Hawaii Five-0 is property of CBS and its creators.


It was Valentine's Day, Danny and Steve's first anniversary. The setting was perfect. Danny had made reservations at the same place as the year previous, and this time had booked a room at the inn next door. They were off work the next day, so they had nothing to do but each other. It couldn't be more romantic.

Except for one thing. Steve reached his hand into his jacket pocket, fingering the box there. The past year had been so amazing, it was time, he'd decided, to take their relationship to the next level. Danny had no idea, he was sure, which made it the perfect Valentine's Day—and anniversary—surprise.

Steve fidgeted nervously while they waited to order, biding his time until the moment was right. After the waiter had disappeared with their orders, and their wine had been poured, Steve decided that was the moment. He pulled the box out of his pocket, opened it, and got down on one knee in front of Danny.

Danny looked at him blankly, taken by surprise and slow to comprehend. "Steve, what are you doing?"

Steve took a deep breath. "I'm proposing," he replied. "Daniel Williams, will you marry me?"

A range of emotions played across Danny's face in quick succession. It started with utter shock, then quickly morphed to joy. The biggest, brightest smile Steve had ever seen graced his face. "Yes!" he shrieked, turning several heads. He grabbed Steve's face and gave him the most passionate kiss of his life. Steve wanted to live in that moment forever.


Their lovemaking that night was slow and tender. It was like the first time all over again, and in a way, it was. They spent what seemed like hours worshipping each other's bodies, kissing, licking, and stroking every inch. When they finally came together, it was the most passionate coupling they'd ever experienced. Afterwards, they were spent but reluctant to let the moment end. They stayed wrapped around each other, indulging in slow, slow, deep kisses until they drifted off to sleep.

Steve, as usual, woke up first. He took a moment to savor the feeling of Danny in his arms. Even though they woke like this every day, Steve had a new appreciation for it. This was no longer his boyfriend. This was his fiancé, soon to be his husband, his for better or worse, til death do them part. It sounded wonderful.

Steve woke Danny as he often did, laying butterfly kisses on the back of his neck. Danny stirred and smiled up at him. "Hi."

"Hi," Steve said back. "Are you up now?"

Danny's smile turned wicked. "Why don't you find out?"

Steve reached a hand between them. "Yeah, I'd say you're definitely up."

Their lovemaking was more frenzied this time as they tried to pour every ounce of their passion into it. Once again, their coupling dwindled into slow kisses. Danny sighed. "I guess we really should get up now."

"Why?" Steve asked. "Checkout's not until noon."

"True, but I want to call Grace."

"You don't have to get up to do that," Steve said. He passed Danny his phone. "Call her. Then stay here with me a while."

Danny raise himself up and hit the speed dial for Grace. "Hey, monkey," he said when she answered.

"Hey, Danno, what's up?" She asked.

Danny put the phone on speaker. "Uncle Steve and I have something to tell you."

"Oh, my god, you're getting married!"

"Way to spoil the surprise," Steve said drily.

"I'm sorry," Grace said contritely. "What did you want to tell me."

"Uncle Steve and I are getting married."

It was rather anticlimactic, but Grace squealed as loudly as she had before. "I'm so happy for you! I can't wait! When's the wedding?"

"Soon," Steve said at the same time Danny said "Not for a while."

"We still have to work out some details," Danny said.

"Let me know. Can I be a bridesmaid."

"Better," Steve said. "You can be the maid of honor. That is, if Danno agrees," he added hastily.

"I think that's a great idea," Danny said. "I'll let you get off to school now, monkey. Talk to you later."

"Bye, Danno. Bye, Step-Steve."

Steve couldn't help but grin at the new name. "Bye, monkey."


After they hung up with Grace, they lounged in bed a while before reluctantly getting up and packing. They took their time going home, holding hands over the console. Steve took a detour to a familiar spot—their spot.

"I almost proposed here," Steve confessed.

"That would have been romantic, too," Danny said, "but I like the way you did it."

"I'm glad," Steve said. "I was so nervous—I was afraid you wouldn't say yes."

"As if I'd say anything else," Danny said.

"I was still worried."

Danny kissed him tenderly. "You big goof. You should know by now I'm not going anywhere. I'm in this for the long haul."

Steve smiled at him. "But now it's official."

"Now it's official," Danny agreed.