Lets see how this goes, enjoy and let me know what you think. I'm sorry for the grammer and i'll hopefully get the next chapter soon first fic of kp. soooo please let me know your thought. all is welcome.

Kim sat at the end of the bar waiting for her blind date. It had been 7 years since she left Middleton for college. Crime fighting was no longer a thing, because the villians retired after she beat the lorwardians. They didn't want to fight her anymore and pretty much gave up. So really she went to college got her degree and now worked at a meaningless job and was still single. She had kept in touch with Monique who went to college with her, even though right after Monique went straight back home. Her best friend had fallen in love and was engaged and her new fiancée thought that growing old in a town like Middleton would be a great idea. It was realistic and not the type of thing Kim thought she would go for, but the guy treated her right so that's all that really mattered. Since the wedding was back in Middleton, Kim was back, and now waiting on a blind date because Monique insisted that Kim have a date for the wedding.

Kim took a sip of her dragon fruit martini. She hadn't had a date since high school. Ron and her had broken up after graduation. She had a few guys that she kept around for fun. But never anything serious. She would probably be a disappointment if anyone knew about her chosen lifestyle. Kim had become a different person since the break up with Ron. No longer did she care to do what was best for others she just focused on her self, and what she needed to do. Sure she would still help who ever she could when someone needed it, but she wasn't the same as she was when she was the Teen hero. She had so much that was different about her, hair style, looks, everything. Only one thing had stayed the same, the love for her family, and her friends. If you asked her why she changed, she couldn't tell you, something had just snapped inside her after the break up, but shed never admit that.

A tall blond sat next to her at the bar and she looked at him. He had short blond hair and was muscular. Taller than her by the looks of it. His eyes seemed to be brown. He looked just like him, but it couldn't be, could it? Monique wouldn't dare set her up with her ex would she?

"Ron?" Kim asked, the man looked at her ceriuosly. then sighed.

"Do I know you?" He asked. He had some attitude in his voice as if he didn't want anything to do with her.

"That depends... on if you are here on a blind date." she snapped back at him. He must have changed too, but then again he started changing back when they started dating.

"I don't see how...oh... sorry." He said lightly. She couldn't believe that this was Ron. He had grown up, looked hot, but she wasn't going to let that get to her.

"Well, clearly you don't recognize me, so before this gets akward, I think I'll go." Kim said and she began to slid off the seat, but then he grabbed her hand and she glared at him.

"Look, I don't know who you are, or why Mon set us up, but clearly she thinks it would work out, and I trust her." He was utterly clueless that it was Kim, and she couldn't believe that this was happening. He really didn't know it was her. Kim took a pause to debate on what she wanted to do, then a wicked idea popped into her brain. She had a chance to hurt him, to get back at him, for what he did to her, and he didn't even know who she was, so it would be easy. She could play this off and make Mon happy and still get out of this town in one piece. It was the perfect plot.

"Fine. I'm Kat." She said proudly as she slid back onto her chair. He offered her a smile believing her lie. It was a good thing that her hair was long, straight, and black as night. He could never guess it was her, and definitely not with the nose piercing, purple lipstick and thick black eye liner.

"Well, seems Mon, already told you my name. So lets get this date started. What, are you into?" He asked with a smile. Kim thought for a moment as her date waited for her to answer.

"That depends, what do you like?" She said in a slow purr. Ron stared at her with wide eyes, realizing that she was talking about something different than he expected.

"I, uh..." He was in shock by her words. Complete shock. Kim looked down then back up at him and Ron seemed to get more nervous.

"Tell, you what Ronald, What I don't like, is someone who can't take what they want, or say it, when it's right in front of them." She purred in a low hushed tone. She had moved closer with her words staring at him with her eyes half closed and fully aware that her hand was on his thigh traveling closer and closer to the hardness held there. Kim knew that it would be easy to turn him on, she had done it for years, and had gotten better at doing it with her recent experiances. Ron sat there completely frozen, then suddenly he took her hand and put it on her lap.

"Look, I just can't do that, I want a relationship, not a one night stand." Ron's words were clear and even though she had other ideas, Kim decided that she would go along with her plan.

"Why Ron, just what type of girl do you think I am? I just thought that were could get over the awkwardness of this meet and greet, that way you could be less nervous and we could get more comfortable..." She said crossing her arms over her chest. Ron looked at her dumbfounded by her words. Kim took Ron's hand in both of hers.

"Look, Kat, you clearly have a different way of doing things, I'm sorry I assumed. Please, let me make it up to you, what would make you more comfortable." He said with a light smile. Kim knew she could have some fun with this, and she planned on it.

"Why don't we just wing it tonight... no plans just you and me." She said lightly. Ron's eyes widened, Kim would enjoy this. A lot.