Junior Smith: 16

Dailen Smith: 15

Georgia Smith: 14


The years went by for the family and it had been some of the best ones. Of course nothing is perfect, still had their good and bad days, but the good defiantly outweighed the bad. Danielle had successfully graduated college, and transitioned into being an elementary teacher. She had moved out of her parents home and into her own apartment. On down the road, she had married her college sweetheart, Nathan, who had replaced Sam in his spot on the show, much to Sam's doing. She had gotten pregnant early in their relationship, which wasn't the plan, but she didn't regret it one bit and neither did he. They started their own little family, which consisted of two boys, Junior and Dailen, and a girl, Georgia.

Now in his early sixties, Sam Evans was a man who enjoyed being in the comfort of his own home more and more. He was now a senior commentator at the a different network, and still traveled from time to time. He enjoyed his job but he was a family man.

"Hey Daddy."

"Hey Sunshine." Sam turned and saw that she headed to the refrigerator to grab some fruit and water, "What are you doing up so early?"

"I have a photo shoot." Nova smirked as she watched his face scrunch up. When she first told her him about wanting to be a model, he thought it was a good idea. She has always been photogenic, had the height and on top of that, was a beauty. He just didn't like the collaborated ones. You know, the ones she had to be so close to a male. His Papa bear came out in full force, "It's..."

"Don't tell me."

Nova chuckled knowingly as she went over and kissed his cheek, "See you later then."

Sam watched as she left out, grabbing his coffee cup as he made his way to the living room to his chair, his memory taking him back to sixteen years ago.

Mercedes zipped the lunch kit up before turning around in the kitchen, grabbing ahold of the book bag and placing it on the side. Hearing shuffling of feet coming into the kitchen, she looked up and smiled when she saw who it was, "Hi my baby."

"Hi Mommy." The six year old Nova greeted as she came in, going over to give her mother a hug.

Mercedes smiled as she hugged her back, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her forehead, "Daddy up?"

Nova nodded her head as she went to sit at the kitchen table, her brown eyes sitting on her mother's, "Yes and he's having a melt down, Mommy. A huge melt down."

Mercedes smiled knowingly as she brought the plate of breakfast and sat it down in front of her, "I'll be back, my love." She exited out of the kitchen and headed up the stairs and into the direction of their room. When she entered, she noticed that he was in the bathroom, "Babe?"

Sam heard her voice and tried to pull himself together but he was failing miserably. He shut off the light and came out, fumbling with his tie and sniffling as tears fell from his eyes, "I'm a mess."

Mercedes went and stood in front of him, moving his hands out of the way so she could fix his tie for him. When she was done, she took her hands and wiped the tears from his eyes and cheeks, placing a kiss to the left side before going and grabbing his suit jacket and placing it on for him.

"She was just a baby." Sam mumbled quietly as he stared down at his wife, but at the same time avoided her eyes when she looked at him, "Our little baby."

"I know, my love." She held his face in her hands, causing him to grab ahold of her wrists. She leaned her forehead against his and closed her eyes, "She's going to be okay, and so will you."

Sam nodded his head and got himself together, taking a deep breath. He grabbed ahold of her hand and led her out, making their way down the stairs. He went to the kitchen and saw her sitting at the table and he went to do the same.

"Are you okay now, Daddy?"

Sam smiled over at his little girl, "I am, sorry."

"It's okay, but don't worry, I'll be home before you know it." Nova said as she got up from her seat and went to him, kissing his cheek before wrapping the older man in a hug, "I love you, Daddy."

"I love you too, Sunshine." He mumbled out as he hugged her back. Letting go, he thanked Mercedes when she sat a plate down for him. They talked animatedly with the excited six years as they ate their breakfast. When they were finished, Mercedes wanted to get some pictures of them. She had taken a few of them together, and vice versa, then set it on a timer so she could get all three of them together. She got a couple more in just as the bus drive blew the horn outside, causing him to sigh. Much to his dismay and overprotection, Nova had told her parents that she wanted to ride the bus to school. There was no way that Sam was going to let her go it at first until he found of that his second cousin on his mom's side was the driver...and the fact that he hired a bodyguard for her. It was a relief.

The two parents helped her get her stuff and walked her out the house hand in hand. They stopped when they got to the end of the driveway, Mercedes speaking first.

"Have the very best day, baby girl. Sissy will pick you up." Mercedes informed before she kissed her forehead and hugged her, letting go, watching as she nodded before she went over and hugged her Dad.

"I love you, Nova. Have a good day, Sunshine."

"I will, Daddy." She smiled before letting go and turning around to step on the bus.

Sam watched as she found her a seat, her eyes meeting his as she looked out the window. She patted her hand against her chest two times then blew him a kiss, smiling and waving at him as he did the same. It was their thing and Mercedes for one loved it.

Mercedes waved her hand at her baby as the bus begun to drive away. Looking up at her husband, she leaned up and kissed the corner of his mouth.

"My little girl..." Was all he said as he pouted and looked down at his wife, rolling his eyes when he felt them starting to water again, "I'm so emotional."

"With reason to be, love." Mercedes said as she wrapped her arms around him, laying her head down on his chest.

Sam wrapped his arms around her, kissing the side of her head before he sat his chin on top of it, sighing. After a few moments, he heard his wife's pager going off, causing him to let go reluctantly.

Mercedes pulled his from her waist, looking up at him, "I have to go."

"Duty calls, Dr. Jones-Evans." He smiled as he leaned down and kissed her, giving her a hug, "I love you."

"I love you so much more." Mercedes smiled as she gave him one last kiss, "Have a great day."

"You too." He watched as she headed to her car, waiting until she pulled off to head back into the house get his things for work.

"Yeah, never saw this coming." Nova said with a look of distaste as she stared back at her sister in the mirror, "This is your lane, not mine."

Danielle laughed as she rolled her eyes at her, fixing the back of her veil, "How the tables have turned, Novs...just for a minute though."

Nova stared at herself as the makeup artist was finishing up her brows, a smirk forming on her lips, "We should send it to Dad."

"And send the poor man into a heart attack. Let's not." Danielle chuckled as she finished, stepping aside. She was shooting for a designer's spring wedding collection and was so happy that she could finally make to one of her sister's shoots, "Give him time before you actually get married."

Nova scoffed, "Please...I'm never, ever getting married."

"Never say never." Danielle snickered when she rolled her eyes and shook her head, taking in her final look, "You look beautiful."

"Thank you, sissy."

"Mom would've loved being here for this shoot."

"She would've." Nova smiled at the thought of it, hearing her name being called, she saw the photographer gesturing for her to come.

Danielle crossed her arms as she went to sit in the chair, watching as Nova leaned against the tree, turning to the camera to smile, she couldn't help but smile too. She loved and was so proud of her little sister. She has accomplished so much already at a young age. She was soon about to graduate college with her business degree but her passion was modeling and she was damn good at it. She stayed for the next thirty minutes, letting her know she had to leave so she could pick up the kids, but not without taking a couple of pictures of her on her phone.

Sam stared at the three faces in front of him, seeing so many feelings emerging. He had decided since they were old enough, to tell them his story, which in a way, was their story too. He had taken him awhile to get through it due to old emotions, work, school and busy weekends, but he had spent their Fall break wrapping it up.


"This should've been a movie. We could've made a load of green on it." Dailen said, looking at his sister when she slapped him upside his head, "What? I'm serious."

"He has a point." Junior piped in from his spot on the couch, ignoring the glare his sister was giving him, "I've read your memoir but nothing beats actually hearing you tell it. Your story transferred onto the big screen with the right guidance would be huge."

Georgia rolled her eyes at her brothers before smiling at the older man, "I think it's tragically romantic, Papa and NO, we nor anyone else shouldn't make a profit off of this for the simple fact that everything is not about money. Plus, Papa don't need money and I'm glad you brought all the rights to it so it couldn't happen, Papa."

Sam smiled at the youngest of his grandchildren, "God bless you, Sweet Pea. You have more sense then your knucklehead brothers."

Georgia smiled as she leaned over and hugged the older man, then sat in his lap, "I'm happy that everything worked out for the best. Without you or Grammy, none of us would be here."

"I'm glad too." Junior said as he got up from his seat and went and sat on top of his sister's lap.

Dailen went and got on top of his brother, stretching his long arms around them, "Me three."

Sam groan mixed with a laugh he looked at them, "Are y'all trying to break my knees?"

Danielle had been leaning against the doorway and her heart melted at the scene before her, she smiled as she pushed off and finally went in, "Okay, get off my Daddy before you hurt him. Y'all are not light. Go get your jackets so we can go tackle this Thanksgiving shopping." She watched as the three children let out a sigh before getting up, leaving out of the room. She shook her head as her eyes went to her father, "You finally finished, huh?"

Sam laughed lowly, coughing a bit as he nodded his head, "Yes ma'am."

Danielle smiled at him as she leaned down and pressed a kiss to his cheek, placing her hand on his shoulder, "Mommy would be so proud of you."

Sam patted her hand before placing his own on top of hers, green eyes looking in hers, "You think?"

"I know." She leaned back up, hearing the commotion coming from the other room, she rolled her eyes, "You sure you don't want to let them live with you permanently?"

"You the one who wanted them." Sam remarked once he saw the look on her face, smirking as he leaned back in the cushion of the couch and closed his eyes.

"I know." She repeated the two words again, chuckling. She watched as his chest went up and down, eyes shut and snore leaving his mouth, indicating that he had fallen asleep. She smiled as she grabbed the throw blanket that was beside him onto him before walking out of the room.

Miracles happen, dreams do come true.

The proof is this love, I have for you.

Your every wish, I'll make come true,

cause darlin', I'm so much in love with you.

God's given us a second chance on love

A love that will last and last.

A second chance on a love so true.

A lifetime to show my love for you.

Your kind, generous heart filled

with so much love to give.I want

to be with you for as long as I live.

Share all the joys and sorrows

God gives to us. I give my self

to you my love, my hearts' filled with trust

Today and forever, you'll

always be the one. I'll be with you

darlin' until our days on earth are done.

by Sandra Finch

The rain came down lightly as the front door opened, the sounds entering the home as the woman entered. Thanksgiving was tomorrow and it was still so much left to be done. This family has loss and gain over the years, but the love when they all came together was unmeasured. Taking off her coat, the woman of the house hung it on the rack and made her way to the living room, where she found her sleeping husband. Mercedes smiled as she walked in, sitting her purse down as she leaned down and kissed him on the lips, listening to him groaning, "Wake up, husband."

Sam came out of his sleep, eyes slowing opening and resting on the brown ones in front of him, smiling, "Hey wife. How was your trip?"

"Too quiet for my liking." Mercedes admitted as she sat down beside him and cuddled into his side, sighing in content as she got some of the blanket and put it over her. Mercedes had been at a week retreat that her daughters had set up for her, "I actually missed all the chaos. At work and here."

Sam snorted as he side-eyed her, "Oh really? What makes you think it was chaotic while you were gone?"

Mercedes pursed her lips as she gave him a knowing look, "Come on, you know how they operate."

"Maybe they only do that when you're around. It's been pretty peaceful here." He said with a straight face, watching the disbelief etch across her face before she spoke.

"You a lie and the truth ain't in ya."

Sam laughed as he sent her a wink, "You still love me though, regardless and I'm glad you do."

"Mhm, I told you I'd always love you no matter what and till we're old and gray, and look at that." Mercedes said as she ran her hand through his graying hair, chuckling along with him, "I love you, oh so very much, Samuel Evans."

"And I love you so much more, Dr. Mercedes Jones-Evans. For the rest of my life." Sam just smiled as he grabbed her hand and pressed a kiss to it, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as they sat back on the couch. Life had thrown him so many curveballs, but he was so happy that he could hit a lot of them out of the park. Over twenty years ago, he reconnected with the love of his life and the love of both of theirs, their daughter. Never missing another precious moment, their family growing with so many blessings that included their second daughter, Nova, and then years later, grandchildren that their now married oldest blessed them with, his life was just how he envisioned it to be. Surrounded with plenty of genuine love and all of it transpired because of a second chance.

A/N. I have enjoyed writing for this story so much. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. So glad to give it the short, but sweet closure it deserved. Thank you for sticking with me. Please tune in to all other stories because they are coming to a close as well. Again, thank you guys. I appreciate the love & criticism, it made me a better writer! Xo.