A Captain's Dream

Kathryn Janeway sat in her ready room, dreaming of her would-be daughter instead of doing her reports. As she sat there staring of into space the door bell rang.

Janeway- (standing)Come In

Tuvok- Captain

Janeway- Tuvok. I never did get a chance to thank you the other day for taking over out there

Tuvok- It was not a problem, is everything all right?

Janeway- Everything's fine, why do you ask.

Tuvok- Well two days ago.

Janeway- Oh.Chakotay and I had a small problem to take care of.

Tuvok- If it was a security matter.

Janeway- Oh, no and I needed to be there.

Tuvok- Very well, I am glad everything is as it should be.

Janeway- Yes, thank you for your concern Tuvok.

As Tuvok leaves Chakotay enters.

Chakotay- Kathryn, what did Tuvok want?

Janeway- He wanted to make sure I was okay after what happened.

Chakotay- You told him?

Janeway- No, of course not, I simply told him we had a matter to take of.

Chakotay- Oh, well I was wondering if.

Doctor- Captain can you report to Sick Bay?

Janeway- Certainly, right away?

Doctor- Yes, you may want the Commander to join you.

Chakotay- What is this about Doctor?

Doctor- Just come to Sick Bay.

Janeway- On our way, Janeway out.

Kathryn looked at Chakotay and he extended his arm in the direction of the door. She smiled uneasily and led the way out and into the turbo lift. They didn't speak; he was worried something was wrong with her. He knew she shared that same concern and he was worried that if he said something he might upset her more. Then it was upon them, they entered Sick Bay.

Doctor- Ah. Captain, Commander, Captain lay down on bio bed 1

Janeway- Doctor?

Doctor- Nothing to be concerned about, yet.

Janeway- Yet?

Doctor- Mmmmm. as I suspected, Captain after you left I took a look at your files again and I found a little something.

Chakotay- A little something?

Doctor- Yes, an embryo.

Janeway- Embryo? I miscarried.

Doctor- Well, yes, but as I did the procedure I realized the Placenta was not separating as much as I feared.

Chakotay- What?

Doctor- Commander, when a miscarriage occurs the Placenta separates and kills the embryo. But in the Captains total separation had not occurred, I stopped it but I thought the embryo was still killed.

Janeway- I'm pregnant

Doctor- We will have to monitor your progress extremely carefully and you will most likely be on full bed-rest by the end of the third trimester but yes.

Janeway- I don't believe it.

Doctor- Captain in about two weeks you'll start putting on a lot of weight.

Janeway- I don't mind

Chakotay- Can we leave?

Doctor- Of course, if you experience any morning sickness come and see me.

Janeway- I will Doctor and thank you.

Chakotay helped her down of the medical bed. He had never been so happy and the look of pure joy on her face made him feel warm inside. When he lifted her by the waist and placed her on the ground she hugged him and they left Sick Bay. When they were in the corridors Chakotay turned to her and stopped walking, she stopped and flashed a smile he knew he would always remember. He leaned down and kissed her, to his surprise, as they were in view of a passing crewman although none were in sight, she wrapped her arms around him. When they broke he put his arm around her waist and they continued the walk back to her quarters. When they came around the next turn B'Elanna was standing there staring back at them in awe.

Janeway- B'Elanna

B'Elanna- Captain, Commander

Janeway- It's all right B'Elanna, now that Chakotay and myself are.well.that is we will be able to be affectionate in public now that we're.

Chakotay could see B'Elanna was not following the jumbled words that came from Kathryn's mouth and he also knew Kathryn had no idea what to say.

Chakotay- We're pregnant B'Elanna

B'Elanna- Congratulations!

Janeway- Thank you.

B'Elanna- Who else knows?

Chakotay- No one, well the doctor.

B'Elanna- Oh, I promise I won't say a word.

Janeway- That's not necessary, B'Elanna

B'Elanna- Oh, no Captain I wouldn't want to.

Janeway- It's all right B'Elanna, everyone will know in two weeks or so when I start to put on some weight.

B'Elanna- (laughs) You're right. Well, I had better get on my way because an EPS Relay burned out earlier.

Chakotay- Very well, we'll see you at the briefing later today.

B'Elanna turned and walked down the corridor, Chakotay slipped his arm around Kathryn's waist and the pair continued on to the bridge. Just before she rounded the corner B'Elanna turned and looked back at her superior officers and smiled. Kathryn and Chakotay boarded the turbo lift.

Janeway- Should we tell the crew?

Chakotay- I don't know.

Janeway- I think we should wait.

Chakotay- Whatever you feel comfortable.

Before Chakotay could finish his sentence the turbo lift doors opened and he took his arm from around her waist. They entered the bridge as Captain and Commander, and took their seats. Not ten minutes later Janeway's comm. Badge beeped and she tapped it.

Janeway- Janeway here.

Vorik- Captain, congratulations!

Janeway- Excuse me?

Vorik- B'Elanna just told me. Pregnant, I don't believe it.

Everyone on the bridge stared in awe at their captain. She looked at Chakotay and smiled.

Janeway- Thank you, Vorik. Janeway out.

Tuvok- Captain?

Janeway- It's true Tuvok (she looks at Chakotay and takes his hand) The Commander and I are pregnant.

More to come.