A/N: Hello guys! Lately I've been listening to the full version of "Love Like You" on repeat, and, instead of thinking how the entire song is sung from one person to another, I started to think that maybe each lyric is sung by a different Gem to Steven. Does that make sense? If not, then try reading? c:

Each chapter is pretty short since there's only 6 lyrics of the song, so the fic will be finished rather soon. I hope y'all like it!

Garnet - If I could begin to be/half of what you think of me/I could do about anything/I could even learn how to love

Garnet had experienced many things in her life. She had experienced death of her fellow Gems, watching how each and every one of the beings she had once seen as fellow comrades at war against each other, the destruction of each Gem causing her immense pain, regardless of the fact that it was necessary. She had seen these outcomes on each path the future could take, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

However Garnet had also experienced joy - joy of gaining new members on their team - a small amethyst whose strength rivaled no other, and later a small half-human child whose eyes sparkled every time he spoke.

Most importantly, though, Garnet had experienced love.

Ruby and Sapphire loved each other so much they couldn't bear to be separated, thus providing the support for her existence. Steven thought it was the most romantic concept in the world, two beings together forever, never to break apart. As much as Garnet loved how Steven accepted her for it, she was afraid.

Afraid to tell Steven how Homeworld hadn't accepted her the minute she had first formed, and afraid for him to hear about the terrible rules and class system of their Gem Homeworld. Afraid to tell him how she had been involved in the thousand-year war, and how she had to associated with the destruction of her fellow Gems and other innocent humans. She knew Steven was familiar with the war; how her, Pearl, and Steven's mother were directly involved in the devastating event, yet he never saw her as someone horrible for it. His eyes continued to shine with happiness every time she smiled at him, or if they ever did something as simple as a high five. Garnet knew how highly Steven thought of her, and she didn't understand why.

Steven had seen the extent of Garnet's power before, specifically when she almost attacked him in front of the human children, thinking that he was Peridot inside her escape pod. Garnet had felt nothing but guilt afterwards, yet Steven just shook it off, giving her a tight hug and a loving smile.

Although Garnet was made of love, she was always in awe of Steven, and how easily accepting and loving he was - how human he was.

Part of Rose or not, Garnet loved Steven.