Beginning Summary: Judy and Nick slice down their suspects as they get closer and closer to the real criminal.
We walked to the back of the two-storied wooden house. I lightly dragged my fingers over the baby blue-painted wooden exteriors, touching the old wood. I tried to remember old times, better times, the fresh cold breeze in the early mornings, the shouting of the angry neighbours and the tingly feeling of the tallgrass as they passed between your legs. Good old times, now such a hot mess. I sighed in disappointment as I walked with Judy. When we reach the back, we saw the normal police cruiser, a 1992 Ford Crown Whaletoria, a standard police cruiser. I raised my eyebrow at the old car, looking at Judy in confusion and curiosity. I though heroes like Judy should at least have a more decent vehicle to patrol around. She caught me staring and looked at me.
''Don't blame me, Bogo said I should take extra precautions with you on the wheel. Plus you owe me for ruining my gear.'' Judy told me while trying to blame the problem on Bogo. I didn't really care at this point, I just need a fast ride to get outta here and catch that crook. Although, I gotta admit, I was still pretty bummed out with Bogo's decision. After all, all I did was crashed his Lamboarghini onto a shipping container full of rubber ducks, don't ask me how it got there.
We both entered the car, unusually spacy but dull, grey seats and an even grayer interior, what a great way to boost your officer's morale Bogo, great job. The smell was like a brand new car smell, synthetic-like. I put on my seatbelt and helped Judy with hers, seeming that she struggled because of her size. Then she tossed me the keys and I started the car, its engine purring as we move from the ranch, going ahead to the enormous skyscrapers blocking the sunlight as we get closer. Geez, Zootopia must be huge, even some of the building's shadows have already touched us and we're barely near the river. She looked to the back seat where a blue duffel back can be seen opened, I looked back to for a moment.
''Uncle Sam helped me found that in the creek where you got cut if you're wondering.'' Judy said going back as enthusiastic as ever, swinging her small feet on the edge of the seat.
''Great, did you analysed it yet?'' I asked her. She gave me a confused look then shook her head furiously.
''With our involvement, I think not.'' She reminded as she crossed her arms, looking outside at the pristine green fields. I can imagine her daydreaming, after all, it does kinda look like The Burrows, not like I have seen it in person but very similar to those I've seen in those Postcards. Well, it's nice to think about home, now that I mention it, when was the last time did I visit Ma? Huh? My sleeve was tugged by Judy who was looking at me with a solemn face
''Nick, we're going to have to report to the station first, we gotta get every support we can get if we're going to fight this maniac.'' She said excitedly, full of passion and fieriness, determined to catch the stalker once in for all. Meanwhile, I was rather sceptical and raised an eyebrow at her.
''I thought you said you don't want them to know our involvement.'' I tried to remind Judy, stretching the 'our' part like she did before as I leaned closer to her while trying hard to pay attention to the road
''Yeah, but they won't know. I know a couple of guys and gals in the office who are willing to help out.'' She stated confidently as she crossed her arms again, puffing her chest in pride. I snickered rudely in response which seems to break her pride, instantly eyeing at me reminding my manners.
''Willing to help out no questions asked?'' I asked sarcastically which just made her give a small cute frown in which made me looked at her with a tinge of naughtiness.
''They're called friends Nick, not mercenaries.'' She jokingly reminded me swinging her finger. Then she jumped up in excitement and went to the back of the car, I raised an eyebrow, trying to stop her while trying to drive the car on the seemingly empty highway. I tried reminding her that what she did was dangerous, in a manner she would usually tell me but she ignored it and came back with what seems to be two golden pins, rectangular shaped like the ones we have to use as name tags.
''Look!'' She commanded enthusiastically, shoving both of them to my face. I looked at the pin, shining in the small sunlight that passed through the slightly dark-tinted windows.
''Nicholas P. Wilde and….Judy Wilde?'' I exclaimed in confusion, breaking my attitude. She squealed when she heard her name, instantly putting them into her pockets and trying to envelope me into her arms, which I was not very grateful of considering I'm trying not to get ourselves killed like a particular *cough* event yesterday.
''H-Hey Carrots, I'm trying to drive here y'know.'' I reminded her, struggling with the steering wheel while she realised and backed off, giving me a happy look, grinning from ear to ear as she covered her mouth from snickering playfully.
I was happy for both of us, knowing that this relationship is going somewhere but…then I realised. I gulped. Last night. Cans of Beer. I reminded myself in my mind over and over like it was a routine. It was just a dream nothing more, that didn't happen, you're still here and don't let Judy know. I repeated that in silence over and over, making Judy tilt her head inquisitively at my unusual silent behaviour, luckily she thought I was just focusing on the case which is a problem to me because she must've have found all of the evidence, recordings, pictures, all kinds of nasty things from last night. After all, I can't tell her, look how happy she is, she worked so hard for us to get together, she's….very dedicated into this relationship…and I'm, don't you dare say it Nicholas, not.
We arrived on the outskirts of the city as we reached Zootopia, crossing the river through the enormous bridge of no particular style; it was literally just concrete plank with pillars, not so interesting to take note of. We slowly went through the suburbs, watching cubs of all ages travel in a very chaotic school bus, the scent of fresh grass being trimmed in the morning. Ah! Such a lovely area, it was a shame I spent my entire life cooped up in apartments, I can barely see any hint of evildoing or distrust between these people, let alone any crime, so we passed it as quickly as possible with Judy waving to the tired-looking pedestrians.
An hour later we saw the HQ, it was a large building with a dome in the center, like a stadium only smaller and more circle-ish. We parked in a random parking lot, thinking it was no big deal, and started walking towards the building. I remember yesterday like it was…well, yesterday. The day when we realize we understood each other, our problems, our life, and that we are inseparable whether we're just partners or lovers, I swore on that day, my life is hers and solely hers. I looked over to Judy giving her a smug grin as we walked, making her blush in nervousness and finally confronting me with a cute angry face.
''W-What are you staring at?'' She stammered crossing her arms, pretending to act tough although deep down she couldn't ever get mad at me. I stopped staring but still grinning, directing my gaze at the building though, making her do the same only acting more embarrassed.
''You bunnies are so emotional.'' I plainly replied, putting my paws in my pockets and whistling a random tune, looking like I didn't do anything. She gave me a small frown before trying to punch my body, lightly knocking on it over and over as she was trapped in my charming bad boy personality. I crouched down as she stops hitting me and just caress the back of her head slowly, making her look flushed as I pierced inside her eyes with mines, staring into her amethyst gems.
''You look so cute when you're angry, you know that Carrots.'' I rhetorically asked breaking her seemingly angry and hard exterior and revealing her sweet and nervous interior, breaking the frown and seeming in somewhere between confused and aroused. Yes! I got her where I want her….or so I thought. She then frowns again but then hurls a punch at my face, which I masterfully not dodged it, landing her tiny fists into my sensitive snout, making me jolt up in response. She then giggled as she saw my expression, afraid and humiliated, later turning into a laugh. I didn't join in at first but…in the end, I laughed too, thinking it wasn't funny in the beginning but later laughed because of her.
''Hahahaa…next time, don't play around my emotions.'' She instructed as she points her finger at me, giving a confident look at me. I just brushed it off mentally and grinned back lazily.
''I'll try my luck next time.'' I replied, seeming to make her giggle even more as she softly punches me in the arm, appreciating the joke.
''You better not.'' She then formed a very smug smile, similar like mines as she tip-toed, trying to get closer to me in which I replied by getting closer to her, smiling even more trying to playfully intimidate her.
''Or else?'' I asked curiously right in her face which she instantly grabbed my collar and pulled it aside, making me tumble onto my knees as she bent over to kiss my lips, which shr stopped a few seconds after our tongues touch. She then left me flushed, being confused and aroused like she did before, switching roles, now I'm the blushing one and she's the smug one. She helped me back up then proceeds to go back to her joyful self, hopping as we get closer to the building. I rubbed my collar smiling a bit as I looked at her.
''Sly Bunny.'' I murmured to myself as I followed behind her, knowing now what she's capable of.