Chapter 2: Last of his line

Months later, inside Erebor, main floor...

The dragon turned to face me. "You care about them? Then watch as they die!"

My eyes widened. No, he'll destroy Lake Town! Because of me! I must stop him! "NO! Don't do that! They are innocent!"

Smaug snorted and his fire gland lightened up. "You've gone soft."

I blinked at that. I have... gone soft? What did the dragon mean by that? Thorin approached me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Don't give into his foul talk. He is bluffing, making stuff up to confuse you. That's what dragons do."

Smaug roared. "Enough! If you wanna know the truth and stop me from going into Lake Town, then come outside."

What truth? We all shrugged and as seemingly invincible Smaug was to us, we had little choice. "We don't trust your kind. But we have no means of killing you with our weapons."

"Don't trust my kind? Hm... this will be interesting then! Come!" Smaug went ahead we followed after him. I had the strangest feeling like the dragon knew something... then a vivid dream I had several months back came back, rushing. It will happen! He will... no... I stopped Thorin and the rest of company with a hand gesture. "Stay here. I will reason with him. If... when situation gets out of hand... bring yourselves to safety."

Thorin's expression was puzzled. "Bilbo, you know something. What's this about?"

"I cannot tell more. He's practically invincible, we cannot kill the dragon. Only someone in Lake Town with the black arrow can. Send one of the ravens to them. One scale if loosened and he's exposed. Only there he is vulnerable."

"But Bilbo, we cannot let you go alone."

I laughed bitterly. "I am your burglar. I am not a warrior and never will be. I killed orcs out of self defense or when I saved you from Azog. But that was then. I am not worth much, but at least let me buy you time."

"I won't let you go alone. I will accompany you." I turned to face Thorin. "You don't get it, Thorin. You're the dwarf prince, who will become the king. To lose you on the end of our quest would be unacceptable. If someone has to sacrifice his life, let it be me."

"Master Boggins..." Kili said in a sad tone.

I walked towards the broken gate filled with daylight. I stepped outside and saw Smaug nearby, looking at me. "So, you've finally come. And you're not alone."

What? Who? It was Thorin. The stubborn dwarf! I unsheathed my sword and aimed at him. "Go inside, Thorin! I won't repeat myself. I saw what will happen and I am trying to prevent it! For once, listen to me. Please!"

He tried to reason with me.

"Whatever it was you saw in your dream or vision or whatever, it might not be true! It's too dangerous to be here with that creature, alone!"

Smaug only gazed at us, smug.

I had no choice but intimidate him.

"Don't try me. I am trying to save your lifes, Thorin. It's better than seeing all you die!" I said it after all. Something was wrong. My heart was throbbing in my chest. I fell to my knees, my sword slipping from my shaky, clumsy fingers. "Bilbo?" Thorin asked, worried. I ignored the throbbing and pushed him in the entrance's direction. "Go back!"


The throbbing got worse and I screamed in pain. What's this?! Am I dying?!

"Join me, my brethren. You have slumbered for a long time. Regain your past glory." Smaug said ceremonially.

The words must have meant something because something funny was drawing itself around me. Some strange circle with writings I couldn't read. I was scared. What is happening? In my startled state I reached out for Thorin's hand. "Thorin! Aaargh!" I screamed in pain and everything was white.

He ran for me, but I didn't see him. Once I came to, I saw him from much higher perspective, through much bigger eyes. No, no, no!


I did my best to warn Thorin, but I only roared. Not one word has made its way out my mouth. Thorin was thoroughly japed and he couldn't move. The rest of company joined the scene and gaped at me. I wasn't surprised when Kili readied his bow and directed it at me. Smaug took flight and sneered at us. "Kill the dwarves."

I refuse! NO! I won't do as in the dream. I'd rather kill myself! In that moment the eagles arrived and on top of one was the Grey Wizard. I felt the disquiet as I restrained my enormous body from moving, using all my willpower. Gandalf directed his staff at me, bathing me in a white light.

A young hobbit woman and the wizard had a dragon cornered, he was bleeding from a fatal wound. It was dying. Its soul essence transfered after death to the nearest pure embodiment – the child in the woman's belly.

The vision vanished and I regained full control of my self awareness and movement again. I didn't know what was happening or what that vision I saw meant, but it freed me from Smaug's enslavement. Also, I could speak, probably again. "Smaug the Terrible. Your days... are counted!" I charged at him. Flying came to me naturally as breathing. Smaug's eyes widened for a moment in awe, then he roared. I knew where he was vulnerable. I'll take care of that treacherous snake myself.

The dwarves upon Gandalf's insist took refuge by the ruins of the gate, hiding behind the rubble. The eagles run as soon as they saw two dragons.

Smaug's claws slashed with mine, each of us striking with the intent of killing. Smaug's attacks were frantic and disorderly, yelling at me "brother killer" and "corrupted by humanity". His flight changed direction, soaring high above me. I followed after him. I didn't care much for his words. He controlled me. If it wasn't for the wizard, I'd... fulfilled the dream.

He breathed fire at me and escaped barely. I didn't want to try going into the flames, nor would it be a good idea to try countering it with... why not?

Fight fire with fire.

When Smaug did the same thing in a row, I countered with a breath of fire of my own. The streams met and we battled fiercely, running out of breath. Push yourself, you have to defeat that monster. With the last ounce of my strength, I increased the fire output and in a mili - second Smaug's eyes went into a thin line - he knew it would hit him and he had no time to evade like I did. It hit him and his wings caught on fire and I wager his eyes didn't fare better. He was falling to the ground. I flew after him, caught up with him and my right clawed hand grasped the hole in his chest. I found it.

Sharply I inserted it, piercing him through. He screamed from the excessive pain. Blinded, flightless and now bleeding from a wound. I took no chances. He could still somehow kill my companions. I held onto his neck and opened my mouth, my teeth sank into his now sensible skin. I broke through and Smaug was now surely on the brink of death. To be sure, I repeated the process, Smaug was screeching the entire time until... he went quiet. I let go of him. My power was being drained... my vision was blurring. I fell from the sky.

Someone caught me, barely. It was Thorin. I smiled at him. I was back. I was a hobbit. Whatever Smaug did to me, it will be alright? Right? My heart... it hurt. I clasped my chest, puffing from exertion, pain and fear. Gandalf knelt down to me, on his face was a somber expression.

"My friend... "

I hardly focused my gaze at him, blinking. Something was wrong with me, perish the thought I became a dragon five minutes ago. "Am I... dying?"

"Yes. It's the curse."

Thorin and his nephews, the rest of company all stared at the Wizard, who had the most somber expression one could see on his face. "Yes. Before Bilbo was born, his mother and I went on a quest to stop a ravaging dragon from destroying Shire. She agreed to help me. With joined forces, we brought it down, the beast was dying. It's essence traveled into the unborn child that Bilbo's mother was carrying. I didn't know she was pregnant. If i knew... What's done is done."

Thorin couldn't believe it. Neither could I. I was a dragon? ...Am a dragon inside the hobbit shell? How come I forgot all... until... now it made sense. "You wiped away my memories." I accused Gandalf. He didn't deny it.

"Yes. You were to start anew, as one of the gentle folk. I kept an eye on you, along with you parents. Our doubts vanished when you grew up bit by bit. Nothing from your previous nature influenced you. All was well."

"Why did you... lure me on this quest? You knew of me... everything."

"I didn't know that Smaug could make you unravel your dragon form like that. I never should have left you at Mirkwood when I did. I am sorry."

"It's okay. I lived a good life. I helped Thorin. Erebor will be restored. All will be as it.. should be." I smiled faintly at the man who captured my soul, mind and heart. Speaking of my heart... the pain got worse. I had no external wounds... why was I dying? It was because my mother almost killed me back then. With no other choice, I changed bodies. And when I turned, the dying reseted itself. That's why. There is no other alternative this time.

Kili shed tears for me, holding my hand. "Is there nothing we can do to help him? Oin! Help him! Gandalf, you're a wizard for Mahal's sake! You should be capable of miracles!" The younger dwarves were all tearing up, including Bofur and Ori. "Don't waste tears on a … dragon. I was no better than Smaug."

Thorin's hold softened. "You've changed. Your humanity is what defines you, Bilbo. Whatever you were, you're not the same as then."

I chuckled despite the convulsing pain that took hold of me. Why was this so painful and slow? Wasn't death supposed to be swift?

I palpated Thorin's hand and gently held it. He let me.

"Thorin. Thank you."

He shook his head, dismisivelly. "Why are you thanking me..." He lowered his head. "I failed you..." He muttered. I felt how something wet fell on my neck. It was Thorin's tear. "Don't cry, Thorin. It's unfit for a king."

"This isn't worth it." Thorin's tears fell on my cheek.

The older dwarves forced the younger ones to retreat and leave them alone. The wizard left their side, but neither noticed.

"It's not worth it if at the end you die. I didn't want this. I never wished for this. Damn the stupid Arkenstone to the deepest pits of Mount Doom. I cannot lose you now. I refuse."

My smile stayed. My grip on his hand loosened and the overbearing pain took over my body, signaling that the end was near. I didn't have much time left. I wanted my last seconds to be filled with my most fond memories. "Please, smile for me. Like that time at Carrock."

Thorin conjured up a weak smile. I reciprocated it and the warm feeling that I found my home was there. "I love when you smiled... goodbye."

Darkness held me.

The plains were filled with weeping I blankly registered in the back of my mind. Why am I still alive? Why I am hearing them?

A soft touch sang in my blood, revitalizing me, reviving from my incapacitated state. My eyelids opened slowly. I found bewildered Thorin staring at me for a brief moment before I was lost in his tight embrace.

"I am alive?" I asked the question, wondering what happened to my dying. Gandalf rushed to us and murmured some words I didn't understand, directing his staff at my chest. It flared with white light. He sighed in relief. "I was never so happy to tell someone that they are out of danger. You have become mortal, though."

"Became mortal? I wasn't mortal before?"

"More like demi -god. You have accepted a new purpose, your ancient ties were severed with the dragon kind. You are a mortal now."

"When did I accept a "new purpose"? I phrased Gandalf's answer, waiting for a more better description.

Thorin in the meanwhile let go of me and stood up, heading towards the company, where they cried from relief. Why was he going away now? He wasn't curious?

...Wait. I felt something soft brush against my... lips... I blushed a deep shade of red when I realized it. That's the "acceptance" the wizard spoke of. He didn't need to elaborate more on the matter. Still, he wouldn't be the Grey Wizard that poked his nose into things if he didn't make it perfectly clear for everyone in earshot. "You, Bilbo Baggins have been blessed by a second chance by accepting an offer of pact with Thorin. It's rare for two beings to share one heart. I have only heard of it in legends. It seems the creators have more plans with you, my dear hobbit."

Still in haze, I stood up, walking towards the king who wasn't to be found anywhere. I glanced behind. The corpse of Smaug the Terrible was lying on the doorstep to Erebor. He was beaten. For all eternity.

Kili, Fili, Bofur, Ori and Balin hugged me and cried some more. This time, happy tears. Dwalin, Bombur, Bifur, Oin, Gloin, Nori and Dori patted me. I saw some remains of tears in their eyes, too.

It was good to be alive. It would feel better if Thorin was by my side now. They all had that understanding look on their faces as they let me pass by them, back into the ruined entrance and the main hall.

I was assaulted from behind. A tackle had me grounded withing seconds. Thorin was halfway sitting on me, leaning closer. "Don't pull something like that ever again. I was going mad with despair there!"

I caressed his cheek lovingly. "That's why you kissed me?"

He looked away, grunting in defeat. "I heard it all. When I kissed you, we presumably created a "pact" and you became mortal. What are you going to do... now?" He asked, the insecurity in his voice was touching. After what we went through, he still had to ask.

I took his hand and pressed it on my heart. "Thorin, do you still have to ask? I will stay with you."

His lips curled up in a soft smile when he leaned closer and our lips met again. A chaste kiss to celebrate our victory. This was the first of many. Thorin rose up and offered me his hand. I took it, smirking. I adore this dwarf. I thanked all the gods for this second chance I received. I won't let it go to waste.

He put his hand around my waist and together we went inside the Lonely Mountain further in, to the palace chambers. We were going to be fine.