Don't ask me why don't ask me how even I don't know how to answer that, hell I manage to make 4 chapters in a week and I don't even know how that happen sojust sit back an enjoy

Don't own anything but my character


"And finish, whew finally it's done." I said as I manage to finish my work for the day, to all my name is Jason Ramirez, a normal 16 year old with a lot of things to worry about but that's in the future as right now I am finishing my school assignment.

I'm not much to notice, just an average guy without much talent for anything but the basics, normal friends and life so basically a 100% normal guy, well until today that is well I went to check my email's

"What's this?" I said outloud when an unknown mail pop out in my inbox, curious I went ahead and click it and the last thing I saw was a bright light and no more.

(Unknown place)

"What the hell was that?" I thought as I survey my surroundings to see nothing but a pure white empty space. No it was true there was nothing more than an empty space as far as I could see, it was then I probably realized that I might ended up doing some kind of adventure like those protagonist that I saw in anime.


Looking up toward the sound, I just realize that I had just jinx myself because what I saw there was really freaking me out as it wrote

[Your Intelligence has been increase by 2]

"Fuck." That was all I could say until.

"Welcome newcomer." I turn towards the voice to see something that I could not believe, why? Because floating in front of me is a goddamn GHOST from Destiny. I kid you not as it had its blue optical eye with its white uniquely shaped design.

"uhhh newcomer?" was all I could say as I was pretty much confuse at the moment until GHOST answered me.

"Yes, the moment you click on that email, you have now been chosen as our beta tester for the new gamer abilities that my creator has created."

"Gamer, you mean that hot new Korean manhwa that's been going around lately?" I heard about it yeah with some fanfiction about its power but I never really took much interest in it, so curious I had to ask.

"Why me, Couldn't you choose someone else like say maybe someone who has more knowledge about this kind of stuff I mean I'm just a regular guy here."

GHOST didn't even look faze when I ask him that as it answered me "Well that is because my creator wanted some people who doesn't know about its ability so he could see how it would work out."

Raising an eyebrow I asked "Right…and you're here because."

"I am here because there were…incidents when we gave the gamers ability to those who didn't know about it and so they decided to give those like you a guide to help you through, like those tutorials games have to help you get on your feet."

Raising an eyebrow at the way he said incidents really didn't help ease my mind for a bit but I'll file that one for later since this is a little more urgent


Looking up again, a window box popped out with the words

[Your wisdom has been increase by 2]

GHOST picked up on my confusion when the window popped out so he elaborated

"Yes like games you will have stuff like strength, speed, wisdom etc. Now there are plenty ways to increase your stats by either leveling up or do certain actions like reading a book to increase Intelligence or working out to increase Strength or Speed."

I nod slightly as an answer which was the GHOST continued on "Okay then now we are going to bring up your stat sheet if you would just look at yourself in the mirror there."

Somehow conjuring a mirror from out of nowhere, I decided to follow his instruction and look at myself until


[You have gain the skill Observe]



And just like that I saw my stats and it wasn't that surprising about it.

Name: Jason Ramirez

Lv: 1 Exp: 0%

Title: None

Fame: None

HP: 100/100
Regenerates: 1 per 2 hours

Strength: 10

Endurance: 10

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 12

Wisdom: 12

Luck: 5

Point: 0

Money: 0

"Well looks like what I did earlier went into my current points interesting." I thought until GHOST started talking again.

"Yes now that we have establish the introduction for now let's choose what class you would become."

I was confused for a moment as I said "Wait, I can choose our own class?"

"Yes, again these are some new implementations for people like you who do not have any prior knowledge about this and due to it some of the previous testers had…cram to much knowledge and use what they could in the worlds they visited and suffice to say, it was like how one would blow too much air into a balloon."

That was an image that wasn't gonna leave my mind anytime soon so I decided to not ask for details and ignore it forever.


[Your Wisdom has been increase by 2]

"That's getting a little annoying." I thought to myself as GHOST showed me four choices, guess they didn't want too much and went to basics but what was weird were the choices given to me because they aren't stuff like mage, swordsman and the like, the choices were





It was then I asked GHOST "Okay, even I know that this isn't normal, so what's with the choices."

Seeing what I meant GHOST just simply said "Variety, people like stuff like that so my creator decide to randomly have four unique choices for the players except for god or anything similar to a god like entity but you having power level equal to that of a god after playing for a certain amount of time is another matter entirely."

"Well looks like I won't have to worry about that if I do encounter someone who chose that." I thought to myself as I look closely at the choices. For [KING], I saw a picture of a huge man with red hair wearing what looked like ancient Greek armor with a cape standing on a chariot. I recognized this guy from fate zero who was rider.

The next was [DEVIL HUNTER] and to my surprise, the picture was that of Dante from the Devil May Cry series with his trademark red coat and Rebellion in his hand resting it on his shoulders while he pointed Ebony right in front of him.

[MERCERNARY] had a picture of Deathstroke or Slade Wilson in his trademark orange and black mask along with his black uniform which was strapped with weapons consisting of two blades on his back, a pistol on his right thigh, shotgun shells on his left shoulder, grenades on his right chest and in both his hands were a pair of MP5K submachine guns.

And lastly was [CARD USER], surprisingly the picture was that of a guy wearing a black blazer with a white undershirt, I couldn't see his face due to him covering it with his cap and in one of his hand was a card but it was blank for some reason.

Curious about their abilities I used my [Observe] to see what they were just in case


Like the kings of old, you too can create an empire like no other but be warned should your empire be weakening in any way so too shall your strength.

*Pros: you can bring as many people as you want throughout the multiverse and the happier or satisfied your members or community you have, the more power and loot you will obtain.

*Cons: if the reverse should happen even slightly then your skill will deteriorate depending on what stats the community or people mean to you*

"Damn, well guess that's what a king is suppose to do I guess since they are tasked in taking care of their kingdom." I thought to myself before using [Observe] on Devil Hunter


Become a badass hunter that kick ass and take names, come and curb stomp any demons standing in your way and save the damsel in distress.

*Pros: You will be able to transform any of your enemies soul that you have defeated of the supernatural variety into weapons for your own use along with the powers of being a half demon.*

*Cons: certain weapons might not be able to use because of the worlds rules or that you do have the required power to wield them along with a 45% increase of extra enemies appearing nearly every dimension you go and an increase in enemy level every time you level up*

"Well that doesn't sound too bad but, if all of them are boss level types then." I leave that up to my imagination as I [Observe] the next one


Become one of the few feared and respected by all in the underground world where even a whisper will bring calamity to those that whisper it.

*Pros: Any mission that you completed will have better rewards and any enemy you loot will have better prizes along with an increase in reputation.*

*Cons: should you fail a mission, any loot or reward you have in that dimension will be lost and reputation will decrease.*

"Great, so any loot I get in wherever I am at the time will be gone if I fail huh, just fantastic."

The last one though was intriguing to me as it didn't make much sense but I didn't dwell on it too much as I use [Observe] on it


Come and become one with your cards as you summon them to battle or become one yourself as an avatar of your choosing.

*Pros: any card you have or if you manage to seal a being, you can call them to battle or become one with them and become an avatar.*

*Cons: cards are base on your power and abilities, cards that are locked require certain requirements or power for activation*

"Huh, looks like this is the tamest out of the rest but I don't know, seems like there's something more than this."


[Wisdom has been increase by 2]

[Observe has been level up to level 8]

"Getting annoy here."

I use my [Observe] for a little while longer just so I don't miss anything and after a few more minutes and then leveling up [Observe] 4 more times, I had decided on what to go for.

"Say GHOST, could I learn other stuff despite it not relating to whatever I choose?" I ask curiously

GHOST didn't take much time to give his answer as he said "Oh yes you can but the only way you can do that is you either lear that skill in the world or buy it from the shop."

I raise my eyebrow at it as I took a wild guess and said "let me guess, the creator did this so that people won't stop trying to learn skills before going to any world they choose right?"

"Yes, due to everyone trying to learn every OP skills from your world, it cause a balance shift since they use it without prejudice and the worlds residing gods had enough of it."

I nodded for a bit at the answer as I look at the choices again for a few more minutes until I spoke out "All right GHOST, I have decided and I'm gonna choose [DEVIL HUNTER]."

GHOST just floated around for a bit before saying "Very good now press [DEVIL HUNTER] and let it do the rest.

Following his advice I click on the [DEVIL HUNTER] and waited, which didn't last long when a red orb shot forth from the picture and slam itself right into me. The pain was almost unbearable as I feel like my body was being turn from the inside out and it was then I manage to black out.

Didn't know how long I was out though but the moment that I open my eyes, I saw a plain ceiling right on top of me, it was then I notice that I was sleeping on a chair so I got up real quick to survey my surroundings.

From what I saw, it was nothing more than a plain room with a juke box near my left hand corner where there was a drum set next to it and on my right was a pool table and further there were a couple of couches and all of them reminded me of Dante's shop.

Looking back, I manage to see rebellion standing proud right behind the seat but what I notice was that the pommel was a single spike but what was interesting was what I saw from its blade.

I saw that I had changed in appearance and clothing because right now I look a lot like Dante with his white mop like hair and his DMC 3 clothing which was a long, tan colored jeans, black finger-less gloves, and military-styled boots. Next was a coat that has zippers on the sleeves and a buckle around the waist, and two brown, leather holsters on the back to carry Ebony and Ivory.

Hell I even got a well tone body that most guys would get jealous off and I'm not exactly a fitness kind of guy, hell what does this even mean for the story line I mean did I just took over Dante's role or something. Man this is really giving me a headache so I'll stop thinking about it before I lose my mind.


[Wisdom has been increase by 2]

"Right should probably check my stats first." I thought to myself as I brought up my stats

Name: Jason Ramirez

Lv: 10 Exp: 0%

Title: Devil Hunter/ Son of the Dark Knight Sparda

Fame: None

HP: 1500/1500
Regenerates: 25 per 5 seconds

Strength: 52

Speed: 48

Endurance: 44

Agility: 48

Intelligence: 36

Wisdom: 37=39 (+2)

Luck: 5

Point: 0

Money: 0

I gave a loud whistle at the boost I got just by selecting my choice but then again it was probably for the best for people who know lick of shit about its abilities but now that I mention it, where is GHOST anyway.

Looking around, I couldn't see the sight of the white aide anywhere but I didn't have to ponder long as suddenly


[You have a Quest]

Blinking for a bit I press the quest button and a bigger window pop up

Complete the entireTem-ni-gru arc in less than 24 hours

Start time: the moment you close this window

Time limit: 24 hours

Failure: Will not be able to get reward and unable to enter the DMC dimension for 50 years.

Reward: Unknown until completion of quest.

"Well isn't that just great, the moment I close this thing the countdown will start and I don't even know what the prize is. At the very least I better do it just so I don't have to wait for 50 years just to start DMC 1 and 4 just so that I can get the devil arms there."

Closing the window, I didn't have to wait long when a timer popped up and started the countdown. Seeing this I quickly went to the door in hopes of getting there quick until a red barrier appeared there. I actually let out a curse when I saw it as I heard what sounded like glass breaking, turning I saw some hell prides circling me ready to pounce. With that in mind, I just sigh and pulled out Rebellion and got ready to fight.

(23 hours 52 minute 30 seconds later)


Quest: completed

Complete the entireTem-ni-gru arc in less than 24 hours

Start time: the moment you close this window

Time limit: 24 hours

Failure: Will not be able to get reward and unable to enter the DMC dimension for 50 years.

Reward: Unknown until completion of quest.

"Finally, damn that was hell. I am never gonna taunt Vergil into a fist fight ever again damn, he could hit Devil like body or not." I said to myself as I saw myself back towards the white room and there was GHOST waiting for me

"Ahh, you manage to complete your first time. Congratulations now then first off, welcome to the multiverse where you will start your adventure. You are still new so during your first 5 worlds you may enter will be chosen randomly."

"Great." I thought to myself as GHOST continued on

"Next is your quest reward if you could please press the reward button."

Seeing no harm, I decided to press the reward button and then


It was then some appeared in my left hand in a bright light, once the light show was done I took a good look at what it was and my eyes nearly bulge out of my socket as I saw Yamato in my hand.

[You have obtain Yamato]


[You have obtain Darkslayer style]


[You have obtain Summoned Swords]

My jaw practically dropped as I somehow obtain Vergil's personal fighting style and his ability to summon swords along with one of few badass swords in existence in the gaming or anime world. I thought what the heck man, why the heck I even got the skill, the sword was one thing and the little detour back at the Tem-ni-gru to get the other versions of Dante's outfit from the other series.

It was then another flash of light appeared right next to me and once more I was shocked because what was next to me was a black 1974 Ducati 750 Supersport with both sides engrave in gold the words devil may cry in cursive letters with a outline of a female posing with two guns above her head.


[You have obtained 1974 Ducati 750 Supersport.]

"Okay, this has got to be the best time I ever had and nothing could top this…well running down the tower or riding it back up on Lady's bike was another thing but damn, who knew I was such an adrenaline junkie."

GHOST made himself known once more as he asked if I wanted to stay and go Devil May Cry 1 or go to another world. I thought for myself for a few moments until I decided not to since I wanted to see the other worlds for a bit.

"Okay then shall we get started?" Asked GHOST as a giant roulette wheel appeared before me

"Now I know someone there is messing with people like me." I thought to myself as the wheel started spinning until it slowed down and then it stop at a lettering of YJ in big letters with a yellow glow

[The world you will be going to will be the Young Justice universe]

"Well damn, never thought I'll start off in the DC comics right off the bat." I thought to myself as a portal opened up in front of me. I put up my hand to stop GHOST for a moment as I told him I wanted to change for a bit.

He nodded somehow as I took a peak at my stats as I decide what to wear


Stats sheet

Name: Jason Ramirez

Lv: 48 Exp: 78%

Title: Devil Hunter/ Son of the Dark Knight Sparda

HP: 9780/9780
Regenerates: 340 per 5 seconds

Devil Trigger: 7500/7500
Regenerates: 550 per 10 minutes

Strength: 556

Speed: 449

Endurance: 480

Agility: 465

Intelligence: 187

Wisdom: 188

Luck: 34

Point: 4

Money: 34.7mil

Devil Arms:



Agni & Rudra



Force Edge

Yamato *NEW*

Fire Arms:

Ebony & Ivory




Kalina Ann








Darkslayer *NEW*

Devil trigger

Summon Swords *NEW*


Vital star S: 34

Vital star M: 40

Vital star L: 22

Devil star S: 30

Devil star M: 22

Devil star L: 24

Holy water: 55

Blue orbs fragments: 2

Purple orbs fragments: 3

Gold/Yellow orbs: 5

"Man, I guess I should thank that giant centipede for crashing into a few floors right into the treasure room, who knew that there was a treasure room like that." I thought to myself as I change my costume.

Having decided, I went for the Devil May Cry 4 costume which was a pair of red pants, they are almost completely covered sans my crotch and rear by a long, black leather motorcycle chaps featuring a brown, cowboy boot design around the ankles. For my feet was black, loafer looking boots, and black gloves exposing my knuckles and index finger on each hand, and my pants are wrapped with a black belt featuring a silver emblem decorated with a demonic skull.

The coat was a much more detailed and stylish look, with Western and Italian features, and a deep red, almost crimson color. The coat itself is short sleeved, with numerous gold colored studs decorating the shoulders, collar, and chest, and a single zipper on the front, but I didn't zip it up like Dante did. Underneath the coat was a black, zipped up undershirt with three clasps closed together with ornate, golden buckles, and medium length sleeves that can be seen passing my shoulders. This undershirt is also zipped up just below my neck, and features an upturned collar which complements the one on my coat.

Giving myself one last look, I nodded and then had Rebellion on my back and Ebony and Ivory in their holsters before getting on my bike. The sound of the bike roaring put a smile to my face as I look at the portal before giving it a wild grin as I said

"Well then folks, get ready cause I'm bringing the party to you"


So that's that for the first chapter so rate and review