Note: Unedited. No Beta. Crossover. Slash. Slow update.

Edited: 4/30/2016

Sorry, forgot to add that the credits for Aspect, harmony and discord I got from Araceil, and in extension to Reighost. I already asked her last year for one of my KHR fic, Eclipse. I'm also using the idea here. Check their works, they are really an awesome read. :)



A tutor his father called for him?

It was almost laughable that for a minute, he couldn't believe what he had heard. He had frozen as he stared at his chosen brother and father – Uncle Hari and his godson, Theo-nii. Then he snorted.

He would have laughed at that proclamation if it weren't for the fact that the baby that was supposed to be his tutor - that his own father hired for him, let's take note of that again – was giving him very conflicting vibes. Feelings that he didn't like simply because he couldn't understand the reason why when he hadn't even done anything yet. Hired as his freaking tutor, as if he was stupid, not included. The baby, Reborn – is that even his real name? Who names their child Reborn? – feels extremely dangerous to him but at the same time he gives off a warm feeling. It's conflicting and he feels uncomfortable because of it.

Alright, so Uncle Hari and Theo-nii also feels conflicting to him but he had never felt this uncomfortable to them. That peculiar feeling he had that always reacted when he meets new people didn't react negatively. He just accepted them immediately unlike this baby, and that was enough reason to not like the stranger.

He walked towards Theo-nii before turning in properly to see this… baby in all his tiny glory wearing a miniature suit staring at him with black, blank eyes. The sight of those eyes made his stomach churn uncomfortably.

"I don't need a tutor," he said.

"Your father thinks you need one," the baby immediately retorted. Tsuna couldn't help the curling of his lip when he heard that, ignoring the fact that he shouldn't be showing such distaste to the dangerous stranger regarding his employer but he couldn't help reacting.

He just hate his father, especially with his stunt right now.

"He doesn't know anything about what is happening here," he spoke in a hard voice. As if he knew everything about me! He snarled inside his mind. He felt a hand calmly patting his head and he turned to see that the hand belonged only to Hari-san.

"Calm down Tsuna. Reborn is just contracted to teach you. It isn't his fault. He didn't know," he calmed down considerably at that. He knew instinctively that Reborn wasn't at fault, that he was just hired, but he couldn't help getting angry when he usually isn't that temperamental. Thinking about his non-existent father always makes his mood sour. Uncle Hari maneuvered him to sit on a chair beside Theo-nii while they waited for his mom.

Thankfully, it didn't take a long time.

Mom went out of her room to where the baby sat drinking his coffee.

"Thank you for letting me use your phone Reborn-san. Iemitsu will terminate the contract you had with him. I am sorry for the inconvenience,"

Tsuna saw how Reborn looked at his mom, intense eyes looking like he was assessing his mother. He had to stop the instinctive urge and the surge of protectiveness threatening to erupt within him to snap at the other and just waited. It was unusual for him to snap at a person because he usually just doesn't care but there is just something in the baby that had his flight and fight instinct kicking in. Not to mention he was tightly wound up at the moment and he knew the likely reason was because of his father.

Reborn took the phone, pocketed it and jumped out of the chair he was in. "I see. I will be going now. Thank you for the coffee,"

Tsuna was glad to see the baby walking away from them.

. . . . .

"Iemitsu, how was it?"

Said man continued to just stare at his phone, dazed and surprised as he remembered the steel voice of his beloved, how she had snapped at him and took charge of the conversation. For some reason, it brought a foreboding feeling inside him.

"She wants me to cancel the tutor contract," he said automatically, mind still on the matter of his wife's uncharacteristic behavior.

"I assume you answered in affirmative," he nodded absently, mind still on the matter of his wife's obvious change.

"Well then, how are we going to train Tsuna-kun?"

Train. The word brought him back to the present. That's right. Both him and Nono contracted Reborn to tutor Tsuna – just like how the Cavallone boss contracted the hitman to tutor his son – so he would be ready to take over Vongola when the time comes. His services as a tutor to the Cavallone heir was given glowing praise by the Ninth boss of Cavallone. Since they know of Reborn's working ethics, even though they knew that he was first and foremost a hitman, they called and hired him.

But with this, they couldn't do it obviously. He was counting on Nana being her usual self, naïve and too trusting enough to allow the tutoring for their son. He knew it was wrong to take advantage of his wife like that, but he had thought that it was okay. After all, having a personal tutor is going to help their son become an upstanding citizen. Besides, she might even think it was her own idea to call for a tutor if she saw the flier on the mailbox that he had Reborn put before he could meet his son face to face.

He hadn't counted on her interference – on first encounter even – because he didn't actually think that would happen. What happened to have her change that drastically?

More importantly, what should they do now?

"A discreet tutoring?" he muttered as suggestion, mind thinking of ways for the tutoring to pull through. They couldn't afford not to. Tsuna is the only one left to take over the organization.

He is literally their only hope.

"I don't think that would be okay," Nono said delicately, voice unusually grave. "We need to inform Tsuna of why he is really being tutored the way he needed to be. If we did that though, he could tell his mother and she would know about the true nature of your real work. She might even call a police. We can't afford to be put in the government's to-be-watched radar, especially when our Legal company, Vongola Corp. is at the top of the world's food chain,"

Iemitsu sighed dejectedly, still holding his phone on his hand. He still couldn't believe what had happened. They had everything planned out after remembering the flames Tsuna possessed that they had sealed. Everything was already arranged from tutoring, the lessons he would need to know and training he had to undergo. Not to mention how to unseal Tsuna's flames. They had been kept contained in his body for seven years since they sealed it when his son was still five years old.

Then Nana's call blew all of it away. Now they're scrambling on how to save their meticulous planning splintered to pieces.

"Iemitsu, we can't afford to stop our plans. Tsuna is the only one left. Vongola needs him," his intuition flared as he saw Nono's grave face and he knew that what he would hear next is something he will not like. "You will have to take Tsuna there and tutor him here,"

"Abduct him?" he said, voice never betraying how conflicted he felt at that moment. He didn't quite know what to feel exactly. Should he feel horrified, betrayed or resigned? Maybe it's appropriate to choose all of the above.

"If we must," Nono answered as he nodded, expression serious.

. . . . .

Reborn never really liked tutoring anyone. He didn't even like being a hitman. But we can't always get what we want. He's good at it, like how he was good at killing people, so he did it.

He couldn't afford being so picky, not when it was about survival at first. Now he could, but he's already infant sized so he just continued the way he lived. He's proud of his accomplishments though, that much is true, especially the infamy and benefits he received.

Still, he never liked tutoring, but there are some aspects of it that he enjoyed. Like how he could torture his student – of course with certain limits – to get him or her to understand. He teaches mafia kids anyway so they can't really complain much, not when they couldn't afford to when their lives are on the line. They needed all help they could get to live another year in the world they live in. Also the satisfaction of seeing them become better and be feared due to his teachings is completely satisfying.

When he accepted the work of tutoring the heir of Vongola, he was smug and couldn't wait to polish the largest and most influential famiglia in the underworld, even if he was annoyed being hired by Nono. They were only loosely allied but it almost felt like the Ninth don thinks he is firmly with them. Really.

Alright, so maybe Nono was respectful and it was CEDEF leader Iemitsu ordering him like he was a subordinate that made him cranky that he almost killed the bastard if it wouldn't bring the entire Vongola famiglia on him. Not to mention that despite being almost a freelance, he was indeed friends with Nono.

Yes, tutoring the future heir of such a large famiglia is such a pleasant thing, he had first thought. Not so much though when all the information he got were grades that were so low it was almost constantly zero, bad in sports and being bullied a lot. No friends and teachers never really helping. Along with being apparently having a cute face and adorable smile with trusting attitude and the mother being lovely yet naïve coming from the CEDEF boss himself, the idiot Iemitsu who was apparently the father of said heir, not to mention that he and his mother are entirely unaware of Iemitsu's real job..

He really hoped the son wouldn't take to his idiot father.

He got his wish, only this Tsuna, in terms of behavior differed almost completely from what information he was given.

Tsuna has a cute face? Maybe, it's mature though, or maybe it was the air he carried around like second skin. Smiles constantly and adorably? Yes, maybe this Tsuna has quite a good smile but he doesn't smile constantly. He never even saw it while he was shadowing the other from his school. He has a lot of bullies that he hides from expertly and he looks at everyone coldly- no, with disinterest. He only ever saw the smile when Tsuna had seen his 'Theo-nii' and the blind man he treated like his father.

Trusting? Please. Even Tsuna's mom didn't, along with the college student he had followed when he lost sight of Tsuna while he followed him. He was both impressed and annoyed when the teen managed to hide from him but he could respect how cautious the other was.

Bullies chasing him around probably trained his intuition about recognizing and warning when people are following him.

The mother, Nana Sawada being naïve? Where in the world does Iemitsu live that he didn't know how wrong he was? He probably didn't even know his son despise him, that much he could read from the heir's body language.

He really didn't like going into a situation he didn't even know, with information useless. When he sees that idiot again, he would get a taste of his gun.

Sawada Nana told him that the idiot would terminate his tutoring contract effective immediately and that once he called the other, he'd be informed of exactly that. Usually, he wouldn't care. He would just shrug his shoulder and get out of there. He didn't need a tutoring job that wouldn't even pay.

But this is the first time, in all his life, that he got contracted to tutor a civilian, one who had no idea the real truths of the underworld and his worth, even if he was just now considered as an heir due to the sons of the current Vongola don dying slowly, one by one.

Besides, he's curious about how off the scale the information he got about them from Iemitsu. Also, those people who was obviously close to the Sawada's. They piqued his interest, how Sawada Nana seemingly considered the college student as her son and the blind man as her best friend along with how Sawada Tsunayoshi picked and chose them as part of his family.

He is especially interested in the blind man who made his flames react by his mere presence. It was startling how his gaze immediately zeroed in on the stranger after he saw the other and the warm feeling he felt when he heard no judgement from the other.

It was… peculiar, something he had never experienced before.

He would watch them for at least a day before calling the useless leader of CEDEF.

. . . . .

"What about just getting them to come here for a vacation?" Iemitsu asked with a serious face, though he felt the unusual feelings of panic clawing inside him at the thought of kidnapping his Tuna-fish, leaving Nana all alone to herself, with no one around. She'd be so lonely being alone. He couldn't take him away from her just like that!

Not to mention his Tuna-fish would definitely hate him…

"You want to expose your wife to the mafia?" Nono asked him. Iemitsu cringed. No, he didn't want Nana to know anything about the mafia, didn't even want to expose her of all of this. He fell silent, mind whirling with other ways to avoid what Nono was basically ordering him to do.

He didn't want to do it. Fuck, why didn't he thought about other ways? It's basically second nature to them to think of worst case scenario and have a plan B, plan C or even plan D!

"We have no choice Iemitsu. Without Tsuna-kun, Vongola will cease to exist,"

Iemitsu's hands balled into tight fist, furious yet unable to think of what else to do. His mind quietened, not giving him even a small bit of suggestion, all focused on the eventual result of this decision.

The loss of his family, not even knowing that the very time he left his family for work was the time the first crack in their family appeared.

"I understand," he whispered, basically agreeing to what Nono was saying, not knowing what else to do because it is true. Tsuna is the only one left. He is Vongola's only hope.

He hated himself more than ever for doing it.

. . . . .

"Mama," Tsuna walked to her and embraced her tightly. Nana did the same, understanding why Tsuna was doing it.

"Don't worry Tsu-kun, your father is pulling out Reborn-kun's employment," she assured him. Tsuna shook a little in relief. Thank God for that. He didn't have anything against those who is in need of tutor. Every help given will always be accepted, he just doesn't need it. Yes, he got the lowest scores in all the students of that school, but he isn't an idiot. He knew his own intelligence and it wasn't reflected by his grades.

He just didn't want to try anymore in a place that wouldn't even accept when he got a high score.

He is so tired.

A hand rested on his back so he his head a little just to see Theo-nii and Uncle Hari just there giving him a smile.

"Everything will be okay Tsuna, don't you worry," Theo-nii assured him. He smiled a little, feeling lightened at their support of him.

"Alright, I won't worry,"

. . . . .

Teddy didn't like the tired look on Tsuna's face. He also didn't like how his dad is stressing about it, especially about that weird baby.

After making sure that their houseguest, Tsuna and Nana-san are already asleep, he stood up and went out of his room, being careful in his movement towards his dad's room. He knows dad is still likely awake as he always was whenever he was stressing on something.

At his dad's door, he knocked lightly.

"Come in Teddy," he was not surprised at all that his dad knew immediately that it was him who was outside his door. His dad might have been medically blind, but he is magical and a Potter. Luck comes to him in various ways, not to mention that he is also extremely powerful.

"Hi dad," he greeted after closing the door gently. His dad is currently sitting on the bed, face looking at him.

"Hello Teddy," he greeted back. "Why are you not asleep yet?" Harry had thought his godson was already asleep. It's late already and usually, he is sleeping like a log because of how tiring it is with his studies. He just couldn't do the same because he is worrying. There is just something off about the whole situation.

Teddy walked to him and sat beside him, taking his hand on his and massaging it like he always did whenever they were going to have a long and serious talk that his dad would probably not like. He recognized it and he groaned.

"What did you do this time Theodore?" Teddy cringed a little – because that's his full name right there – before holding his dad's palm firmly. Just to calm him down.

"I… may have dipped back into my alter…" he slowly started, cringing a little again when his dad's hold on his hand tightened a little. It did not hurt but the thought of what his dad's reaction would be like had him reacting that way.

"Theo!" his dad hissed. "Didn't I tell you not to return to that again?"

"I couldn't help it! I need to know! Besides, I am not giving out information again. I just wanted to know who that baby is. I mean, who names their kid Reborn? And how could he do all those things and be extremely smart at that age? It shouldn't be possible! Even natural genius couldn't possibly be that talented!" he was really bothered about that. Not to mention that his senses is pinging dangerous on that midget.

"It also isn't possible to change a chair into a bird, but we managed to do it anyway,"

"Yeah, but with magic! That kid didn't have any magic on him dad!" yes, he was pretty sure about that. He had flared his magic on the baby when he started following him earlier but he never even reacted when the energy came right onto his face.

His dad sighed heavily, making his indignation disappear and for guilt to come. "You're going to plunge me into early grave with your stunts Teddy,"

"I'm sorry," he said softly, a little hesitant and worried that he made his dad angry. He hugged him though so his worries eased up a little.

"Okay, I understand your inclination to want to know everything. I had that when I was a teenager, even now when I'm already an adult. Though I think yours is severe," his dad teased.


"It's true! You're already twenty-two Teddy and you are even more of an information gatherer than when you were fourteen," He pouted and his dad only ruffled his hair. "You're almost taller than me Teddy and yet you still come to my bed,"

"Even if I reach my hundred years, I'll still come to your bed for a cuddle dad,"

"We don't know if I will live that long Teddy bear," his dad chuckled. His expression changed into anger. If his dad's family wasn't an asshole before, he was sure his dad wouldn't even question whether he would live in that age. It's because of them that his dad was told he wouldn't be able to live until his one hundred years due to the traumas he suffered that hadn't been corrected immediately. Yes, the war contributed more, but at least his dad could fight back in those times. In his relative's house, he couldn't.

Not to mention they started when his dad was still a child. Who does that to family? Heartless and disgusting people, that's who.

"You will dad," Teddy said solemnly. He had a theory, but if that theory isn't going to happen or isn't true, he could always have his dad drink from the philosopher's stone. His dad does have the recipe along with other books and properties of the Flamels bequeathed to them.

He wondered if they knew they would need it that's why they willed it to his dad or are they just grateful he saved the stone before?

His dad gave him a look before he sighed again. "Let's not talk about depressing topics. Just tell me about the information you got," he blinked at that abrupt change of topic before he straightened up and gave his dad his full attention.

The information he got was important enough to warrant their full attention. His dad probably noticed his seriousness as he quieted down and attentively gave him his attention.

"Dad, Reborn is a hitman,"


"The baby is a hitman," he repeated.

"…huh. They make them young now?" Harry couldn't help but ask that. How could they even train a kid to be a hitman? That needed serious skills.

"Dad, that's not the important thing," Teddy rolled his eyes at that.

"I know. Reborn's job isn't really relevant to us Teddy, so just leave it,"

"But it is dad! That meant Reborn is from the mafia and base on the information I got, Reborn is the greatest professional hitman out there, one who has an affinity for Gold Aspect and could control it really well," Teddy saw his dad's eye give him a serious look and his green eyes glowed a little. He knew it meant that his dad was channeling some magic into his eyes so he could see better like he did before he became blind and activated his dormant mage sight.

He rarely does it and only when they were alone or no one would notice because, as a side effect for seeing like a normal person, his eyes glows brightly, very noticeable to others. It would get a lot of attention and questions, something they both strive not to happen because people from the Wizarding World was still looking for him. The Japan Magic Ministry is helping them hide but that doesn't mean they can't do the same thing.

It wouldn't do to be complacent.

"I knew some muggles could access their Aspects and control it, but it's the first time I've ever encountered someone. Reborn's aura was incredibly strong and it's flames were colored yellow,"

"Flames?" he asked a little apprehensively. His dad nodded.

"Yes. Yellow flames surround him. Yours are red, glittering flames," his dad blinked rapidly, the glow in his eyes receding. "Huh, so that's the meaning of those flames. I knew glitters were for witches and wizards, dizzying cycles of glitters for magical creatures and soft lights for muggles. I didn't know about the flame aura," Teddy listened even as he felt his pulse quicken in excitement. He can feel himself loosening up, his body starting to relax and his hold on his magic easing up.

"Dad, what do you see on my aura?" his dad's eyes started glowing again as he looked at him with narrowed, suspicious eyes.

"What is this about Teddy?"

"Just… please answer my question?" Teddy knew that even with his eyes seeing normally, his father's mage sight wouldn't disappear.

"It's red, glittering flames, like I told you before, You've got Ruby Aspect so I am not surprised,"

"No… tethers? Or my aura reaching on something?" or someone? He thought to himself.

"… yes… white, thick threads connecting to me. That's for our Godfather-godson relationship. The thickness signifies how strong it is,"

"No dad, my aura…" his dad sighed but indulged him.

"Your red aura… has a thick thread… connecting to me…" he said with pauses, voice going soft in confusion. "How come I didn't notice this before?"

"What is your main affinity dad?"

Harry didn't answer. He mulled the question inside his mind and it didn't take long to realize what his godson was trying to tell him. He had read about Aspects before, only curious as to how muggles were able to access their Aspects and use them.

He has Amber Aspect, with a secondary to Amethyst. If Teddy is asking for his aura connecting something… or in this case, someone…

"I'm Amber… Teddy, does this mean…"

"You are my Lord dad, both in magic as my Head of House Black and as Aspects are concerned,"

"Oh Merlin,"



Alright, finally finished it. I still can't believe I finished this first than my HnG fic. And I'm tired. I can't believe I feel more stressed in summer class than regular class.

I am also trying to increase the length of my chapters. This one is 4k, 2k longer than usual. Not much but I am trying.

Anyway, what do you think of this? I think I really need beta. Who wants to be mine? Someone who won't bail at me and just 'applied' so they would be the first one to read the next chapter. Let me put it bluntly, you're disgusting if that's your reason.


Check out my works, I have new ones posted. Crossovers.