Danny stood at the top of the aisle in his uniform, eyes locked on Steve, also in his uniform, waiting for him at the other end under the bower, covered with white flowers and draped in green and gold bunting. He'd be impressed by its beauty if it wasn't outshone by Steve's beauty.

Danny's heart was in his throat, not from nerves as he'd expected, but by sheer wonder. This was it. That man at the other end of the aisle was about to become his for all eternity. This was the culmination of six years of partnership, of friendship, and of love. Danny was overwhelmed by it all.

Joan led the way in her white flower girl dress with a big, green bow, basket full of greenery tied with gold ribbon clutched in her little hands. Kono, Mary, and Grace marched down the aisle, elegant in their deep green, short-sleeved dresses with scalloped necklines and long, full skirts, wearing leis of yellow plumeria and carrying bouquets of the same, but Danny barely noticed; all his focus was on Steve. He couldn't wait to meet him there, to finally join in marriage, as husbands.

Pachibel's Canon in D started playing (Danny had flatly refused Here Comes the Brideā€”he may be the one walking down the aisle, but he was definitely not the bride). Danny took a deep breath and started what seemed like the longest walk of his life, again, not because of nerves, but because he couldn't wait to get to the man who was about to be his husband. Danny's heart swelled at the thought. His husband. God, he couldn't wait. Just how long was this aisle, anyway? Would it ever end?

Danny passed his mother and heard her sniffle. He blinked back tears of his own. He was not going to cry. He wasn't the bride, dammit, he was not going to bawl like a girl. Oh, who was he kidding? He reached Steve's side, and Steve smiled, and took his hand, and kissed his cheek, and Danny lost it, tears streaming down his cheeks. Steve wiped them away with his thumb. "Hey, hey, none of that. You're supposed to be happy."

"I am happy," Danny sniffled. "I'm the happiest man alive."

Steve's smile widened. "I beg to differ. I think that title's mine."

Governor Denning cleared his throat. After much discussion, Danny and Steve had agreed to let him officiate. Actually, the governor had pretty much insisted, and Steve and Danny had come up blank on ideas (a minister just didn't seem right after they'd vetoed a church wedding, and most of the judges they knew weren't ones they'd ask to officiate). Steve and Danny were flattered that Denning wanted to do it; they hadn't always seen eye-to-eye with the man, and it really meant something that the man wanted to do this for them. "Are we ready, gentlemen?" he asked.

Steve and Danny nodded, not taking their eyes off each other. The governor began the ceremony, and Danny paid close attention to every word, each one striking home. The governor recited the vows. "Do you, Daniel, promise to love, honor, and cherish Steven"-Danny had flatly refused to "obey"-"Your ego's big enough, Steven. You are not commanding me. If I obeyed you, I'd be dead in a week rushing after you on your fool escapades"-"for better or worse,"-they had that one down. Danny couldn't think of much worse than North Korea, or Afghanistan, or Colombia-"in sickeness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"

Yes, yes, YES! Danny's heart screamed, but he managed a simple "I do."

Governor Denning repeated the words for Steve, and Steve said "I do" so confidently, so surely, with such a tender look at Danny that he felt like he could melt, and the tears started again. Chin passed them their rings, and they placed them on the other's hand. Danny had loved his ring from the moment Steve gave it to him, but now he loved it even more. Now it didn't just mean that Steve was his fiance; it meant Steve was his husband. His husband. The phrase just kept echoing in his mind. Danny couldn't get over the enormity of it. His husband. Steve. His.

"You may now kiss," the governor said. Danny's world, already focused on Steve, narrowed even further as their lips met. Danny wanted to crawl inside Steve's skin and never leave, to fuse himself permanently with this man. But then, he guessed he already had. That was what this was all about, wasn't it? They were no longer Steve and Danny; they were one now. Forever.

"I now present to you Commander and Detective Williams-McGarrett." That had been a no-brainer. They both wanted the entire world to know they belonged to each other. They hadn't even argued over which should come first. It was the easiest decision of the entire process. They beamed at each other and kissed again, briefly. The crowd went wild.

Best day of their lives for sure.


A/N: So there's so much more I could have done with this, but it wanted to end here. So here you go. A Jersey Wedding, Clara's big shebang, coming soon!