busy for the most part. She spent her weekdays working and picked up a class or two in a community college down the block from her. She had become friendly with a few people in her work but no one she was devastated about leaving behind not like she was when she decided to leave New York.

The city was just as beautiful as she left it. Tall buildings littered the sky line as she could she the giant "A" waiting. Nerves started to creep up on her now. She hadn't seen any of them in over 2 years and yet considered them the most important people in her life. Regret hit her hard for not staying in touch with them more. She spoke to Stark frequently but the others were a few emails a year. Mostly happy birthday and merry christmas. She knew now the reasoning behind Tony sending someone to get her, by now on her own she would of turned around.

"Landing in thirty seconds Miss Hensley"

With that she did a quick mirror check on her makeup, applying a quick layer of lipstick before taking a deep breath "I can do this"

The doors opened and the personal host smiled offering his hand so she wouldn't make a fool of herself in her heels. There waiting at the end of the stairs a few steps back was the one and only Tony Stark, smiling like a madman.

"I was starting to think you wouldn't show" He jokes placing his arm out for her cling onto for the last step.

"As if you wouldn't know you have that jet and me gps'd down to every step" he laughed and just looked at her taking in her appearance

"Am i that predicable?" His answer was a hug. She held on for dear life as did he. Both smiling

"I pretended not to notice the camera set up in my lounge"

"Damn thought i got away with that one" He mutters as they finally broke apart. She could hear the hustle and bustle of the party inside easily enough noise for at least 100 people.

"Your hair's different"

Looking down at her now shoulder length dyed dark red hair that was in waves she realised the last time they had seen each other in person it was black and at least 12 inches longer. But she knew from the camera and constant GPS tracking that he knew exactly where she was and what she looked like every day since.

"I needed a change"

"It's nice, suits you" he says now offering his arm again, this time to make their way to the door.

As they approached the door Tony's grip tightened on her a little as she took a few deep breaths "If it gets too much, your room is on the 8th floor Jarvis is aware if you look distressed to send you straight there if you enter the lift" She nods at this pushing a small smile onto her lips "I'm just nervous they won't want to see me or be upset" She mutters fixing her black knee length dress trying not to look her friend in the eye to her admission. "Listen Sunshine, they understand your reasons for leaving and will be happy to see you i promise and if not, they have me to deal with" "The big bad iron man" She jokes as he taps his arc reactor opening the door "The one and only"

"That's the whole story?"

"Yeah, it's a War Machine story."

"Well, it's very good then, It's impressive." Thor laughs turning his gaze to Tony, widening his eyes slightly to woman at his side.

"Quality save. So, no Pepper? She's not coming?" Rhodes asks noting the absence of a certain other half


"Hey, what about Jane? Where are the ladies, gentlemen?"

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, god bless dresses with pockets. Pulling it out she found a new message

How is meeting up with old friends?

"Nerve wrecking, I've only arrived... 2 down 4 to go" She types as Tony and Thor bicker back and forth on who has the better half

Good luck bright eyes

"But Jane's better" Arya hears as she zones back into the conversation as she notices all remaining super heroes making their way to their little circle. Word must of got around of her return

The silence scared her as she quickly checks each of their faces for anger or hurt. She did just up and leave without telling anyone but Tony. The worst thing she could think of was them all hating her for her decision.

Within seconds the tension dissolved as they all smile as she lets out a sigh of relief and mutters

"Who sent the avengers assemble call out?"


Bit of a jumpy start but had a new idea floating around for a story for a while thought i'd give it a go! Next chapter up in the next few days!