I woke up.
Still a bit desoriented i looked at my phone to check the time. 23:41. I haven't been asleep for more than 2 hours and already woke up.
I threw the thick blanket off of my feet and sat up on the side of my bed. It was way too late for stuff like this. My feet instinctively searched for my slippers which usually stand right beside my bed. While I slipped inside I scanned the room to see if something stood out. And like I expected I found something.
There was a white wooden door leading to my very own bathroom right beside the glass front. Underneath the door I could see light peaking out.
„Must have forgot to switch it off" I got up and made my way too the door.
Even though I have been tired and wasn't functioning right at that moment I noticed some weird marks on my carpet. Then again… I have been tired… which explains why I didn't think into it much and opened the bathroom door without a second thought.
My hand already sitting on the switch I noticed that someone has been sitting in front of my closet facing away from me.
„Fudou…?" I was more than just confused. Don't get me wrong it's not the first time he broke into my room. But finding him in the middle of the night kneeling in front of my closet is something new.
„Sorry" he kept searching for something in the closet and didn't even bother to turn around to face me „did I wake you up? Didn't mean to"
I wasn't sure what to say. I could just ask him what he was doing but the chances of getting a useful reply were literally zero.
„what exactly are you doing there?" I don't really know why but I asked anyway.
„Looking for band aid" he still wasn't turning around. Rudeness like this is what bothered me about him the most.
„What do you need it for?" I took as step closer considering to just grab him and make him face me while we talk.
He stood up before I could take the next step and turned around.
„I may or may not ended in a fight" he said finally looking at me.
I was a bit shocked. I am used to him being in fights a lot. Having bruises isn't really new but this time he really looked like a mess. I could literally feel how my jaw dropped while I mustered his face more.
„and you… lost?" gosh the longer I look the more bruises I find. His nose was bleeding, his lip seemed to be open and maybe he also bit his tongue bloody. There was a laceration on his forehead just a bit over his right eyebrow and his eye glew in all different colors from yellow to green, purple and even black.
„I… guess" he looked away. Fudou never has been fond of losing which was probably the reason why he broke the eye contact.
„You look pretty messe up" I went to the sink and wettened a small towel while pointing to the bath tub. „sit down"
He looked at me for a moment before doing as I told. All I could hear was a soft groan as I shut the water off again.
I kneeled down before him and began to clean his face with the wet towel. „So mind telling me what happened or did you just come to make a mess of my bathroom in the middle of the night?"
Even though I was looking at his face I didn't really look at him. I was busy cleaning him up but I could still feel his glare on me. „I told you… it was a fight"
Unsatisfying. „So you decided to break into my room?"
„you know my mother would freak out if she'd see me like this" you could hear the smile in his voice.
„and I wouldn't?" I stopped my action and looked up into his eyes waiting for a reply
„Well you didn't did you?" the smile turned into a grin. Sometimes I get angry at how well he probably knows me.
He was right tough. I was angry. But I didn't show it. And it wasn't because he just broke into my room and probably left dirt all over my carpet which will be a hell to clean up or even explain. I was angry because he is getting into useless fights all the time.
I gave him no reply and just started to clean the drying blood off of his face. „who put you into this shape?" I tried to get at least some information out of him.
„You wouldn't believe me even if I told you" there was disappointment in his voice, I don't really get why.
„Who knows maybe I will."
„what if I told you it was genda?" seriousness. Genda? How could he say that in this tone.
„Then I'd tell you you probably deserved it" I smiled and got up to get the disinfectant. If he really was serious about it being genda he really did deserve it.
„I told you you wouldn't believe me"
„I never said that" I kneeled down in front of him again and continued my work.
A soft yelp escaped his mouth. It was because of the disinfectant, it Burns like hell, but that's his own fault. It's Not the first time that he came over after a fight. The thing that was weird about the situation was, that he didn't Wake me up and that he admitted to have lost. Not like I believed him whenever he tells me that he won, but admitting it was new.
Another Painful yelp.
„Sorry" what was I apologizing for? I was helping him after all. If anyone should be apologizing it would be him!
„Don't Mind" he whined while pressing his teeth together. It really must hurt huh?
„I'm Already done anyway" I got up and put the bottle into it's Place again.
Fudou got up and went straight to the sink to check himself in the mirror. Was he checking if I did a good job? How rude of him.
He stroke through his hair once more and afterwards eyed his hand in disgust.
I only took a short glimpse over my shoulder and asked „do you want to wash it?"
„Huh?" I wasn't Looking into his direction anymore but could feel his eyes on me as he turned his head.
„can I?" he asked after a short pause.
„Sure go ahead" I put a dry and clean towel out of the closet and put it onto the bathtub. „Try to not make a mess though"
We were standing in front of each other by now. He smiled at me. He has quite a few different ways of smiling, this one however was quite charming.
„I'll Try not to" quite… charming.
I tried to ignore it as best as I could. „do you need anything else?" I was already opening the door which lead back to my still dark room.
„I guess not" he replied already stripping his shirt off.
I shouldn't have turned around but the sound of his voice made my head go into the direction of it by itself. I couldn't Help but noticed a big dark violet bruis on the side of his rib cage. It was fading into a bright yellowish green on the edge and covered almost his entire upper side. Was It from a kick he got while already being down? What a coward move.
My eyes traveled down onto the messed up shirt that was laying motionless on the ground behind him. He threw it over his shoulder once it was off. It seemed to be pretty dirty as well and I could have sworn I saw some ripped parts too.
This was the moment I noticed he started to get rid of his pants. Something I didn't Want to see just now. My head turned away once more. „I will look for some fresh clothes for you" I could feel my cheeks heating up a bit. I wasn't Blushing was I?
„you sure you'll Find something?" a hint is amusement could he heard. He was right though. During the summer he grew quite a lot, unlike me who didn't Really grow at all. By now fudou surpassed me easily and would pick on me for it whenever he could. I guess I deserved that, I was doing the same when I was just a few inches taller than him after all. That doesn't Mean it didn't bother me though.
I tried to ignore him and didn't give him a reply. A teasing laugh could be heard as I closed the door shut. He sure can be annoying. What am I saying he's Annoying most of the time!
Never mind that though, I went and switched the light on so I'd Be able to look for some clothes that hopefully would fit him as well.
On my way to my closet I noticed the dirt on my carpet again. There wasn't Anything I could do about it so I took a deep breath and let out an annoyed and maybe a bit frustrated sigh with a hint of ‚I give up'.
A neatly path of muddy footsteps lead from my balcony door to my bathroom. „He could have at least get out of his shoes before entering my room…" typical.
I continued my way to the closet and as I opened the doors I could hear the shower starting to run. ‚that took him quite a while' I thought to myself and started to dig into my clothes.
After a few minutes I was able to find a loose fitting shirt and a pair of navy blue sweatpants which will hopefully fit fudou just fine.
I sat down onto the side of my bed and waited for the shower to turn off again. Luckily it didn't Took long until the water stopped and I got up, picked up the clothes I put down next to me and went to knock onto the wooden bathroom door. „I found some clothes that could fit you"
I waited for a reply but didn't get one.
Knock knock.
I was about to knock onto the door again as it swung open. Inside the door frame stood the badly bruised up boy with a towel around his hips and dark brown hair sticking onto the skin of his face. He began to let his hair grow out to get rid of the Mohawk and it works quite well. It looked silly but in some way also really cute?
„Thanks" he ripped the clothes out of my hand smiled and closed the door again.
I was standing in front of the door for a few more seconds with my arms in the same position as if I was still wearing the pile of clothes I picked out just a few minutes ago. Letting out a sigh I let my arms fall down and went back onto my bed.
Even though the light was still switched on in my room I couldn't Help but dozed off a bit. I swung my arms around a plush penguin which was laying beside my pillow. It was old and you could easily tell it was, but I had it ever since and just could't bring myself to throw it away or even out of my bed… at least not anytime soon.
I dug my face into it's fur and closed my eyes. A few more minutes and I would have been asleep for sure. This however was interrupted by the cheerfully opened bathroom door.
The warm and moist air escaped into my room. The smell of my almond-milk shampoo filled the air. A quiet ‚Click'-sound signalized that the door was closed again and for a while nothing else could be heard.
„How cute" Again you could hear the amusement in his voice and even though I didn't Look at him I knew he was giving me one of those grins of his.
A thump.
He sat down next to my legs. I was too tired to pay any attention to him so I just tightened the grip around my stuffed friend.
His eyes were still on me. I can't Explain it but I just felt he was still looking at me.
Suddenly I felt the plush penguin which I used to cover my face being grabbed. Carefully fudou pulled it out of my arms and onto his lap. I wasn't Sure what he was trying to pull but I wouldn't Give in so easily.
Frustrated and annoyed, my eyes still shut close, not as if I could open them with the bright light shining right at me, I desperately swung my arm into the direction I expected him to sit at, hoping I'd just hit something.
I didn't however.
He dodged out of the way and laughed in a teasing manner.
„What was that supposed to be?" how I hated it that you could hear the grin in his face while talking.
I let out a groan and rolled onto my back. The arm I used to my previous attack fell down onto my face and covered my eyes to shelter them from the oh so disturbing light. My other arm soon joined covering the rest of my face.
It was quiet. All I could hear was my own breathing. I knew fudou was still sitting next to me thanks to the way the mattress bended down a bit. Was he still watching me though? How creepy would that be? Somehow… I found the thought of him being there really relaxing and could feel how my body switched itself off bit by bit.
The mattress next to my hip bend down just before it went back to it natural shape all together. He stood up. Was he leaving already? I could hear that he began to walk but I wasn't Sure where the sound came from. No matter how hard I concentrated it didn't Seem like I could follow his steps.
The light went out.
He got up to switch off the light? So he really was leaving now.
Footsteps again. This time I knew they were coming from the side my light switch was located. My ears followed the sound. He tried to be quiet but no matter how soft his steps were I could figure out he was coming closer to the bed. I wasn't Sure what I expected to happen next so I just kept concentrating on the sound of him walking.
He stopped.
What was he about to do? I was to tired to really think about it and yet a few thoughts came to my mind. However I didn't quite expected what he did next.
The heavy blanket, which I have been using to cover my body before I noticed my late night intruder, has been laying beside me. I threw it off when I got up and didn't bothered enough to cover me again once I laid back down. Now however, it began to move.
I could feel how it was placed over my body, it still has been warm from when I last left it.
I didn't Change my position in the slightest so my arms were still over my head as he pushed the blanket down on my sides.
Once his hands left the soft fabric the footsteps continued. He made his way to the balcony door again. The curtains were pulled open slowly but still fast enough for me to make out the sound of them moving.
I expected the door to open.
„Sakuma?" his voice still was very calm. The way he said my name brought a smile to my face. I was glad the light had been off and my arms were covering everything so there was no way he knew I was smiling.
I was thinking about giving him a reply but I couldn't Even if I wanted to.
„Thanks…" he almost whispered by now. But even if it was hard to hear I appreciated it.
The balcony door opened with a clicking sound and the cold November air streamed into my room. I could feel the breeze on the skin of my arms and was really glad fudou covered the rest of my body before leaving or else I would have been freezing by now.
I lifted my arm a bit to check if I could see him but the moonlight only illuminated his siluette as he walked out of the door. He turned around once more.
„Good night" and closed the door.
I knew he wasn't able to hear me anymore as the door has already been closed but even though I was aware I couldn't Help and whispered „good night" too.