

Author's Note


Hello there!

This Fanfiction is rated M. For violence, dark storyline, and dark backgrounds. Also, curse words may be used. Original Story, Game, and wonderful characters belong to Toby Fox.

OC characters are used: Arial (Sans' mother), Florencia/Florence (Frisk's biological mother), Steamy (Grillby's Sister)

Pre-Underground history is involved. No Ships were used in the making of this fanfic, sorry guys. Perhaps the sequels. Reoccuring characters: Frisk, Chara, Gaster, Grillby, Sans, Papyrus, RiverPerson (RP).

Italics are for memories or stresses on words (sarcasm). Bold is for internal dialogue, or emphasized words (said more loudly). Also, bold words for Sans are puns.

***Updated 5.20.2016 for slight error.

Enjoy my trashy fanfic?


Chapter 1:

Friends y Mama


The world spun around her while blood dripped down her forehead and unto her eyes, the thick liquid sending chills down her spine. Although everything up to now had been a blur, there was no doubt in her mind that she had been in this hall before. The golden colored tiles, the roman pillars and the windows… that emblem… This was not the first time she had seen that short skeleton, and something told her it wouldn't be the last. In fact, something about that Skeleton told her that this wasn't the first time she had fought him.


Why was she fighting a monster? A monster… monsters…

"... you're sparing me? finally. buddy. pal. i know how hard it must be... to make that choice. to go back on everything you've worked up to. i want you to know... i won't let it go to waste. ... c'mere, pal."

The echo of the memory cleared her mind for a brief moment. The small child's eyes widened and she gasped, her ruby red eyes turning a soft brown if for a second before returning to its demonic red. She had spared him, but for some reason, it felt like it didn't happen. She remembered his words… but who was he? More importantly, what was she doing? It felt as though she had woken up from an empty dream, floating in the vacuum of space and time waiting for someone to wake her up. Everything was such a blur…

"geeettttttt dunked on! if we're really friends... you won't come back." Those words felt like a dream that happened, but really didn't, did it? What was going on? She wanted to continue sleeping for some odd reason, but the echo of his voice persisted in her mind.

Friends. Amigos. She remembered that word. Mama said she would make a lot of amigos in the new town. The new town… mama… donde esta mama? Where is mom? Why was her body moving on its own…?

"woah, you look REALLY pissed off... heheheh... did i getcha? well, if you came back anyway... i guess that means we never really WERE friends, huh? heh. don't tell that to the other sans-es, okay?"

Sans-es? S a n s. Sans. That name sounded familiar. Once more, her body began to move, and a voice within her mind spoke, "He killed us because you decided to wake up and spare him. I told you I'd take care of us, so don't interfere, sis."

Wait, Sans was her friend… right? Why was she hurting her friend? Why was everything so blurry? Why was she alone, and why were there bones flying around? It all seemed to be a fantasy from her Papa's stories. Stories of monsters, cu-cuys (boogiemen), demons and their underground lair called hell. Why was she…

"sounds strange, but before all this i was secretly hoping we could be friends. i always thought the anomaly was doing this cause they were unhappy. and when they got what they wanted, they would stop all this."

Friends. He said it again. This time, she remembered a tall skeleton wearing a red scarf. She remembered how scared she was at first, but seeing these monsters talk and walk like in the stories her father would tell her at night. But those skeletons reminded her of mama, who would dress up for Dia de los Muertos. Yes… mama took her to the festival, and she was so pretty in her bright pink dress full of frills. But then…

"and maybe all they needed was... i dunno. some good food, some bad laughs, some nice friends."

The festival. It was a hazy memory, but she remembered the food, the laughter and the children running around with their skeleton face paint on. She couldn't fit in with the other children, so she clung to her mother. Then… screams? Shouting? Red paint everywhere? Her pink tutu… it got torn. Something told the little girl that this was important, painful, and that she needed to remember. Remember…

"You don't need them. You don't need anyone." Spoke that voice inside her head once more. "You've already seen it with your own eyes, haven't you? The ugly world from where we came from. But don't worry… we'll fix it as soon as this monste S."

Something wasn't right. The girl immediately responded to the voice, "But Chara… killing is bad. Muy malo. Mama says… she said, to talk. Ella dijo, hablando se entiende la gente, Chara." (Killing is bad. Very bad. … She said, by talking, people understand each other)

Her vision began to get clearer, and she saw the short skeleton huffing and sweating, but all too soon her vision blurred once more. "Talking? Little sister, I've been taking care of you. You haven't died, right? You didn't want to die when you fell down. I know what you were running from. I know why you jumped down. I helped you stay alive. Do you think that you would've survived alone? Without MY power? Without me, your sad excuse of a story would have ended AGES AGO!"

"but now, you've reached the end. there is nothing left for you now. so, uh, in my personal opinion... the most "determined" thing you can do here? is to, uh, completely give up. and... (yawn) do literally anything else."

Everything began to get clearer. It was fuzzy, but she could see the skeleton dozing off. Yes… she had seen him before, sleeping, so comfortably and with ease. The more she stared at the skeleton, the more bits of histories past she began to recall with the skeleton. The hot dogs. Yes! So delicious… and so many on her head!

"heh, didja really think you would be able-"

While she thought to herself of memories past, her body moved. Before girl realized what was happening, the glint of the blade in her hands caught her gaze much too late. "NO!" screamed the girl internally as the skeleton bled… ketchup? Yes… Sans loved ketchup. How could she forget?

"I finally killed him… . . . Just one more monster, little sis."

"... ... ... so... guess that's it, huh? ... just... don't say i didn't warn you. welp. i'm going to grillby's. papyrus, do you want anything?"

"No… no… NO!" screamed the little girl, her red eyes once more restored to their original brown with tears streaming down her round cheeks. She felt a sudden wind surround her, and her body becoming stronger while the skeleton that had limped away was nowhere to be seen. Immediately, her heart sank and the pit of her stomach felt hallow, her hands trembling as she threw the steely blade in the air, collapsing unto her knees and hugging herself. The voice in her mind spoke to her, but instead of listening she tried to keep it blocked, away from her thoughts. She remembered just enough to know that there were golden blocks with words written on them that appeared when fighting or when thought of. 'Attack' meant pelear. 'ACT' meant… to talk, or hablar. 'ITEMS' was… goodies. And… 'MERCY'… paz. Peace. But then were was another block that her friend, self-proclaimed 'big sister' told her to never touch. 'RESET'. Que era? (What was it?) She could see the block appearing just as she had focused on the word that only Chara used. Chara would use it… and then… everything would go black.

"Don't you dare." Snarled Chara inside her head.

"Paz… mi mama queria paz. My mom wanted… peace. What happens if I touch this thing, Chara?" asked the little girl aloud, her fingers hovering above it.

"Little sis… it's almost over. Just… relax and let me…"

"No." the little girl whimpered, her hand pushing against the bright golden colored block. Everything began to turn into blocks, a bright light emanating from the block and drawing those blocks into it. Chara bellowed inside her head, and her heart pounded against her chest as everything was sucked into the block, her hand slowly turning into tiny blocks and drifting into the white hole that sucked her in. "Mom… Mama… MAMA!"




"Mama… MAMA!" screamed the little girl in the pink tutu as rounds of guns fired into the crowd. The festival had taken place in the town square, and now there were black cars with men in black masks shooting into the crowd while shouting orders and shooting whoever ran and were women. Luckily for the mother and daughter duo, they had been by the punch bowl table near the alleyways where they could easily escape almost unseen in the frenzy. Her mother's usually calm expression was grim as her soft hand clasped her daughter's wrist. "Vamonos mi amor, corre, run, run!" (Let's go love, Run) she urged, running as fast as she could with the little girl beside her. "No mires atras! Mi corazonsito, no mires…" (Don't look back! My little heart, don't look) she cried, looking back and making sure no one was directly behind them.

The streets of San Marcus were in a frenzy, and the little girl could only try to keep up with her mother. People were crying, screaming and for some reason she heard her Papa's name, 'Don Pablo' being shouted. Beads of sweat began to build up inside her blue stripped sweater and her blue jeans felt rough against her thighs with all this running; she couldn't help but to wonder why there were people screaming with red paint on them. Or was it ketchup? No wait… whenever she'd get a cut, sangre would come out. Sangre. (blood). "Mama… ellos estan sangrando?" (Mom… they're bleeding?) asked the little girl as her mother came to a stop inside a dark alleyway.

"Si mi amor. No te voy a mentir. Los hombres con las mascaras negras? Ellos son malos. Ellos estan matando a gente inocente. They're… killing innocents, okay? That's very very bad." (Yes my love. I'm not going to lie to you. Those men with the black masks? They're bad. They're killing innocent people.) her mother replied, catching her breath and taking off her heels that made running difficult. The little girl looked down before asking, "They're going to… hell? El Infierno? Papa dice-"

Her mother's eyebrows furrowed with anger, tears silently streaming down her rounded cheeks. "No hables de el, Flor. Mira mi amor, si nos separamos… Tu nombre no es Florencia, okay? Tu ya no eres Flor, Florencia, o Florence. Nunca uses esos nombres! Usa otro nombre, lo que tu quieras pero no uses ese nombre." (Don't talk about him, Flor. Look my love, if we get separated… Your name is not Florencia, okay? You're not Flor, Florencia or Florence, never use those names! Use another name, whatever you want but don't use that name.)

"Otro nombre?" (Another name?) asked the child. "Como… Kitty? Oh… O como Friskies? Kitty le encanta Friskies," (Another name? Like… Kitty? Oh… or like Friskies? Kitty loves Friskies)

The mother laughed softly, her hands cupping the child's chin and kissing her forehead. "Si, Frisk-Frisk, lo que tu quieras." (Yes, Frisk-Frisk, whatever you want.) The mother looked around the alley, spotting broken glass bottles of beer. "Ven. Te voy a cortar el pelo. Es por tu bien… te cresera bien largo pronto, okay? Tenemos que cambiar nuestras aparencias, porque tenemos que vivir." (Come. I'm going to cut your hair. It's for your own good… it'll grow long soon, okay? We have to change our appearance because we have to live)

The little girl looked scared, but listened to her mother nonetheless, watching as long strands of hair fell to dirty cobble stone. Tears swelled on her eyes, and she looked up to her mother who looked back with heartache. "It's okay Flor. See? Mama cuts her hair too," she said in small sobs, her large hands cutting off her long mane that her father loved. Her thick accent didn't make it funny like it usually did. "Vamonos." (Let's go.)

The little girl ran with her mother through the hectic streets, fast high pitched sounds coming from every direction along with blood curdling screams. The girl noticed that they were running towards the forest, and when she looked back she noticed a few bad men in masks following from far away. "Mama, the bad men saw us," panted the little girl, realizing that her mother had turned pale and that she looked scared. "It's okay Flor, mama won't let them hurt you."

Running through the forest was hard, and the girl had fallen several times along with her mother who ran barefoot. Bloody footprints were scattered behind them and her mother looked desperate. The sun had begun to set a while ago, and it was getting darker now giving the lush green a darker shade. The wood creatures of the night began to stir, eyes in the treetops staring down on them and hooting while they painfully carried on in direction of the mountain tops. "Mama, I'm scared. Tengo miedo. Papa said monsters lived in the mountain…"

The mother smiled softly, stopping for a moment to catch her breath. "Los 'monsters' pueden ser buenas personas. Acuerdate que debes de ser una buena niña, porque nadie sabe si eras buena or mala hasta que tu actúas. Cuando hagas algo malo, los demonios te van a ver y los mas mala que seas, mas campo te hacen en el infierno. Pero si eres buena, los angelitos te protegerán de todos los males. Eso si, nunca juzgues una persona por como se apariencia. Mi flor… pero lo mas importante is que tu tienes que vivir. Si yo paro de correr, tu sigues sin mi. Tienes que vivir por mi. Si algo me pasa… tienes que vivir porque yo te protegeré como un angel." (The 'monsters' can be good people. Remember that you have to be a good girl, because nobody knowns if you're good or bad until you act. When you do something bad, the demons see you and the more bad that you are, the more room they made for you in hell. But if you're good, the angels will protect you from all bad things. Oh and never judge a person by their appearance. My Flor… but the most important thing is that you have to live. If I stop running, you keep going without me. You have to live for me. If something happens to me… you have to live because I will protect you like an angel.)

The girl embraced her mother who was crying and kissing her, wondering what she meant by that. But that touching moment was cut short when the mother heard the faint shouts of the men following them. Immediately, the mother began to run once more with her daughter beside her and grasping her wrist, running up the mountain in hopes of losing them. She had heard of the legends… people would get lost and never be seen. She was hoping she could lose these men and never see them again.

The sun had fallen down and in the darkness the mother and daughter ran as fast as they could, but tragedy finally struck them. One of men was catching up, firing his pistol into the darkness. "Para de correr Florencia Gomez!" (Stop running Florencia Gomez) shouted the man. A cry of pain escaped the lips of the mother, her hand letting go of her daughter as she clenched her chest. "C-corre! Vive! Vive!" (R-run! Live! Live!) Shouted the mother as she gasped for air, trying to run. The little girl looked back, her eyes widening as she saw her mother's beautiful dress drenched in blood and toppling over.

The mother looked up, desperation in her eyes. "Corre! Corre, que ya no eres Florence Castillo Gomez!" (Run! Run, for you're no longer Florence Castillo Gomez!) The mother breathed in, but she knew she could no longer carry on. The bullet had passed through her body, and she could feel dizzy from the loss of blood already. She began to cough, watching as her daughter ran in her tutu. The sins of her father were finally catching up to them, but she was not going to let them reach her seed of love. With all the willpower she could muster up, she got up from the rough grass and twigs, her right hand holding the empty space as hard as she could. "Mi nombre es Florencia Castillo! Ustedes pagaran por sus pecados como lo esta pagando Pablo," (My name is Florencia Castillo! You'll pay for our sins just like Pablo is paying for them) She shouted as wet coughs dripped the crimson liquid down her jaw and unto her white traditional blouse. Her vision began to dim, but the lights of their flash lights brought her to her senses once more, looking at three men with their guns locked unto her. "Mi Flor… tienes que vivir." (My Flor… you have to live.) She thought to herself as she closed her eyes, her ears ringing from the thunderous sounds and her body jolting back as from the impact, her head striking the ground hard.

"Mama…" cried the little girl, running as fast as her little legs could run. She had gotten a good distance away when she heard the faint shouting of her mother, followed by that hideous sound. "MAMA!"

The little girl ran through the forest, her tutu catching unto trees several times before she took it off as fast as she could, tossing it aside. She looked back and she could see the lights from several flashlights far away. She turned her head and her legs began to move once more but she immediately stopped when she saw the black hole a few steps ahead. "What do I do papa…. Mama…" she asked herself, turning her head when she realized the bad men were getting closer. Her mother's voice resonated within her head, telling her to live, but how? She was only six years old. How could she live without her mother and father? She was already tired. Maybe if she talked with them… No. Her mother would've talked to them. She had to live.

A sudden feeling of dread overwhelmed her, almost as though one of the bad men was right beside her. "Mama…" She took a deep breath, taking a few steps back before once more walking forward and jumping down the hole. She was determined to live. The thought of her mother protecting her as an angel… it filled her with determination. "MAMA!" She cried as she fell, her arms out into the darkness, hoping that she would catch her at the bottom, but instead there was a bright light, almost like a star.

It happened so fast. She fell, saw a light, perhaps her mother? And then the pain on her head and her frail body on the hard dirt.


Puppy Barks:


Hey guys. So before I say anything else, 'Puppy barks' is my way of saying author's note.

Now that it was said…

Well, this is my first fanfic. It's not my first time writing stories or anything, but it certainly is my first fanfic. I dunno if I should continue this or not. Comments would be nice. If this gets enough views or a comment I might continue it.

As for the idea of this…

Well, I love Undertale. I attended Anime Matsuri X and I cosplayed !Adult Frisk and I had a really good time, so now, I'm dealing with post con depression I guess. So right now, it's 2:16 a.m. (update: its 3:35 now) and I just finished writing this crappy idea of what my Frisk would be like, what her background would be, and all that jazz.

In case there are a few questions (since I wrote this in the grave yard hours and I'm sleepy, I might now have made sense) here are the basic ideas:

Frisk is not her real name. Florencia (Florence in English terms) or Flor is her real name, but she decided to call herself Frisk.

Chara was controlling Frisk most of the time

Frisk and her family are Hispanic

The day of Frisk falling down is November 1 (Day of the Dead)

In Mexican culture, people pay tribute to the dead by celebrating them with parties, food, and good times. Some people dress in traditional clothes with Calavera facepaint.

Any other questions, etc, please feel free to ask and comment.


***P.S. The first chapters are short, then they get long.