Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh does not belong to either Nekowingzero or Jadej.j. Have a nice day or night....

Bakura woke up and smiled at his light sleeping in his arms. He was upset at himself for what he did in the past but now he found he could love his light. He kissed Ryou's nose.

In his sleep, Ryou snuggled closer to his darkness, Bakura. He didn't fear his darker half, except when Bakura became angry or upset.

"Ra has awaken, my light." Bakura kissed Ryou on the lips.

Ryou grabbed the pillow and covered his head, not wanting to wake up yet.

"All right stay in bed. I need to go." Bakura stepped out of the bed and head for the bathroom.

From underneath the pillow, Ryou peeked out before trying to sneak out of the room unnoticed.

Bakura just rolled his eyes. ((I get you later...))

Ryou eeped before rushing out the room and sprinting for the kitchen.

Bakura just chucked to himself.

Yugi yawned. Violet eyes blinked. Suddenly Yugi jumped out of bed and bolted for the bathroom.

Crimson eyes watched his hikari scamper to the bathroom, in obvious need of it.

Yugi let out a breath and flush the toilet. He came out of the bathroom rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Morning Yami."

"Morning aibou, sleep well?" His eyes followed Yugi's every movement as he laid in bed.

Yugi stopped and looked at Yami. "Yami I'm still upset and worried about Jou." Little tears formed in Yugi's eyes. "Yami..."

Yami moved over towards his aibou and held him in a loving embrace. "We'll see how he's doing when he wakes up, okay?"

The small boy curried up in Yami's arms. He nodded his head. "I hope he is okay." He looked up at his darker self. "If the law doesn't punish Jou's father...You can..."

"Of course, aibou," Yami said with an assuring and loving voice. "I wouldn't allow anyone to harm your best friend and one of my friends."

"Thanks Yami." Yugi kiss Yami's chest.

"We'll wait before we go and see Jou," Yami held Yugi closer to him. "Jou needs his sleep after what he's been through."

Since computer camp ended yesterday, Mokuba had arranged to be picked up in the morning. He immediately ran to his big brother's room, since it was late morning. However, he never noticed Ryou in the kitchen. "Big brother, I'm home!!!"

Seto shot up. "Mokuba!!!" Blue eyes widened in shock. "What??? You're home...hi..."

Mokuba's eyes widened as he saw a certain blonde in bed with his big brother. He stood there like a deer in front of headlights.

"I can explain." Seto's face turned red. "Jou was attack by his father and he didn't want to be left alone..."

"Who are you and what have you done with my big brother?" Mokuba asked as he was thinking that aliens have abducted his brother and replaced him with an imposter or something along those lines.

"Little brother we need to talk. Let's go to the kitchen. Jou needs to sleep." Seto stepped out of the bed.

"How do I know you're not some imposter sent by Seto's rivaling companies?" Mokuba asked while stepping back. "Tell me something only big brother would know."

Seto kneeled down in front of his brother. "You dress yourself in a dress to save me in the virtual game." He smirked.

Mokuba threw his arms around Seto. "I'm glad your home and the real Seto."

"I'm glad you are home too, kiddo." Seto returned the hug. "Come on let's go and chat somewhere else. I don't want to wake Jou."

"Okay," Mokuba reluctantly agreed. "What do you want to talk about?"

"About Jou staying with us for now. His father is going to be charge with abusing him." Seto patted Mokuba's head. "You understand what I'm saying, little brother."

The two had already walked out of the room and shut the door. "Is it like what our stepfather did?"

Seto nodded his head. "Yes and maybe much worse. He opened up to me at the convention. He was getting some of his clothes when his father attacked him. Yami, Bakura and I got him away from his father and brought him here. The family doctor looked after Jou."

"I hope he's going to be okay," Mokuba said in a serious voice. He then looked at his big brother with huge puppy dog eyes. "Is Jou going to be staying with us? Pretty please can he?" 'Maybe I can have someone to play with while Seto is working.'

"Yeah, Jou is staying with us or he might be staying with Yugi. That's for the courts to decide." They enter the kitchen.

Ryou was in the kitchen preparing a meal for everyone. He was humming to himself and didn't notice the arrival of the Kaiba brothers.

"What's Ryou doing in our kitchen?" Mokuba blinked his eyes. "Other than cooking."

"Morning Ryou." Seto let out a breath. "Did you remember how I said Yami and Bakura help me get Jou away? Well we all came back here."

"Good morning," Ryou returned the greeting without turning to face the older Kaiba as he was chopping vegetables.

"Everyone was there? Including Yugi?" Mokuba inquired.

"Yes Yugi is here too. He's very upset about what happen to Jou. He might not be in a talkative mood right now."

"Can't any of the yamis heal Jou?" Mokuba asked as he sat down on a chair.

Seto sat down too. "I can't say but Jou is okay right now. The doctor patched him up." Seto look over at Ryou. "So what are you cooking that smells good?"

"It's my specialty," Ryou replied as he covered the pot. "I haven't named it yet." He paused for a moment to think. "I discovered this recipe by accident, when I was trying to cook something."

"Well it does smell good." Seto sniffed the air.

"I agree," Mokuba said sniffing the air too.

"Thank you," Ryou blushed as he finished cooking the meal.

Yugi got dress. "Let's see if any one else is up." He exited the room.

Bakura was walking down the stairs. "Morning to you."

"Morning Bakura." Yugi waited for Yami.

Yami walked on out after his aibou and just nodded his head to acknowledge the other yami. Bakura came into the kitchen. He glared at Ryou. "So this is where you are."

Yugi came into the kitchen with his nose in the air. "What smells so good?"

Ryou gave his darker half the puppy dog eyes and tried to look cute as possible.

Yami entered in after his aibou. "Someone has been cooking."

Seto nodded his head. "Yeah, Ryou the cook."

Bakura smirked at Ryou. He wiggled his finger at the boy. ((Talk later))

(Okay, Kura.) Ryou started to place the food onto the table with the other yami helping him, while his stood near the doorway.

Bakura sat down at the table. "Thanks you Ryou for making this."

When the food had been served, everyone started digging in. They ate in an awkward silence as they were all concerned about Jou.

Seto munched on the food. "So did we leave any for the pup? You know his stomach always empty."

"I've made enough food, even for him," Ryou giggled. "Besides, our yamis don't eat."

Yami rolled his eyes at Ryou's comment, but stayed quiet as he watched his aibou eat.

Bakura chuckled. "Well let's hope we can put Jou's father away and keep the boy safe."

"I hope so," Ryou remembered the way Bakura used to be, but at least his darker half changed.

"Seto is Jou awake yet?" Yugi looked at Kaiba.

Kaiba dropped the fork. "Be right back." Seto stood up and headed for the bed room where Jou was sleeping.

Jou was still sleeping and rolled over. He mumbled a few things.

Seto came all the way into the room. He sat down on the bed. 'Oh Jou...'

Jou's breathing came short as he was laying the wrong way. He started gasping for air.

Seto gently gripped Jou's shoulder and pulled Jou on to his back.

The blonde's eyes opened to stare into blue eyes.

"Sorry didn't mean to wake you." Seto smiled warmly at Jou. "But you were on your bad side."

"It's not a problem," Jou snuggled against Seto carefully as he hadn't fully recovered.

"My brother is home and found us in bed...don't worry I told him you were hurt and didn't want to be alone." Seto kissed Jou's forehead. "Ryou made breakfast. Do you want me to bring you something?"

Jou smiled as his eyes beamed. "I don't mind about your brother knowing about us. He lives with you and is gonna find out sooner or later. Do you even need to ask?" He giggled but stopped as his chest hurts. "Ow."

"Shhh..." Seto rubbed Jou's cheek. "I'll be right back." He kissed Jou's lips.

"Where are you going?" Jou inquired not wanting the brunette to leave.

"Don't you want something to eat?" Seto settle down into the bed again.

"I forgot about that," Jou nervously scratched the back of his head. "What are you waiting for?"

Seto laughed. "I'll be right back."

"Don't take too long," Jou called out as his stomach demanded attention.

"I won't." Seto deeply kissed Jou and then left in a hurry.

Meanwhile, the others were engaged in a discussion about Jou's dad. They were deciding what they will do with him. "I say our last resort is to banish his soul to the shadow realm," Yami stated in a stern voice.

"That's all good." Seto came back into the room. "I got to feed the pup." He smirked and grabbed a large bowl, before waving bye-bye to the others.

Yugi giggled. "Well at least Jou is awake and hungry." He smiled. "Let's see what the law does first. If they don't charge him then I leave it up to you and Bakura."

"Your light has the brains in your pair, Pharaoh." The ex-tomb robber grinned.

"I have yet to see you win a duel against me," the former pharaoh huffed.

Ryou smiled. "I hope he likes my cooking." He spoke softly.

"Knowing him, he'll like anything you set in front of him," Mokuba had a wide grin on his face.

Seto came back into the room with the large bowl. "Here we go." He sat down and held out the bowl with a spoon.

Jou took the bowl from the brunette and thanked him, before diving right into the food. "This is good. Who made it?"

"Ryou did." Seto rubbed Jou's head. "How do you feel?"

"Like a truck ran over me," Jou muttered between bites. "How are the others?"

"Upset, worried and glad your appetite hasn't left you." Seto smirked at Jou.

The blonde finished off the food. "Maybe you can hire Ryou as a part time chef." Jou joked around.

"I'll think about that." Seto took the bowl from Jou and kissed his koi's neck. "I love you."

"I was only kidding," Jou said quickly. "Luv ya."

"I want you again...but I don't think your body can take it..." Seto raked his blue eyes all over the blonde.

Bakura yawned and stretched. "Mokuba what do you do for fun around here?"

"Well, we have a dueling system here, a swimming pool, a video arcade room, a home entertainment room, a go car race track, and I think that's about it," Mokuba ticked off each one.

"Kid stuff but that dueling system sounds like fun." Bakura smirk.

"Anyways, it's a nice day out, maybe we can go swimming?" Ryou suggested. "Well after we've waited half a hour."

"I kind of liked dueling," Yami said. "But that's fine too."

"Well since Yami and I don't eat we could go swimming but I know the Pharaoh he wants pay back...from what happen at the hotel." Bakura licked his lips and grinned silly at Yami.

Yami huffed. "In your dreams, tomb robber."

Ryou giggled at their verbal fighting. Even though they fought often, they considered each other as friends. "Mokuba, Yugi, and I can sit by the pool."

Yugi looked to where Seto had gone. "Before we do I just want to check on Jou." He stood up.

"Well Yami you want to duel for a bit and then join our lights at the pool."

"You're on," Yami accepted the challenge.

"Then I'll have to come," Mokuba said, standing up. "You two don't know how to operate our latest dueling system."

"That's fine with me," Ryou said as he stood up.

"Besides there's other fun things we can do," Jou blushed.

Seto's finger ran down Jou's chest. "Oh is that so Pup..." He licked his lips hungrily.

"Then lead the way, Mokuba." Bakura stood up.

"Do you want to come with me Ryou?" Yugi looked at his friend.

"Sure thing," Ryou replied as he followed Yugi.

The younger Kaiba nodded his head and motioned them to follow him. It was in the opposite direction as the bedroom area.

Yami just followed the black haired boy.

"I know of a few things we can do," Jou purred huskily.

Yugi bounced up the stairs. "Seto! Jou!"

"Slow down Yugi," Ryou yelled while running after the smaller boy. "They're not going anywhere!"

Bakura followed the pair. "So Yami what should we play for or just should we just play for fun."

"How bout we make a bet?" Yami spoke up. "Though, we won't be battling for millennium items. Our aibous wouldn't be too happy about that."

"True. Ryou would never forgive me if I lost the ring to you..."

Seto was sucking hard on Jou's neck. He let go in a growl. "Can't Yugi do something else..."

"He just wants to check on me," Jou informed the brunette. "Once he sees I'm fine, he'll leave us alone. Trust me on dis."

"I propose that the loser has to do something humiliating that the winner thinks of," Yami suggested.

Mokuba chuckled as he led them down the hallways. 'This should be interesting.'

"You are so upset that you lost that contest at the convention aren't you..." Bakura rolled his eyes.

Seto stood up and walk into the hallway. "Over here Yugi."

Yugi bounced over to Seto. "How is he?"

Seto smiled. "See for yourself."

"You know I'm right here," Jou pointed out.

Yugi bounced into the room. "Jou...are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine after a good rest," Jou assured his best friend.

"Don't be ridiculous," Yami huffed. "I was trying to make things interesting without using our millennium items as the bet."

"Sure I'm game but to make it even more fun. We bring our lights into the bet. Of course we will get the brunt of the bet."

"That's good to hear," Ryou said after he caught his breath. "See Yugi, there wasn't no need to run all the way up here."

"Not to sound rude, but I would like to rest," Jou indicated the door.

"None taken," Ryou said, trying to get Yugi out of the room.

"Okay Jou." He giggled at the hickey on Jou's neck. "You look after him, Seto."

Seto nodded to Yugi. "Okay you two."

"How do you propose we bring our lights into the bet?" Yami inquired as Mokuba started getting the dueling system ready.

The two hikaris walked down towards the backyard, where the swimming pool was, after getting their swimming trunks

"I have a question for you pharaoh." Bakura walked over to one side of the dueling system.

"You haven't answered my question," Yami stated as he walked over to the other side of the dueling system. "What is it anyways?"

"Mokuba is the system ready?" The ex-tomb robber looked at the young Kaiba. "The question I need ask Yami is private."

"You'll have to wait until the system has warmed up," Mokuba replied. "When the light turns green on the both of your sides, then that means you can start. When you're finished, come and get me."

"Got ya." He watched Mokuba leave the room. "Does any one other than our little group know your actives with Yugi?"

"Malik and his yami know," Yami answered that question. "I think Solomon, Yugi's grandfather, may suspect something, but I'm not sure. Tea and Tristan are completely clueless. Isis has been busy with her research and museum tours. Shadi has been traveling lately."

Bakura smirked. "Well I must say. Malik and his yami know about Ryou and me because we have a sleep over..." The ex-tomb robber's grin grew. "That was fun night." He rubbed his hands together. "Well this is what I think the bet should be. You being lead around school by a leash by Yugi all day."

"I wouldn't have thought you'd be the type of person to be at a sleep over, but then you are full of surprises," Yami commented. "I don't think I would want to know what happened. I accept that. If I win, you'll let Ryou dress you up and fix your hair. You can't change it for an entire day."

Bakura eyes twitched but he remained calm. "Well I must say that's fine by me." He saw the green light come on. "It's time to Duel. Oh and if it is a tie. We both do the bet."

"Let's," Yami had already shuffled his deck and now he was drawing five cards. "Who will go first?"

"I will and I place this card down on the field face down." Bakura smirked.

"And I will place this face down on the field," Yami said as they began their duel.

Meanwhile, outside Ryou and Yugi were sitting on the pool chairs. They had gone to their rooms and collected the stuff they needed, such as sun tan lotion, towels, beach toys, and swimming trunks.

Yugi let out a sigh. "I'm glad Jou is going to be okay."

"Same here," Ryou agreed with his fellow hikari. "Who do you think will win?"

"Hard to say. Yami want to get back at Bakura for beating Yami in our little contest."

"I would think," Ryou sighed. "Those two are constantly at each other's throats."

Seto kissed and nipped Jou's ear, as his hand rubbed Jou's pants.

Jou moaned very loudly and even purred at one point.

Seto hungrily licked Jou's ear as he undo Jou's pants. "Gods how did I fall in love with you?"

"Because I'm cute as a puppy," Jou said, giving his best puppy dog eyes.

Seto chuckled and tickled Jou's manhood. "Oh is that so?" He smirked.

The blonde nodded his head and giggled. "You know I am."

Seto pulled Jou into his arms. "I'm just glad you are mine."

"Same here," Jou snuggled in Seto's arms. "Yours forever."

"And the next life." Seto deeply kissed Jou.

Jou returned the kiss with passion.

Bakura growled. He was tie with Yami so far. "Ready to give up yet, Pharaoh?"

"I never surrender," Yami replied with a low growl. "I sacrifice my two duel monsters to summon the Dark Luster Soldier. He placed down the ritual card."

Bakura smirked. "You fell right into my little game. I use Change of Heart to take control of your monster."

Yami cursed as he temporarily forgot Bakura also had a Change of Hearts card like his aibou.

"As you have no other monsters on the field. I attack your life points." He smirked and the Black Luster Solider attack Yami.

"Not so fast," Yami flipped over his trap, which was Mirror Force. Even though he would be destroying his own monster, he still had Reborn The Monster in his hands.

Bakura eye twitched again. "Darn..."

"And I'll use Reborn the Monster to bring back my Dark Luster Soldier," Yami said with a smirk.

"Well play so far Yami." Bakura picked up a card from his deck. "But this duel isn't over yet."

"Is that so?" He had another trap card waiting.

"Indeed." He placed a card down on the field.

Yami looked warily at the face down card. 'To attack or not to attack, that is the question. Ack, I've been spending too much time helping Aibou with his literature homework.'

'Damn...no way to win but at least I bring him down with me. I'm going to look like a silly for a day.. but Yami on a leash is worth it.' "Your move Yami."

"I'll attack your face down card," Yami declared his move.

"You activated my effect card." Bakura said as he flipped over the card.

Yami muttered a few Egyptian curses as both of their life points went down to zero. "So it looks like we're both going to have to do the bets."

"Yes but it's worth it. To see you walking around with a leash." Bakura smirked.

What about the others?" Ryou asked. "Wouldn't they hear us? You know how vocal I am."

"I'll tape your mouth close..." Bakura growled. He nipped Ryou's neck.

"Then how will we kiss?" Ryou pointed that out.

Bakura growled and pushed Ryou on the bed. ((Scream into the link then...please.))

(Whatever you say, Kura.) Ryou squirmed a bit.

Bakura pulled Ryou's clothes off and he attacked the boy's manhood with his mouth.

Ryou moaned and bucked his hips up at the unexpected contact of his most precious part.

His hands played with his light's balls. He moaned and sucked.

The white haired hikari clutched the bed sheets as if his very life depended on it.

Bakura's mouth left Ryou's manhood for a moment. He blew on it. He then put his fingers at Ryou's mouth.

Ryou moaned very loudly through their link. Feelings of euphoria and pleasure were sent through the link.

((Suck please...)) He rubbed his fingers on Ryou's lips.

(As I recall, I still have some lube left in my bag, but if you want me to suck on your fingers.) Ryou took his darker half's fingers in his mouth and sucked on it, while moving his tongue against them.

((I'll get the lube but I do love how you suck on my fingers...))

(You're kinda tasty too.) Ryou giggled through their link. (It's the side pocket.)

Bakura smirked and removed his fingers. He ran them down Ryou's chest leaving wet trails.

(You're such a tease. Are we going to start or will I have to find something else to preoccupy my time.) Ryou teased his yami.

Bakura retrieved the lube quickly and cover his fingers. Then he pushed two fingers into Ryou.

Ryou gasped at the intrusion but relaxed his muscles. He had been through this enough times.

Bakura moved the fingers around inside Ryou. ((I'm glad I open up to you about my feelings.))

(Me too. I know you aren't exactly the open type of person like me or Yugi.) Ryou ran his fingers along Bakura's chest.

((Hard life...but now I have you.)) He pushed the third finger into Ryou.

(I wish you didn't have that life. When I.......) Ryou was cut off as those fingers hit a very sensitive spot, making him scream mentally.

Bakura smirked. He moved those fingers around in his lover.

As those fingers hit that sensitive spot, Ryou kept on screaming mentally.

((So are ya ready?)) Bakura kissed Ryou's manhood.

(Do you ever need to ask?) Ryou played with his yami's belly button.

Bakura laughed. He removed his fingers and covered his manhood with the gel. ((My light.))

Ryou waited patiently for his darker half to finish preparing himself for the entry. Even though it was painful at first, it soon became very pleasurable.

Bakura then swiftly pushed himself into Ryou's opening.

Ryou mentally gasped and his muscles tighten for some moments. He then relaxed his muscles as he adjusted to Bakura being in him.

((So hot and tight...)) Bakura growled.

(Just the way you like it, huh Kura?) Ryou teased his darker half.

Bakura pulled Ryou close to him. ((Damn straight.)) He started to thrust in and out of Ryou.

Ryou bucked up in time with Bakura's thrusts. He draped his arms around the former tomb robber's neck and planted several butterfly kisses on his neck.

((That's what I like...)) Bakura moaned and thrusted deeply into Ryou.

(Would you like to see what Ishtar taught me to do with my tongue?) Ryou continued his actions.

((Do show please...)) Bakura rubbed Ryou's manhood.

Ryou began to show what he learned from Ishtar. He licked his darker half's chest and nipples.

((Mmm...that good...Ishtar a good teacher.)) Bakura thrusted faster.

(Would you like him to teach you?) Ryou continued his activities.

((As long as you join us...)) Bakura kept thrusting. ((I like your body better...))

Ryou giggled through the link. (I'm sure they would both like it if we went, cause I ended up practicing on Malik.)

((Let's call them later. Who knows maybe they can help us with Jou's problem.))

(Maybe they can help us. You know they can control minds. Anyways, let's get back to the task at hand.) Ryou licked his darker half's chest with more passion.

((Ah...yes it's great plan.)) He moaned. Bakura thrusted deeper into Ryou.

Ryou panted as sweat started to form on him. (You amaze me every single time.)

Sweat dropped off of Bakura's chin. ((You fit me so well.))

(They say opposites attract.) Ryou gave a cute smile. (You know we complement each other because we're so different, but it makes our relationship perfect.)

((Hai...)) Bakura picked up the speed again. He pumped Ryou's manhood hard.

Ryou's muscles tightened as he could feel himself coming near his release. Bakura was getting better at aiming for his sweet spot. (I think I'm almost there!)

((Good...)) Bakura kept thrusting and pumping Ryou.

Suddenly Ryou's world turned white as he rolled his eyes. (KURA!!!!) He was taking deep breaths.

Bakura licked his fingers and thrusted one more time and filled Ryou with his seed.

(I wonder if anyone heard us.) Ryou mused his thoughts.

((Well, we did pretty well. Though we did make the earth shake.)) Bakura pulled out of Ryou.

Ryou cutely yawned. (I hope we didn't wake up Seto and Jou with our activities. Jou needs all the rest he can get. I wonder what would happen if Jou's father met Malik and his nice little millennium item.)

((The bastard would tell the cops everything.)) Bakura rubbed Ryou's head. "Let's get some sleep now." He pulled the sheets up around them.

Ryou cutely yawned. (Shouldn't we clean up a bit? I know I want to sleep but it feels icky.)

((Okay a quick shower then.)) Bakura removed the sheets, stepped out of bed and pick up Ryou and enter the bathroom.

(You're so good to me.) Ryou kissed his yami along the jaw line. (What would I ever do without you?)

((I should be asking you that question.)) Bakura turn on the water.

Ryou nuzzled his yami. (What do you mean?) He then tilted his head, making him look like an innocent doe.

((You brighten my life. I had such a dark evil life.)) Bakura hopped into the tub. ((I never knew true love before you...))

(You give me the strength to go on and the courage to face my fears. You know that?) Ryou snuggled against his darker half.

"We need each other." Bakura spoke it out loud. "My light."

Ryou didn't respond as he fell asleep, leaning against his lover's chest. He had a peaceful and serene look on his face.

"My Ryou..." Bakura finished bathing the seed off of Ryou and carried boy back to bed.

The hikari snuggled closer to his darker half in his sleep.

((Night Ryou.)) Bakura yawned and fell asleep.

Suddenly, a scream could be heard throughout the mansion.

Bakura's dark brown eyes snapped open. "What the hell???"

Ryou stirred in his sleep. "Mmmmm......."

Meanwhile, a certain black haired boy was getting rough housed by a certain blonde. "Let go of me!"

Jou blinked his eyes to hear the loud scream. "That sounds like your brother."

Seto jumped out of bed and into the hallway. "Mokuba!!!!"

The blonde teen would have followed but his body was in so much pain that he couldn't stand up.

Mokuba kicked and screamed for all his worth. He knew his attacker was drunk by the smell of alcohol in his breath.

Seto ran down the stairs. "Mokuba!!!"

Yugi woke up. /Yami there was a scream!!!/

//Huh?// Yami shot up. //What is it?//

Mokuba was in tears at this point. His attacker had slit a long but superficial cut from his shoulder to his wrist. He screamed in pain when he felt the knife slash his shoulder blade.

Seto came rushing into the kitchen just as the knife cut his brother. "Bastard!!!"

Tears ran down Mokuba's cheeks as he looked towards his older brother with pleading eyes.

Bakura rushed down the stairs as well when he heard the second scream. He followed Seto into kitchen.

Yami nearly ran into Bakura as he too ran down to see if anyone was injured. Then he saw Jou's dad with a bleeding Mokuba.

Mokuba lost quite a bit of blood as it started to pool around his feet.

Bakura's Ring was glowing brightly. "I thought we taken care of you." He growled

Mokuba looked as if he was going to pass out at any moment now.

"Bakura, wait," Yami motioned towards the knife, which was dangerously close to Mokuba's heart. "You could get him killed."

Seto headed for his little brother. He saw no one but his brother in a pool of blood.

The blonde man gripped the bloody knife and was about to slash Mokuba across the chest.

Yami couldn't do anything without hurting either of the Kaiba brothers.

Seto threw out a punch into the drunk's face. He didn't care if he got hurt. His brother was dying; he had to help him.

Bakura felt his anger grow. "Monster."

Yugi had gone to check on Jou. He entered Seto's room. "Jou?"

Jou's father stumbled backwards, but still managed to hold onto the knife. He muttered a few curses and seeing as he was outnumbered, he ran for all he was worth.

"Big Brother," Mokuba gasped, lying in his own blood.

Jou peered over to where Yugi was. "I think Mokuba has been hurt."

"Pharaoh after that monster." Bakura ran after the man. Seto was picked up his little brother.

"Don't worry Mokuba. I'll get the doctor." He hurried out of the room to one of the main bathrooms for a first add kit.

Yami nodded his head and joined the chase. He knew Jou's father couldn't get far when he was considerably drunk.

Mokuba gasped and wheezed. He felt very drowsy and the darkness seemed to be tempting. He wanted to close his eyes and fall asleep.

"Hold on please, brother. I need you." Seto quickly bandaged his brother up and was dialing up the doctor. He told the doctor to bring Mokuba's blood to the mansion. They had five bags of blood each on hold. They renewed the blood every two months.

Mokuba's eyelids began to droop as his mind started shutting down. He wanted so badly for the pain to go away. The light at the end of the tunnel seemed very warm and comforting, compared to the situation he was in, but then he would miss his big brother.

Tears ran down Seto's face. "Please Mokuba stay with me....I need you so much...I need you...." Seto rocked his brother in his arms.

The black haired boy struggled to stay awake. "Big brother. Please don't cry." He held onto Seto's shirt with a tight grip.

"I know..but I can't help it. I've learn to open up my feelings again...Mokuba." Seto weakly smiled.

The doctor rushed into the mansion; then into the washroom. "Here we go Mr. Kaiba." He pulled a bag of blood out and put the IV into the smaller boy's arm.

"Seto?" Mokuba asked very weakly. He strained to look his brother in the eyes and winced when he felt a searing pain course throughout his back.

"Relax Mokuba. The doctor is giving you blood. You should feel better soon."

He shook his head slightly. "I wanted to know if I can sleep in your room tonight. I'm scared to go back to my room. Please?" He gave his best puppy dog eyes on his older brother.

Seto sighed. "It is going to be a crowed bed: Jou, you and me." Seto gave his brother a silly grin. "But I'm not leaving your side."

Mokuba giggled. "You have a king sized bed. I'm not THAT large."

Seto smirked. "I know." He kissed Mokuba's forehead.

"I have two more bags of his blood incase."

Seto nodded. "Thank you doctor."

Bakura jumped on the blonde that had cut the small Kaiba. "We should of just mind crush you in the first place." His nails dug into the man's face.

Jou's father sucker punched Bakura in the stomach, but he was trying to aim for the white haired thief's head.

Yami caught Bakura, before he fell onto the ground and moved him aside.

"Pharaoh...let's the shadow realm have him." Bakura looked at Yami.

"For once, I agree with you," Yami said, helping Bakura to his feet, but before he could do anything a knife was thrown at him, hitting him in the shoulder. He dropped to the ground and pulled out the knife.

"Then let's do this." The Ring became bright white.

Yami tried to concentrate at the task at hand, but it would use up a lot of his energy. His usual jacket was being stained blood red as he managed to get into a kneeling position and concentrate on Jou's father. The eye of Horus glowed brightly on his forehead along with the one on his millennium puzzle as he activated his magic.

Bakura did the same. "Your fault...you ending your life like this..." He growled at the man.

Jou's father had his soul ripped from them as the two yamis used their magic on him. Suddenly, Yami fell forward without warning.

Bakura caught Yami in his arms. "Are you okay, Pharaoh?"

Yami's blood soon covered Bakura's hand from where he touched the former pharaoh's shoulder.

"Damn." Bakura 's Ring glow and the magic start to heal Yami's arm. "Are you alright now, Yami?" Bakura help Yami to stand up.

"Just tired," Yami struggled to stand up. "I used a powerful spell that ensured his soul will never leave the shadow realm, but it zapped almost all of my energy."

"I healed your cut so you should be okay. Let's get back to our lights." Bakura helped Yami back.

Yami nodded and stumbled towards where his light was currently. He knew Yugi had left their shared room and was with Jou.

"I guess it's a meeting in Seto's room." Bakura smirked. ((Ryou Tell Yugi, Yami is worn out and needs to rest.))


Yami stumbled past Seto and Mokuba who were heading towards his bedroom. Even though he was healed, his jacket was covered with his blood.

Yugi came out of Seto's bed room. "Jou is waiting for you Seto. Is Mokuba okay?"

Seto nodded his head. "He will be." He then entered the bedroom.

Yugi then saw Yami with Bakura. The blood. "YAMI!!!" The small teen ran up to his darker self.

Bakura looked at the boy. "He's going to be alright. I healed him. Yami just needs rest." Yugi nod to the dark spirit of the Ring.

"I'll be alright, Aibou," Yami wrapped his arms around his smaller half. "I used almost all of my energy, making sure that bastard never escapes the shadow realm. Let us go back to our room. I need to change my clothes and I don't think I could stay standing for a moment."

"Maybe a bath?" Yugi hugged back.

"That would be nice," Yami said guiding Yugi back to their room, but he soon found himself face first on the floor.

Bakura sigh. He came up behind the pair. "Come on your highness. Your bed is calling." He helped Yugi pick up Yami and carry him to their room.

Suddenly there was screaming coming through Ryou's mental link as he had an awful vision.

Jou looked towards Mokuba. "Is he going to be okay?" Honey eyes were filled with concern.

"I hope so." Seto placed his brother on the bed. "He's staying with us tonight."

"That's fine with me," Jou assured him. "I remember when my little sister came into my room. She's scared of thunder, especially at night."

Ryou screamed very loudly but only through his mental link. He saw visions of death and destruction. He saw his friends killed before his very eyes. Shaking very violently, he screamed out loud in agony and sorrow.

Bakura gently laid Yami down on the bed and then race to Ryou's side. "Ryou!!!"

Ryou bolted up from the bed and screamed at the top of his lungs. His breathing was erratic and short.

"It's okay." Bakura wrapped his arms around Ryou.

"It...... it was horrible," Ryou cried into his yami's shoulder. "I..... saw.... all of you........ dying......... too much ...... death....... suffering.......... What is it?"

"Jou's dad came and attacked Mokuba. He's going to be okay. Yami was knifed, but he is alright as well. Jou's dad has been sent to the shadow realm." He rocked the boy in his arms.

Ryou took a deep breath of relief. "That's good to hear. I thought you had all died from this stranger, but I guess the vision came a little too late."

"It's okay." Bakura kissed Ryou.

"Kura?" Ryou asked with innocent doe eyes.

"Yes my light?" Bakura rock Ryou in his arms.

"I have been keeping a secret from you," Ryou buried his face into his darker half's shoulder.

Bakura looked down at Ryou. "Is this something I should worry about my light?" Dark brown eyes looked into softer brown eyes.

"There's nothing wrong about it," Ryou hesitated in saying. He couldn't look his yami in the eyes. "You'd probably think I'm a freak of nature."

"Ryou....Why would I think you a freak?" Bakura was worried now. His light was upset. "Ryou...my light."

"I don't know why," Ryou sighed. "When I was little, I would receive these visions. I can't control when or where it occurs. It just happens. I remember telling someone about it and they called me a freak of nature. Ever since then, I haven't told anyone, even my closest friends."

"There is nothing wrong with that Ryou." Bakura rocked Ryou in his arms. "I knew people like that from my past." He kissed the boy's forehead.

Ryou smiled and hugged his yami. "Thank you." He slowly closed his eyes and yawned into his darker half's shoulder, before falling into a deep sleep. He always felt safe in Bakura's strong arms.

((Any thing for you my light.)) He kissed the boy's lips. ((Love you.))

Meanwhile, in other room, Mokuba clung onto his older brother. He had never been more afraid in his life, when he thought he was going to die.

Seto held his brother carefully. He grabbed another bag of blood and changed the old bag that was almost done. He hummed an old nursery song.

"You think he's going to be okay, emotionally after this?" Jou asked with concern. "I know what it is like being attacked at a young age."

Seto looked at Jou. "I don't know." He rubbed Mokuba's back. "But I will get him the best of help. At least it was just one attack."

Jou nodded his head. "With my father out of the way, I can stay here. I don't think my mom can take on another child and I will be able to help Mokuba through this ordeal. It's something we have in common now."

"I would be honored if you live here with us." Seto reached out to Jou's hand.

The blonde smiled. 'I'm where I belong.' "Seto?"

"Jou?" A tear ran down his face. "I need you both...Mokuba and you."

"You don't know how much I need you," Jou held onto Seto's hand. "My mom is in financial trouble. I don't know if she can make it through the month. I was wondering if it's not too much trouble for you, if they can come here? I called her while you were sleeping."

Seto smiled. "I see if I can find her a job and a place of her own to live." Seto squeezed Jou's hand.

"Could it be somewhere close to here?" Jou asked with pleading eyes. "I would like to be close to my little sister, in case she needs me or in case I need to beat up Honda for hitting on her."

"I'll build a new house on my property for your family." Seto pulled Jou's hand close and kissed it.

Jou's eyes brightened and he had a huge smile. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." He hugged his lover while being careful not to disturb or hurt Mokuba in the process.

"Now let's get some sleep." Seto kissed Jou's lips as the blonde came closer to him.

"Yes, let's get some sleep," Jou agreed with him. "Today has been a busy day for us and besides, we have the rest of our lives to spend together." He looked over at his koi and his adopted little brother. "An end to another chapter of my life, but a new one begins." He whispered to himself.

Seto smiled and fell asleep with the two most important people in his life.

Yugi went to the bathroom to get a wet cloth to wash the blood off of Yami. He had removed the Pharaoh's shirt.

The dark spirit laid there in bed. He couldn't move as much of his energy was used for that powerful spell. Turning his head, he noticed his hikari was gone. Yami used their mental link to feel for his presence and found his hikari was close by.

Yugi came back to Yami's side. /I got a wet cloth to clean that blood off, Yami./ Yugi started to clean the blood off.

'So thoughtful and kind. The gods have blessed me.' Yami gave his hikari a weak smile. //Thank you, Aibou.// He watched his hikari clean off the mess. 'At least, he won't be worried if Jou's father beats him up. With the spell I used, it will take an even greater power than the Millennium Puzzle to free him.'

/Your welcome Yami./ Yugi smiled warmly at Yami.

Once Yugi was finished cleaning up the mess; Yami pulled Yugi closer to himself and held onto the smaller boy. Tonight, had that knife been an inch lower, he would have been killed instantly. He thought he wouldn't be able to see his hikari again and now he will treasure every moment with Yugi. //Aibou, I promise I will never leave you. Not even the gods can keep me away.//

/I will never leave you either Yami./ The small teen wrapped his arms around his darker half.

//I will always love you..// Yami slowly drifted off into slumber.

Yugi let the blood cloth drop to the floor and pulled the sheets around him and Yami. /Night Yami.../ He too fell asleep.
