Author's Note: Thank you so much for taking the time to read this story. This is the final chapter and it's been fun to write the drama packed story for all of you. I hope you enjoy reading it and let me know what you think. I'll be taking a small hiatus from writing for a little while to recharge the brain; but look forward to new things from me in the near future.

A special thanks goes to: Levesque-Rollins823, calwitch and rkosgirl1 for the wonderful reviews.

Another special thanks goes to: Wolfmoon356 and Tajiak for becoming followers to this story.

Chapter 40: When One Door Closes...Another Opens


Locking up with Natalya once more got my mind reeling on other things other than this match. I was concerned about what was going on backstage now that I knew Adrian was there. I wondered how he even got back there. Did he pay someone off? Did he buy a backstage pass? Too many options to consider.

Natalya caught my jaw with a forearm, sending back a few inches. Returning the favor, I ducked low and caught her with a leg sweep followed up with a standing moonsault. She cried out, holding onto her stomach as she rolled to her feet. Reaching for her, she blocked me by kicking me low and swinging me back for a neckbreaker.


I sat watching Savannah in the ring; but she just seemed off, like there was something on her mind that was pulling her in a different direction. I didn't want to think that it was because of our engagement; however, that nagging feeling was there. Maybe it was too soon for that big step. Natalya pulled her out of the ring and slammed her into the apron back first. Not once but three times before tossing her to the barricade behind her.

Savannah crawled to her feet, trying to keep distance between them. Natalya pursued her, swing with a right. Savannah caught her and intercepted with a right of her own and then kicked her in the abdomen. Pushed her head between her legs, she lifted up positioning for a powerbomb. Shifting her body, she planted Natalya straight through the Spanish announce table.

The crowd began the usual 'holy shit' chants when it came to something awesome in their eyes. Savannah dropped to her knees for a moment, just as the referee called for a double count out. It was short and to the point. Both women will go far in their respective brands, neither gained the upper hand leading into the new weeks of brand split shows. "She did good out there." Roman stated leaning against the open doorway.

"Yeah...she did..." I answered turning to face him fully.

"I think I may have upset her, so I came to apologize to both of you. I just...never expected you to take the plunge so soon..."

"I've been in love with her for years Roman...I've known for a long time that she was the one for me. The apologize isn't necessary anyway...I understand where you are coming from."

He lifted up an eyebrow at me for a moment, before walking into the room. It hasn't been as weird as I thought it would be talking to him on a regular basis. In fact, I actually kind of missed the friendship between all of us. Of course, I had to thank Savannah for pushing so hard. She really was the glue that held us all together.

Roman sat down in the chair next to me and looked at the screen that displayed Savannah being helped up to her feet by the referee and several others tending to Natalya. "Did she seem off to you?" I asked suddenly, catching him off guard a little.

"Maybe a little, why do you ask?"

"She just seemed unfocused to her mind was elsewhere..."

"You know how she is. She thinks about everyone else before herself. I'm sure she is just fine."

He stood back up and turned to walk out the door. I wanted to thank him for the support he's given her over the years and of course all the recent stuff to. It was hard to forgive him for the blackmail; but when it came right down to really didn't matter anymore. Savannah was in my heart and in my arms. There was nothing better than that.


I didn't want to tell Seth that his concern was justified. Savannah had seemed off in the ring during her match. There could only be one reason for that and it wasn't because Seth had proposed to her a few days ago. She had to of seen Adrian somewhere in the building. I knew it was coming and the backlash of all the chaos he's implemented over the last several months was coming to a head tonight. Hopefully, it ended quickly and all of us could go back to living our lives as normal.

The main event happened as it should have...with Dean retaining the WWE World Title, keeping it on Smackdown Live. I think Seth and I were happy with the push Dean has gotten over the last couple of months. He definitely deserved it. Walking back to the back, I could see the my locker-room door was cracked open.

"What the hell..." I said softly.

Cautiously pushing the door open the rest of the way, I saw him standing there with his back turned. Adrian Devox was in my locker-room. Shifting my eyes a little, I could see nothing out of place in the room. "So you showed." I stated in a low voice.

"I told you that I would." He stated turning around to face me directly.

"What is it that you want? I think you've done enough to my friends and to me."

"That's funny coming from you. You, who has no regard for others."

This confused me. Narrowing my eyes, I simply stared at him. I had no idea what he was talking about. To my knowledge, I've been very courteous to others and that included the fans. Despite their hatred of me as of late. "I see that you have no idea what I'm talking about. Let me put it to you this way...Wrestlemania last year is when everything went downhill for me."

"Okay...I don't see why this has to do with me personally."

"I lost everything that night...I placed a lot of money for you to win that match."

Now I understood. The match I was supposed to win and had changed at the last second, because Vince felt the backlash from the fans would be huge. Running a hand through my hair, I took several steps closer to the man who had tormented me and hurt the woman I cared about on more than one occasion. "I'm sorry that happen...I am; but that doesn't justify hurting people that weren't in control of decision making." I explained.

"I lost my wife, my house...everything and now thanks to this lousy company...I had to go into private investigating to earn a living. Damnit! I'm better than that!"

The anger exploded and washed over him in a matter of seconds. I had no idea how to handle this. I also wondered if he was going to expose a weapon and do far worse things that words. He already had taken fifteen thousands dollars out of Becky's savings and he still acted like it wasn't enough. It also made me wonder just how much money he lost in that bet.

Raising my hands up innocently, I took a couple steps back to keep the distance between us. "Roman..." Becky's sweet voice called from the open door. Horrified, I turned my back to Adrian to block her from entering the room; but it was too late. Her eyes widened as she pressed against my chest.

"Leave...please..." I whispered.

"I won't! That's him isn't it!" She shouted with venom in her voice and rightfully so. He took a lot from her.

"Roman, I must say you have your hands full with that one." Adrian taunted.

"Shut the hell up!" I snapped.

Becky went to lunge passed me; but I caught her by the arm and pushed her back outside. The fire in her eyes was completely understandable and I hated to force her to stay out of it when it had so much to do with her. "Please...just do as I ask." I pleaded with her.

" know what he's done to me." She countered with a sudden sadness that stabbed me right in the chest.

"I know and I will deal with it; but you must let me do this alone."

"I don't mind if she's fact, I'd prefer it..."

The sick smile that was on his face made my stomach twist. Becky held onto my hand tightly. He was taunting us both. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her fingers move across the screen of her phone from the pocket of her hoddie. I swear the woman was the smartest person I have ever met, now if only the message was legible enough to understand once it was sent. "What do you want, Adrian?" She asked trying to sound as calm as she possibly could.

"I want my life back."

"I can't make your wife come back and I can't give you the money back that you lost. There just isn't any way I can't give that." I answered.

"Then I'm not going to let you live a happy life, so consider this your warning. You two will never be together long term. I will see to that..personally."

I felt Becky tighten her grip on my hand the second his words left his mouth. Looking down at her, I could see the fear in her eyes. Did she believe what he was saying? Would she do what I did not that long ago for the best interest of her well being? I wasn't going to let that happen. Not this time. I tucked her behind me and turned to face Adrian. His smile only got wider and then I heard footsteps in the hallway.

"Is there a problem here, Roman?" A police officer asked.

The look on Adrian's face instantly shifted to fear. Becky let go of my hand and proceeded towards the officer, who had two others hovering behind him ready to interfere at the slightest movement. It didn't take me long to explain the situation and before long Adrian was in cuffs. I took great satisfaction in watching him get drug away. There was also a deep nagging notion of pity for the man. He did loose everything because of a simple bet that could have been avoided had Vince done what the original plan had been all along; but sometimes that's just how things worked out and I wasn't going to risk my happiness or the happiness of my closest friends because I felt pity for the man.

"Roman..." Becky's voice trailed off.

"It's okay...we will be just fine. They will see to it that you get your money back to." I answered.

She threaded her fingers through mine and stared at me, before reaching up to place her lips on mine. My hands held onto her by the hips and pulled her even closer to me. It wasn't until someone cleared their throat did we break apart.


I stood waiting for my best friend to break the lip lock she held on Roman. Seth stood beside me with Dean and Amelia right behind us. Thankfully the message Becky had sent me was pretty legible and I was able to tell the police about what was happening in Roman's locker-room.

When they finally broke apart, she turned to look at me with pure happiness written on her face. It had been so long since I've seen that look and I could hardly blame her for wanting to hold onto it. Roman turned to look at me as well. There was something different about him than I have ever seen. "I'm sorry to put all of you through this." He apologized.

"Roman..." I said taking a few steps forward, leaving Seth behind.

"Sav, to you especially. I am thrilled that you have that happiness you were looking for. I'm sorry that I wasn't overly nice about the engagement announcement."

"Don''s okay. I couldn't imagine everything you've been through. I want to thank you for making my best friend as happy as I've ever seen her."

He nodded and I reached out to embrace him. We were friends and that's how it should be. It felt so normal and I left his arms to turn towards the others. Dean had this smug look on his face; but I didn't have a chance to respond to it before he also embraced me tightly. It wasn't hard to figure out that the three former member of The Shield and myself needed to reunion. We were a family and it was growing. Becky and Amelia were now key members as well.

Seth pulled me closer to his side and I leaned in to place a simple chaste kiss to his lips. "You never seem to stop amazing me." He commented.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"No matter what you do, there is always people that benefit from befriending you. You are the one person we all love being around and you're the one who mended the broken friendship that no one thought could be mended."

"I can't take all the credit, Seth. You all had to be willing to."

Roman and Dean each placed a hand on either Seth's shoulders. There were soft smiles on their faces. Maybe I did help mend the broken friendship between the three of them; but it also wouldn't have happened without their willingness to follow through with it as well. It made me smile to see the friendship up close and personal again. I really missed it.

"God, I love you." Seth said pulling me back into his arms.

"I love you to." I replied.



As the weeks passed by, we learned that Adrian had a pending trial for all the crimes committed against Roman and Becky. Becky waited patiently for the return of her money. It wasn't long after the finalization of the trial that he was found guilty of all the charges and the money was safely returned. The draft was difficult, because I was separated from my best friend. Of course, Roman was loyal to the fullest and never stopped wondering what she was doing and never stopped supporting her when the announcement was made for a new Women's Championship over on Smackdown Live.

We made the trip to Backlash to watch her match and I never had a doubt in my mind that she would come out on top. Tears of joy rolled down her cheeks the moment Carmella tapped out to her finishing submission. Backstage, Roman held onto her as she sobbed utter happiness. I couldn't have been more proud of her. She worked so hard to get where she was.

Clash of Champions was a different story entirely. Charlotte retained her title in the triple threat match against Sasha and Bayley; but it wasn't without my presence felt. After the match was over, I made it known that I was coming for that title. There was respect in her eyes for doing it in a non violent manor.

Over the course of the next several weeks, we battled verbally and physically until a match was made for the December 18th Raw exclusive pay-per-view, Roadblock. I would have my one on one chance at the title that has eluded me my entire career. Granted, it wasn't in my favor thanks to Dana Brooke's interference. I couldn't complain, because at least I was heading in the right direction.

As it turned out, I was heading in the right direction for a lot of things. Including my upcoming wedding. It was hard to believe that we were getting married; but looking back at the long crazy road, I supposed it would have always come to this conclusion and I never regretted a thing about it. I loved Seth with all my heart and nothing would ever change that. It's death til us part.

The End

End Note: Thank you all! Until next time!