Seatmates Chapter 7

Morning Habits

I do not own PoT

"Fujikawa-san," The teacher calls out, which stops Fujikawa from packing up her stuff to go to next class, and snaps her head towards the teacher. Sanada looks briefly between his English teacher, and Fujikawa and decides to go on to the next class.

"Yes, Mr. Matsuda?" Fujikawa asks, and walks towards the teacher's desk. Matsuda sighs.

"I need to speak to you about your tardiness," He states, and Fujikawa gulps. She knew this day was coming. Woe is her. "As you know, you've been tardy since the beginning of school, and you haven't been making those tardies up."

"That's not true," Fujikawa protests. "I've been here early before for a few days."

"That's not gonna cut it, Fujikawa," Mr. Matsuda dismisses. "If this behavior continues, I will have to contact your parents."

Fujikawa flinches. No no no. Anything BUT her parents. If her parents know that she's been coming late for the past few weeks, her life of sleeping in is over.

"Am I clear, Fujikawa?" Matsuda questions. Fujikawa nods furiously, grabs her stuff, and runs out of the room. What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? This isn't fair! It's a lose-lose situation! If I tell my parents to wake me up early, they're gonna wake me up at 4:30! If I don't tell my parents, then they're still gonna wake me up early AND I'm gonna get a lecture! Alarms don't work. I need something more reliable… Something… Reliable...

Fujikawa makes her way into her second period, Classical Literature, and plops in the seat next to Sanada. She frowns.

"Sanada," She states. He grunts, meaning that she can continue. "I'm in a crisis."

"Does it have to do something with you being tardy constantly?" Sanada guesses, Fujikawa gasps dramatically (Even though she knew Sanada knew because Sanada was a genius).

"Yes. How did you know?" Fujikawa asks rhetorically. Sanada gives her the 'Are you kidding me?' Look. "Okay. It might've been obvious. But I need help."

"Setting your alarm to 7:30 AM is not that difficult, Fujikawa," Sanada states. He's right. Dang it.

"Yes it is," Fujikawa protests. "You don't know how difficult it is to get out of bed, and then I'm gonna turn off my alarm." Sanada's eyes twitch furiously.

"You're too lazy. Get your parents to wake you up," Sanada suggests. Fujikawa groans.

"But that's like 5:00," Fujikawa responds. Sanada looks at her seriously (but when was he ever not serious?)

"I get up at 4:00, Fujikawa," Sanada states.

"Ew. Why?" Fujikawa scrunches up her eyebrows, very confused to why a 15-year-old is willing to sacrifice his sleep.

"I am able to be more productive in the morning by training my mental fortitude," Sanada answers. "For example, I practice Zazen (AN: seated Zen meditation)."

"Relish your sleep more, Sanada," Fujikawa says (still in awe by this monster's morning schedule). Sanada glares at her. "Like I sleep at 8:00 and wake up… Whatever time I feel like it."

"Too much sleep is bad for you, Fujikawa," Sanada lectures. "And every minute wasted by extra sleep means that you are wasting your time."

"That's a load of bull, Sanada," Fujikawa protests. Sanada narrows his eyes at her because of choice of words. "It means that I can be fully energized for the day."

"Fujikawa, I do not mean to be disrespectful, but I am more productive than you, even without extra sleep," Sanada states. Fujikawa shrugs.

"But that's because you're Sanada, the try-hard-"

"Excuse me?" Fujikawa ignored the glares coming from Sanada.

"If it was someone else, then I can probably be more productive than them," Fujikawa finishes. Sanada merely stares at her, and her (absolutely shitty) logic was probably the stupidest thing he ever heard. He chose not to say anything.

"We are getting of topic. How are you going to wake up early from now on?" Sanada questions. Fujikawa frowns, and shrugs.

"I'll figure something out," She states. His eye twitches. She snaps her fingers, suddenly. "What time do you usually leave for school?"

Oh god.

"I leave for tennis practice at 7:00," Sanada answers. She suddenly deflated.

"Nevermind," Fujikawa dismisses. She scratches the back of her head. "This is lame. I'm gonna have to get my parents to wake me up."

"I suppose I shall see you earlier tomorrow then?" Sanada asks.

"Yeah, yeah," Fujikawa answers, frowning and eyes narrowing. She huffs. "Good-bye sleep."

"You wouldn't have to give up your sleep if you just wake up from your alarm clock," Sanada states (of course, being right again). Fujikawa shakes her head.

"Sanada, I never wake up from just an alarm, if I do, I silence it," Fujikawa dramatically looks up at the sky. "This is the only option."

Sanada stares blankly at her, and shakes his head.

The Next Day

"Ah, Fujikawa. You're early," Sanada remarks walking into class, and sitting next to Fujikawa. Said girl had her head down on the desk. "I assume everything went well."

He raised a brow, wondering why Fujikawa has not yet responded to him, and instead heard light snores coming from the female. He shakes his head in disappointment.

"Fujikawa," He said, placing a hand on shoulder and shaking her. "No sleeping in class."

"Hmm…" She murmured, her voice muffled by the desk. "Lemme… Lemme sleep…"

"Fujikawa," Sanada repeated, his voice sterner and a bit louder. "Wake up."

Fujikawa lifted her head up, a bit of drool running down her mouth, and her eyes half-lidded, "…Sanada?"

"Do not sleep in class, Fujikawa," Sanada states.

"School hasn't even started yet," Fujikawa responds, and then slams her head down on the desk. "Gimme a break for once."

"Nonsense," He chides, eyes narrowing. "In order to get used to your new sleeping schedule, you can't just sleep in class. That's as bad as being late everyday because you're missing- Are you listening to me?"

"Uh… Yeah," Fujikawa lies.

"What did I say?"

"Something about… Slacking off…" She mutters. Sanada glares at Fujikawa.

"You're slacking off!" Fujikawa's head snaps up when she hears Sanada's voice gotten louder. "Listen to people when they're talking to you!"

"You sound just like my mom," Fujikawa mutters, and crossing her arms.



"Do your parents even care? How could they possibly let you carry on this behavior during school?" Sanada questions. He feels anger rise throughout his body, but it vanishes when Fujikawa slaps his hand away from her shoulder, and when she stares at him with blue eyes that were usually glazed over, but now they contained rage, just like his own.

"They care too much, Sanada! That's my problem!" Fujikawa nearly shouts. His eyes narrow. Fujikawa's rage subsided once she realizes that she's said too much. Luckily, there were barely any students in the classroom when she said that. Few students looked in the direction of Sanada and Fujikawa, but figured it was one of their daily spats.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing." She looked away, towards the windows.

"Don't lie to me, Fujikawa." His gaze remained fixated on her.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Fujikawa." His voice had gotten sterner, the tone he used towards his teammates during tennis practices.

"I don't want to talk about it, Sanada. Just drop it," Fujikawa said, voice exasperated, and looks at him with genuine sincerity. "Please."

He was silent for a few moments. Fujikawa was angry when Sanada pressed on, and Fujikawa was rarely angry at all, and he sighed, "Fine."

There was silence for a few moments.

"Hey, Sanada?"


"I'm sorry for getting angry. It's just difficult getting used to waking up this early," Fujikawa smiles, and laughs. "I guess I'm not a morning person!"

"No. It was my fault. I didn't mean to pry into your business, " Sanada says. "I apologize."

"Meh… Water under the bridge," Fujikawa dismisses. "But I didn't realize you cared about me so much, Sanada. Could it be… That you care about me?"

"Fujikawa! Do not acuse me of such ridiculous things!"

Another Chapter, another day. Buuuuttt….. DUN DUN DUUUUUN. Child and Parent problems. A cliche found in every story! But anyways. You'll find out later… I promise… Maybe…

If any character's OOC tell me, and give me constructive criticism please, instead of

'Wow. Ur story sux ballz' Tell me how and why so I can fix it.


Question of le day: You're favorite cliche and why?

Mine is when a relationship develops from hate to love because I think you can see so much development between those characters and see them get over those flaws and we learn to love those flaws and accept them.

Thanks for reading, guys and...
