Chapter 1

My life, in a way boring. I go to the infamous Ouran Academy. I am average male second year who girls drool over and I ignore. My family is rich and my father is an important business man. Typical. Except I have one issue, I have the biggest crush on the president of the black magic club, and being a closeted gay could ruin not only my reputation but my families well-earned name.

Today was like any other day I wander around while girls giggle and whisper. I sigh running my fingers through my brown hair. I have what girls seem to see as an attractive guy. My hair is long and brown but goes to about my shoulders but is shaggy straight and usually disheveled. I have bright green eyes and dark eyelashes that looks like I'm wearing eyeliner. I'm tall and thin but slightly muscular. I have high cheekbones that stand out against my pale face.

Like any other day I go to my locker and there are many love notes inside. I sigh stuffing them in my bag and slamming my locker shut. I was going to have to turn all the girls down. I sat down at my desk only to be harassed by my classmate Tamaki. He just wanted me to join his host club as well with all the girls who wanted my attention. I always decline having no interest in girls. "Come on Rowin you gotta, girls love you!" the energetic blond exclaimed sitting on my desk. Girls swarmed us like flies on a carcass. At least that's how I felt, like a piece of meat wanting to be consumed till nothing was left. I was at first annoyed but suddenly I wish I could disappear. "Heeellooo Tamaki~" Came a creepy voice. My face flushed knowing the voice anywhere to me it sounded amazing. Tamaki on the other hand jumped off my desk and into Kyoya's lap. My hooded crush stood in front of my desk his infamous puppet on his hand.

"Greetings host club presidents, and Rowin." He looked at me his dark blue eyes trailing over me. I held back a shiver. "There is a meeting today for the black magic club. Newbies are welcome." He looked at me and winked. My face turned a deeper red. Did he just wink at me? I thought trying to calm down. I sighed a little watching him walk into the shadows and disappear. As I watched him go I didn't know that Kyoya was watching my every move.

Later that day before the clubs started I was corned. Not by a girl but from the devilish vice president of the host club. When I say cornered I mean backed into a corner that no one passes through. I was tall but Kyoya was taller. My back was against the wall Kyoya towering over me pinning me in with his arms. I wouldn't help thinking he smelled nice. "Are you thinking of going to the black magic club meeting?" He purred his face inches from mine. "N-No." I stammered my face heating up. "Good. Cause now you are joining the host club." "W-What? No I-I don't want to." I said still nervous. "I know your secrete. Being gay, having a crush on Nekozawa." He said moving his face closer to mine I could feel his breath mixing with mine. I couldn't answer I was shell shocked. "Being outed would not only bring shame on your family but you would be disowned and no one important would ever higher you." He seemed to be enjoying making me uncomfortable. He was too close I felt his knee move up between my legs. I shivered and tried to shrink back into the corner more to no avail. "So you will join the club. Or I tell." He purred his face even closer to the point where our lips almost touched. "F-Fine." I stammered trying not to close the space between our lips but I couldn't. "Good." He backed off and began walking away. I slid down the wall onto the floor shivering my faced so heated. Did that just happen? I asked myself. "I will give youa few minutes to compose yourself but I expect you to be in the music room in ten minutes." He turned slightly and held up his cellphone. "I do have your fathers number on speed dial." With that he disappeared. I sighed and put my head in my hands. What am I getting myself into?

Finally, I got into the music room one minute before my time was up. As soon as I got into the room I was tackled by Tamaki happy that I has joined. He bubbled on as I glanced at Kyoya he shut his phone slipping it into his pocket. My secrete was safe, for now. "Come on Rowin we need to get ready for the guests." He pulled me along a small looking boy caught by eye. He looked more like a girl and I didn't understand why he was here especially with the twins blatantly flirting with him. Everyone knew the twins and the host club for that matter. Though the new boy was a mystery to him. By the looks of it he didn't want to be here either. I escaped Tamaki and went over to him as he got ready to leave. "Where are you going?" I asked he looked up at me and smiled "To the store, I have to buy food for the hosts." "Care if I join you?" I asked leaning against a pillar. "No Rowin!" Came a small voice. "We need to have tea and sweets! After all you are a host now. Haruhi helps out a lot but the girls will be here soon. You have to stay!" I looked down at Honey-sempi whose big brown eyes stared up at me. "Yeah." Mori agreed in a dark tone. He looked sad or even depressed, I sighed. "Alright, I will go shopping with you another day Haruhi." He only smiled and slipped out before Tamaki could make another scene. Honey pulled me to a table decorated with fancy cakes and candies. A delicate tea set was also set up. The chairs and couch was decorated with ribbon. "Today is a special day because we are doing a ribbon theme. We will all wear ribbons and give ribbons to the girls to show our undying devotion to them." Tamaki announced having a blue ribbon tied on his wrist. I tried not to gag. "Rowin you need a ribbon!" Honey said wearing a ribbon in his hair and stood on Mori's lap also tying one in his hair. He seemed slightly amused.

The twins came over draping a red ribbon over my neck the fancy bow hung loosely in the middle of my chest. "There." they said in unison. I rolled my eyes and moved to sit down next to Honey. He almost instantly crawled into my lap clutching a pink bunny. "Do you want to hold Usa-chan?" He looked up at me with huge eyes holding it between us. It is going to be hard to keep my secrete having all these guys hanging off of me. Only my heart still belongs with Nekozawa though. "What are you thinking about Rowin?" Honey asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "It was nothing." I smiled and took the stuffed rabbit putting it on my shoulders. Honey giggled and clapped squirming around on my lap. I smiled brighter glancing at Mori had the slightest hint of a smile on his face.

"The girls should be here any second now. Get in ready." Kyoya said sitting down in front of the door. I looked confused till Mori put his hand on my shoulder I stood as if he was willing me to. He had his hand on my back and lead me to stand in front of him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Haruhi slip in and sit in front of Tamaki a small blush on both their faces. I smiled to myself, they were the prince and his loyal dog. I'm not the only one with secretes. Maybe I will find out some of my own. I thought to myself as the doors opened and rose petals surround us.

Tadaaaaaa! I hoped you liked the first chapter of my lovey fanfiction as well as the heated scenes~ wink wink there will be many more including POV of the other hosts and the loving Nekozawa. Please review and expect more from our gay Rowin~ see you next chapter kittens. Remember I do not own OHSHC or its characters.